Showing posts with label Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

UAF Archives - Kennecott then and now

Kenrick linked to a University of Alaska Fairbanks Archives 1953 photo in a comment the other day on my post about the Kennecott Mill in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. The picture he linked to was very similar to the one I'd posted.

Given the blogger discussions some of have had about the use of photos we didn't take on our blogs, I looked to see how to get permission to use an Archive photo. They have a long list of fees.

At the top of the chart it says:

Publication and exhibit fees are charged for commercial and revenue-generating uses of photographic and other still images reproduced from our collections, except that these fees will be waived for Alaska non-profit organizations with tax-exempt identification numbers. This is in addition to any charges for reproduction services. Payment for services and use fees must be made in advance.

Well, I don't have ads on my blog, so I'm not commercial or revenue-generating (though blogs with ads probably would be) but I'm not a tex-exempt non-profit organizations The answer was yes - but give credit and a link and the contextual information.

Here's the info:

Collection Name Robert and Wilma Knox. Papers, 1949-2001. UAA-HMC-0461
Identifier UAA-hmc-0461-series15-1-8
Title Abandoned mine buildings in Kennicott, 1953.
Description View of the abandoned Kennecott Copper Corporation operation at Kennicott, Alaska. The concentration mill is visible on the skyline. From caption: "And here is the mine building---looking almost like a castle the way it sits on the crest of a hill and looms against the sky. There are many, many thousands of dollars worth of equipment still in the building but of course, its in such an isolated spot that no one would think of carrying any of it away. Its hard to say how many millions of dallar [dollars] worth of copper ore passed through this building when it was in operation." From sign on building at right: "Kennecott." In 1953, Cordova Airlines started a regular series of aerial tours from Anchorage to the old mining town of Kennicott and the nearby ghost town of McCarthy. This photo is from the first tour. Original photograph size: 5" x 6 1/2".
Creator Knox, Robert G.

My picture. July 5, 2008. The roof on part of the mill is missing and some of the buildings are gone and some trees have grown in.

The Archives have lots of great stuff that helps us get a context for what is happening today. Here's the last of their FAQ list:

Q) Who do I contact about making a donation of funds or materials to your organization?

Please contact: or phone (907) 474-5003 so we can direct you to the most appropriate person based on your interest or potential contribution.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What's the Largest US National Park?- Post 5: Kennecott Copper Mill

[click here for all the Wrangell-St. Elias Posts]

For me, the highlight of the trip to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park was the Endecott Mill. Copper was what opened up this area. When the first train left Kennecott in April 1911, Lone E. Jansen writes in The Copper Spike, what appears to be the most thorough book on the topic:
It was loaded with ore so rich that it was not even milled, but simply shoveled into sacks as it came from the mountain. The ore from the mine averaged 70 percent pure copper.

The first copper train was expected to be 60 cars long to bring down the great backlog of ore; however, since insurance could only be obtained on a value of up to $250,000 the train was reduced to 35 ore cars. These cars carried 1,200 tons of copper ore, valued at the maximum insurable amount, $250,000.
And things shut down rather abruptly in 1938. The tour of the mill (the mines are further up the mountain and not open for tours at this point) is unlike most US historical tours. It feels like nothing has been touched since they walked out. Nothing has been prettied up. This mill has not been Disneyfied. [All pictures can be enlarged by double clicking on them.]

The private tour - $25 per person, $10 for under 12 - is about two and a half hours. I think there is also a free Park Service tour, but I'm not sure. You walk through town past this pile of gravel where the creek flooded a year or two ago - can't remember all the details - and then past those freshly painted red buildings you go up a path through the underbrush to the top of the mill. The tour starts at the 14th floor - the top - of the mine. In the picture above you can see the mill from below and then looking down back at the town from the very top of the mill. Here, from the top, you can see some remnants of the tram (I'm pretty sure that's what this picture is) and the mountains above the mine where the copper was). The copper was hauled down in big buckets on the tram.

Miners got up to the mines, and their dormitories, by riding the tram or a 3 or 4 mile walk. They had to sign a no-liability form first, and according to our guide, a number of people weren't able to duck low enough and got whacked. He said the death records weren't well kept, but a lot of people died or got badly injured. They had a hospital of sorts on site.

These are a couple of the buildings along the creek that flooded not too long ago.

These are pictures inside the mill.

Everything in here, we were told, is original, including all the stairs. But as I look at the pictures, surely not the safety stripes, and possibly not the hand rail. But that was what made this all so remarkable. There were still tools lying around, scraps on the floor. Actually, I suspect it might have been tidier when it was a working mill. It's good we started at the top rather than at the bottom.

These tables were where ore was shaken in water to separate the copper from the rest of the rock. People worked in this mill and in the mine for 12 hour shifts. When one worker was getting up, the one he shared a bed with was finishing up. They had two holidays - Christmas and July 4th. So it was appropriate to be there July 4th.

This is a closer look at one of the slurry tables. There's linoleum on a wood base, then wooden slats to catch the various sized chunks from the ore.

At the end of the tour we were back on the main street at the bottom of the mill. Here's a picture looking back up at the bizarre building we'd just toured.

We went across the street into the power plant at the end of the tour.

One can't help but think about this strange chapter in US history. Here was this incredibly rich copper mine but it was separated from regular transportation routes by rugged mountains, rushing rivers, in country that was cold (temperatures get well under -40˚ which is the same in F and C) and snowy in the winter and thick undergrowth and hungry mosquitoes in the summer. The railroad to Kennecott from Cordova is 196 miles long, crossing rivers, gorges, and in one case five miles right over a glacier. Repairs had to be made every year. Janson writes

From the beginning, the Copper River and Northwestern was really more than a mining railroad. It was glamor, adventure and excitement. Its construction had truly been "man against the wilderness." Its people, such as M.J. Heney, E.C. Hawkins[There's only a bit about Hawkins, but this is in an interesting on-line book Alaska, An Empire in the Making published in 1913 two after the completion of the railroad], Dr. Whiting[The link has a picture about 3/4 down the page of Dr. Whiting performing the autopsy on Soapy Smith], Jack McCord and "Big Mike" Sullivan, seemed bigger than life, their achievements almost beyond the power of description, and therefore a challenge to writers to try, somehow, to describe them.(p. 149)

The tour guide told us that net profits for the Guggenheims and JP Morgan owned mine were $100-200 million, or over $1 billion in today's dollars. The workers got paid well by the going wage but the work must have been punishing and we don't know how many died. Lone E. Janson writes in The Copper Spike:
The Cordova Alaskan reported that, "A rumor from some disgruntled source in Valdez that the wages for unskilled labor would be cut from $3.50 to $3.00 a day, a reduction of 50 cents for a ten-hour day, is not the case, although unskilled labor in the states at $1.75 per day is plentiful." (p. 72). . .
Someone I talked to said that she'd heard that the Chinese workers on the railroad were treated terribly and many died. I could find nothing in The Copper Spike about Chinese workers.
"The railroad was built," said old-timer Dick Janson Sr.,[a relative of the author?] "by what they call 'station men.' Two or three men would form a 'companie' which contracted for different jobs at so much per cubic yard of rock or dirt moved, or in railroad construction, so much per station.
"They followed the heavy construction around the world, these station men, and they knew each other from other jobs and other places. Like on the Copper river, I worked with men from the Gillevara Ofoten, the Iron Ore mountain in Sweden, which is the world's farthest north railroad. . .
"Most of the station men were Scandinavians, and they had some colorful names. Sometimes you worked with a man for years and never knew his real name. There were such handles as Pickhandle Jones, The Norwegian King, Shoot-em-up Sweede, Crooked Swede, Hurry-up Jones, and the like.
...The men were of assorted nationalities, some with exceedingly unpronounceable names. If a Mr. Mxlovopovsky appled for work, the paymaster would fix a firm eye on him and pronounce, "From now on your name is Jack Robbins.". . .
Another oddity of the paymaster's window was the fact that horses were on the payroll, that services brought in exactly the same manner as a man's. (p. 72)

[The use of quotations was inconsistent in the original.]

Here's an Alaska-Yukon Railroad bibliography
I found working on this post.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What's the Largest US National Park?- Post 4: Camping with 5 Kids and their Parents

We met this family on a camping trip two years ago. We got to like each of the kids.(Well, only four of them were on that trip.) When our own second kid came we quickly understood that 1 + 1 equals more than 2. But five? Actually, they have the tent raising and lowering routine down. They do know how to push each others' buttons, but they also clearly love each other and are comfortable together.

I hope the pictures and video can convey a little. Top is waiting for the fireworks, with J in the picture too. This was about 11:30 pm.

There was a fair amount of reading by some of the kids.

And occasionally the parents had a moment together.

It was really clear how expensive a big family can be. It was $5 one way per person in the van from McCarthy to Kennecott. That's $35 for a 4.5 mile ride. (We walked back.) Then the mill tour was $25 a head, $10 for under 12. Two kids got to go with Dad and me. The others got to eat lunch at the lodge. (Most meals are home cooked for obvious reasons.) Here are the lucky two that went on the tour. They were mighty jealous when they found out the others got to eat lunch out. Also, I understand that there is a free ranger tour, but it was several hours later.

On the way to McCarthy we stopped to wash up at this crystal clear creek with water that woke you up much better than caffeine.

Here's S practicing flying.

This was the first morning at the Chitina campground. The wind was down, the air temperature was comfortable, and almost no mosquitoes. The video below shows the kids around the campfire.

Dad got to sleep too.

Monday, July 07, 2008

What's the Largest US National Park? -Post 3: The Road to McCarthy

[Click here for Post 1 and Post 2. All the pictures can be enlarged by double clicking on them.]

The road to McCarthy. The reason that I've never been to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park before. It always comes with the warning - it's full of old railroad spikes, be sure to have a spare tire or two.

From Anchorage we drove to Glenallen, then south for 30 miles on the Richardson Highway - the road that ends in Valdez. At the Edgarton Highway, you go east 35 miles to Chitina (Everyone calls it Chitna). This is where you gain access to the Copper River. As you cross the bridge you can see the wide river and the area where people have fish wheels and the point where people take off to go dipnetting.

There are lots of signs warning that this is private land.

The public campground is on the right just after you cross the bridge. I'm not sure what maintenance means here. The wind was constantly blowing up the glacial silt that served for ground cover.

We had a burnt out camper shell in the 'space' next to ours.

We were camped in an open area that filled up during the night. Sleep wasn't easy with all the motors running - the camper next to us, four wheelers, boats on the river, cars cruising for a campsite all night. Plus a few people practicing their fire works skills for the next day.

There were some nice camper spaces and the A family got one of those. But it was late and we really had no idea what was up ahead. The person at the National Park headquarters on the Richardson Highway said, "Most of the land along the road is private. There are some public pullouts where you can camp." In hindsight we should have done that. But we'd taken the slow route and so we camped at Chitina.

The road started out pretty bad - the washboard surface rattled the car hard. But after about six miles we got onto better surface and some spectacular views. Eventually we were going along at the speed limit (35) or better for long stretches. In the end we never saw anyone fixing a flat, nor did either of our two vehicles get a flat.

Here's the Chitina River, only a few miles out of Chitina.

Then we came to the spectacular Kuskulana River bridge. This whole road is built on the path of the original railroad line from Cordova to Kennecott, built to take the copper out from the mines. Apparently they just built the road over the old tracks and spikes regularly surface on the road from underneath - thus the warnings about tires.

A non-glacial creek where we could wash and cool off and let the kids get rid of some energy.

The day was mostly sunny and getting warm, well hot by Anchorage standards. I'm sure it was in the low 80's F (@25 C) by the afternoon

Lakina River Bridge

We were told there were about 90 trestles that had to be built in the 196 mile railroad from Cordova to Kennectt. (I think I heard that on the tour, so the numbers are what I remember and not necessarily right.)

Dry weather meant that there was always a cloud of dust behind the cars. When we got separated, we could always spot the other car down the road from the dust. On the way home on Sunday we had just enough rain to keep the dust down.

The ranger at McCarthy suggested we drive down to the river side campground.

There are no park service amenities here yet, it's all private. Parking is $5 a day. The campground was $20 per night. Fortunately they let us have two vehicles in one campground for that price. The guy at the campground office had a beer in hand, and had obviously had quite a few beers in hand already that day.

Finally, in a nice campground for the next two nights.

What's the Largest US National Park? -Post 2

Post 1

We've pretty much made it our practice to stay home over Fourth of July. As teachers we had summers off and could go on the road when others were working. Two years ago we went with a group to bike the Denali Highway over the Fourth. That's when we met the A Family. So, here we were back out on the Fourth.

The National Park Service Visitor's Guide for Wrangell-St. Elias National Park says
During its height, over 100 people lived in McCarthy... When the Kennecott mine ceased operations in 1938, McCarthy shriveled into a sleepy, isolated town.
The 97-98 Milepost said McCarthy's population was 25. That would probably mean year round.

Take that into consideration when you watch the Fireworks Video. This event was held at the Glacier View Campground, about 1/4 mile from the footbridge over the Kennicott River and into the town of McCarthy.

Even waiting until midnight, it still isn't really dark enough in Alaska in the summer to have great fireworks, but you can still have fun. All sound was recorded with the video.

What's the Largest US National Park? -Post 1

We left Thursday morning for Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, the largest US national park. We spent the 4th of July there and returned Sunday night. I've got tons of pictures, some video, and lots of things going through my mind. Here are a few of the posts I hope to be able to get up in the next couple of days.

1. The 4th of July at McCarthy.
2. The Kennicott Mine
3. Traveling with a family with five kids. (I kept thinking of Tea and her nine kids)
4. How to get to McCarthy and what's there

I also got to read a couple of chapters of the John Dean book Broken Government and have lots of thoughts from that. Let's see what I can squeeze out in the next few days.

Meanwhile, here's a map (with help from Google-Earth and Google Maps) to show you were Wrangell-St. Elias is. It's about 250 miles from Anchorage to McCarthy, just inside the Park. And a video I did around 5pm on July 4th in downtown McCarthy, a small town inside the park. We were camped across the pedestrian bridge from McCarthy. Double click the map to make it bigger.

The music in the video was recorded on the street in front of the McCarthy Lodge.