Wednesday, March 11, 2020

In Case Anyone Doesn't Appreciate What A Medical Giant Dr. Anthony Fauci Is . . .

Fauci, image from NIH
Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases testified before the House Oversight and Reform Committee today.  He said a few things that directly contradict the President

  • that the death rate from COVID-19 is ten times that of the flu.  
  • that it's going to get much worse before it gets better.  

This is the guy who oversaw the fight against AIDS.

People who are just hearing his name for the first time, might think he's just another faceless bureaucratic swamp dweller.

If so, you are wrong.  Really wrong.   This guy is about the best we could have fighting COVID-19.  Not only does he know the epidemiology, he also knows how to make the bureaucracy work.  

But since contradicting this president publicly isn't good for one's job in the government, people need to let your Senators know that you support Fauci over Trump on how to handle the virus.

If Trump retaliates against Fauci, it would be like the Vatican condemning Galileo.

Here's part of his bio listed at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:
"Dr. Fauci has advised six presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the developing world.
Dr. Fauci also is the longtime chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation. He has made many contributions to basic and clinical research on the pathogenesis and treatment of immune-mediated and infectious diseases. He helped pioneer the field of human immunoregulation by making important basic scientific observations that underpin the current understanding of the regulation of the human immune response. In addition, Dr. Fauci is widely recognized for delineating the precise ways that immunosuppressive agents modulate the human immune response. He developed effective therapies for formerly fatal inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener's granulomatosis), and lymphomatoid granulomatosis. A 1985 Stanford University Arthritis Center Survey of the American Rheumatism Association membership ranked Dr. Fauci’s work on the treatment of polyarteritis nodosa and granulomatosis with polyangiitis among the most important advances in patient management in rheumatology over the previous 20 years.
Dr. Fauci has made seminal contributions to the understanding of how HIV destroys the body's defenses leading to its susceptibility to deadly infections. Further, he has been instrumental in developing treatments that enable people with HIV to live long and active lives. He continues to devote much of his research to the immunopathogenic mechanisms of HIV infection and the scope of the body's immune responses to HIV.
In a 2019 analysis of Google Scholar citations, Dr. Fauci ranked as the 41st most highly cited researcher of all time. According to the Web of Science, he ranked 8th out of more than 2.2 million authors in the field of immunology by total citation count between 1980 and January 2019.​"
I probably should copy the whole bio just in case it doesn't stay up on this site.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Alaska COVID 19 Testing - No Positives Because So Few People Are Being Tested? [UPDATE]

Thanks Jacob for your long comment yesterday.  Let me follow up yesterday's post here.

I got an email back from the doctor's office this morning.  Here's the response about testing for COVID 19:
"As for the testing for Covid 19. The recommendations are that you stay home and care for yourself as you would with any illness (such as a cold) if you are experiencing trouble breathing and feel you are in danger I encourage you to go to the emergency department. We are not testing unless you have certain symptoms and a qualifying history which based on your first message regarding Covid 19 you do not have. I encourage you to stay home and take care of yourself as you would for any cold. Let us know if you have any other concerns."
Here's the CDC's March 4 update (I was still in Seattle then) on who should be tested:
As availability of diagnostic testing for COVID-19 increases, clinicians will be able to access laboratory tests for diagnosing COVID-19 through clinical laboratories performing tests authorized by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Clinicians will also be able to access laboratory testing through public health laboratories in their jurisdictions.
So, limiting testing is due to the lack of enough tests and that should change.
This expands testing to a wider group of symptomatic patients. Clinicians should use their judgment to determine if a patient has signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and whether the patient should be tested. Decisions on which patients receive testing should be based on the local epidemiology of COVID-19, as well as the clinical course of illness. Most patients with confirmed COVID-19 have developed fever1 and/or symptoms of acute respiratory illness (e.g., cough, difficulty breathing). Clinicians are strongly encouraged to test for other causes of respiratory illness, including infections such as influenza.
So, I've had fever and cough - but no difficulty breathing.  I'm also in the group at higher risk for severity if I get the illness.
"Epidemiologic factors that may help guide decisions on whether to test include: any persons, including healthcare workers2, who have had close contact3 with a laboratory-confirmed4 COVID-19 patient within 14 days of symptom onset, or a history of travel from affected geographic areas5 (see below) within 14 days of symptom onset.
International Areas with Sustained (Ongoing) Transmission
Last updated February 28, 2020
China (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
Iran (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
Italy (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
Japan (Level 2 Travel Health Notice)
South Korea (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)"
So, you have two routes to a test:
  1. close contact with a lab confirmed COVID-19 patient
  2. travel to one of those countries
But if no one is being tested, we don't know if someone has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 who didn't show any symptoms or hadn't traveled to one of those countries.
And are places like Seattle (which has had the most COVID-19 cases in the US) NOT on the list because they are significantly different from the countries listed?  Or because the CDC does not want to declare places in the US as problem areas?

[UPDATE 8:07pm:  My daughter emailed me an Alaska State directive which gave "travel to an affected area" like Northern Italy "or Kirkland, WA" as an example of a place where someone might have recently traveled.  It also says we need to rule out influenza, so I've sent the link to that State memo back to the doctor's office, pointing out that I have traveled from a place on the list and that BI had two cases verified today.  And asking how I can get tested for influenza.
 I don't think I'd want to be working at the clinic answering all these emails.]

I'd note that my daughter emailed me today to say there were two confirmed cases on Bainbridge Island where I was for about a month.

The Alaska Corona Virus website tells us:
"In Alaska
Updated March 10, 2020; updates made daily by 12:30pm
Confirmed cases
Current: 0
Cumulative since 1/1/2020: 0
Persons Under Investigation (PUI)*
Current: 16 (pending tests)
Cumulative since 1/1/2020: 47 (includes negative and pending tests)"
Presumably, all these people traveled to one of the target nations, since they couldn't have been exposed to someone in Alaska, because no one here has tested positive.

Despite the President's saying everyone who wants testing, can get tested, we know that's not true.  I can't get tested, for example.  I'm sure someone could do an interesting comparison between now and in the 1980s when people could be tested for HIV.  There are great differences between the two diseases.
  • HIV then was a death sentence, while for most people COVID 19 is a minor illness
  • HIV had a huge stigma because of society's discrimination against LGBTQ people
It would seem the lack of testing - which would help identify and isolate the non-symptomatic carriers - is due to the federal lack of response in getting tests set up.  It shouldn't be hard to let private companies offer test kits.  It seems the genetic testing companies already have swap kits ready to get the samples.  But without strict verification in place, we could get lots of false positives and false negatives.  In this case, false negatives wouldn't be so bad.  False positives would

The sooner everyone can get tested, the sooner the asymptomatic carriers can stay home and the spread of the virus can be slowed down.

[Let me also add that I suspect the odds of me having contracted COVID-19 are low.  And if I did, the symptoms seem manageable so far.  And I've been pretty much in isolation since we got back last Wednesday night.]

[My testing saga is updated Thursday - here.]

Monday, March 09, 2020

Some Corona Virus Questions I Can't Find Addressed

After suddenly jumping to around 100˚F Saturday afternoon, my temperature bounced around down to 98.8 and up to 100.9.  The book club was supposed to meet here tonight but I cancelled that Saturday.  Last time I checked my temp was 97.4, a little above my 'normal.'  I've emailed my doctor all this.  I'm staying at home.  I'm not going to my book club at its substitute location tonight.  Might be able to Skype in.

There have not been any positive tests in Alaska of the six or so people they tested.  But I was in the Seattle area the last month or so and concern there is high enough that several universities have switched classes to online and cancelled in-person classes.  Two weeks ago I was at a packed Elizabeth Warren rally in downtown Seattle and last weekend I took the train to Vancouver, WA for a conference.

Should I be tested?  Despite what the president says, that doesn't appear to be my decision to make.  My granddaughter has been kept home from school starting today because she was exposed to me and they don't want to expose the other kids.  They want me to test negative so they can send her back to school.

So I have the following questions:

  1. If I self quarantine, the CDC and others say I'm safe to go out after the two week period.  BUT if no one is getting tested, we don't know how many people with the virus we're exposed to after we go out.  So I'm only risk free if everyone with symptoms or exposure stays home.  Right?
    1. If someone tests positive for COVID 19, but has no symptoms or no serious illness, or even a serious bout, 
    2. will they continue to test positive after they've recovered?  (So that they could know after the fact, and possibly because it mean they were probably no longer susceptible or a danger to others.)
    3. If so, are they then immune?  The Dr. Campbell tape said few people have gotten reinfected, but he also says there are two strains - S and L.  And that it's possible to get the one strain and then the other.  But they don't really know.  
  2. After they've tested positive and been quarantined, they should be safe to others.  Maybe we could have badges that people can wear that say that.  
    1. But since we don't have enough tests only a relatively few people will be tested, so people won't know if they've:
    2. had the virus with no symptoms 
    3. had the virus with some symptoms but didn't get tested
    4. never had the virus
  3. What would happen if clusters of low risk people were intentionally exposed to the virus and quarantined until the danger of spreading it was over?  Presumably that would develop a pool of people who would pose no danger to anyone else. And this could happen on a rolling basis.  Not sure there is time for something this any more.
  4. What if we exposed higher risk people in a way that had them ready for serious medical attention during their quarantine period?  I ask this because there is talk about hospitals and health care workers being overrun.  Could this be a way to space things out a bit more?  Or would it expose people to life and death danger unnecessarily?    It just seems if we could develop enough pockets of virus free people and virus recovered people, it would be easier to slow down the spread and it would help the health care system keep open for non-COVID related health problems.  

I'm putting these questions here because I couldn't find answers online.  All this is supposition and questions.  A lot of epidemic prevention advice is aimed at individuals - wash your hands, etc.  But governments have to organize larger structural ways to prevent epidemics.  I'm sure people have thought of all this, but I just can't find the discussions.

Sunday, March 08, 2020

The Supreme Court Can't Declare COVID-19 Unconstitutional, The Senate Can't Vote It Away, And Trump Doesn't Have Sway Over Nature

Trump has several key tactics.  He is good at figuring out how to flatter or goad people.  For whatever reasons he's good at mesmerizing his followers.  He 'negotiates' for everything else.  Negotiate includes bribes and threats if people don't want to play his game.  So he's got the Senate Republicans locked into supporting him.  And he's appointed two of the Supreme Court Justices and lots and lots of other far right judges.

Policies that depend on how the Senate votes, Trump can impact.  Actions requiring court approval, he's working on.  Even if he loses at lower court levels, there's a good chance the Supreme Court will save him.

But viruses (actual virus like COVID-19) follow the laws of nature.  Scientists don't even control that.  They can study and find ways to use the laws of nature to fight the virus, but they can't turn off the virus because the president tells them to.

About three years ago today I asked if people would stay on the bus if the driver were acting like Trump  -  because that is the real test of faith and trust.  Most people don't understand the details of tax laws or trade agreements or health systems to be able to sort out what is and isn't true.  (Well if you have a pre-existing condition or you lose your job, or have an uncovered medical bill, you find out what doesn't work.)

In that post I gave a couple more examples beyond bus driver:
  • If your doctor acted like Trump
  • If your high school teacher acted like Trump
  • If your pilot acted like Trump
  • If your boss (of the job you really need) acted like Trump
  • If your priest acted like Trump

We all are more susceptible because of the Physician in Chief's ego-centric interpretation of scientific evidence.  Here is a list of responses from Kurt Eichenwald's Trump supporting acquaintances about the virus:
  • It's a hoax.
  • All places reporting sickness are blue states, and theyre lying. (Theyre not all blue states.)
  • Democrats are infecting themselves.
  • This is a chinese problem, & we're not Chinese.
  • Everyone saying this is serious are anti-Trump and lying..
  • A vaccine is almost ready, so there is no reason to worry about it.
  • It's been isolated. (In China, they believe)
  • WHO is a bunch of foreigners who hate trump for standing up for America. So they are lying to hurt him....
  • It's not a serious disease. In fact, people can go to work with it! It's less serious than a cold.
This is from the cult part of his following.

You can believe your doctor, but if he's a quack, you'll pay for those beliefs.  These people are infected by something far worse than COVID-19.  And COVID-19 might be their kool-aid.

Unfortunately, my US Senators voted against me getting rid of this doctor and we all have to wait until November to fire him and January next year for him to leave.  (I did contact them to let them know their refusal to look at more evidence for impeachment has led to this now, where far more people are going to be severely affected by the virus - older folks, other vulnerable folks, and people who have other illnesses but will find doctors and hospitals unable to give them adequate attention.  

Corona Virus Is a Scientific Problem,  Not Susceptible To Political Spin So Trump's In Trouble.  But so are the rest of us.

I'd note that the Washington Post says that Trump's grandfather was an early victim of the Spanish flue in 1918.  But Wikipedia is not as conclusive:
The family story of his death is that "on May 29, 1918, while walking with his son Fred, Trump suddenly felt extremely sick and was rushed to bed. The next day, he was dead. What was first diagnosed as pneumonia turned out to be one of the early cases of the Spanish flu, which caused millions of deaths around the world.[3]:116" However, his death certificate shows this to be untrue as he was being attended by the doctor for a week prior to his death. His status as an early case of the flu requires more research to confirm.[24] He was 49 years old.

Saturday, March 07, 2020

Dr. John Campbell Explains The Covid Virus Mutations In Detail And Clearly

This is the clearest and most informative explanation of the corona virus I've heard. Dr. covers the details of the two strains - did everyone know there were two strains and I just missed it? - how they work and what scientists think about developing a virus.

I'm going to see if I can gain control of my ace receptors like some yogis can slow down their heart beats and control other normally involuntary bodily actions.

Friday, March 06, 2020

Neighbors Came By To Welcome Us Home

I went out to check on the snow conditions of the driveway yesterday.  We'd gotten back late the night before.  Two of the neighbors came by to welcome us home.

The biggest issue I saw was that the mailbox had been barricaded by the plowed snow.  

I emailed Nordic Lawns, the company that was taking care of the snow in the driveway while we were gone so our house sitter could get in and out.  Then I went back out and carved some steps to the mailbox for the time being.

When I got in there was a call from Nordic Lawns apologizing profusely and saying they would come out.  This was NOT something that should happen.  Meanwhile the mail carrier managed the steps I'd made and stuffed the mailbox with about as much mail as it could hold.

And then Nordic showed up to clear in front of the mailbox.  So I went back out and asked if he could also just clear a space in front of the house for me to park the van, which is still sitting in the neighbors' driveway.  It's great to have good neighbors.  When I called him to ask if I could rent part of his driveway (his is double wide) he said no - I could just use it.

So now the berm the city left in front of the house - which would have meant I would have to park well into the traffic lane - has been rearranged with a space.

Then I rushed off with my wife's car to the Alaska Public Media Community Advisory meeting.  I figure I can't reasonably complain about their practices until I know more.  They went through their listener/viewer statistics for the Anchorage area.  KSKA is the most listened to radio station for a number of time periods during the day.

And by the time I got home, my knee was bothering me again.  So today I spent a lot of time with ice on my knee.  That was good enough to allow me to shovel the deck.  Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer - into the 20s - so I'll wait til it's toasty to see if my car will start up after sitting there so long next door.

Alaska's - particularly further north - has had one of its coldest winters while the rest of the US and northern Europe have been having an unusually warm winter.  It is nice to have snow that doesn't get turned to ice on a regular basis because the temp snakes above and below the freezing point regularly.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

We Need A Reminder Of What Presidential Used To Look Like

When Bush was made president over Gore back in 2000, I mused that with the internet, we could have two alternative realities that allowed each to be president so we could see how each of the two worlds progressed over the next four years.

Well now I'd love to see Biden and Sanders and Warren role play being president by televising  how they would handle the crisis as if they were actually president now.  And I'd like to see the media, in all its forms, cover these announcements.

I think many US citizens have forgotten what a real president looks and sounds like.  And those who have come to voting age in the last four years may never have really seen what a real president of all the people sounds like.

We'd hear about the gravity of the situation.

We'd hear statistics and explanations based on science.

We'd hear detailed plans for limiting the spread of the virus, and acknowledgment that this is a societal problem that requires collective action beyond hand washing.

Uncertainty would be acknowledged.   But we'd also learn that the actions taken and the money spent, even if this pandemic is  less dangerous that some think, will give us valuable research that will better prepare us for future pandemics.  And at the very least, we'll be able to save thousands, maybe tens of thousands of lives of the most vulnerable.  Maybe even your grandmother.

And there'd be encouragement about how we find strength and renewed pride in the United States as we tackle the virus at home and help those abroad whose health care systems aren't as strong as ours.

And after each candidate's role play, the station will replay what the current occupant of the White House told us the other day.  (Scroll down past all his comments about Afghanistan to his non-specific exclamations about how great the  White House efforts have been.)

Now that Bloomberg is out of the race, maybe he can direct some of his money to this sort of project.

Meanwhile we can assume the anti-socialism and the Hunter Biden smear ads are being prepared.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Corona Virus View From Seattle -It's Getting Personal

Things have changed radically just since Friday when I took the train down to Vancouver, WA to attend the Citizens Climate Lobby Northwest Regional Conference.  While there hadn't been any questions about not having the conference, we were all introduced to the elbow bump in lieu of shaking hands.  And told to wash our hands regularly.

But since I got back things have gotten noticeably edgier.  Six people have died in Seattle already.  Our daughter declared that she will drive us to the airport tomorrow instead of letting us take public transportation as usual.  While I don't think of myself as elderly, I am in the higher risk age category. What's a little scary about this is that people can carry the virus with few or no symptoms, meaning it can spread much faster and wider than other epidemics.

Then I see this Tweet this morning.
There's a long thread about all her failed attempts to get help.

The basic advice from everyone seems to be to wash your hands and not touch your face.

I didn't understand the power of a sneeze until one day we were outside on a sunny day some distance away and man sneezed.  The sun was just right to light up the arc of droplets that flew from his face out about three feet.  It was about three or four times the size of his head.  The light on the droplets was beautiful if you didn't think about what it was.  And I suddenly understood how easily germs fly from person to person.  I didn't have my camera ready for that moment, but I've looked on line for something similar.  This is the best I can find:

This sneeze is not nearly as beautiful as the droplet waterfall we saw that day, but it gets the point across.  If you don't have a mask, sneeze or cough into your elbow.  Certainly away from other people.

Monday, March 02, 2020

Chinese Disciplined Doctor For Emailing About Corona Virus - What Will Happen Here?

A close Chinese-American friend showed me this document recently.  He explained it was the 'confession' letter of Li Wenjiang, the doctor who first notified his colleagues about the new virus.  He was 'confessing' to this act and promising to obey the laws.   I asked for an English translation which my friend has now provided.  (See below)

This has been on the internet a while, but I think it's important considering our president's assurances that (from the Hill)
"Trump said he was “not at all” concerned about the possibility of a pandemic.
“We have it totally under control,” Trump told CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control.”
“It’s going to be fine,” the president continued.
“We do have a plan, and we think it’s going to be handled very well,” the president told reporters. 'I think China’s in very good shape also.'”
The concern also arises from the message that Dr. Fauci at the CDC and an infections diseases expert sent to colleagues that he was told that all communications he makes about the virus go through the White House for approval.  I would note that Fauci and Trump have both denied that Fauci is being muzzled.

(If it's not clear, those red smudges are fingerprints.)


Wuhan City Police Bureau, XXX Branch, Zhongnan Road StationLetter of Coaching and WarningName of the person whom is coached and warned: Li, WenliangSex: Male DOB. XXXIdentity card category and number: XXX Address (Location of the Official Household Registration): Wuhan City XXXXEmployer: Wuhan City Central HospitalIllegal behavior (time, location, participants, number of participants, issues on hand and consequence): On December 30, 2019, in the Wechat Group named “XXX”, announced the fabricated fact about 7 confirmed, diagnosed cases on Coronavirus from Huangnan Fruit and Seafood Market. Now, we follow the law to give you coaching and warning on your making false/fabricated statements on the internet. Your behavior seriously disturbed social order. Your behavior overstepped what the law permits, violating the regulation stipulated in the “People’s Republic of China Penalty Provisions on Security Management.” Your behavior is illegal!XXX [this is a name] hope you to cooperate and obey XXX’s coaching and advice. Can you stop your illegal behavior from now on?Answer: Yes, I canWe hope you will calm down and deeply reflect, and seriously warn you: if you stubbornly insist your opinion, do not show remorse, but continue to conduct illegal activities, then you will be sanctioned by the law! Do you understand?Answer: Yes, I understandName of the person whom is coached and warned: Li, Wenliang (signed). January 3, 2020.Name of the coach: XXX [this is a name]   Employer: Wuhan (Public Security) Bureau, XXX District, XXX Branch (Official Stamp). January 3, 2019 [2019 should be a typo]
I had some questions about the authenticity of the original document, even though I trust my source completely.  But this document is out there for many to see.  Here's a Business Insider article that includes the document.  

Today's LA Times has a long article about how the delay in dealing with the virus helped increase the death toll and how the lack of preparation led to medical workers dying - from the virus or from exhaustion caused heart attacks.  

It also mentions the doctor in this document - Li Wenjiang.  
Medical workers’ love for the motherland, Communist Party membership and self-sacrifice have become major propaganda themes after the death of a whistleblower, Dr. Li Wenliang , prompted unprecedented calls for transparency and freedom of speech in China.  (emphasis added)
 And how the government's praising of 'martyred' health care workers has met with a backlash on the internet.
"But some Chinese feel state media have turned medical workers into props.
One article by the Wuhan Evening News praised a 28-year-old nurse who went back to front-line work 10 days after a miscarriage, calling her a “warrior.” Many online commenters objected.
“Stop this type of propaganda! Stop putting unprotected medical workers on the front line,” one user wrote.
State channel CCTV also aired a report about a pregnant nurse only 20 days from her delivery date but still working in an Wuhan emergency ward, calling her a “great mother and angel in a white gown.”
Internet users, feminists and academics were furious.
“Hospitals should not be allowing a nurse who is nine months pregnant — or the one who’d had a miscarriage — to work. Their immune systems are weakened, and it’s highly possible that they will be infected with the virus,” feminist writer Hou Hongbin told the South China Morning Post.
Both nurse stories were deleted after the public backlash."

With all the intentional misinformation production in the US and elsewhere these days, it becomes harder for anyone to know what is

  • True
  • Speculation
  • Misleading
  • Intentionally misleading 
This sort of suppression of bad news behavior is very typical of authorities.  It certainly happened with Chernobyl, but it isn't limited to authoritarian governments.  The movie Jaws is a good illustration here.  As was Lyndon Johnson's hiding of US provocation that gave him the excuse to go to war against North Vietnam.  

This is an era where critical thinking skills are, well, critical.  

New Inventions At The Invention Fair

The conference this weekend set me behind on lots of things here.  So let me catch up on the invention fair at my granddaughter's school.  This is a K-6 optional program where all the kids are in two giant connected rooms.  There's an emphasis on independent learning and working cooperatively.     This is part of the local school district.  Sort of like Steller in Anchorage, or Polaris.

They have a three year cycle:  1.  science fair; 2.  environmental project; and 3.  invention fair.

All the kids have to come up with a problem.  Figure out a solution to the problem (the invention).  The presentation at the fair is supposed to cover the process - problem, solution, steps to the solution, materials used, etc.

So here are a few.  I don't post pictures of kids except in rare circumstances with parent permission so the focus is on the project here.

This is a special backpack to carry school papers, using a paper sized folder so papers don't get all wrinkled on the way to and from school.

I need to say there were maybe 50 or 60 projects by first graders to six graders.

This one quantified the number of plastic, non-biodegradable sandwich bags a kid uses a year and talks about the time it takes for the plastic to degrade (400-100 years), the toxic materials in the plastic bag you wrap your sandwich in, and the harm bags do to the animals that ingest them.

And I'm afraid I can't remember the edible material they used as sandwich bags.  It seems that side of the-poster is blocked by a head.  It isn't seaweed because I thought of that as a possibility and they used something else.

This one was my personal favorite.  (After my granddaughter's, of course.)  The inventor explained that her mom kept getting on her for leaving the light on in her room.  So she designed a little M&M holder (in the middle)  contraption to put above the light switch.

And when you turn off the light switch, it causes an M&M to drop out to reward the energy conscious kid.

Here you can see an M&M just released from turning off the switch.

All the kids were at the projects and eager to explain them in detail to anyone who asked.  Even people who didn't ask but were close by.  I know that some of these kids would not willingly talk to a strange adult, but they were so into their projects they all just wanted to tell me everything.

The student who made the Mopping Slippers has a dog that regularly comes into the house with muddy feet.  So she made these slippers with sponges and scrubbers on the bottom that she can wear that help clean up the mess when she walks around.  (She being the student, not the dog.)

I did ask whether the dog jumps on her bed.  She sighed, said yes, but you just have to wash the sheets.

This was another popular invention - a new cookie recipe.  She tried a number of different new types of cookies and as you can see on the poster, Mango won.

Not only is she a good inventor (no one else seemed to think about inventing a new recipe) but also a good marketer.  She had pieces of the mango cookies there to taste.  And I can vouch for these cookies.

This student's problem related to reading in the dark.  So she invented a book mark that had a light on it.

You can see it at the bottom.

Another student had a very similar idea.  He said when he wanted to read at night in bed under the cover, he could never find the light.  So he invented a strap that goes around the book - which I think could also be used as a book mark - that holds a small light.

Another book related invention solved the problem of arms getting tired hold the book.  He took a bike helmet and put two extensions and connected them to the sides of the helmet.  At the end, they had clips to hold a book.  So you could sit with the book held out about 15 inches in front of you.

And this student enthusiastically explained his project.  When I jumped with his skateboard, it often falls away and he falls off.  So he invented a magnet to attach to his shoes and some metal on the skateboard.  He demonstrated the electromagnet he made with the battery and the nail wrapped in wire.  He could then turn the magnet on and off in his hand.

And finally my granddaughter's invention.  Her problem was that her arms get cold, so she wanted to invent arm warmers for her forearms, sort of like leg warmers.  She used toilet paper rolls (with a slit so they could stretch for bigger forearms) and material from old pants and tights to wrap around the rolls.

As demonstrated in this project, the instructions were to recycle materials for the poster boards and most projects did that.

This is a reminder that if you let kids chase what they're interested in, they've got all kinds of creativity and enthusiasm.