Friday, June 28, 2013

Kelly Walters - Board's Incompetence Led To Supermajority/ Schulte Likes AFFER

Kelly Walters
Kelly Walters - Anchorage.  Can't say I'm pleased to be here, over the footdragging, incompetence, footdragging.  I think it was partisan, gerrymandered, I feel elections important.  The Board failed to make plan legally for 2014, which resulted in Republican supermajority which resulted in illegal legislation
SB 21 and the Cruise ship law which usurped the citizens initiative
Secondly, questioning myth that Democrats did this before.  The last Board was three unaffiliated, one Democrat and one Republican.  They were challenged and we had a legislature that PPT was passed and Corrput bastards and Bill Allen.

I hope we can move forward and can produce a Constitutional election.

Torg:  Thank you Mr. Walters for your testimony.  Time now 3:51 we'll stand at recess. 

Bruce Schulte - phone - voter in South Anchorage.  Thank the Board for waiting for SC decision.  Briefly, live in 21.  Redistricting well formed, and state constitution.  Support AFFER plan, and from my perspective as voter and layman, think it's good.

Torg; 3:55 and Board is in recess. 

Torg:  It's now 4pm and we will return until Monday at 12pm in Fairbanks.  Adjourned until Monday. 

ARB - Photos 2 - Calista team, Valdez Mayor, Aleutians East, Native American Rights Fund, Sen. Meyer, Brian Hove

The Calista team - (l-r) Tom Begich, Marcia Davis, and Steve Colligan.

ADN reporter Rich Mauer in the background.

Valdez Mayor David Cobb after testifying.  Board members (sitting) Bob Brodie and PeggyAnn McConnochie and ADN photographer Erik Hill (standing) in the background.

Aleutians East Borough rep Ernie Weiss after testimony.  This adds, in the background, Board Chair John Torgerson in the blue shirt and attorney Michael White. 

You can also see the transcriber on the left. 

Natalie Landreth of the Native American Rights Fund.  She pointed out to the Board that though Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is not in force now, Section 2 is.  And contrary to some media reports Section 2 does not require intent.  It too is evaluated on impact on protected groups. 

Senator Kevin Meyer testifying.  He likes the AFFER map. 

Brian Hove of Anchorage District 19, liked AFFER revised map. 

There's more on each of these folks testimony in previous posts.  I'll try to get the pictures into those posts, but this will have to do for now.  There's about 15 minutes left. 

Brian Blessington Wants NE Anchorage Consistent and Lois Epstein Wants Assumptions Of All the Maps

They start and stop as people show up or call in.  Trying to catch up.  

Brian Blessington  - recent UAA grad, questioning NE districting Muldoon consistency, not to redistrict away from our education centers.
White:  ????

3:28, we'll stand in recess.

Lois Epstein - Anchorage engineer.  Last time board rejected mycomments for a
non-partisan map.  The court has thrown it out.  Undercuts Boards support from public.  I asked the Board basis for the map, I was told the Constitution.  Asked why the differences between the map told it was too complicated.
I do GIS as part of my work.  Board needs to use first Borough boundaries.  Most important.  After key house and then Senate districts.  Then the boards can deal with discrepencies int he number and then SE integration.

All assumptions for drawing the maps including those by outside parties, should be made clear.  A professional should work on these instead of having untrained doing this.  I urge the Supreme Court and governor to appoint a special master for this process. 

Recess.  There's about 20 minutes left.  You could call in if that's not enough time to get here.  I think this number should get you through:  1-855-463-5009

John O'Day Likes New AFFER, But Where's The Sunshine?

John O'Day - I'm in favor of plan AFFER as printed today.  Life Long registered Republican, Anchorage, supervoter.  Questions?
Torg:  None
O'Day:  What happened to the sunshine?


Leila Weisz Is Upset; Jerry Ahwinona Wants a Fair Process and Thanks The Board

Leila Weisz - regular citizen who votes.  My confidence in this process is low.  Not an attorney, but it seems like you're making it harder than it used to be.  Looks more and more like political gerrymandering.  ADN says time for a master.  Court is your boss.  You've been fighting them.  Instead of arguing with them and dragging your feet.  If you'd been an employee you would have been fired long ago.
You're understaffed.  You should have hired an executive director.  The woman army veteran you rejected was perfect.  The paper made it sound like you rejected her because she was a Democrat.
I appreciate  the opportunity to express my opinion.

Torg: next

Jerry Ahwinona - from Anchorage on behalf of myself.  Thank the board for taking public testimony, I appreciate your efforts and wish they will be fruitful and redistricting fair and equitable and that the Board takes concerns of public and we have a fair 2014 election.  that we can agree on a fair map.  Last effort ... Voting Rights Act, but this year more focused on Constitutional aspects of our redistricting.  Thank the board for their service and have a great day.

Torg:  2:51 and we'll go on recess and get back as people show up. 

These were both by phone. 

2:22pm Pat Abney Wants Board To Hire a Full Staff

Patricia Abney - Been Anhorage resident for 53 years.  Urge you to comply with Court orders so Alaskans have fair redistricting.  And that you hire a full staff so we have open hearings.  We do not want antoher election under an illegal plan unconstitutional because no time.
Make maps accessible to download.  Board should be non-partisan so illegal gerrymandering doesn't occur. 

Here's Pat Abney talking to Randy Ruedrich after her testimony. 

There are now only three other people besides me in the audience. 

Board members Marie Green and Jim Holm are neither here at the hearings nor connected by teleconference. They may be listening in but aren't participating.

Redistricting Board Public Testimony Photos 1 - Beginning And AFFER Maps

Stacks of the plans - there were 11 that were accepted at last weeks meeting.  Then there were three more added as of yesterday.  And then apparently there were a couple more today. 

The audience a little after 10am. 

Randy Ruedrich getting tech help the computer ready for his powerpoint of the AFFER plan.

Larry DeVilbiss, Mayor of Matsu testified along with Randy Ruederich in favor of the AFFER plan. 

AFFER Revised statewide plan.  You can click and enlarge this.

AFFER Revised Anchorage Plan

AFFER Revised Fairbanks Plan

There was strong emphasis by the AFFER folks on how they kept the deviations (in population from one district to another) extremely low.  I think it was 1.44% overall.  This is a good thing in terms of 1 person 1 vote, but since they were allowed up to 10% statewide overall last time, it seems that as long as it's under 4 or 5% over all it should be fine and deviation shouldn't overshadow other issues.  However, I haven't had a chance to look at the plans carefully to see the impact.  And there is no analysis of the maps.  No one has said or been asked how the plans affect incumbents which is really a question that everyone has. 

Three More: AFFER is Great. Keep It The Way it Is. Don't Cut Airport Heights in Half.

I was going to put up pictures, but three more testified.

Steve Strait - West Anchorage, life-long Alaskan, I vote.  This is the fifth Census period we've done since statehood.  The fifth event, and now in the digital age, I call this edition 5.2.  Thank you for allowing me to be here.  Talking on behalf of Alaskans for Fair and Equitable Redistricting.  It's hard to overlay your process and the Muni of Anchorage.  My recommendation is to leave it the way it is. 

I'm amazed at how close the AFFER plan allows the districts to be so equal in population.  In the end it's so close.  I don't think we've ever been that close in Alaska.

Hope Nelson - Anchorage since 1964.  When we get down to only 1percent.  We'll never be perfect.  I think we should go ahead and get this passed?

Torg:  Any particular plan?

Nelson:  I like it the way we have it.  Just a little tweak.

Torg:  1:40 we'll take a recess.
PeggyAnn McConnochie:  We have one more.
Torg:  Wait, The lines are hot. 

Rebecca Kurtz:  Looking at 12new maps, some cut my neighborhood Airport Heights in half, but please don't do that.  I'm sure it's a real challenge, but don't cut Airport Heights in half.

Torg:  1:42  we'll stand in recess. 

A Few More - Deborah Williams, SJ Klein, and David Morgan

Deborah Williams - Representing myself.  Have lengthy history with process and Rights Coalition.  A few remarks:
1.  Make sure Board includes as one option, the last map that the Rights Coalition included and happily read in the the newspaper that you are still accepting submissions.  It meets the Constitutional requirements and I still believe it is the best one available.
2.  All suffer from C problems.  None of the Board options have intact Matsu and Kenai - split when you need not.  Entitle to 5 intact and Kenai to 3 intact.  Don't think any of your plans witll be found constitutiona.
Couldn't find analysis to support your plan.  You have so many plans ont he table,  Very diversionary, hard to focus on aplan.  If you continue, narrow to one or two and give plan an opportunity to give public hearing to talk of those plans.  Not meaningful without analysis and with short time to see the plans.
Really think it is time for a master.  So many problems including not hiring a qualified executive director.  I hope court says best move is to hire a master.
Our consitution and state best served by having board step aside and having a master. 

SJ Klein - President of Fairview community council, but not representing them.  Specifically with plan A splits our neighborhood down Hyder.  One of the historic neighborhoods in Anchroage, community council, redistricting in way that splits us among several districts does us great harm and would recommend against.  We have two issues
1.  SE disadvantaged area.  Desire to have a rep that takes needs of entire neighborhood into account
2.  Line right through Hyder, splits neighboor in half, conflict between two reps in one neighborhoo.  One rep having one view and the other another where both should be together.  CC hasn't yet taken up the issue, but anumber of us want to be one contiguous neighborhood.  I appreciate opportunity to testify. 
Exec Board first thursday in July. 
Torg:  Send us your testimony when the council meets, thank you.

David Morgan - LIO - 2170 STanford Drive, Rogers Park cc member.  Looking at AFFER map you are adding a few more voters into 15.  I don't see any problem with that I've worked on elections.  Not too much problems.  A few people showed up at wrong places.  You are adding just a few people to our district, I think from 13.  It's minor.  Less than three minutes.

STand at ease until next testifier. 

Valdez, Aleutians East Borough, Bering Straits, Native American Rights Fund, Cooper Landing and some Anchorage folks testify

[Again, very rough, but current.  On break now.  I'll try to figure out my photo problem and clean some of this up.]

Public Testimony

Dave Cobb - Mayor of Valdez - reading his statement - Valdez will be effected.  Should interact with other groups in region, drainage, socio-economic.  Richardson Hwy north and east Alaska have commonalities, high cost of energy - missing a lot of this - HD 6 boundaries in Board G 0 God Plan - have the benefits:  Richardson highway in one district.  Copper Valley Electric etc. in one district.  Voting districts not interrupted. 1.18%, 2 of three PWS CCollege in one district. Pipeline in one district. No community interrupted.  Hospital districts are covered.  This plan for 6 as in Plans G and A ease redistricting burdens around the state.  Should not include Anchorage and others not directly related with pipeline, Matsu, Kenai, SE Alaska.  City met Wednesday with legal counsel and chose Board Plan G as the best for Valdez, Alternative Plan A.

Ernest Weiss - Aleutians East Borough
AEB six Akutan, False Pass, .... all fishing.  Sandwiched Lake and Pen B and west ???.  Haven't fully reviewed but have discussed with Mayor.
Since I've been involved early 2011 - our stance keep B together not divided and the Chain.  None of the plans divide us.  Congratulations.  In general as it splits HD 37, that's not compact nor contiguous, don't support the Gazewood plan.  Will listen.
AFFER and Calista remarkably low deviations congrats, but don't want to stretch too far into the middle of the state. prefer mostly ???
A and G ok.  Senate, pair us with Bethel or Kodiak, but if stretch to Yakutat would stretch to Attu worth noting.  Pairing with Valdez wouldn't make sense. 

Matt Ganley - Resources ?? for Bering Straits Native Corp. 
In past argued need for SE Integration.  With Calista map offered today, lowest deviation and most SE integration for the district.  They've achieved that goal remarkably.  For Bering Straits prefer fewer from Delta, but we understand need for compromise.  Did work in early 90's for Ahtna at that time - pleased to see retained in this version.  Retaining ANCSA boundaries important.  Calista map as presented today, comes as close. . . AFFER map too stretches.  Horsehoe interior district hard to make SE Integration argument.  Retaining coastal orientation in Arctic Districts important, majore development coming in decade.  Keep as close to coastline as possible

Liz Medicine-Crow? 

Natalie Landreth - Native American Rights Fund, Outside Counsel for Bristol BAy - they've sent letter noting strong preference for Calista map for option 2 and option 3 is also ok.  Shishmereff should be maintained with it. 
Low deviation helps with representation.  Donut/Ahtna - good district SE integration good.  More likely to have represenation that knows their interests.  Interior different from Coastal.  Large, unwieldy hard.  Separating fish seats 32 and lower Cook Inlet and 37, 38 and align along coastal areas, clients won't return my calls cause fishing in Bristol Bay will get good rep in house and senate.  32 - Kodiak Chugach reason - on behalf of Eyak - our expert witness, Matt Ganley is here - close relationship between Eyak (Cordova) and ?? as one family.  Closely united enough. . . Southern - can't keep up here.  Integration lots of evidence available on that alliance and with Kodiak.  Relatives even tho languages the same, Kodiak slighty different, same creation stories. 
One final comment - impact of Shelby County - removing section five changing Native control seat, in our view VRA still matters in SEction 2 - doesn't care about intent.  I've seen some media saying only intent.  But section 2 also bans changes that has results, doesn't care about intent.  VRA still matters, but matters differently.  Removes administrative burden of pre-clearance, but does protect Natives - as when you paired Western FB with Bristol Bay.
White:  I agree with analysis of section 2 - Calista?
Landreth:  yes -
White:  No issues with Calista map?
Landreth:  No I do not as long as it doesn't change.

Torg:  All I have signed up.  Susan Olsen?
Olsen:  Live in Anchorage, concerned citizen, interested in political processes in state.  Not an insider, but can read ARticle 6 of constitution.
1.  Time table - board met the constitution in 90 days in 2011, but now in the middle of 2013 and don't have plan.  Superior Court said need to follow constitution.  Ten months later told to draft new plan.  Last month on 30 Court said to get cracking and Board said previous testimony would suffice didn't make sense. 
I see seven plans plus at least four others.  I downloaded the first three plans of the board and realized that was fruitless.  There is no analsysis, no descriptions of the difrerences or reasons for them.  I could download and see differences, but without explanation of the differences I can't comment.  Not a technical expert, can only see what constitutions says.
Enforcement of ARt. 6:  if first plan not valid sent back to board.  It may be sent back to board if still found not valid.  This says the first time it does go back.  The second time it may go back.  I think it should go to a master board.  Board has been dilatory.  2.5 years later.  Board shouldn't need judge to admonish them to get going.  No meaningful public process for the citizen. If technical, one thing but Constitution says public process.  This is technical process.  Can't have Democracy without elections and can't have elections if we don't know where the lines are.  Board can't do job, suggest master apppointed.

Cooper Landing David Nees??: 
Point out in last redistricting 2010 first time Cooper Landing with Anchroage 120 year old city not ever incorporated with Anchroage.  Only one plan returns CL to Kenai Pen where we belong.  100 members should be in rural Alaska.  Have nothing to to with Anchroage, like to keep it that way.
Torg:  Senate pairing that does that, district is all in Kenai.

We'll come back here.  Sen. Meyers please.

Kevin Meyers:  Appreciate your taking time out of summer, taking much longer than expected.  Senator for District L, 24 and 26 in SE Anchroage, SErvice High,  Lower Hillside.  I've represented in Assembly, state house, and senate.  Very diverse, some very low income and very wealthy.  R 5 zoning - mobile homes duplex apartments and south to where people have airports in the homes.  Diverse. Ive reviewed all plans.  Many.  Most keep my district intact.  A couple not so good.  Want to talk about

Dowling road to Huffman, New Seward to Hillside.  Good clear boundaries.  Easy to undeerstand.  Major roads as boundaries and that's what you did with A,F, G.  Also AFFER and Calista plans.  But in the past represented an area - road divides the district and that's very confusing to neighbors as they walk across the street.  A few plans split neighborhoos D and E and Gazewood plan.  I know you have to consider many things - please look at community councils.  Makes it easier for them, know how to keep people accountable.  You've been torn between federal and state requirement, now federal has been resolved.  You had it right two years ago

Tom Klinkner - Birch, Horton, Bittner and ...   Petersburg Borough,  You'll hear from others at Juneau meeting next week.  You've heard from mayor a year ago.  Petersburg favors plan A of the ones under consideration - Petersburg, Sitka, and Wrangell - ones we have common interest.  Plan F not good - borough split in different house districts.  Most other plans don't include Wrangle - PofWales.  Not included with Juneau, and glad of that. 

Torg:  No questions, I know we'll get more in Juneau.

Brian Hove;  Live in Disrict 19 Anchroage.  First of all - comment made earlier.  Obviously this process is very difficult.  I think the board correct to wait until SC decision made.  Speaking in favor of AFFER revised plan, particularly regarding west Anchorage District 19.  SC allows for deviations to come down radically.  AFFER wide plan about 1.4%.  If take into consideration things required in constitution - equal proportion and common interests - 1.44% deviation is just about right. 

Scott Hawkins:  Also like to echo comments of Sen Meyer and Mr. Hove, Board has done a very credible job.  Hard to comply with two different standards.  You had it right two years ago.  I want to speak for AFFER plan, at least for Anchorage.  30 year participant.  Very good job of compact sensible districts in Anchorage.  Negligible impact on Anchroage with changes from last time.  7 of 14 districts no changes and the other 7 have minimal changes.  No confusion for voters. 

12:53  Frances Bennett:   15 year resident of Anchorage and live in District 19.  I too testify in support of AFFER plan.  Anchorage has had some tumultous elections in recent past.  Keeping things as they are now makes sense.  Not to be a parrot, I think you got things right two years ago. 

Torg:  Anyone we missed.  No one signed up on teleconference.  We will stand in recess. We'll be here til 4pm.  Until we have folks to testify. 

So, if you have something to say, come on down here or call in.