Monday, December 14, 2015

No Kill, No Catch Mouse Trap And Other Maintenance Adventures

Living would be truly great if one didn't have to spend so much time just keeping things maintained.  But such isn't the case.  While the film festival was going on, we are also trying to maintain, and in some cases, even get ahead.

First issue was health.  Our granddaughter shared her cold/cough with us when we saw her over Thanksgiving.  It wasn't debilitating, but it sure was persistent.  You can tell how the news infiltrates our minds by the metaphor I started using.  My body is mostly back to normal, but there are still insurgents hiding, taking advantage of any weak points they can find.  Fortunately for you, the Film Festival kept me too busy to do a post on phlegm.

Last week we had the plumber out because the upstairs thermostat wasn't working.  He fixed that, but while he was here he noticed a leak in the new water heater that he installed in September.  (It's good to have the same guy come out.)  The good news is that it's tiny and not urgent so it doesn't have to be done immediately.  The better news is that it's still under warranty for parts AND labor.  It's good to have honest workers.  He could have overlooked it, but he didn't.

While I was cleaning things up (what I do instead of looking for something, which always leads to frustration because I never find it;  but if I clean up, I'll find other things and get something done even if I don't find what I was looking for), I found the notice we got from Subaru last July saying the passenger airbag on J's car needed to be replaced but they don't have the parts yet and will notify us when they do.  It's almost six months now.  What originally caught my attention was the part that said
". . .the inflator could rupture with metal fragments striking the vehicle occupants potentially resulting in serious injury or death."

So I called the number and asked why, almost six months later I hadn't gotten a new notice, that it's really a hassle not letting anyone sit in the passenger seat.   He got me a name and number of the local Subaru dealer.  The dealer set up an appointment for January (since it was going to take a week or more to get the part and we're headed out of town.)  But they called back later that day, and today J took her car in and got the new airbag.

I picked up some copies of Peter Dunlap-Shohl's My Degeneration at Blue.Holloman gallery at 36th and Arctic, and I'll do a post on that book before too long.  Peter's been blogging about his Parkinson's adventure for years now, rendering it something like a superhero comic book about fighting the forces of his disease.  You can see parts of it at his blog Off and On: The Alaska Parkinson's Rag  which I've had in my Alaska Blogs list on the right for a long time now.  It's a great book for anyone with Parkinson's and probably better for the people around them, who are trying to figure out what's going on.

I bought a mouse trap.  I'm calling it my No Kill - No Catch trap.  There's a very cute mouse who's moved in and runs around the living room and kitchen, and sometimes goes downstairs.  So far, I haven't had my camera handy when I've seen him and he moves pretty fast.

Every website about catching mice said to use peanut butter.  We only had almond butter and maybe that's too healthy.

The closest I've gotten to capturing him on the camera are footprints in the snow.  But I'm not really sure if these are mice or not or how he gets from outside to inside.  Maybe he opens the sliding glass door to let his friends in when we're out.

I've been trying to spend at least 30 minutes a day going through the boxes I throw things in to clean up when company's coming.  When they're in the boxes it seems easier to go through them and toss things or put other things where they belong.  My mom's house is a great incentive to clean up here.

And I'm looking forward to 2016 because I bought this planner that appealed to my current mood.

For each week, it's got a page with the following categories:

  • Things I have to do but that can wait a day, or two, or three ...
  • Small things I have to do before I can do the big things I have to do
  • Things I absolutely have to do unless I absolutely don't want to do them
  • Things people have been bugging me to do for a really long time

I'll let you know how it works out.

[Sorry for reposting - more Feedburner problems]

Sunday, December 13, 2015

AIFF 2015: Special Directors' Award and Audience Award Winners UDATED with Pictures

Tan and Toyami at AIFF 2015 Gala Awards

Special Directors award to Shoji Toyami  and Shuichi Tan  of Magic Utopia.  

King Tan, and Toyami
Also involved with the film was King.

This was very much an artistic film with lots of abstract imagery.  A beautiful film that you won't see coming out of Hollywood.

Audience Award

This is one of the most coveted awards because it's the one the audience liked most.

Sharon Shattuck (l) listening to audience member
Winner   -   From This Day Forward

Below is a shot I got of director Sharon Shattuck at the Bear Tooth Tuesday night listening to one of the audience members after the showing of From This Day Forward.

This was a film about a family whose dad comes out as transgender when the kids were fairly young, made by one of the daughters, much later. It was a powerful film.

AIFF 2015: Documentary Winners UPDATE: Features

[I originally understood that all the docs were grouped together for one award, but at the ceremony, it turned out they had awards for short docs and for full length docs. I tried to note that quickly as the awards were being announced.]


Bihttoš          Winner  Short Docs
Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers

Children of the Arctic  Honorable Mention  Docs
Nick Brandestini

Circus Without Borders   Runner Up  Docs
Susan Gray, Linda Matchan

Lost & Found
Nicolina Lanni, John Choi

Love Between the Covers
Laurie Kahn

Madina’s Dream   Winner Docs
Andrew Berends

Man in the Can
Noessa Higa

Superjednostka    Runner Up Short Docs
Teresa Czepiec

Nicholas Coles and Rich Curtner after Awards
The House is Innocent  Honorable Mention  Short Docs
Nicholas Coles

 The House Is Innocent is about a house in Sacramento whose owner murdered and buried several older folks whose social security she kept collecting. [I should have added that a couple bought the house and fixed it up, but left some signs indicating the history of the house.]  Rich Curtner, AIFF Board President, talked to film director Coles about an Anchorage house of a murderer that is now owned by someone involved with the film festival.


And The Circus Leaves Town   Runner Up
Mete Sozer

Ben Cura

Jasmine     Honorable Mention
Dax Phelan

Magic Utopia    
Shoji Toyama, Shuichi Tan

Orphans & Kingdoms   Winner
Paolo Rotondo

The Descendants
Yaser Talebi


AIFF 2015: Made In Alaska Winners

Honorable Mention - We Are All Related Here

Runner Up -  Degrees North

Winner -  Heart of Alaska

AIFF 2015: Animation Winners UPDATE With Super Shorts And Shorts Winners

Here's a list of the films in competition and I'll mark the ones that win awards.


Chhaya      Honorable Mention
Debanjan Nandy

Golden Shot    Winner 
Gokalp Gonen

Rosso Papavero
Martin Smetana

The Apple Tree
Scott Storm

The Looking Planet
Eric Law Anderson

The Present
Jacob Frey


Verena Klinger   Runner Up

Super Shorts

Merry Xmas      
Boman Modine

Mike                  Winner
Petros Silvestros

One-Minute Time Machine   Honorable Mention
Devon Avery

The Poem of a Memory
Christhian Andrews

Unleaded      Runner Up
Luke Davies


Nkosi Coiffure
Frederike Migom

Scary Larry
Greg Ivan Smith

The Bravest, The Boldest   Winner
Moon Molson

The Call
Zamo Mkhwanazi

The Story of a Rainy Night  Honorable Mention
Mehdi Fard Ghaderi

Zawadi                  Runner Up
Richard Card

AIFF 2015: Awards Ceremony Beginning


The festival director Rebecca is thanking everyone whose been involved.

I think I'll just update this post as the evening goes on.  So you can just reload the page for updates.

AIFF 2015: It's Sunday, the Festival Ends With Films And Gala

So, here's the last day's program.  [Well, technically, there will be Best of The Fest next Friday and Saturday nights.]

This is a screenshot - for the original with links click here
If you haven't seen any of the shorts programs, I'd recommend them first.

Lost and Found is a documentary about beach combers in Alaska and British Columbia who find Japanese tsunami debris and try to fin the original owners.  While I had one problem with this film, it's still worth watching.

There are two Alaska made films Heart of Alaska and Sea Horse.

Midori in Hawaii - This is a strong film about a Japanese woman who visits her younger sister in Hawaii.  I wasn't all that impressed when I watched it, but scenes from the movie have been replaying in my head.  That's always a sign the movie was better than I first thought.

The Awards Ceremony is in a different place this year - The Williwaw - which is at 6th and F (602 F Street).  I'll try to live blog from there if they have wifi.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

AIFF 2015: Powerful Bengali Film Under Construction

Lots of themes interwoven into this film about a an actress performing aTagori play, Red Oleanders, married to a rich husband who is ready for her to quit acting and have babies.  Her servant who becomes pregnant and leaves to work in a clothing factory.  Concerns that the character she plays, Nandini, is not a realistic woman because she only cares for others and has no self.    She gets a chance to direct a modern version with a modern interpretation, but this conflicts with the wishes of her husband who doesn't take her work seriously and her mother who is becoming more religious.

So much there, all with Dhaka as the backdrop - her fancy apartment and then the hustle and bustle of street life.  Well done and unexpected film

Animation starts soon.

AIFF 2015: Stink! Report

Drove gingerly downtown in the new snow.  Didn't want to end up like this guy who was parked about as close as you could get to the AK Exp Theater, where I'm headed soon.  At least he missed the fire hydrant.

But I kept walking down to the Snow Goose for Stink!

Stink! is one of those films I think everyone should see.  This young man's wife has recently died of cancer and he buys some pajamas for his little girls for Christmas.  But when they open the package there's a strong chemical smell.  So he calls the company they come from - Justice - to find out what chemicals are in them.

This leads to a long trail - including finally sending them to a chemical testing lab - to find out why companies won't reveal their chemicals.  There are interviews with various proponents of labeling chemicals in products and banning known carcinogens, interviews with lobbyists and a pro-chemical lobby congress member.  Footage of congressional hearings.

Every film makes me think about the criteria of a good documentary.  I've address this at length during other festivals.  In this case the strength is taking a complex subject, getting the basic issues, and clarifying them in a compelling way.  Adding in his family issues in this regard makes it a little more personal.

The basic points I got were:

Chemical industry has hijacked legislation by
Lack of transparency protecting them from disclosing chemicals in their products - particularly behind the term 'fragrance'
not banning know carcinogens
not requiring that chemicals be proven safe before using them in products
Europe and even China in some instances have higher standards than the US
While chemical industry says the amounts in their products are minor, this doesn't account for the accumulated impacts of all the exposure people get from all over
New borns have been found to have close to 200 non-human-natural chemicals

There's lots more alarming information.  I highly recommend this.  Don't by the perfume the filmmaker concocted to prove how easy it was to get approval.  He called it "Ignorance is Bliss" but since he put urine in it, it could have been called "Ignorance is Piss."

Pam Miller talking with audience after Stink!
Pam Miller of Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ATAC) was there to talk with audience members about the film and the Alaska Toxic-Free Children's Act (HB 199/SB111) which
"would ban ten toxic chemicals used as flame retardants in children's products and upholstered furniture in Alaska."

AIFF 2015: Saturday Overview From 5 pm - Animation, Magic Utopia, Love Between The Covers

Already posted Part 1 for Saturday,  

Here's Part 2, and a reminder - no Festival movies at the Bear Tooth today, but there are films at the Snow Goose, so don't go to the wrong venue.  An * means the film is in competition. Here's the grid, with details below.  Grid is screenshot, so no links.  Go to the original here to get links for everything.   For Saturday Part 1 - the morning and early afternoon, go here.

Since this is the second half of the day's grid, the locations got cut off.

Left is AK Experience Large,    Middle is AK Experience small,    Right is SNOW GOOSE

Screenshot has no links, for links go here.
Animation Program* - All the animated films are in this program.  I haven't seen it yet, but these usually have some of the most interesting films.  And they're short, so if you don't like what you're watching, a better one will be soon.  All the 'in competition' animated films are in this program.  For more on each film, click here. 5pm AK EX Large

No Greater Love - A military chaplain's movie about his work with the soldiers in war and going home.  5:30 pm AK EX small.

Where Do We Go From Here?  - A 25 year old moves into an nursing home.  6pm Snow Goose.

Magic Utopia* - I saw this Thursday night and have some video of the co-directors during the Q&A that I haven't had time to put up yet.  This is a beautiful film, but definitely NOT a Hollywood film.  A lot of loving attention is paid to details.  Art is part of the fabric of this film.  And strange things happen - levitation, a phone call from a dead person.  But I'd note, they played the trailer for Die Hard before this film, and there's nothing more unreal in this film than there is in Die Hard.   If you're looking for a strong plot line and plenty of action, skip this film.  If you want to see the kind of artistic film you can't normally see, then this is for you.  7pm AK EX Large

Love Between The Covers* - I haven't seen this documentary yet.  It didn't get the audience I expected when it first played.  It's an exploration of romance novels and novelists, why they aren't taken seriously, and why they are such an important part of the fiction market.  I'm told this is a serious film to be watched.  And I'm looking forward to seeing it.  8pm AK EX Small

They Look Like People  -  Here's the blurb:
"Suspecting that those around him are actually malevolent shape-shifters, a troubled man questions whether to protect his only friend from an impending war, or from himself."   8pm Snow Goose

Living With The Dead - I still have some of my mom's ashes.  Does that mean I can relate to this film?  The blurb:
"Max McLean is eighteen years old and can't get out of bed. Since her boyfriend Adam killed himself over a year ago, Max has been using sex, drugs, and parties to ignore the pain until one day she wakes up in a hospital, haven taken a nearly lethal dose of sleeping pills. While being haunted by visions of Adam, Max runs away from home and ventures into the forest with a bizarre but endearing boy named Ish."

As you can see, I can't post the trailer here, but just go to the link below.   9pm AK EX Large

Living with the Dead - Trailer from Tobias Beidermühle on Vimeo.