Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter coming to Business of Clean Energy in Alaska 2011 Conference - April 28-29

I went to the first Business of Clean Energy Conference in 2009 as a blogger but last year I was out of town.  Now I'm getting emails announcing the conference will be April 28-29 this year.  Governor Ritter heads an impressive list of Outside speakers coming, including Jes B. Christensen, Managing Director, Danish Board of District Heating. It's worth clicking the link.

Here are some pictures and a video I found from 2009 that apparently never got up.  The Conference is sponsored by REAP - Renewable Energy Alaska Project.

I really thought I'd posted this video at the time of the conference, but I can only find a draft of the video with Caitlin Higgins (the Executive Director of the Alaska Conservation Alliance.) It was also about the time my son was hit by a car so maybe I was a bit distracted. So here it is now.

There were a number of organizations sharing their messages in the lobby.

There's a quote up on their registration page:

'I think really the focus on energy (in Alaska) started with the discussion that took place at this conference,'

Gene Therriault, former energy policy advisor for Alaska.

Think about it. Therriault was energy policy adviser for Alaska and he thinks the focus on energy (in Alaska) began at the Business of Clean Energy Conference! Let's assume he was talking about Clean Energy and not oil which has been a hot topic in Alaska for 40 years. The first Business of Clean Energy Conference was in 2009. So I'm guessing what this means is, the first time he was aware of clean energy was two years ago. I guess for some Republicans, you have to attach the word Business to a topic before they can get comfortable with it. I can see why the conference would want to be associated with starting the discussion on a topic, but I'm not sure why they want to imply that clean energy wasn't on the agenda in Alaska until 2009. But, perhaps, for the business crowd it wasn't.

As I recall, the hook for the business crowd was that clean energy also meant saving money, and this year with $4 a gallon gas back in town, I would imagine it might be of interest to more businesses.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tomás' Book Now in Online Edition

Last summer I met Spanish blogger, architect, artist, and amazing children's book author,  Tomás Serrano.  We connected after he left a comment on a post on Exit Glacier.  We spent a morning with him and his family before they headed to Chicago and back to Spain.  And he left a copy of Salfón el limpiador de tejados. 

Now, his most recent blog post at Waldo Walkiria World - under Blogs of Friends or Acqauintences on the right - announces that Salfón can be read online.

It's at a website called Magic Blox - Your Kid's Digital Book Library. The site has that bursting plastic blocks exclamation point and stars look, and you can only read a few pages without buying a library card. But each of his pages is a work of art worth looking at. And, if you have kids, the library card sounds pretty reasonable - much less than buying just one of the books.

The book is in Spanish, but the illustrations are in human.

By the way, Tomás hinted that one of his cartoons has won a major prize, but he doesn't know for sure until the winners are announced in April.  I'll let you know, or you can go directly to his blog.   Maybe we can get him back to Alaska - his family seemed to be having a great time last summer and realizing how little they got to see.

Fairbanks, Your Turn - Redistricting Board Noon - 7pm Today

Waiting for the Public in Juneau Friday
The Redistricting Board (See Alaska Redistricting Tab above for more information) takes public testimony at a hearing in Fairbanks.  As I type, the meeting has already begun. 

Fairbanks City Hall, 2nd Floor

Why should you go?  Because they are redrawing the lines for the State House and Senate districts, based on the new Census data that just came out.  The ideal size for a district is


(State's new population divided by 40 House Districts)

In the chart below I've listed the Fairbanks area districts - starting with the ones most over 17,755 to those most below.  I've also added two districts that run nearby Fairbanks and which need more people.

District 2010 Total Pop 2010 # Deviation 2010 % DeviationCurrent Rep Party Location
11 21,692    +3,937 +22.17% ⬆⬆ Tammie Wilson R Fairbanks
7 20,982 +3,227 +18.18% ⬆ Bob Miller D Fairbanks
8 19,960 +2,205 +12.42% ⬆ David Guttenberg D Fairbanks
10 16,548 -1,207     -6.80%⬇ Steve Thompson R Fairbanks
9 16,149 -1,606 -9.05% ⬇ Scott Kawasaki D Fairbanks

12 14,811 -2,944  -16.58% ⬇ Eric Feige R Chickaloon
6 14,285 -3,520  -19.83%⬇ ⬇ Alan Dick R Stoney River

All the districts listed are either too big or too small to remain as they are.  The most allowable deviance from the largest to the smallest district in the state is 10% (-5% - +5%).  But that is the maximum and they would like most districts - especially urban districts - to be within 2% of the magic 17,755.

So there will be changes.  Where will they draw the lines?  That's why you need to go to the meeting.  To let them know what makes sense to have "socio-economic integration" (one of their mandated criteria.)  You can see all their criteria here. 

The hearings have already started.  But they last until 7 pm and if it is like the Anchorage meeting, there will be a few people showing up to testify on and off throughout the period.  So the board will be there with time on their hands.  And you can talk to individual board members during the breaks.  They'll have maps of the Fairbanks districts and you can show them what makes sense and what doesn't. 

I know, you are probably saying you know nothing about this so how can you testify?  Well, there will probably be a lot of down time - if Anchorage is any guide - and so you can talk to the board members and let them show you the maps and informally talk about your districts.

You can ask them questions like:
  • Where will you get extra 1,600 people needed to make Rep. Kawasaki's district ok?
  • Who will you take out of Tammie Wilson's district to make it work?
  • Ask them what their parameters are?
  • Ask them how the Federal Voting Rights Act will apply to redrawing the lines in Districts 6 and 12.
  • Engage them in conversation about all their criteria for drawing the lines and how they impact the Fairbanks area districts.
  • Tell them what communities are most like yours and which ones are not ("socio-economic integration" is one of the criteria)
  • Ask them to show you how to figure out the numbers in the areas around you so you can help come up with a plan that best fits not only Fairbanks and North Pole, but also works for the neighboring districts.

Jim Holm and 3 other members during Anchorage break
Fairbanks folks have former Representative Jim Holm as their representative on the board.  Does he hold any resentment for Kawasaki for beating him in 2006?  Will he try to make that district friendlier to Republicans next time?  I'm just throwing out questions here.  I have no idea.  That would be against the rules for redistricting.  But how can you prove motivation?  So, you need to go and let the board know what makes sense from your perspective.

Here's the email announcement (you can sign up to get on their email list on their homepage - lower right):

March 27, 2011

Fairbanks Public Hearing Advisory

Anchorage, AK - The Alaska Redistricting Board will conduct a public hearing on Monday, March 28 at the Fairbanks City Hall Chambers in Fairbanks, AK.

Date: Monday, March 28, 2011
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Fairbanks City Hall, 800 Cushman Street, 2nd Floor, Fairbanks, AK 99701

As indicated in the amended public hearing notice published on March 21, 2011, the Alaska Redistricting Board may conduct a brief Board meeting at the beginning of any pre-plan public hearing to discuss administrative matters.

Such a Board meeting will take place at 12:00 p.m. prior to the start of Monday's public hearing. The purpose of the Board meeting is to consider adoption of a schedule for public hearings to be held after the Board releases proposed Redistricting plan(s).

If you plan to attend and are in need of assistance, please contact Board staff by telephone at (907) 269-7402 or email at info@akredistricting.org.

The Alaska Redistricting Board is responsible for redrawing Alaska's legislative election districts every ten years after the federal Census. For more information about the redistricting process in Alaska, please visit http://www.akredistricting.org.



Alaska Redistricting Board
411 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 302
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-7499
Email: info@akredistricting.org

I've got a guide to the process and my other posts on this in the tab above or just link here.

Damn You Regulators, Leave Our Popcorn Alone

A March 23, 2011  LA Times article says that the FDA is planning to require theaters to disclose the nutritional value of their snacks, including popcorn.  And the theater owners aren't happy.

Some highlights of the article:

Lots of Calories
A 2009 survey based on laboratory tests commissioned by the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington found that a large popcorn serving contained as much as 1,460 calories — which is the equivalent of eating nearly three McDonald's Big Macs.
The center's survey of the nation's three biggest chains found that a large popcorn at Regal packed 60 grams of saturated fat and 1,200 calories (260 calories more with butter topping), and the equivalent size at AMC theaters had 1,030 calories and 57 grams of saturated fat. A large popcorn at Cinemark, which uses canola oil, had 910 calories and 4 grams of fat.

Lots of Profits
As David Ownby, the chief financial officer of Regal Entertainment Group, the nation's largest theater circuit, recently said at an investor presentation, "We sell a bucket of popcorn for about $6. Our cost in that $6 bucket of popcorn is about 15 cents or 20 cents. So if that cost doubles, it doesn't really hurt me that much."

Lots of Denial
They argue that the proposed rules are an unwarranted intrusion into their business because people visit theaters to consume movies, not food.

"We're not restaurants where people go to eat and satisfy themselves," Gary Klein, the theater trade group's general counsel, said. "It's dinner and a movie, not dinner at a movie."
Except that:
Theater operators . . . generate up to one-third of their revenue from selling popcorn, sodas and other snacks.

According to the article such disclosures are already required in California and New York City.
But theater executives contend that such disclosures should be voluntary and that they're only selling customers what they want.

"The average person goes to the theater four times a year," Klein said. "I don't think they care."

Corporations have incentives to resist giving out information that would allow people to make better choices if that might impact their bottom line.  Same as the oil companies aren't promising anyone in Alaska that the $2 billion tax reductions will lead to more investment in Alaska.  Trust us, we're here to take your money.  And we don't care what happens to you.

UPDATE April 2, 2011:  The New York Times reports that proposed rules exempt theaters from disclosure:

The federal government on Friday released proposed rules requiring chain restaurants and other businesses that serve food to post calorie counts on menus and menu boards. But after objections from theater chains, the rules give a pass to those box-office snacks — even though a large popcorn and soda can contain as many calories as a typical person needs in a day.
The new disclosure rules also exempt alcoholic beverages served in restaurants, including beer, wine and high-calorie mixed drinks like margaritas and daiquiris.
The Food and Drug Administration said it would accept consumer and industry feedback on the rules before finishing them, hopefully by the end of this year. They are expected to go into effect some time next year, said Michael R. Taylor, deputy commissioner for foods at the F.D.A.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gamifying: My "Crazy" Ideas Get Some Support

This morning's 'gamifying' piece on NPR's Weekend Edition looks at using speeding radar not just to penalize speeders:

. . . imagine that same camera also snaps a photo of your car when you are driving at or under the speed limit. For your safe driving, you are entered into a lottery to win a portion of the money from fines paid by speeders.
That idea was tested in Sweden with great success. It's an example of "gamification," considered the next wave of social engagement and Internet technology.
This was something I learned teaching sixth grade.  Kids want attention.  If they don't know how to get positive attention, they'll settle for negative attention.  So if you focus on the kids who are behaving well, that's the attention that others will mimic.  (Even for those who are problematic, you can focus on them in those times when they aren't acting out.)   And those same principles work here.  We do what we are rewarded for.

So, for a long time I've thought we should use techniques similar to the speeding lottery to encourage other behaviors we want people to do.  Here are two examples:

1.    Income Tax Lottery:  Your lottery ticket is your income tax form.  There need to be lots of winners here - maybe one big win nationally, one smaller win per state, and lots of
little wins.  There might even be fewer and less lucrative prizes for people who file late.  I'm sure this would increase the number of filers, and the cost of the prizes would be less than the increase in tax revenues.

2.  Voting Lottery:  Your voting stub is your lottery ticket.  Now, I must admit, I'm not completely sure about encouraging people to vote with a cash incentive.  Maybe there are people who know so little about the candidates that they shouldn't vote.  But my gut feeling is that lots of people have so little faith in elections that, while they're informed, they just don't vote.  But it's clear that these people, if they voted, could transform the US.

The other word they used to describe this is 'gamification.'  Here's a post from the gamification blog that talks about using games to make citizen participation more interesting.  When I was a graduate student, we had these huge role playing games that took all day and mimicked city government.  These were done without computers so they were kind of cumbersome.  But people were often given roles opposite to the ones they actually play.  Officials  played business owners and vice versa.  People had to create budgets and city priorities.  It's my understanding that things like SimCity evolved from these kinds of games.

Government is one of the most exciting games around and if it got the same sort of attention that sports gets, and people understood who all the players were and the rules, then people would get much more involved.  The challenge of getting people to see their common interests, learn to work with and eventually trust others, is what civilization and the most noble aspects of humanity are all about. 

We just need a little imagination and the ability to be playful with ideas we take for granted.

Why Does Sea-Water Not Provide Trees With Nourishment?

That question was posed and speculated on by Plutarch 1900 years ago.

Double click to see it larger and clearer
This is one of 15 volumes called Moralia by Plutarch.  He covers a wide range of topics.  The one above I simply picked at random.  But checking in Wikipedia, I see there are a lot of other interesting topics:

Volume II.
  • 6. How to Profit by One's Enemies (Πῶς ἂν τις ὑπ᾿ ἐχθρῶν ὠφελοῖτο - De capienda ex inimicis utilitate)
  • 7. On Having Many Friends (Περὶ πολυφιλίας - De amicorum multitudine)
  • 8. On Chance (Περὶ τύχης - De fortuna)
  • 9. On Virtue and Vice (Περὶ ἀρετῆς καὶ κακίας - De virtute et vitio)
  • 10. Letter of Condolence to Apollonius (Παραμυθητικὸς πρὸς Ἀπολλώνιον - Consolatio ad Apollonium)
  • 11. Advice about Keeping Well (Ὑγιεινὰ παραγγέλματα - De tuenda sanitate praecepta)
  • 12. Advice to Bride and Groom (Γαμικὰ παραγγέλματα - Coniugalia praecepta)
  • 13. Dinner of the Seven Wise Men (Ἑπτά σοφῶν συμπόσιον - Septem sapientium convivium)
  • 14. On Superstition (Περὶ δεισιδαιμονίας - De superstitione)

Volume XII
  • 63. On the Face Which Appears in the Orb of the Moon (Περὶ τοῦ ἐμφαινομένου προσώπου τῷ κύκλῳ τῆς σελήνης - De facie in orbe lunae)
  • 64. On the Principle of Cold (Περί του πρώτως ψυχρού - De primo frigido)
  • 65. Whether Fire or Water is More Useful (Πότερον ύδωρ ή πυρ χρησιμότερον - Aquane an ignis sit utilior)
  • 66. Whether Land or Sea Animals are Cleverer (Πότερα των ζώων φρονιμώτερα, τα χερσαία ή τα ένυδρα - De sollertia animalium)
  • 67. Beasts are Rational (Περί του τα άλογα λόγω χρήσθαι - Bruta animalia ratione uti)
  • 68. On the Eating of Flesh (Περί σαρκοφαγίας - De esu carnium)

 I was at the Consortium Library at UAA yesterday and saw this shelf full of little green books. 

 Best as I could tell, they are all classic works of Greek and Roman writers.  They were given to the University Library by Duty Free Shoppers quite some time ago.

There are other titles by Plutarch.

And by many, many others. 

And anyone with a UAA or Municipal library card can check them out for free.  And even without a library card  sit in the library and read. 

There's nothing like a library to remind me of how much I don't know. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Clutter Wars - Getting Unlocked

For years I've looked at these locks in the garage.  Local stores said they couldn't help.

But it's the age of the internet and so I thought I'd send Master Lock an email with pictures of the locks including the serial numbers on the back.

But they're way ahead of me.  They have an FAQ page on lost combinations. 

Question: I've forgotten the combination to my standard dial combination lock. How do I obtain the combination for personal use?
Answer: A) My lock does not have a serial number:
     To provide enhanced long–term security, Master Lock has discontinued imprinting a serial number on the lock body on combination locks sold through retail locations. For greater convenience, we encourage consumers to store their combination at our secure website, Masterlockvault.com, which is easy to use and offers 24/7 access. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide combinations for non–serialized locks, if the user did not register with Masterlockvault.com.

B) My lock has a serial number:
     Use current instructions (see below)
Due to increased security concerns nationwide, Master Lock recognizes the heightened need for additional safety measures. We no longer provide lock combinations in response to phone, fax, or email requests. Please follow the procedure outlined below to obtain the combination to your lock and submit your request to:

Master Lock Warehouse
1600 W. La Quinta Rd
Suite/WHSE # 1
Nogales, AZ 85621
  • Print out the Lost Combination Form from a printer friendly page, or download the PDF file.
  • Have your Lost Combination Form notarized by a Notary Public to prove that you are the owner of the lock (you can include up to 6 combinations on one notarized form).
    • Note: Inmates at a correctional facility - in addition to the lost combination form, you must submit your request on official prison letterhead. In lieu of notarization, the form must be signed by a prison official.
  • Photocopy the serial number on the back case of your combination lock. This copy MUST clearly show that the lock is not attached to anything. Be sure to hand write the serial number on the photocopy.
  • Mail the original completed, notarized Lost Combination Form and the photocopy of the back of your lock to the address above.
Note: It will take approximately 4 to 6 weeks to process your request for a combination.

Note: If the form is not fully completed and notarized with a raised seal or rubber stamped seal, or if the serial number is not legible on the photocopy, your request will not be honored. Master Lock does not reimburse for any Notary fees.

Store your combination at www.masterlockvault.com - a FREE service from Master Lock! The Master Lock Vault provides a safe & convenient place to store all of your confidential data for quick & easy access from your PC, iPhone, or any other mobile devices!

It's different if you live overseas, and if the lock is attached to something, they won't help out.  

I'm sure we have more than two of these, but I'll start with these two.

[UPDATE:  By May 1 I'd found four more locks and sent the info into Master Lock.  Eventually I got the combinations to them, lost them, then emailed them and got them again.]  

Joelle Hall Responds to Earlier Randy Ruedrich Comments

Despite the fact that relatively few people came to the public hearing last Tuesday in Anchorage, I was still pretty busy covering those who did and Board Members and the staff.  So there are still a couple of bits I have left over.

Randy Ruedrich, head of the Alaska Republican Party,  testified that the 2001 redistricting plan made with a Democratic majority had lots of flaws.  He said, for instance, that 20 incumbents had been paired in the redrawn districts and all were Republicans, no Democrats.  He also said that since Statehood when there was a Democratic majority, things had gradually changed and now there were 56,000 more Republicans than Democrats so the legislature should be tipped in favor of Republicans.

After AFL-CIO political director Joelle Hall  testified, I asked her if she had a response to Ruedrich's comments.  She did and it's on the video below. 

I also ran into former Speaker of the House John Harris. He told me he's now a Municipal lobbyist and looking to be a state lobbyist in the future. He also talked about the need to give relief to municipalities who are required by state law to give seniors a waiver on their property taxes.

  When this was first passed, the State reimbursed municipalities for the lost income, but later stopped that. Either the State has to start reimbursing municipalities or they have to make it optional he said. I suggested another alternative. Since the point of the waiver is to prevent seniors on a fixed income from losing their homes because of rising property values and thus property taxes, seniors who have problems paying the tax should be able to defer the tax so they can keep the house. When they die, what they owed would be taken from their estate.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ketchikan's Turn - and then Fairbanks Monday

OK, anyone in Ketchikan read this blog?  I'm not sure.

The Alaska Redistricting Board will be in Ketchikan SATURDAY.    Your district is one that's under the magic number of 17,755.  So the board is going to have to find about 3,422 people to merge into your district. Where will the come from?
District 1 - Ketchikan seat held by Rep. Kyle Johansen is 19% below the ideal at 14,333.
But they also have to consider how that will affect District 2 which is also low.
District 2 - Wrangell seat held by Rep. Peggy Wilson is below by 17% at 14,651.
So it would be hard to take people from that district unless . . . well you better come up with some scenarios of what to do.  That's why going to this meeting is important for you.  Even if you have no idea what this is about, this meeting will get you started.  It's seven hours but you can be there for as long or as short as you want.  Check out their maps. 

Then there is District 5 which surrounds 1, 2, and the two Juneau districts 3 and 4.  And it's the lowest of all and could face total annihilation. 

District 5 - Southeast District that includes Haines and wanders south to the Canadian border, surrounding Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4, currently held by Rep. Bill Thomas Jr., has the lowest population - 13,846 - 22% below the ideal size of 17,755.

There are criteria they have to use.  You can see the criteria here. 

Strategies for this Public Hearing

At Anchorage and from what I saw online in Juneau, not a lot of people showed up. They had lots of dead time where they were waiting around. So, I'd suggest this is a great time to talk to them at length. When you go to testify, stay at the mic and ask them questions.
  • Ask them what their parameters are?
  • Ask them how the Federal Voting Rights Act will apply to redrawing the lines in Southeast.
  • Engage them in conversation about all their criteria for drawing the lines and how they impact District 1.
  • Tell them what communities are most like yours and which ones are not ("socio-economic integration" is one of the criteria)
  • Ask them to show you how to figure out the numbers in the areas around you so you can help come up with a plan that best fits not only Ketchikan, but also works for the neighboring districts.
In Anchorage and Juneau people spoke and when they were done, the Board just sat around and waited for more people to come.

They're going to be there from noon to 7pm.

Use your testifying time to ask them questions and get them to talk.  I think they may be reluctant to do that, so you may have to ask them specific questions.  Like, "Is there a possibility you would merge us with part of Juneau?  Or Sitka?  Or Prince Rupert?  (I'm joking, but you can test them and see if they know it's in British Columbia.)

And even if they resist engaging as a Board (they may feel it violates the Public Meeting Law for them to discuss redistricting as a group since the public notice says it's for taking testimony and possibly an administrative meeting before the testimony), you should try.  And you certainly can engage them one-on-one and look at the maps with them when no one's testifying.  You might even want to bring them some cookies or smoked salmon.  

Also, there is one board member from Southeast - PeggyAnn McConnochie from Juneau.  She says she's been learning the computer software and is eager to use it.  And she said she wants to  come to all the Post-Plan meetings in Southeast.  (Right now is the Pre-Plan period - when they have 30 days from receiving the Census data until they have to produce a draft plan on April 14.  Then there will be 60 post-plan days and they will have a lot more public hearings then - but only two Board members (or one and the attorney) will come to those.  There's a list of all the places at the bottom of this linked page, but I don't think there are dates yet.)

You can see a brief video interview I did with Ms. McConnochie so you get a preview of what she's like. 

Take advantage of these folks being there for seven hours just to hear from you.  They won't all be there for the Post-Plan public hearing.

Here's the email announcement they sent out today (you can get on their email list at the bottom right of their website homepage.)

Ketchikan Public Hearing Advisory 
Anchorage, AK - The Alaska Redistricting Board will conduct a public hearing on Saturday, March 26 at the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Chambers in Ketchikan, AK.

Date:  Saturday, March 26, 2011
Time:  12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 
Location:  Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Chambers
                  1900 First Avenue Ketchikan, AK   

If you plan to attend and are in need of assistance, please contact Board staff by telephone at (907) 269-7402 or email at info@akredistricting.org.

The Alaska Redistricting Board is responsible for redrawing Alaska's legislative election districts every ten years after the federal Census.  For more information about the redistricting process in Alaska, please visit http://www.akredistricting.org.


Alaska Redistricting Board
411 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 302
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-7499  

Just above the title of this post (and under the orange header) there is a tab labeled Alaska Redistricting Board.  It has a guide to all the posts I've done on the board.  You can also get to it here.

Redistricting Board On Line Now from Juneau

As I write this, Rep. Paul Seaton of Homer is testifying before the board.

You can watch here.

UPDATE 5:30 - they're in recess.  If Tuesday's Anchorage meeting is any indication, that would mean there aren't any people there to testify, but since they are scheduled to be there until 7pm.  So, they'll stay in recess until there are a couple more people to testify.  So, if  you are nearby, you could go into Capitol 106.

UPDATE 5:49 - Phil Smith is testifying now, but there's only audio.

UPDATE 6:05 - I was wrong.  They are still on video, but the little window got hidden behind a bunch of others open on my screen so I didn't see it.  It seems a shame that with all this time they have together - waiting until someone else comes to testify - that they can't actually do some work.  But they can't meet unless they have an official meeting which has prior public notice.  So they are all there, but can't talk about redistricting.   They need to figure out how to do a public notice to cover times like this between testimony when they are on live statewide teleconference and internet so they can use this time productively.

UPDATE March28, 2011:   Chris Eshleman of the Fairbanks News Miner reported on this meeting:

Sen. Al Kookesh, D-Angoon, oversees a huge district covering almost half the state and including more than 200 communities.

Federal and state voting laws protect minority representation but Kookesh challenged the board Friday in Juneau to “think outside the box” as it looks to protect Native groups’ interests in the Legislature.

“You can’t have, in the state of Alaska, all of the voices coming from one ethnic group,” he said.

Kathy Dietrich, a Fairbanks resident visiting Juneau, followed Kookesh by telling the panel the state’s “democracy works when we have balance and we have diversity” in public policy debate.