Showing posts with label elections 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elections 2019. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Thanks To Kathy and Her Friends

At least one of my readers is a Kentucky voter, so thanks Kathy.

I went to a fundraiser for Alyse Galvin tonight.  She's going to replace our head hunting member of Congress after the elections two days less than a year from now.   (At first I wrote 'head butting' but Liz Ruskin said it was more like a nudge, but if you go in his office, the walls are lined with the heads of dead animals.

Picture from FB via Open Secrets

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Anchorage Elections - Cemeteries and Alcohol Taxes Going Down

Everything else seems to be going as expected.  See the results here.   Since this is an all mail-in ballot, there will be some time for more ballots to arrive.  But both the cemetery bond and the alcohol tax are losing by about 2000 votes so far, unless the rest of the votes are from tee-totalers or the dead, I'm guessing things will stand.

Here's what it says about the $5 million in Prop 3:

For the purpose of providing areawide facilities and cemetery capital improvements within the Municipality of Anchorage, including roof replacements, HVAC, safety and code improvements, elevator modernization and bathroom renovations to public facilities, and lawn marker, fence and landscaping renovations at the Anchorage Memorial Cemetery, and other capital improvements, as provided in AO 2019-4, shall Anchorage borrow money and issue up to $5,513,000 in principal amount of general obligation bonds?
Chrystal Kennedy is beating  Oliver Schiess in the Eagle River  (#2) Assembly race.
Kameron Perez-Verdia is beating Liz Vazquez in District 3.
Meg Zalatel is beating Christine Hill and Ron Alleva in District 4.
Forrest Dunbar and John Weddleton are running unopposed in Districts 5 and 6.

Margo Bellamy and Starr Marsett are winning their races comfortably for School Board.

School bonds have a big majority.
Transit improvements, which often have problems with voters, won easily, maybe because it was bundled with some safety fixes.
Parks bonds won easily, roads and water passed easily.
Fire and Police won.
Changes to allow lease to own by the Muni passed and a change to allow someone other than police to remove junk cars passed.

I understand why the alcohol tax lost - there was high powered opposition from the liquor industry.
But cemetery improvements?  I don't get that one.