Showing posts with label Extortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extortion. Show all posts

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Techno Evil - UAA Email Phishing Scam

Here's a reason why it pays to do things that improve your critical thinking skills. Some people would argue that people who fall for computer scams have only themselves to blame. But we all have times of vulnerability - we're tired, busy, distracted, too trusting. Some people just do not have the cognitive skills to see through these things. There are lots of people out there - fetal alcohol syndrome folks - for example - who appear to function ok, but whose reasoning and judgment abilities are physically damaged.

So, I'm sure there will be some UAA email account holders that fall for this scam. Additionally, a lot of students are going to be pissed at the university for threatening to cut off their email in seven days. This is a total FRAUD.

Here's the email:

From View message header detail ")'>UAA UPGRADE TEAM *BETA*
Sent Saturday, July 19, 2008 9:31 am
To Undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject Confirm Your University of Alaska Anchorage Web-Mail Account
Confirm Your University of Alaska Anchorage Web-Mail Account

Dear Web-Mail Account User,
This message is from Web-Mail messaging center to all Web-Mail Account users. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail center. We are deleting all unused Web-Mail Accounts. You are required to verify and update your Web-Mail by confirming your Web-Mail identity. This will prevent your Web-Mail account from been closed during this exercise. In order to confirm you Web-Mail identity, you are to provide the following data;

Confirm Your Web-Mail Identity Below;

First Name:...................
Last Name:...................
Username : ...............
Password : ................

Warning!!! Any Web-Mail Account user that refuses to verify and subsequently update his/her Web-Mail within Seven days of receiving this warning will lose his/her Web-Mail Account permanently.

Thank you for using!
Warning Code:VX2G99AAJ

Thank you in anticipation for your co-operation.

Web-Mail Service
University of Alaska Anchorage

Scam watch offers the following list of warning signs for phishing scams:

  • You receive an email claiming to be from a financial institution. This message may seem to be from your bank or from a bank that you don’t have an account with. The email contains a link which leads you to a website where you are prompted to enter your bank account details.
    This is scamming a university, not a financial institution.

  • The email does not address you by your proper name.
    There is no personal name at all.

  • The email might contain typing errors and grammatical mistakes.
    Web-Mail is usually written webmail. And they left the 'r' off 'you' here - "confirm you Web-Mail identity' but otherwise it's pretty good.

  • The email might claim that your details are needed for a security and maintenance upgrade, to ‘verify’ your account or to protect you from a fraud threat. The email might even state that you are due to receive a refund for a bill or other fee that it claims you have been charged.
    Here's where it gives itself away the most.
    • it claims the system is upgrading
    • it wants you to verify your account
    • instead of offering a refund, it threatens to shut down your account in seven days

Cynics Unlimited has an even more detailed list with another sample phishing email. They define phishing this way:

Phishing, in practical terms, is an attack used by hackers to gain access to private information such as credit card numbers, social insurance numbers and user passwords. Rather than breaking down a physical or technological barrier, phishing is a social engineering attack where targets are typically duped into providing this information directly to false versions of legitimate websites run by the hackers. Personal information can then be used for fraudulent purchases, resale to third parties and even identity theft. While there are no universal statistics on the number or nature of phishing scams, most security websites agree on the following:“ (then comes their list of things to look out for).

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

EarthRights Report on Burma and Chevron: The Human Cost of Energy

Last week I posted a copy of an email about a presentation in Chiang Mai entitled "Bio Fuel By Decree." Now I'm following that up with a little more substance. This is a report I got in an email from someone I met in Chiang Mai who works for EarthRights, a group that works to help Burmese Refugees in Thailand as well as Burmese still in Burma. I know a little about this organization and met various people who worked for them. They are dedicated and very competent. The people of Burma - including the last democratically elected President of Burma, Aung Sang Suu Kyi - have basically been imprisoned in their home by the SLORC for 20 years.

When people watched Schindler's List and other movies about the Holocaust, many asked, "How could people let this happen?" Well, variations of the Holocaust are happening now in various parts of the world, including Burma.

I'm posting here the EarthRights report. This report was done by people who have been working on these issues in and out of Burma for many years now. It is well documented. Certainly it does not tell everything because access to information in Burma and from Chevron is limited. But if you want to know what is happening in Burma, and how you support it when you buy Cheveron gasoline, read.

Below is most of the executive summary for those who don't have time to read the whole report. And for those thinking, "What can I do?" there is a recommendation highlighted in the executive summary below of recommendations "
To the United States and the world community." [You can easily enlarge the pages of the document by clicking on the magnifying glass]

Read this doc on Scribd: Human Cost Of Energy

From the Executive Summary and Recommendations

. . . EarthRights International
(ERI) began documenting the human
Residents and refugees from fourteen
villages throughout the pipeline region,
with whom ERI conducted over 70
formal interviews in the past five years
as well as additional corroborative
contacts, confirm that, for the people of
Burma, “human energy” means human
exploitation. Chevron and its consor-
tium partners continue to rely on the
Burmese army for pipeline security,
and those forces continue to conscript
thousands of villagers for forced labor,
and to commit torture, rape, murder and
other serious abuses in the course of

Part 1 describes the background of
the Yadana Project, which involves a
pipeline constructed to carry gas from
offshore fields, across Burma, and into
Thailand. In 2005, Chevron became
part of the Yadana Project through its
acquisition of Unocal, one of the original
developers of the project. The Burmese
military junta, a brutal regime routinely
condemned by the United Nations and
the world community for its widespread
violations of basic human rights, is one
of Chevron’s partners in the project
through its military-run oil company,
Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise.

Part 2 explains how the Yadana Proj-
ect finances oppression. The project is
the single largest source of income for
the Burmese military; it was instru-
mental in bailing out the junta when it
faced a severe financial crisis in the late
1990s, and it has enabled the regime
to dramatically increase its military
spending and continue its rule without
popular support.

Part 3 describes how Chevron was
fully aware of the human rights abuses
associated with the Yadana Project when
it acquired Unocal in 2005, but nonethe-
less chose to stay involved with the
project and the Burmese military. The
Yadana pipeline is guarded by the Bur-
mese army, and the human rights abuses
committed by the army in the course of
providing security have been widely re-
ported and documented; victims of the
project sued Unocal in U.S. courts in the
landmark case Doe v. Unocal.

Part 4 documents the continuing seri-
ous human rights abuses by the pipeline
security forces, including torture, rape,
murder, and forced labor. Seventeen
years after abuses connected to the
Yadana Project were first documented,
and years after they were highlighted
in Doe v. Unocal, these human rights
abuses continue in the pipeline corri-
dor. Residents and refugees fleeing the
pipeline region report that they are still
forced to work for the pipeline security
forces, who continue to commit acts of
violence and terrorize the local popula-
tion. This forced labor occurs thousands
of times each year.

Part 5 debunks the oil companies’
claims that life in the pipeline region has
improved. While some villages have re-
alized minimal benefits from the compa-
nies’ socio-economic program, the ben-
efits do not reach the entire population
affected by the pipeline security forces.
Even for the chosen “pipeline villages”
life remains so difficult and dangerous
that families continue to flee for the rela-
tive safety of the Thai-Burma border.

Part 6 discusses Chevron’s response
to the 2007 demonstrations in Burma
against the military regime and the re-
gime’s crackdown. Despite its threefold
status as the largest U.S. investor in
Burma, the military’s direct business
partner, and a partner in the project that
constitutes the largest source of income
for the regime, Chevron has failed to
take any noticeable steps to condemn
the violent repression or to pressure the
military to respect human rights.

Finally, Part 7 describes Chevron’s
ongoing potential legal liability for its
role in the Yadana Project. Although
the Doe v. Unocal litigation resulted in
a settlement in 2005, that settlement
only covers the claims of the victims
involved in that suit; Chevron remains
responsible for compensating the thou-
sands of other residents of the pipeline
region who have suffered abuse by pipe-
line security forces.

Two appendices offer additional detail
on oil and gas investment in Burma.
Appendix A details the Shwe Project,
a new gas project which could dwarf
Yadana both in revenues for the military
and in the abusive impact on the local
population. The project is being devel-
oped by South Korea’s Daewoo Interna-
tional along with other companies from
Korea, India and China. Appendix B
briefly outlines China’s growing involve-
ment in Burma, especially in the oil and
gas sector.
The Yadana Project remains a serious
problem both for the people of Burma
and for Chevron itself.

In light of this,
EarthRights International makes the
following recommendations:

To the Burmese military regime:
» The SPDC should cease human rights
abuses against the people of the pipe-
line region and throughout Burma,
including extrajudicial killings, sexual
violence, torture, excessive force, ar-
bitrary detentions and imprisonment,
forced labor, and forced relocation,
and abide by its obligations under in-
ternational law to respect fundamen-
tal human rights and environmental

» The regime should begin a full transi-
tion to a system of government that
allows for all of Burma’s peoples to
fully participate in development deci-
sions and freely determine their own

To Chevron Corporation and its
» Chevron, Total, PTTEP, and all other
oil and gas companies in Burma should
suspend ongoing projects, cease de-
velopment of new projects, and refuse
to sell gas that enriches the Burmese
regime until the SPDC fully respects
internationally-guaranteed human
rights and environmental protections
and allows for a full transition to a
participatory system of government as
described above.

» The Yadana consortium and other com-
panies should terminate any contracts
that require them to provide monetary
support to the military regime or that
contemplate or require the use of the
Burmese military as security forces.

» The companies should publicly con-
demn past human rights abuses and
use their influence with the SPDC,
their business partner, to press for
respect for human rights in the future,
not only in the pipeline region itself
but throughout the country.

» The companies should immediately
stop relying on the Burmese military
for any security or other services.
If alternate security measures are
taken, Chevron and its partners must
provide adequate human rights train-
ing and supervision in order to ensure
respect for fundamental human rights
(in accordance with international law
and Chevron’s stated commitment to
respect human rights).

» The companies should allow indepen-
dent third-parties with experience
documenting human rights abuses in
Burma access to the pipeline region,
without military supervision, in order
to monitor the situation. Such moni-
toring should include a mechanism
to allow local residents to bring com-
plaints to an independent body on a
confidential basis.

» The companies should provide ad-
equate compensation to all individu-
als and communities harmed by the
Yadana Project.

» The companies should demonstrate
a serious commitment to their socio-
economic program by expanding it to
include all of the villages that have
suffered adverse impacts from the
Yadana Project, and by inviting groups
experienced in documenting condi-
tions in Burma to participate in de-
veloping, implementing, and regularly
evaluating the effectiveness of, their

» The companies should support efforts
that promote transparency through
disclosure of payments to all govern-
ment and state-owned or state-con-
trolled partners.

To Chevron’s shareholders:
» The shareholders of Chevron should
support shareholder resolutions that
promote policies and practices de-
signed to improve the promotion and
protection of human rights, the envi-
ronment, rule of law, transparency,
and the rights of indigenous peoples
and affected communities to informed
consent before projects begin and dur-
ing operation phases.

» The shareholders of Chevron should
communicate their concern over the
situation in Burma, the reputational
and legal risks it poses to their com-
pany, and their wish for Chevron to
follow the recommendations outlined
above, to Chevron’s CEO and Board of

To the Royal Thai government:
» Thailand should immediately cease
purchasing gas from the SPDC and
cease payments for such gas until the
Burmese regime respects fundamental
human rights and environmental pro-
tections and begins a full transition to
a participatory system of government
as described above. Alternatively,
Thailand should place all such pay-
ments in escrow for the benefit of the
people of Burma under a future gov-

» Thailand should immediately require
that its state-owned company PTTEP
suspend its ongoing natural gas explo-
ration in the Bay of Bengal until the
company conducts environmental and
human rights impact assessments,
and until appropriate preconditions
for responsible investment in Burma
are in place, such as a full transition
to a participatory system of govern-
ment as described above.

» Thailand should allow safe refuge
to all Burmese refugees fleeing the
abuses there, in accordance with in-
ternational law.

» Thailand should provide legal mecha-
nisms that allow Thai companies, such
as PTTEP, to be held accountable for
their responsibility and complicity in
human rights abuses in Burma. Civil
society organizations and citizens of
Thailand should advocate for legisla-
tion to create such mechanisms.

To the United States and the world
» The United States and the world com-
munity should make immediate efforts
to cut the flow of money to the Bur-
mese regime, including stopping the
Yadana Project payments and other
gas payments through targeted finan-
cial sanctions.

» The United States and the world com-
munity should condemn the abuses
committed in Burma on projects ben-
efiting multinational corporations,
including Chevron, and pressure the
companies to end these abuses and
adopt the recommendations outlined

» The United States should continue
to pressure the Burmese regime to
respect human rights and the environ-
ment and begin a full transition to a
participatory system of government as
described above; the world communi-
ty, especially China, India, Korea, and
Thailand, should join in these efforts.
for complicity in abuses abroad, and
enable access to justice for survivors
of abuses abroad. Civil society organi-
zations and citizens of these countries
should advocate for legislation to cre-
ate such mechanisms.

To Daewoo and its partners in the
Shwe Project, and other gas compa-
nies in Burma: [See Complete Document
for more]

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kott Trial - The Extorion Charge

From the jury instructions:


  • First, the defendant was a public official;
    • This is clear - Kott was an Alaska State Representative.
  • Second, the defendant obtained property which he knew he was not entitled to, with all of you agreeing on what that property was;
    • Prosecutor Goeke listed these in the closing:
      • $7,993 check for flooring
      • $1000 cash [payment for contribution to Murkowski]
      • political polls
      • lucrative job as a lobbyist for Veco
I think that the prosecution, using the tapes, using various invoices, and witness testimony, showed clearly that the $7,993 check was fiddled around with enough that it was clear that the money was for Kott to use to pay Peter Kott Jr. to be his campaign manager full time. At one point we were told the money was for work on a Sharon Durant's floor and Rick Smith's floor. Another time it was Bill Allen and Rick Smith's floors. And if it were really for flooring, how come the work still hasn't been done? Plus, Kott had the $30,000 in cash in his closet he could have used to pay his son if necessary, and there was $10,000 left over in campaign funds that could have been used.

It was clear the $1000 cash was given to Kott to reimburse him for a $1000 contribution Allen had asked Kott to make to the Murkowski campaign. Jurors could say he was just paying him back. Kott, in his testimony, said he only got $900. We heard testimony that Veco had a program for its employees where they got special bonuses which they were expected to contribute to specific political campaigns. It was pointed out this was illegal because it was in effect a corporate contribution which isn't allowed. Presumably, Allen had already given his limit, and this was a way for him to give more than his limit. But I don't recall that being pointed out. So some jurors may feel that this was just payback for the contribution. But I think the others will see this as Kott's gain.

Kott Jr. said the family didn't believe in polls, never ever used them. Kott said the same. But his consultant ordered the poll. Kott went over it in a phone call with Dave Dittman, and in one conversation confirming to Rick Smith he knew they'd had a poll done, he said something like, "And we may need a second one to see how the ad went."

I thought it was pretty clear that Kott was looking for a consulting job with Veco when he left the legislature. At one point he and Smith talked about it on tape. Kott mentioned Chris Knauss (Kott's former staffer who had been hired to lobby for Veco) and Kott said he wanted to be a lobbyist. But the stuff about being a prison warden in Barbados muddies things a bit. Someone testified that Barbados was a code word for the consulting job. Everyone knew he didn't want to be a warden, but it was a way to bring up the consulting job without asking directly.

But they don't need all four. Just one. But they have to agree on that one.

  • Third, the defendant knew that the property was given in return for his agreement or understanding whether explicit or implicit, for taking some official action; and
I think the cumulative affect of all the tapes suggests there is an implicit agreement that Kott has access to favors from Allen (like the four things listed above) if he does a good job working bills through the legislature for Veco. In the May 6, 2006 audio tape, Kott asks Smith whether they have Weyhrauch (presumably to help with ppt). Then Kott says, well I hear he's asked you for a job.. This seems to link the idea of doing Veco's work in exchange for a job. There are long pauses where you wonder if Kott is sending esp messages to Smith saying, "And I'm gonna get one from you guys too, right?" A September 26, 2005 phone conversation between Kott and Smith has Kott saying, "I need a job." Smith says, "You've a got a job. Get us a pipeline." Smith, "What are you gonna do?" Kott: "I gonna be a consultant like Knauss." But you can take that to mean, "You've got a job, it's to get us a pipeline." But that would have problems for Kott too. You can judge for yourself.
Smith and Kott phone call - Sept. 26, 2005
The saving grace for the prosecution here, is that it says, "whether implicit or explicit" in the jury instructions.

  • Fourth, commerce or the movement of an article or commodity in commerce from one state to another was affected in some way.

In his closing, Goeke said this was all about getting a gas pipeline, so that counts as interstate commerce. I guess if that is in debate, they can ask the judge.

I think this and the bribery charges are the easiest to convict on. If the jury has trouble with this one, Kott's going to be in good shape.