Sunday, December 13, 2015

AIFF 2015: Made In Alaska Winners

Honorable Mention - We Are All Related Here

Runner Up -  Degrees North

Winner -  Heart of Alaska

AIFF 2015: Animation Winners UPDATE With Super Shorts And Shorts Winners

Here's a list of the films in competition and I'll mark the ones that win awards.


Chhaya      Honorable Mention
Debanjan Nandy

Golden Shot    Winner 
Gokalp Gonen

Rosso Papavero
Martin Smetana

The Apple Tree
Scott Storm

The Looking Planet
Eric Law Anderson

The Present
Jacob Frey


Verena Klinger   Runner Up

Super Shorts

Merry Xmas      
Boman Modine

Mike                  Winner
Petros Silvestros

One-Minute Time Machine   Honorable Mention
Devon Avery

The Poem of a Memory
Christhian Andrews

Unleaded      Runner Up
Luke Davies


Nkosi Coiffure
Frederike Migom

Scary Larry
Greg Ivan Smith

The Bravest, The Boldest   Winner
Moon Molson

The Call
Zamo Mkhwanazi

The Story of a Rainy Night  Honorable Mention
Mehdi Fard Ghaderi

Zawadi                  Runner Up
Richard Card

AIFF 2015: Awards Ceremony Beginning


The festival director Rebecca is thanking everyone whose been involved.

I think I'll just update this post as the evening goes on.  So you can just reload the page for updates.

AIFF 2015: It's Sunday, the Festival Ends With Films And Gala

So, here's the last day's program.  [Well, technically, there will be Best of The Fest next Friday and Saturday nights.]

This is a screenshot - for the original with links click here
If you haven't seen any of the shorts programs, I'd recommend them first.

Lost and Found is a documentary about beach combers in Alaska and British Columbia who find Japanese tsunami debris and try to fin the original owners.  While I had one problem with this film, it's still worth watching.

There are two Alaska made films Heart of Alaska and Sea Horse.

Midori in Hawaii - This is a strong film about a Japanese woman who visits her younger sister in Hawaii.  I wasn't all that impressed when I watched it, but scenes from the movie have been replaying in my head.  That's always a sign the movie was better than I first thought.

The Awards Ceremony is in a different place this year - The Williwaw - which is at 6th and F (602 F Street).  I'll try to live blog from there if they have wifi.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

AIFF 2015: Powerful Bengali Film Under Construction

Lots of themes interwoven into this film about a an actress performing aTagori play, Red Oleanders, married to a rich husband who is ready for her to quit acting and have babies.  Her servant who becomes pregnant and leaves to work in a clothing factory.  Concerns that the character she plays, Nandini, is not a realistic woman because she only cares for others and has no self.    She gets a chance to direct a modern version with a modern interpretation, but this conflicts with the wishes of her husband who doesn't take her work seriously and her mother who is becoming more religious.

So much there, all with Dhaka as the backdrop - her fancy apartment and then the hustle and bustle of street life.  Well done and unexpected film

Animation starts soon.

AIFF 2015: Stink! Report

Drove gingerly downtown in the new snow.  Didn't want to end up like this guy who was parked about as close as you could get to the AK Exp Theater, where I'm headed soon.  At least he missed the fire hydrant.

But I kept walking down to the Snow Goose for Stink!

Stink! is one of those films I think everyone should see.  This young man's wife has recently died of cancer and he buys some pajamas for his little girls for Christmas.  But when they open the package there's a strong chemical smell.  So he calls the company they come from - Justice - to find out what chemicals are in them.

This leads to a long trail - including finally sending them to a chemical testing lab - to find out why companies won't reveal their chemicals.  There are interviews with various proponents of labeling chemicals in products and banning known carcinogens, interviews with lobbyists and a pro-chemical lobby congress member.  Footage of congressional hearings.

Every film makes me think about the criteria of a good documentary.  I've address this at length during other festivals.  In this case the strength is taking a complex subject, getting the basic issues, and clarifying them in a compelling way.  Adding in his family issues in this regard makes it a little more personal.

The basic points I got were:

Chemical industry has hijacked legislation by
Lack of transparency protecting them from disclosing chemicals in their products - particularly behind the term 'fragrance'
not banning know carcinogens
not requiring that chemicals be proven safe before using them in products
Europe and even China in some instances have higher standards than the US
While chemical industry says the amounts in their products are minor, this doesn't account for the accumulated impacts of all the exposure people get from all over
New borns have been found to have close to 200 non-human-natural chemicals

There's lots more alarming information.  I highly recommend this.  Don't by the perfume the filmmaker concocted to prove how easy it was to get approval.  He called it "Ignorance is Bliss" but since he put urine in it, it could have been called "Ignorance is Piss."

Pam Miller talking with audience after Stink!
Pam Miller of Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ATAC) was there to talk with audience members about the film and the Alaska Toxic-Free Children's Act (HB 199/SB111) which
"would ban ten toxic chemicals used as flame retardants in children's products and upholstered furniture in Alaska."

AIFF 2015: Saturday Overview From 5 pm - Animation, Magic Utopia, Love Between The Covers

Already posted Part 1 for Saturday,  

Here's Part 2, and a reminder - no Festival movies at the Bear Tooth today, but there are films at the Snow Goose, so don't go to the wrong venue.  An * means the film is in competition. Here's the grid, with details below.  Grid is screenshot, so no links.  Go to the original here to get links for everything.   For Saturday Part 1 - the morning and early afternoon, go here.

Since this is the second half of the day's grid, the locations got cut off.

Left is AK Experience Large,    Middle is AK Experience small,    Right is SNOW GOOSE

Screenshot has no links, for links go here.
Animation Program* - All the animated films are in this program.  I haven't seen it yet, but these usually have some of the most interesting films.  And they're short, so if you don't like what you're watching, a better one will be soon.  All the 'in competition' animated films are in this program.  For more on each film, click here. 5pm AK EX Large

No Greater Love - A military chaplain's movie about his work with the soldiers in war and going home.  5:30 pm AK EX small.

Where Do We Go From Here?  - A 25 year old moves into an nursing home.  6pm Snow Goose.

Magic Utopia* - I saw this Thursday night and have some video of the co-directors during the Q&A that I haven't had time to put up yet.  This is a beautiful film, but definitely NOT a Hollywood film.  A lot of loving attention is paid to details.  Art is part of the fabric of this film.  And strange things happen - levitation, a phone call from a dead person.  But I'd note, they played the trailer for Die Hard before this film, and there's nothing more unreal in this film than there is in Die Hard.   If you're looking for a strong plot line and plenty of action, skip this film.  If you want to see the kind of artistic film you can't normally see, then this is for you.  7pm AK EX Large

Love Between The Covers* - I haven't seen this documentary yet.  It didn't get the audience I expected when it first played.  It's an exploration of romance novels and novelists, why they aren't taken seriously, and why they are such an important part of the fiction market.  I'm told this is a serious film to be watched.  And I'm looking forward to seeing it.  8pm AK EX Small

They Look Like People  -  Here's the blurb:
"Suspecting that those around him are actually malevolent shape-shifters, a troubled man questions whether to protect his only friend from an impending war, or from himself."   8pm Snow Goose

Living With The Dead - I still have some of my mom's ashes.  Does that mean I can relate to this film?  The blurb:
"Max McLean is eighteen years old and can't get out of bed. Since her boyfriend Adam killed himself over a year ago, Max has been using sex, drugs, and parties to ignore the pain until one day she wakes up in a hospital, haven taken a nearly lethal dose of sleeping pills. While being haunted by visions of Adam, Max runs away from home and ventures into the forest with a bizarre but endearing boy named Ish."

As you can see, I can't post the trailer here, but just go to the link below.   9pm AK EX Large

Living with the Dead - Trailer from Tobias Beidermühle on Vimeo.

AIFF 2015: Saturday Preview Part 1 Daytime - Animation, Stink! And Much More

Interesting options today.  New venue - Snow Goose - so be careful you don't go to Bear Tooth by mistake.  No Festival films there today.  *means 'in competition."

So, let's do this by morning and by evening.  Morning first.

This screenshot doesn't link, go here for the links
Made in Alaska Shorts at 11am AK EX Large - See what your fellow Alaskans are producing.  For details and trailers of each film, click here.

Stink! - Is by a  dad trying to figure out the chemicals in his kid's pajamas.  You'll be one of the first  to see this.  11:45am at the SNOW GOOSE

STINK! opens in New York on Black Friday November 27th & Los Angeles on December 4. from NetReturn Entertainment on Vimeo.

A Courtship - documentary about an evangelical Christian who wants an arranged marriage.  1pm AK EX Large

Shorts - Real Life  - If you haven't seen a shorts program, go see these, there are some gems in here. And if you don't like one, then the next one comes up quickly.  But the shorts I've seen have all be worth watching.  2pm Snow Goose   (some are in competition)

Under Construction -    This is the movie to see if you want more information on the people Trump wants to ban from the US.   3pm AK EX Large
"Muslim woman Roya struggling to find herself in the sprawl of urban Bangladesh. Roya performs her last show playing ‘Nandini’—the epitome of Bengali womanhood, the central character of Rabindranath Tagore’s play ‘Red Oleanders.’ She delves into a psychological journey and battles to reconstruct ‘Nandini.’ Roya finds herself under-construction—traveling alone to exert her own desires, wishes and ambitions."

From This Day Forward - Another interesting documentary of political relevance as conservatives try to repeal Anchorage's new civil rights protections for the LGBT community.  This film is made by the daughter of a man who told his family when the kids were young, that he was really a woman.  It was difficult for the family, and the now adult daughter goes back home as a filmmaker to document their story.  Well done.  The filmmaker was here for the Tuesday night showing.   3pm AK EX Large

Very, Semi-Serious - A doc on  cartoons in the New Yorker.   4pm Snow Goose

OK, this gets you to about 4:30.  I'll post the rest of the late afternoon and evening soon.

Friday, December 11, 2015

AIFF 2015: I Found My Perfect Movie - Superjednostka

The Polish documentary short by Teresa Czepiec was the best film I've seen at the festival so far. That's a pretty strong statement and I'll try to flesh out the reasons when I have more time. For now, I'll just say, it used the medium of film to tell the story better than anything else I've seen. The camera flowed, shots transitioned beautifully. The images in this otherwise stark Soviet era housing block, were beautiful. There was no narration and relatively little talking, but the story of the building and the people who lived in it was exceptionally well told.

 I'd pick this one for the best documentary of the festival simply because it was the best use of the medium to tell its story.  To give you at least a sense of it, here's the trailer.

Unfortunately, unless the jurors agree with me and it gets an award, today was the last chance to see this film at the Festival.

AIFF 2015: Friday Overview

Is it really Friday already?   Movies start early today - 2:30pm at the Bear Tooth for the Martini Matinee which includes both narrative and documentary shorts, some of which are in competition* (Asterisks for films in competition).  A few we saw last night in the shorts program, and they're worth a second look.  The documentary shorts I haven't seen yet and am looking forward.  Since they are all packaged together, no need to tip you off.  It's better to just let you pick your own favorites.

All the evening showings will be at the Alaska Experience theater.

The evening has several features and documentaries in competition.  I'm looking forward to seeing The Creditors*.  Here's the synopsis from The Creditors' website:
"Based on August Strindberg's 1888 play, "Creditors" is a modern re-telling of Strindberg's story of love, betrayal, revenge and psychological manipulation, which he considered to be his one true masterpiece.
Grant Pierce (Christian McKay) arrives from London into Madrid, Spain, hoping to be given the chance to meet his favourite painter, American Freddie Lynch (Ben Cura), who is currently staying at a private hotel in an unassuming location outside the city. As Grant steps into the main building of "El Madroño", he finds Lynch a crippled man whom, he soon reveals, has been unable to actually paint for the better part of a year.
As the two men get to know each other under the watchful eye of one of the owners of the hotel, Michael Redmane (Tom Bateman), they start to piece together the disturbing picture of Freddie's marriage to beautiful writer Chloe Fleury (Andrea Deck) which harbours secrets that will reveal much more than Freddie's recent creative emaciation and his obsession with Chloe's ex-husbandAt times disturbingly funny and cruelly bleak, "Creditors" deals with some of the most private aspects of human relationships."
AK EXP Small  8pm 

I haven't seen this yet, so no guarantees, but it looks like one of the more ambitious films in the festival.

Here's the grid for today.  It's stretched out because it starts at 2:30pm.

This is a screen shot. Click here for the original with working  links.

Orphans and Kingdoms* is a New Zealand feature that's in competition.  AK EXP Large  9pm

CODE is a documentary about gender issues in the tech industry.  AK Exp Small 5pm

Janey Makes a Play is about a 90 something woman who writes and directs her own play.  AK Exp Large 5:00pm

And Brainwashing of My Dad  is about how Fox News has taken over the filmmakers' Dad's brain.  It says on the SCHED:
"Special “work-in-progress” screening. This is a rare opportunity to see an early edit of the film and provide valuable feedback to the director, Jen Senko."
AK Exp Large 7pm    I'm guessing liberals will have trouble with this because it's so depressingly true and conservatives will have trouble because it's so disturbingly false.