State Affairs Tuesday March 9, 2010
Mar 09 Tuesday 8:00 AM | CAPITOL 106 |
+ | | Confirmation Hearing: | TELECONFERENCED |
| | Adjutant General Thomas Katkus, |
| | Commissioner, Dept. Military & Veterans' |
| | Affairs |
+ | | Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled | TELECONFERENCED |
What Happened:
Tom Katkus' nomination to Adjutant General was moved to the next committee.
2. House Current Amendment (HCR) 20 declaring
April Sexual Assault Awareness was passed to the next committee.
HB 401 - Campaign Expenditures. A Committee Substitute with about seven amendments passed out of the committee. Key changes as I understood this were:
a. section added to duplicate the federal laws prohibiting foreign nationals from participating in elections
b. requirement for five largest contributors to be listed by name in television ads was changed to include audio, then reduced to three instead of five. If I understand this correctly, it was also changed for the visual version as well to just three. It's not clear how these changes might affect what has to be reported to APOC. The audio was added. The change to three was made because Rep. Johnson complained that it would use up 1/3 of a 30 second ad to do that and it would be unintelligible if you read all the names. Then, to make things consistent, the number for the written contributors was reduced to three as well. At least, that's what I understood.
There was a lot of language like, "But the amendment would keep it in. I'm going to withdraw my amendment and add a new one. To delete on Amendment 2 lines 14 and 15 and instead amend section 9 of the bill to read as it does, change in to on and on page 5 change in to on and retain the language referring to 067." which made it hard to be totally sure what was actually done at the end.
There was also discussion about language that exempts a 'person' from making an anonymous expenditure under certain conditions. The Leg. Legal attorney said the language was in due to US Constitutional guarantees.
This is one of the more important bills this session. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision saying you can't ban corporate independent spending in elections, Alaska has no laws requiring disclosure of who is making the contributions, because all such contributions had been banned. This bill incorporates three House bills and there is also a Senate bill working on this to require disclosure of independent contributions. I'll do a separate post on this because it's so important.
House Bill 20: This was introduced by Rep. Ramras on behalf of
tow truck drivers who because of a court case Aurora v Credit Union 1, banks that have liens against cars can force tow truck lots to give up the cars without paying any of the towing fees. The tow truck companies have to get in line with all other creditors. This bill would put tow truck drivers at the top of the list of lien holders. I talked to a bank lobbyist about this after the hearing (he'd missed it and asked what had happened.) After our discussion, it seemed to me that this was an overly complex way to solve the problem. It would just seem easier to pass a law saying that lending institutions have to pay any towing and storage fees before they can recover a car. But I'm not an attorney, so there's probably a lot more to it than that.
The Rough Details
OK, so that's the overview. Below are my notes from this morning's State Affairs. Use them with CAUTION. They just guide you to what was discussed, but with omissions as the words flew faster than my fingers, and even errors where I might have misconstrued what someone said. But the tape is you back up. I'll try another post which gives the highlights of what happened when I figure them out.
Funny that MG Katkus is leading the charge against rape and sexual assault, considering the fact that he's been the person in charge of covering up the numerous sexual assault cases that have been reported to the Governors office over the years.
ReplyDeleteThese are heavy charges. Can you expand? Here or by email?