The most easily identified Anchorage mushroom is this Amanita - Fly Agaric. It opens up and looks like a small pizza (up to about 10 inches across). Books say it's poisonous, but I've come to learn for Alaska mushrooms that tends to mean hallucinogenic. I included some of that discussion in this 2007 post.
These are up to about six or seven inches across. Wasn't quite sure what they were after a quick look through my field guide to mushrooms.
Some lichens and mosses growing on the deck.
This appears to be a polypore. It was growing out of the ground, not on a tree. It's about five inches across.
Some raindrops on a nasturtium leave.
Reflections in a little puddle in a garbage can lid.
What I belief is a rosy russula. The stem is also slightly pink.
The top and underneath of what I think is a tacky green russula. It says they're good eating.
And the worms in the compost pile are doing their job. As I turned things over with a shovel, I could feel the heat as nature turns our kitchen waste and leaves to compost.
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