Then we wandered around the trails. The park is just across the drawbridge south of the UW campus. There's a lock nearby where boats come in from Puget Sound. There are meandering bodies of water, full of water lilies an kayakers and canoes.
The 270 freeway goes right through the park. This is under the freeway just before the tunnel under it. I went kayaking here New Years day, 2007 I think, with M's boyfriend. It was strange kayaking under a freeway.
Here's a leaf hanging by a thread - a spider web thread I think. Then we got out by the lake and sat on the grass and spent a few hours talking and watching the boats go by. Marty, I hope you're looking at this. Then you can point out which of these is like the one you want to buy.
We had sun more than we didn't.
I fumbled with my camera as the bald eagle flew toward us from the water and landed up in this tree. Here's another good example of the wild life amongst us that most people don't ever see. The eagle is that lump up on the left - if you follow the branch up toward the end. If I hadn't seen it land, I'm sure I wouldn't have known it was there
Then we wandered back to the car, via the Arboretum visitor center. Which was closed. But fortunately, the restrooms were still open.
Here are mother and daughter strolling through the big trees.
Steve--- Did you take classes in photography? I don't know which picture I love best! My kids like that leaf suspended in mid air! I like the negative space in the cloud picture best.