Sunday, December 11, 2011

AIFF 2011: Awards Gala Part 2 - Still Chatting

Peter Pasyk - The Pole

Super Shorts Film Makers
Whittier By Wheel Film Maker - Kristopher Peck (left front)

 The link goes to Kristopher's film. 

Animation Film Makers and Programers

Jeremy Lansman, KYES, Greg Hamilton (The Movement), Dean Franklin, AIFF Board Member
About ten more minutes until they start.

AIFF 2011: The Awards - Eating and Chatting So Far

The Inuk crew.

Amanda Jane of The Wedding Party and Travis Betz of The Dead Inside.

The Wifi was out, but it's back on.  Nothing has happened yet.  I'll post this and start a new one.

AIFF 2011: Sunday Tips and I'll Live Blog Awards at 5pm

There's lots to see today.  Here's a link to the Sunday schedule.  I suggest going to "Print Schedule," (light blue)  then in the drop down window hitting "Print Filtered Schedule" which will get you just Sunday.  It's a little more than a page.

11:00am - Living River - a movie on the Ganges in India.  Out North (Haven't seen it) I might get to this if I can post fast enough. 

11:45am - Give Up Tomorrow - Alaska Experience - a very compelling Filipino film on a criminal misjustice.  I saw this one, it's very good.  A contender for best documentary.  Focuses on Paco who has 40 witnesses he was in Manila at the time of the murder in Cebu.

12:00 Shorts 3 Program:  Native Tongue - Out North - I'm headed to this for sure.  They're are four films - Japanese, Belgian, German/South African, and Korean.  I'm not sure about the title of the program.  It looks like they aren't in English.  But I haven't seen enough shorts yet and this one fits in my schedule.  Check out more yourself here.

1pm Allensteig  Alaska Experience Theater - This is one of the documentaries in competition about a German military base.  It says:
A portrait of the Allentsteig military training area, the last blank spot on the Austrian map. The Nazis evacuated 42 villages-driving more than 7000 people from their homes-to set it up in 1938. Allied forces and the Austrian state continued to use the facility after the WWII. Today, residents of the adjoining village live happily along the soldiers, so long as no shells land nearby.
An appropriate film for a military town like Anchorage.   I'll probably leave Native Tongue early to go see this one.

2pm Smoking Fish Out North - This is an Alaskan documentary.  Sounds interesting.
Cory Mann is a quirky Tlingit businessman hustling to make a dollar in Juneau, Alaska. He gets hungry for smoked salmon and nostalgic for his childhood. He decides to spend a summer smoking fish at his family's traditional camp. It's a story of one man's attempt to navigate between the modern world and an ancient culture.
 2pm Corridor Alaska Experience Theater - Horror buffs should go.  I saw this the other night late.  It's a group of young men meeting at the cabin in the snowy woods in Canada for the first time since one of them went mental and stabbed another in the group.  He's on meds now.  But the others aren't.  And there's strange stuff happening in the woods.  I don't normally like horror flicks, but this was had believable characters and some clever plot twists.  I left after the scalping, but I really wanted to know what happened. 

3pm Shorts 4:  Dark Reflections - Out North - look it up.  (despite the 4, there are only 3)

3:30pm Super Shorts 2:  The Hipsters Almanac - Alaska Experience - I'm headed for this one.  Check Details here.

4:30 Cast Me If You Can - Out North -  a Japanese film about an actor.  A comedy I'm told. Details.

4:30 Short Documentaries:  On the Edge  - Alaska Experience Theater -  Four shorts.  Check here.

5:00 pm  The Awards Ceremony - Organic Oasis -  I checked and they have wifi, so I'll try to live blog the awards.

8:00pm The Dish and The Spoon - Bear Tooth - Bad scheduling here.  This is a feature in competition, but it's playing the first time AFTER the awards ceremony.  I mentioned this to Tony.  Then I said, "How can you do the Audience Favorites when the audience hasn't seen one of the films yet?"  The Feature favorites may be delayed until Monday night. 

Monday night you ask? 

There's more.  There will be three best of the fest nights at Alaska Experience Theater Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 7pm.  More on this later.  Check the Festival Website Schedule for those days.    (Link goes to Monday, you can find Tuesday and Wednesday)

AIFF 2011: JT Hood, Workshop Participant, Tells Us About His Stuff

[Here's Sunday's schedule.]

Just after Travis Betz's workshop ended I got a chance to ask one of the younger and more inquisitive members of the group some questions.  I think the chance for young film makers to hear real film makers talk about their trade and to be able to ask questions is a great opportunity we get from the film festival.  We're going to see JT's videos at the festival before long I'm sure.  He stayed for Richard Cunningham's workshop too. 

[I'm not as careful about getting names of people I catch on video as I ought to be.  I figure they're agreeing to talk to me. And if they have a problem, I'll take it down.  But kids are different. JT was there with his grandfather and I got his permission to post the video.]

Saturday, December 10, 2011

AIFF 2011: The Dead Inside - Travis Betz and Year Zero -Richard Cunningham

Year Zero showing at workshop today
I spent all day at two Film Festival workshops. The afternoon workshop was Animation with Richard Cunningham's workshop and video. I'll do more on the workshop later. 

The Animation group is showing at 6pm at Out North, and if you haven't seen it, GO!  I think this is the strongest category at this year's festival and I think Cunningham's Year Zero is the best film in the festival. (My opinion, take it for what it's worth.)  It has a look and feel that, for my Anchorage eyes, is original and spectacular.  Watching the whole thing for the second time today it was even better.  The sound too is amazing.  And the detail.  This is, for me, great animation.  But everything else in the program is good too. 

World Animation
6:00 pm
Out North
Today - Saturday Dec. 10

All the animated films in competition are in the second half of the show, so you can get there late and still see enough to be worth while.  Year Zero is almost at the end.

Travis Betz did the first one.  I have lots of video on my sound card, but there's no way I can edit it before I leave for more festival.  We saw various examples of work he's done and discussions of how it was made and how YouTube was helpful in getting an audience and making contacts.  The movie tonight is The Dead Inside.

Today (Saturday Dec. 10)
The Dead Inside
Bear Tooth

[Portrait from Travis' business card.  
You can compare that to what he looks 
like on the video.]

It's a zombie musical.  We saw the trailer.  This is real film festival stuff - a young, hungry, passionate film maker who's made a low budget film and one day you'll be able to say, Yeah, I saw The Dead Inside when he was unknown in 2011. 

AIFF 2011: Corridor and Amigo

 The Corridor

I'm not a horror movie fan.  I look away before the blood flows.  But I stayed in the Bear Tooth Thursday night to see the beginning of The Corridor.  I don't want to say anything about the story in case you see it - it's playing again Sunday Dec. 11 at the Alaska Experience Theater at 2pm.

But I did want to say I thought it was a good film.  The characters - four young men who had been friends a long time and were starting to go off in different directions - were interesting and real.  The story had a very satisfying ironic twist to it.  The special effects in this low budget Canadian film worked well.  And Alaskans will appreciate the familiar look of  a remote cabin in the snow.  I found the movie genuinely scary and I stayed most of the way through until one nasty bout with a big knife.  But even as I walked out, I really wanted to know what was going to happen.


Tonight we saw John Sayles' Amigo, which takes place in a small Filipino village after the Americans win the Spanish-American War and are finishing up their takeover of the Philippines.  This film was brought in at the last minute to fill the hole for a film that would have been a North American premier.  But at the last minute the film got accepted in a much more prestigious festival where it would get much more attention, but only on the condition that it was the North American premier.  So, we lost it.  But Amigo was a good substitution and it was nice to see members of the Anchorage Filipino community there to see Joel Torre, who, I was told, is a major Filipino film star.

The film focused on a prosperous village whose head man followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and who owned most of the land which others farmed.  Then the painfully young American troops come in, and despite the local American commander's decency, things do not go well.  The characters in the movie speak their own languages - English, Spanish, a Filipino language (not sure which one), and a Chinese dialect that had a Cantonese ring to it.

I couldn't  help but think about the young American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I was also struck by how much the technology of war has changed since those days of horses, swords, and simple guns.  I'm glad I got to see it.

Friday, December 09, 2011

AIFF 2011: Break Back Skiing, Learn Again - The Movement, Sat in Anchorage, Sundance Later

How much can I get into one title?  I left out the rest of the title (One Man Joins An Uprising).  I talked briefly with film maker Greg Hamilton who was particularly excited about being notified last week that the film was accepted at Sundance.

I don't know much more than what he told me in the video below.  It plays tomorrow (Saturday) at the Wild Berry Theater (down the road from the Peanut Farm on Old Seward and International Airport Road).  This is a great little theater.  I've seen live plays there, but never a movie.  2pm.  The film is about a skier who has to relearn to ski - in a skichair - after breaking his back.  I think this is the third festival it's shown been shown in.  They submitted a rough copy but tomorrow the final cut will be shown.

But get it straight from Greg:

AIFF 2011: How Do Actors Deal With Sex Scenes? Garrett Swan Explains After The Casserole Club

I talked to co-producer and actor in The Casserole Club after the showing last night.  The was about five couples who had casserole dinners together in the late 1960s, that included a lot of alcohol, which led to clothes coming off and various couplings.  Not everyone in the movie did this voluntarily and there were regrets among many.  I asked Garrett, since the characters had problems with this, how did the actors handle it?

The movie wasn't very satisfying for me and after a night's sleep, I think it's because I simply didn't get to know any of the characters well enough to understand their underlying malaise or why they participated in something they didn't really want to do. I may have gotten more insight into why they participated from the movie I saw before Casserole - Lesson Plan - which looked at peer and other pressures on high school students to join an exclusionary club.  It was a lesson to help them understand why people joined the Nazi party. 

You can judge for yourself. The Casserole Club plays again today at Out North at 7pm.  

Other good movies to choose from today include:

Amigo - This is a special selection (not here for competition) directed by well known director John Sayles.  It's about the American presence in the Philippines after the Spanish American War.  It will make the third movie I've seen this week that takes place in the Philippines.   8pm at the Bear Tooth.

The Flood - An Israeli movie about a family whose mentally disabled son is coming home when the institution he's in shuts down and how the family copes.  A strong film. 
8:30 at Alaska Experience Theater

Animation World Wide- This collection of animated films includes all those in competition.  This is, in my mind, the strongest category of films.  Every one has something original in it.  And near the end you get to see Year Zero which I found to stand out.  But others like Something Left Something Taken are also special.  I've got interviews with several of the film makers up (see my overview of videos of film makers here and my overview of animated films in competition here) and I believe that the creator of Year Zero, Richard Cunningham, will be there tonight. 
7:20 at Out North

Kinyarwanda - A solidly good movie about Rwanda that focuses on the healing. Out North at 10pm

Click here for today's whole schedule

AIFF 2011: Lesson Plan Worked For The Audience

I was pulled right into this documentary about a high school teacher who set up an experiential learning situation in his Palo Alto classroom in 1967.  The intent was to show the students how normal people can be pulled into a rabid group mentality like what happened in Nazi Germany.  It was very compelling cinema.  I caught a few folks as they left the theater:

This definitely would get my vote as best documentary (of the ones I saw.)

As a teacher who likes to use experiential learning, it was interesting to think this sort of thing would be very hard to put on today because of the need for informed consent and concerns for an unstable student to flip out.  These are valid concerns.  But they ought to be weighed against the fact that 40 years later at a class reunion, the students said it was the most important lesson they learned in school and it continued to affect their lives. 

It is also similar to an elementary school experiment that was captured in a movie called "A Class Divided."  The teacher divided the class into two groups - the blue eyed students and the brown eyed students.  The blue-eyed students were praised as being good and smart and the brown-eyed students were chastised for being slow and lazy.  Within a day, the blue-eyed kids began lording it over the brown-eyed kids and the brown-eyed kids were feeling oppressed.  You can see the Front Line report on this experiment here.

I would add that the film suggested that the teacher, Ron Jones, was not that much of a planner and this whole exercise was pretty off the cuff. Enough so that one might question how apt the title is. Did he even have a lesson plan?

Both film show how easy it is for people to move into the in group if the conditions are right and to exclude the outsiders.  It seems that most people are susceptible, though one in particular actively protested. 

This is powerful stuff and important for as many people to see as possible - to see how easily this happens.  Of course, the point of the movie is that actually going through the experiment is considerably more effective. 

This is a film festival and a key criterion ought to be how well the movie was made as well as the content of the film.  I don't think there was any particular magic in the film making, except that the story flowed without me really even noticing the technical processes at all.  That's a sign of a good movie. 

Thursday, December 08, 2011

AIFF 2011: Busy Thursday, Lots of Interesting Choices

Hard decisions tonight.

For the early birds, Lesson Plan is playing at Out North at 5:50pm and  High Sierra:  A Journey on the John Muir Trail is playing at 6 at the Alaska Experience Theater.

Lesson Plan has won several Best Documentary prizes at other festivals.

Then, lots of good features:

Inuk - the opening night movie from Greenland which features a cast of kids from a real shelter for troubled kids going on a traditional seal hunt is showing in both theaters at the Alaska Experience Theater.  The main theater at 8pm and the smaller theater at 8:15pm.  I saw it last Friday - a story Alaskans can relate to.  Link goes to post showing  Q&A with three of the film makers.  Audio works, video dim. 

The short Views and Voices of Bristol Bay will have a free showing in the large theater at 7:20pm

An Ordinary Family (see audience reactions from last night here) is showing at Out North at  7pm.  Man brings boyfriend to annual family holiday.  At the door he tells bf the family doesn't know.  Brother is a minister, has trouble handling the unexpected guest.  Saw it last night and enjoyed it.

And at 8pm at the Bear Tooth is The Casserole Party.  From the trailer it's 1960's, five couples, the men will judge who made the best casserole, and then things get out of hand - here it's sex rather than violence.  As Mark Bell writes at Film Threat:
Image from IMDB
As the evening wears on, and the couples get drunk and silly, stupid parlor games turn to couple-swapping. From there, the film deals with the fallout of a bunch of sexually repressed couples working out their sexual appetites under the false pretenses of dinner get-togethers. As you can imagine, it’s all fun and games until someone falls in love… or gets pregnant… or may be a closeted homosexual.
 Ethan Berkowitz look-alike (at least in this picture) and actor in the film, Garrett Swann, is scheduled to be at the showing. 

And there are Snowdance  (Alaska related) shorts at Out North at 8:15 - including Nanuq (see interview with film makers Jill Jones and Brent Yontz from Tuesday night.)

Then at 10:15pm at the Bear Tooth - wear clothes you can get blood on - is Canadian film The Corridor.  James McCormick at The Criterion Cast writes (in part):
The Corridor is a very good low budget horror effort from Canada, which harkens back to the good old days of Canadian genre films of yesteryear. While watching it, I got the influence of The Thing mixed with an early Stephen King short story but is well executed with their limited budget. When it comes to the script, it is more about the psychological elements, where friends start to go against each other, maiming (a fantastic gore effect that is best left unmentioned until you see it, but it involves Jim, played by Glen Matthews, who is the friend who didn’t take part in the intro to the film, that is one of the best I’ve seen in quite some time) and murders, showing the underlying anger and what something as mysterious as the corridor can do to a group of lifelong friends who are all in a mid-life crisis.

Sounds like Casserole Club without the women.