"III. FINDINGS........................................................................................................ 10
A. OVERVIEW OF FINDINGS ......................................................................................... 10
APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ......................................................................... 13
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
Campaign Finance Violations............................................................................ 13 Willful and Knowing Financial Disclosure Violations ...................................... 37 Lack of Diligence and Candor During the ISC Investigation............................ 48
OTHER ALLEGATIONS REVIEWED BY THE SUBCOMMITTEE..................................... 51
Sexual Misconduct Allegation ............................................................................ 51 Conflict of Interest Violations ............................................................................ 52 Additional Allegations Charged by the Department of Justice.......................... 54"
You can read the complete report here.
One could argue that the release of this report on Santos, and his subsequent announcement that he will not be running for reelection, shows that there is accountability.
The problem is that we have known of evidence of widespread wrongdoing by Santos since shortly after he was elected. Nevertheless, he's been allowed to serve as a Member of Congress, influencing US public policy through his committee work, public announcements, and votes all this time. And unless the House votes to expel him, he'll continue doing that until his successor is sworn in.
In most any other job, if employees are found to have lied on their applications or resumes, have been found to have violated organizational rules, or state or federal laws, they can be fired immediately. At the very least they can be put on suspension and not allowed to continue using their position for personal gain or to otherwise work against the interests of the organization. It's trickier to remove an elected official because one can argue 'they were elected by the people in their district." But we still have procedures to do it. Republicans just won't do it for one of their own.
Accountability Too Slow
Santos shouldn't have lasted this long. Trump is using all the courts' protections for the innocent to delay his trials as long as possible. Just the other day Judge Cannon is allowing delays that mean the classified documents case won't be decided before the 2024 election. This clearly should be an expedited trial. The consequences of stealing secret documents, showing them to unauthorized eyes, and probably selling them to enemy nations should be high priority and fast tracked.
Supreme Court justices continue to rule on cases that have horrendous consequences for democracy. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has outlined four types of cases on which the conservative Justices consistently vote together to help large corporation get their way: [The link includes his time at the Amy Coney Barrett hearings. This court background discussion begins around minute 21 on the video.]
- unlimited dark money;
- knock down the civil jury trial down;
- weaken regulatory agencies
- voter suppression and gerrymandering on that weaken government powers to regulate, voting rights, women's rights, etc. even though it's now clear that there is no accountability for clearly corrupt judges, and we're moving very slowly if at all to correcting that.
In other presentations I've heard him include anti-labor cases. The point is that these are all decisions that significantly weaken opposition to large corporations. And there are further conflicts of interest due to Justices owning stock that is affected by their rulings on cases before them.
Corrupted Officials
Republicans in the US Senate refused to impeach Trump despite overwhelming evidence of wrong doing. They've allowed January 6 co-conspirators to remain in Congress.
- the lust for power and fear of losing it - Republicans are afraid to buck the party because they fear loss of GOP funds and the Republican voters in the next primary. They won't hold their colleagues accountable because they fear losing their majority in the House. They support a Supreme Court that looks the other way in the face of gerrymandering that keeps many Republicans in power.
- the lust for the prestige of being in Congress - Maybe they don't care that much for power, but rather they enjoy the prestige and privileges that come with being a Member of Congress. The same issues arise as for the lust for power.
- the lust for money for campaigns and personal benefit - Money for campaigns is intertwined with lust for power and prestige. But Members of Congress also get hefty salaries, travel, health insurance, and retirements. Additionally there are other opportunities to get richer than they already are. Staying loyal to their corrupt party seems to be the safest way to hold onto these benefits.
- mental slowness - I first labeled this 'utter stupidity' but that seemed too simplified.
- short term thinking - as Republicans reveled in the ending of Roe, they didn't see the backlash that was coming. And while they feel the need to cater to rabid Trump cultists to win the primary, they fail to see how their actions (and inactions) mean greater risks of losing in the general elections. And even if they are in a highly gerrymandered district and will win, they are likely to lose the majority in the House.
- sheltered thinking - their beliefs and prejudices are reinforced by the people they spend their time with. They see people who don't agree with them as caricatures of evil rather than as rational human beings with different, but reasonable world views
- lack of empathy for others - whether they are sociopaths or have other afflictions that allow them no sense of understanding of other people's issues and problems
- inability to break from outdated (if ever even accurate) explanations of how the world works - things like individual responsibility even in a society that favors some over the many; religious and racial stereotypes; belief in the correlation between work and worthiness even as automation makes much work unnecessary and wealthy people need not work at all; belief that money and power will solve all their problems;
- lack of analytic abilities - they can't understand the complexities of modern life and are stuck on simplistic and black and white explanations
Additionally, Republicans in the Senate allow Senator Tuberman to block appointments of military officers and others to delay the appointment of judges and high government officials. For various reasons -
Blocking military appointments only hurts our military readiness and can only help our military adversaries. Blocking judicial and senior civil service positions, some argue, fits in with the Project 2025 [see below] blueprint, by keeping these positions vacant making it easier for Trump, in a second presidency, to fill them with his loyalists.
The Republicans in Congress allow (and in many cases support) all the dragging out of these delays. They refuse to work with Democrats to speed up the accountability of the egregiously guilty.
In the past, the idea of Democracy was never at stake. Notice I said 'idea of Democracy.' For non-whites and non-Christians democracy in the US has been spotty to non-existent. Voting rights didn't exist for Blacks in the South and their courts were made up of all white juries. US citizens of Japanese descent were locked into camps during WW II and their property taken over by whites. Immigrants have always been vilified. Native Americans were displaced and massacred.
But for white politicians, the idea of Democracy was pretty sacred. The US was touted as the bastion of democracy in a world of dictators.
Today, that's not the case. To say that the election is about Democracy vs. Authoritarianism (whether that be Fascist, White Christian, or whatever democratic antonym is probably not that crucial) simply is NOT an exaggeration.
You think people like me are alarmist? Even long time Right Wing Anchorage Times and then Anchorage Daily News columnist Paul Jenkins says democracy is at stake.
"Trump is a danger to US democracy. How can so many good people still support him?"
Just take a look at Project 2025. (The link is to Wikipedia which is written in a calm, pseudo-objective tone. If democracy and fascism are both equally moral and viable option, that might be ok. But they aren't. If you don't read it carefully, you might not see the real danger. Sentences like:
"Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the Department of Justice, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission and other agencies.[4]"
For people who don't have a deep understanding of how our government works, that sentence might not be alarming. But trust me, it is the path to an all powerful president.
Even NPR's (Here and Now) interview with a key author of Project 2025, while pushing back some, doesn't really give the sense of how this is a full blown attempt to overthrow Democracy. While they talk about getting rid of 50,000 civil servants by making them 'at will' employees (who can be fired for no reason), they don't mention the long struggle to set up a merit system which hires people based on qualifications for the job rather than political allegiance and which protects civil servants against political firing by requiring their dismissal be based on just cause (such as not doing their job as required by law.) Despite GOP rhetoric, staffing the government with educated and dedicated civil servants is a good thing if you want a government that runs well and provides the public the services they want and need. But not if you want to use government to carry out your personal vendettas.
Project 2025 is a Heritage Foundation plan to give the next Republican president the power to obliterate the obstacles that would keep a Trump from controlling the US government as he sees fit. It eliminates safeguards, it puts Trump's sycophants into power - the kind of people who told him the 2020 election was rigged and that he actually won. It's a blueprint for taking down Democracy and setting up an authoritarian government. It's written by the type of people spent 40 years plotting to pack the Supreme Court with Right wing extremists who ignored precedent to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Prior to the Trump presidency, we had lots of lines that politician's didn't cross. They respected the many unwritten rules because, for most, they had a sense of decency and propriety. For other because violating them would lead to censure or expelling. But Trump and his supporters see those lines as challenges. How many can they mow right over?
Trump violated every such rule that got in his way. To the point that overthrowing Democracy and replacing the Constitution with the Bible seem to be reasonable to large numbers of people - including the current Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
We've got January 6 enablers still serving in the Congress. This would not have been accepted before Trump.
The Heritage Foundation is behind Project 2025 - aligned surely with the Federalist Society that planned the takeover of the Supreme Court for forty years. This is not just a band of crazies ready to attack at Trump's command. Those crazies are are more sophisticated and more than willing to use Trump's cult as their attack dogs.
The Supreme Court, restructured by Federalist Society judges that Trump dutifully appointed, has overturned long standing precedents - like Roe v Wade - even though each of the Trump nominees swore that such long standing precedents would be respected.
- Political Violence Is One Of Those Lines
Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked in her house in San Francisco by a Right Wing conspiracy consuming fanatic and the prospect of more political violence aimed at elected officials, judges, and election officials is on the rise.
From AP via Anchorage Daily News Nov 19, 2023 |
The Trump types are using the slow and deliberate court processes to subvert justice. We've never had an ex-president under multiple indictments who was also running for president again. There's an urgency to these cases because they are running up against the election deadline. The Trump team ignores the basic standards and pushes everything way past normal standards of conduct. Because an ex-president is on trial and because the court's aren't used to this kind of a full court press, they continue to use constraint and deference as if we were in normal times. We aren't. I'm not asking judges to go around the law. I'm asking them to stand up to the bully defendants and not tolerate the flouting of their orders.
If we don't take every action necessary to prevent Trump or any Republican from winning the 2024 election, Democracy as we know it is doomed.
Senate and House Obstacles
The US Senate is, in essence, gerrymandered by the Constitutional requirement that every state has two US Senators. That wasn't a big deal in 1800 when state populations were comparatively (by today's standards) even. But today state's like Alaska and Wyoming have fewer than one million people and get two Senators just like California with 39 million people. And the smaller, more rural states tend to be redder.
"With the even split in the current Senate, the 50 Democratic senators represent 56.5% of the voters, while the 50 Republican senators represent just 43.5% of the voters. In 2018, the Democrats won nearly 18 million more votes for Senate than the Republicans, but the Republicans still gained two seats." (From the Brookings Institute)
In the House, the slim Republican majority is almost certainly the result of Republican gerrymandering of districts so that Democrats were either pushed into one or two districts or scattered into Republican majority districts.
The US Supreme Court Leans Way Right
It used to be that Republican Supreme Court Justices used the Constitution as their guide for making decisions. Today's Federalist Society judges use a pro-business ideology to find ways to twist the Constitution to favor the rich over the poor. Individual rights - like abortion rights, voting rights - suffer. How the Supreme Court will rule if the 2024 election is challenged by Trump does not give me hope.
Another Insurrection, but larger
Trump persuaded lots of people to come to the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop the Congress from ratifying the election. Many of them have been convicted of various crimes. How many others are out there who are ready to make armed protests should Trump lose again?
People support Trump for various reasons. The US economy has shifted and good working class jobs no longer pay as well or are lifetime guarantees. The array of GOP tax cuts for the rich over the years has created a an unbalanced division of wealth, with the top 10% controlling nearly 70% of US wealth!
People's lives and prospects are not as good as they were.
With greater legal protections for women and people of color, there are more people competing for jobs. Before the 1960s, white males were the only people competing for the better jobs. The Republicans have convinced many of those white males, that the decline is because women and non-whites are taking over. That's what the extreme abortion laws are about and the diatribes against immigration. Arrows aimed straight at the emotional parts of the Trump cult members.
Part of me takes hope from the elections, particularly those related for abortion, since the 2022 election. The vast majority of voters do not support Trump. It's possible the Trump team and the wealthy conservatives they are proxy for to simply collapse. I hope that happens. But I also don't want to be in shock the way we were after Clinton lost in 2016. We need to be in shock now. If we work harder than necessary to win, that's better than not trying hard enough and losing.
NPR reported that 80 million people DID NOT VOTE in 2020. That's a lot of votes. Convincing 10 million of them that Trump means the end of Democracy, would save Democracy, for now.
But with all the lies and conspiracy theories, with mainstream media acting like the GOP is a normal party to be treated with respect, and with the many calls for violence, I'm convinced that the Trump campaign will do everything it can to obstruct voters, to subvert the election, and to repeat Jan 6 type insurrections, but with more discipline, if they lose again. Trump's biggest incentive right now would appear to get back the power to pardon, starting with pardoning himself.
So the votes have to be so strongly for the Democrat that there is no question about who won. And that will take a lot of grassroots organizing to get non-voters educated and voting.