Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Are Not So Smart BUT This Will Make You Smarter - So You Can See Through The Empire of Illusion

[This post started simply, but got more complicated (and much better) as I found things on the internet.]

I was struck by these titles in the bookstore in the San Francisco Airport.

On the blog this book emerged from, Dave McCraney writes:

The central theme here is that you are unaware of how unaware you are. There is branch of psychology and an old and growing body of research with findings that suggest you have little idea why you act or think the way you do. Despite this, you create narratives to explain your own feelings, thoughts and behaviors, and these narratives become the story of your life.

This is, of course, not that far from what I try to do here.  Get people (including me) to be a little more humble, a little less sure of what they think they know.  And start to see other ways to create meaning from the data.

BUT,  I was struck by the fact that the bookstore didn't put this next book alongside the first one.

It turns out both NPR and the Atlantic have posted on this book in the last 24 hours.  From the Atlantic piece (hype?):

"In 2011, with the help of psycholinguist Steven Pinker and legendary psychologist Daniel Kahneman, he posed an even grander question: What scientific concept will improve everybody's cognitive toolkit? The answers, featuring a wealth of influential scientists, authors, and thought-architects, were recently released in This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking -- a formidable anthology of short essays by 151 of our time's biggest thinkers on subjects as diverse as the power of networks, cognitive humility, the paradoxes of daydreaming, information flow, collective intelligence, and a dizzying, mind-expanding range in between. Together, they construct a powerful toolkit of meta-cognition -- a new way to think about thinking itself."
You can read all the answers online here.

It's important to realize we don't know as much as we think.  It's important to develop better thinking skills.  Because our thinking is being managed by our corporate moves to convert everything - people included - into dollars for their advantage.  The idea of the 1% both shows how successful they have been AND that some of the 99% have not lost the ability to see through the bullshit.

So, ultimately, this third book seems to me to be the most important of the three.

Poking around on line convinces me that Chris Hedges knows a lot more than most of us and has the moral courage to say the things that people don't want to hear - like criticizing the Iraq war early on -  and doing what is right despite the costs - like quitting his NY Times position (where he won a Pulitzer Prize) rather than abide by their subsequent gag rule.

Hedges speaks about Empire of Illusion in this long (1:22) 2009 video tape at the New School (founded in 1919 if that's new enough for you) at NYU. Hedges begins with the commodification of Michael Jackson. 

The end of his talk comes around 56 minutes.  He concludes this way:
"If we remain passive
We will soon be engulfed by a ruthless, totalitarian, capitalism.
If we remain passive as we undergo the largest transferrance of wealth upwards in American history, we will become serfs.
If we fight back, we have a chance.
Saturation coverage of [Michael] Jackson’s death was one of many examples of our collective flight into illusion.
It deflected the moral questions arising from mounting social injustice, growing inequalities, failing imperial wars, economic collapse, and political corruption.
As we sink into and economic and political morass, as we barrel towards a crisis that will create more misery than the great depression, we remain controlled, manipulated, and distracted by the celluloid shadows on the wall of Plato’s cave
The fantasy of celebrity culture is not designed simply to entertain.
It is designed to drain us emotionally, confuse us about our identity, blame ourselves for our predicament, condition us to chase illusions of impossible fame and happiness, and keep us from fighting back. 
And in the end, that was all the Jackson coverage was really about.  Another tawdry and tasteless spectacle to divert a dying culture from the baying wolf at the gate."
 Then at 58 minutes or so, the Q&A begins.  He talks about how wrestling in the past and today contains the narratives of the day.  There are different narratives from when his grandfather watched wrestling once a week.  Today's narratives are about:
". . . personal disintegration, sibling rivalries, personal abuse, there is no delineation between good or evil now.  Everybody cheats as soon as the ref turns his back.  Wrestlers play out the fantasies of revenge that in real life these people don’t have."
Some more points he makes during the Q&A:
  • moving from a literacy based society to an image based society and how this fits neatly into totalitarianism.  
  • the twilight of empires,  when people fall into a state of delusion.  The Egyptians built the pyramids at the end of the empire. 
  • If not prepared for the collapse, you act as a child, looking for someone to save you.
  • Sober reading of reality is the best possibility for survival and hope, if we continue in a state of illusion then hope is impossible because every decision we make is not reality based.
  • There is no working class movement, because we have no working class
  • He was asked about his comment about moving from literacy to images.  The questioner pointed out that Socrates was afraid of books and books haven't seemed to have harmed us.  Hedges responded that Socrates' fear of books (in answer to a question) was a concern that when moral philosophy becomes written down it freezes speech.   It becomes a form of orthodoxy. Socrates feared that that dialog, that struggle for the moral life was too ambiguous to ever be codified.  Today, he suggested that if you read something online, it is surrounded by moving images and movement like that interrupts thinking.  We now fear solitude and our technology is so powerful that most of us are hallucinating.  We're completely isolated from the real.  We've created a virtual reality that we mistake for the real. 
    And as someone who's been in war, when we (I include soldiers here too) come back, we can't compete with the very powerful, but false images of war in the media - like Saving Private Ryan.  Because people feel like they've had the experience, but they've been manipulated by very powerful technology.

He's published two books since this one came out.  Here's Wikipedia's list of his books:

One more book that I saw in the bookstore.

From the book's website:

". . .  we hope it will encourage voters to consider the source of the information they use to choose who will lead them. We’ve been doing political opposition research for 18 years, on a weird, extended road trip that no one else would take. The book is our way of taking readers along for the ride as we research politicians from presidential appointees to candidates for local school boards, finding what’s right and wrong about politics, political candidates, and the quirky cultural landscape of America."
It seems to have just come out and I haven't read it.  But I'm guessing it will help demonstrate Hedges' thesis that our reality is created to manipulate us.  

And it's one of the ironic twists of capitalism that these books too get placed prominently in the airport bookstore.  But then San Francisco is a pretty liberal place and they are more likely to sell there. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SFO Free Wifi, Air Museum, Coffee Cups

We got to the airport early yesterday and had time to get some walking in and explore.  There's an air museum with bits of air history like these models.

They caught my attention because friends I met live on Treasure Island - linked by the Bay Bridge - and they said the old PanAm clippers flew from the bay on Treasure Island.

Elsewhere there were displays of all sorts of things, but these old airline serving sets brought home how bad airline service has gotten. 

Only the top photo cups were used in coach class, but still, that's better than a paper cup and maybe some crunchy synfood.

double click to enlarge

And I was pleasantly surprised that I could get free wifi - well, the cost was 30 seconds filling out a survey (there were other choices like looking at ads) - and they had these nice computer desks right at the gate and lots of easy to find outlets. 

And while on the subject of airport changes I noticed in Portland and then again at American in LA a new seating configuration which I liked.  Seats were jumbled up a bit instead of straight rows.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parrots and Pantries

Sunday an old friend and her husband picked me up and we got to talk a bit.  But we past a small be screechy park and they pulled over and said, "The Parrots."  These were the parrots of Telegraph Hill.

I haven't seen the film about them, but here's what "the Parrot Man" says about it on his blog:

Most people who've seen The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill agree that it's not quite like any other film, and seldom what people expect it to be. Most anticipate a nature documentary about some birds. Then it goes someplace else entirely. One of the most common types of e-mail that I receive is from some guy who was made to watch the film against his will and then ended up transfixed—and moved. Few people can ever say what the film is about exactly. Or even what kind of film it is. Is it a documentary? Judy thinks it is because she thinks of herself as a documentary filmmaker. I think of it as a poem, because, like a poem, it has many different levels.

How do friends and visitors know what's in your kitchen cabinets when they want to help you set the table or put away the dirty [clean] dishes.  My son and some of his friends have labeled them.  But then there was a request for something more visual.  They've got something, but I thought actual photos would be even better.  Like this one.

We're at the airport ready to go back to LA.  I'm ready to go back to Anchorage actually.  But the weather has been delightful here in San Francisco - just on that edge between a jacket or not.  Cool in the shade or wind, but warm in the sun.  I'll get this up and try to catch up later.

Half Moon Bay Dog Sitting

The invisible web of interpersonal relationships led us to the beach in Half Moon Bay Saturday night to walk the dog of a friend of my son's who was out of town for the holiday weekend.  We spent the night with Juke Box and walked him again the next morning.  My son had lived here for a while and there were lots of favors traded back and forth, such as watching out for each other's dogs and other affairs.

"Historical records show that the Native American culture of the Ohlone lived in harmony with nature for many thousand years, the human population being limited by the availability of food. The way of life changed during the 18th century when the Spanish arrived on the San Mateo coast, in the search for Monterey Bay, the Spanish started the Portola expedition where they had spent two days resting near what is now the town of Half Moon Bay. They stopped here once again on their return trip and named the area the plain of "Los Ansares" or the plain of wild geese. WIth the founding of Mission Dolores (Mission San Francisco de Asís) in 1776, the San Mateo coast area came into use for grazing of mission livestock. Following secularization of the missions, in 1834 eight ranchos were granted along this section of the coast. Cattle ranching was primary agricultural activity, and San Mateo's hide and tallow trade thrived. The beach at Half Moon Bay was a gathering spot for trading and socializing between rancheros, sea captain and other visitors.
The first Americans arrived in this area in the 1850s. The Mexican settlement known as Spanishtown, a commercial center for the rancheros, was called "Halfmoon" by these Anglos; the bay itself was named "Halfmoon" due to its shape. In 1867 the local post office was identified as "Halfmoon Bay", and the spelling was changed to Half Moon Bay in 1905. Agriculture was big in Half Moon Bay at the turn of the 20th century and farm produce such as brussels sprouts, artichokes, and mushrooms along with dairy products presented quite a transportation problem. The Ocean Shore railroad was incorporated in 1905 and was serving Half Moon Bay by 1908 the tracks were laid over what is now much of Francis Beach. During the 1920s the gentle beaches of Half Moon Bay were ideally suited for the needs of the bootlegger. Rum Ships cruised off shore, unloading millions of dollars worth of illegal booze across Half Moon Bay where Francis Beach was a perfect spot for unloading the cargo. During World War II an army post was set up at the beach to protect from Japanese invasion and bombing raids, further north bunkers and long range cannons were built to support the coastline." [Wikipedia]

"Ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis) is a succulent native to South Africa, but common in chaparral habitats around the world. Though it was once grown in California, Australia, the Mediterranean, and similar areas as a decorative plant, it has become an invasive species and a threat to native vegetation. Ice plant is hardy and quick to reproduce, easily growing into a thick ground cover that chokes out other plant life and depletes soil nutrients. The only reliable way to control ice plant is to uproot it physically."[Wisegeek]

"In Japan, the mustard flower is celebrated as a simple symbol of the beginning of spring. It is also planted in the fields of Yokohama and crafted into large mazes. In the United States, mustard blossoms often grow wild. One piece of historic trivia indicates that this is due to Spanish soldiers marking their trail throughout the country by scattering the seeds of this particular flower. In Napa Valley a similar story is told of missionaries creating a trail of seeds between Missions so that when the winter ended and the mustard flower began to bloom, they could trace their way back to where they came from. Despite their interesting appearance and fascinating history, mustard flowers are, of course, best known for its edible qualities. In Roman times, mustard flowers were considered an aphrodisiac, and were frequently mixed into love potions. Today, however, the seeds of this flower are mostly crushed and mixed with vinegar to create the spicy, fragrant condiment used in a variety of dishes."[from FlowerInfo]

  These two hammerheads were really sand sharks someone created on the beach. 
"There are eight different species of Hammerhead shark. All the species have the remarkable projections on both sides of the head, which probably is they reason why these sharks can detect electronic signals of no more than half a billionth of a volt. The head is probably used during electrolocation. By separating the receptors, the Hammerhead shark can receive signals in stereo. The oddly shaped head also seem to act as a wing that the Hammerhead shark uses for close-quarters maneuverability. The head looks somewhat like a flattened hammer, which is the reason behind the name of the Hammerhead shark. The nostrils and eyes are located at the tip of the extensions. All Hammerhead shark species have proportionately small mouths. The size of the eight different Hammerhead sharks varies between 2 and 6 metres. The largest Hammerhead species, the Great Hammerhead shark, will typically weigh around 230 kg (500 pounds) but can reach a weight of 450 kg (1,000 pounds). Three Hammerhead species can be dangerous to humans: the Great Hammerhead shark, the Scalloped Hammerhead shark and the Smooth Hammerhead sharks."[from Aquatic Community]
 As we walked the trail and beach, all we heard were birds and surf.  And then we headed into town for a busy afternoon seeing old friends. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Klez-X (cellent)

Saturday night we went to see Klez-X at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco.  This group is special.  Each person on stage surprised me when it was their turn to step out and show what they could do.

In the first piece, the thought flashed through my mind - the opening of Rhapsody in Blue is klezmer music.  How could I have not figured that out before?  Or am I imagining this? So now I've been able to google this and I'm not the first to think this.  From Music Stack:
Many klezmer musicians, or Klezmorim, eventually immigrated to the United States, widening klezmer music's appeal in the early part of the 20th century. Early examples of klezmer musicians in the United States include David Tarras, Naftule Brandwein and Mickey Katz. These Jewish American immigrants proved immensely influential in the development of jazz music, even inspiring the introduction to George Gershwin's famous "Rhapsody in Blue." The rock era left klezmer largely forgotten. But the 1970s and onward welcomed a bit of a revival for klezmer and Jewish music. Groups like The Klezmatics, The Klezmorim and The Klezmer Conservatory Band branched out and incorporated other music styles such as cajun, jazz and even ska into traditional klezmer music.

And in The Book of Klezmer: The History, the Music, the Folklore Yale Strom quotes Mickey Katz:
Before I even played a note on the clarinet I used to go to the Yiddish theatre with my parents, which later influenced my playing and perception of what Jewish music was and what the audience wanted to hear.  I began playing the clarinet when I was eleven in grade school on an old beat-up instrument that was used during World War I.  In order to have lessons I went to an uncle’s tailor shop on Saturday afternoons and played for all his customers and earned $1.50.  I was aware of Yiddish songs as a youngster because my sister sang professionally at lodges and other Jewish organizations.  And klezmer music I knew because I played it at weddings and other Jewish events. Then in high school I formed a band and that’s when I began my legitimate career as a musician.  I was playing clarinet and sax - a lot of jazz and concert music.  In fact I was the second clarinet player in the world to play Rhapsody in Blue.

. . . I was hired because I was the only guy who could play it with all the shmears and glissandos and everything. [emphasis added]

I just have to mention all the people because they were so good.  Danny Hoffman was the violinist and composer of many of the songs played.  He currently lives in Israel and this was the first time in a while the group has played.  Danny made the violin sing.

Then we got to know Jeanette Lewicki who played accordion and sang.  She'd go through an English translation of the song before singing it and then, wow, her voice and her heart brought the Yiddish back to life.

I guess I skipped Sheldon Brown - clarinet and sax - because he's the guy who gave me the Rhapsody in Blue connection when he played.  And he also made the links to jazz obvious too.

Then, probably the biggest surprise, was when the trumpet player put down his instrument and came up to the mike.  Stephen Saxon began very casually to make a few vocal sounds.  And before I knew what was happening, his 'sounds' became an amazing scat piece that would have made Ella jealous as he scampered over the notes from low to way up high all sounding perfect to my lazy ears.  He'd take a note and slide it slightly up and down and around teasing it and the audience.  And later he performed magic on some traditional prayer music. 

The drummer, the base, and the trombonist were all fantastic.  They're all listed on the website. And all of them seemed to be so comfortable working as a group.  A wonderful concert.

Note:  the photos above were all taken after the concert - Saxon was still on stage putting things away, and the others were setting up for dancing in the lobby area after the concert. 

Go hear some samples on their website.   They're all great. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

San Francisco Looking Up

Walking around downtown San Francisco, looking up is a good thing to do.  Looking street level one's eyes encounters too many people who are doing poorly.  There were many interesting faces and bodies, people I wanted to talk to.  I wanted to find out how things got this way with them.  But I don't feel comfortable taking pictures of people who are down and out unless they give permission.  So, I spent a lot of time looking up.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Una Pizza Napoletana

Back in December I got this message from a Juneau friend who heard we were going to be in San Francisco:
while in SF, I also couldn't recommend this place more
highly: We ate at his place when he
was in NYC and it was the best pizza I ever had, including at Pizzeria
Bianco in Phoenix, AZ (2nd best).
I found out about where it was Thursday evening, and Friday night we ended up not far away and I recommended we go.  Thanks Paul.  It was wonderful pizza - light and tasty.

Georgia O'Keeffe Caught With Porn and Other Mr. Fish Creations

Yes, Anon, we're in San Francisco where my son and his wife live.  Among many things Friday, we found ourselves in E6 Gallery on Market and Gough.  The work cuts right down to the painful truth. 

Even with the reflections on the glass (sorry). 

The Gallery website has this:
ROBERT BERMAN GALLERY is pleased to present the original drawings and unique multiples of Dwayne Booth aka Mr. Fish - political cartoonist and author of GO FISH (how to win contempt and influence people.)
In the appendix of his book, Mr. Fish dissects the journalistic responsibility he faces as a cartoonist to make it make sense. It being his raw emotional output in response to a given stimuli (government, society, et al) manifesting itself via pen on paper without regard to the cleverly pointed punchline that will accompany and ultimately define it. In his inaugural gallery show, he eschews that responsibility; the political cartoons hanging vulnerably on the walls in their original illustrated state, stripped of any captioning and absolute clarity. If the objective of a political cartoonist is to speak clearly than the goal of this exhibition is to express freely. The drawings are a celebration of the technical mastery and unbridled emotional truth of Dwayne Booth – the Clark Kent to Superman’s Mr. Fish.

 I remember the conversation that caused the lightbulb to go on and I suddenly understood the underlying symbolism of Georgia O'Keeffe's flowers

[You can double click to enlarge these images.]

These pieces were all for sale.

Tim Sullivan was monitoring the gallery when we were there and gave me permission to take pictures for the blog. 

This work is so deliciously wicked, it hurts.

If you go to Mr. Fish's website, you can see that I missed him in LA AND San Francisco.  You can also see a lot more examples of his work there. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Where Are We Now?

This should be pretty easy to figure out.  I did skip posting the picture of the Prius taxi cab because it had the name of the city. 

Been busy, will get more up before too long. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pier Review 2 - Amazing Surf

I posted about the Venice Pier a little over a year ago.  Tuesday I checked it out again.  The day was sunnier, but not as clear.  But the surf below was big and bad.

The waves were not curving, but simply crashing down like a waterfall.

There are surfers (black spots) above and below this wall of water.

 This pier is much less flashy than the Santa Monica pier.  The surf pictures in this post were taken off the left side.

UPDATE:  Here are more waves from Venice Pier with my better camera.  And finally Rafael catching a great white shark from the end of Venice Pier.