It seemed we drove another mile in the parking garage in Santa Monica. This view is from the the almost top level where we parked. But the first two hours are free. This was yesterday. From there to the Apple Store, then some Israeli food, and off to the Santa Monica pier.

We parked a bit away where we could find a reasonably priced parking meter and could spend some tme on the beach walking to the pier. The weather was still feeling hot to our Alaska blood and plenty of people were there for an October Thursday afternoon.

Here's J getting her feet wet - her best birthday present.
(Today she got to go in all the way, but that'll have to wait.

Here's the pier from the beach. We found a stair going up to the pier.

Pier parking turned out to be fairly cheap. But you had to give them the $6
when you parked and if you were under the max, they refunded the extra.

Trapeze school anyone?

This is Orlando.

These two are looking south.

I'm back in the Apple store after seeing the eye doctor. But my appointment for 6pm was lost. Fortunately David who made the appointment was here and verified it and I'm now on standby.
Looks like you're having a good time! I'm interested to hear what the Geniuses have to say about your issue.