Monday, November 14, 2011

How do the Seven Story Plots and Plot Elements Affect the News?

[Think of this as an exploration piece that raises questions about how news is packaged and the affect that has on our understanding of the world.]

Digsalot-ga responded at Google questions to the query, "The Seven Main Plots in All of Literature = ???:

1 - [wo]man vs. nature 

2 - [wo]man vs. man [I suspect this should be [wo]man v [wo]man]

3 - [wo]man vs. the environment 

4 - [wo]man vs. machines/technology 

5 - [wo]man vs. the supernatural 

6 - [wo]man vs. self 

7 - [wo]man vs. god/religion 

Presumably literature mirrors life and so I thought it would be interesting to see how many of those plots showed up in today's newspaper.  Today's Monday so there's not much news in the Anchorage Daily News.  When I was picking stories, I did have these seven plots in mind and decided not to keep adding the rest of the short AP pieces that had the same plots. I wasn't thinking at all of Cecil Adams' three topics (see below) or the story-line needs (also below.)

I've put the stories and the plots on this table and checked the plot I thought the story told.  I would assume that there could be more than one such plot in a story, but that didn't appear to be the case today.  Perhaps reporters are focused on one plot per story, unless it's a really long one.

(Some links are to the same story from other sources because the Anchorage Daily News doesn't post AP stories in their online version.  Also I've used the hard copy headlines, which are not always the same as the online headlines.)

I don't claim to be correct here, but this is what it seems like to me.

Stories Seven Plots "Man v. ______"

Nature Man Envir Tech SN Self God
Redistricting could lead to GOP majority in legislature

Aging populations mean millions more diabetics

Syria calls for Arab summit after suspension

Wind energy project faulted

Foreign policy trips candidates

Rocket to space station launches flawlessly

Missing man found dead in rubble of home

Supercommittee at cross purposes

Police drive protesters from park

Kotzebue teen leads the charge to prevent suicide

✔* this could be v. nature or tech but the story was focused on human mistakes

I think I'd add another plot line, particularly with the Supercommittee story - man v. ignorance - but I guess that is covered in 'self'.

This is a pretty small sample size.  I suspect the emphasis on man v. man would continue in a larger study.  It's also clear that the same story could be written with a different plot.

Are there only seven plots?  Cecil Adams, at The Straight Dope, thinks not:
My point is, never mind the 36, 20, 7, or whatever basic plots--take out sex, violence, and death and you lose 90 percent of literature right there. 
Sex is absent from this selection (No sexual harassment or Penn State stories today), but five of the ten include death and three touch on violence.  I'd add money to the mix.  Three of the stories touch on money (either $ amounts or 'banking.')

The forum writer also supplies 'seven basic needs for a story line.'

1. A hero – the person through whose eyes we see the story unfold, set
against a larger background.

2. The hero’s character flaw – a weakness or defense mechanism that
hinders the hero in such a way as to render him/her incomplete.

3. Enabling circumstances – the surroundings the hero is in at the
beginning of the story, which allow the hero to maintain his/her
character flaw.

4. An opponent – someone who opposes the hero in getting or doing what he/she wants. Not always a villain. For example, in a romantic comedy, the opponent could be the man or woman whom the hero seeks romance with. The opponent is the person who instigates the life-changing event.

5. The hero’s ally – the person who spends the most time with the hero and who helps the hero overcome his/her character flaw.

6. The life-changing event – a challenge, threat or opportunity usually instigated by the opponent, which forces the hero to respond in some way that’s related to the hero’s flaw.

7. Jeopardy – the high stakes that the hero must risk to overcome his/her flaw. These are the dramatic events that lend excitement and challenge to the quest.

All the stories but the Rocket story have clear opponents (though the hero and the opponent are not usually clearly identified).  All  have a life changing events, and all have some jeopardy.

And clearly, who is chosen by the reporter as the hero or the opponent will affect our perception of events, especially events we know little about.  

Do we want to read/hear news stories that don't have these plot lines?  It could be boring. How does that affect the accuracy of our understanding of what is happening in the world?

I'm reminded of the recent report that most types of crime in the US were down significantly, but that people don't feel that because the news still highlights the crimes  (jeopardy, the deaths, the opponents.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Famous People Born in 1911 - One Still Alive

This post is a long time coming, and almost didn't arrive at all.  My first list like this was Famous People Born 1908.   The 1909 list and the 1910 list got more elaborate with descriptions of each person on the list. And each year, as I search for names, there are more and more names offered online.  So for 2011, I collected some names.  I put them in order of birthdate.  I narrowed the list down to 35 people. That was ready months and months ago.  I finally realized that if I was going to wait until I had bios for each person on the list, it wasn't ever going to be posted.  So this is more a return to the format of the first year.  With links  and some comments. 

I've found it fascinating to see which famous people were birth year cohorts.  If they all lived in the same neighborhood, they would have been in the same kindergarten class.  Hank Greenberg would have been the oldest.  Imagine how the world might be different if Le Duc Tho, Ronald Reagan,  Tennessee Williams, and Anatol Rapoport had all been in the same graduating class.  And  I can't help but wonder why one person only lives to age 26 (Jean Harlow)  and others to 66 (Hubert Humphrey and EF Schumacher.)

And there's lots to ponder about what we've done with our own lives.  But not necessarily to fret.  You don't get 'famous' for helping your neighbors and making the world a better place in small daily acts of kindness.  You don't need to become famous - in fact it can be an obstacle - to be a great person.  I've got one such 'ordinary' person on the list this year - my dad. 

I also realize that these are people who, for the most part, came to prominence as I was coming to be aware of the greater world.  So many of these people might mean nothing to younger readers.  In those instances,  I'm pleased to introduce them.  Well, maybe not all of them. 

Hanging In There  [UPDATE October 2013:  General Giap died in early October 2013 at age 102.]

There's one name on the list who appears to still be alive, so he gets a little more coverage than the others.   Vo Nguyen Giap the North Vietnamese general who defeated the US in what the Vietnamese call "The American War," turned 100 on August 25, 2011. 
Image from Wikipedia

From Vets With A Mission
Four-star General Vo Nguyen Giap led Vietnam's armies from their inception, in the 1940s, up to the moment of their triumphant entrance into Saigon in 1975.
Possessing one of the finest military minds of this century, his strategy for vanquishing superior opponents was not to simply outmaneuver them in the field but to undermine their resolve by inflicting demoralizing political defeats with his bold tactics.
This was evidenced as early as 1944, when Giap sent his minuscule force against French outpost in Indochina. The moment he chose to attack was Christmas Eve. More devastatingly, in 1954 at a place called Dien Bien Phu, Giap lured the overconfident French into a turning point battle and won a stunning victory with brilliant deployments. Always he showed a great talent for approaching his enemy's strengths as if they were exploitable weaknesses.
Nearly a quarter of a century later, in 1968, the General launched a major surprise offensive against American and South Vietnamese forces on the eve of the lunar New Year celebrations. Province capitals throughout the country were seized, garrisons simultaneously attacked and, perhaps most shockingly, in Saigon the U.S. Embassy was invaded. The cost in North Vietnamese casualties was tremendous but the gambit produced a pivotal media disaster for the White House and the presidency of Lyndon Johnson. Giap's strategy toppled the American commander in chief. It turned the tide of the war and sealed the General's fame as the dominant military genius of the 20th Century's second half.
About the Chart
The names on the chart below are in order of birth dates in 1911, starting with Hank Greenberg, born on January 1, 1911, and the oldest of the cohort until he died September 4, 1986.  The youngest, until others began to die, was Jules Dassin, born December 18, 1911.  In the end though, he died  March 21, 2008 at age 96, older than everyone except Gen. Giap. 

The right hand column lists the order in which they died - with Jean Harlow number 1 at age 26.

"V" next to the links on their names indicates it goes to a video.

Blue indicates Nobel Prize winners (4). 

Death date Age Name Noted for Death Order
Jan 1 9/4/86 75 Hank Greenberg  Two-time American League  MVP 16
Jan 17 12/1/91 80 George J. Stigler  Nobel Prize Economic Theory of Regulation 20
Feb 6 6/5/2004 93 Ronald Reagan 40th US President 29
Feb 9 4/26/70 69 Gypsy Rose Lee - V Dancer/Stripper 12
March 3 6/7/37 26 Jean Harlow Actor 1
Mar 12 7/15/79 68 Gustavo Días Ordaz - V President of Mexico 1964-70 11
Mar 13 1/24/86 74 L Ron Hubbard -
Alt view
Founded Scientology, Author14
Mar 16 2/7/79 68 Josef Mengele Evil Nazi doctor 10
Mar 25 1/3/67 55 Jack Ruby V Killer of Lee Harvey Oswald 3
Mar 26 2/25/83 71 Tennessee Williams Playwright - Glass Menagerie 13
May 7 2/28/93 81 Ishiro Honda - V Film Director  Godzilla 22
May 11 11/1/85 74 Phil Silvers - V Actor 15
May 15 4/4/91 79 Max Frisch Novelist
Homo Faber
May 17 6/28/98 87 Maureen O'Sullivan Actor
Tarzan's Jane,
Mia Farrow's Mom
May 17 12/1/2003 92 Clark Kerr President University of California 30
May 22 1/20/2007 95 Anatol Rapoport Mathematical Biologist - Systems Theory 32
May 27 1/13/78 66 Hubert Humphrey US Vice President 65-69 8
May 27 10/28/93 82 Vincent Price Actor 24
July 7 2/1/2007 95 Gian-Carlo Menotti Composer 33
July 14 1/8/90 78 Terry Thomas Actor 19
July 16 4/25/95 83 Ginger Rogers - Video Dancer, Actor 25
Aug 5 6/8/69 57 Robert Taylor Actor 4
Aug 6 4/26/89 77 Lucille Ball Actor
I Love Lucy
Aug 7 6/17/79 67 Nicholas Ray Film Director
Rebel Without a Cause
Aug 16 9/4/77 66 EF Schumacher Economist, Small is Beautiful 7
Aug 25 Still Alive 100 Vo Nguyen Giap North Vietnamese General, Minister of Defense 35  
Sept 9 8/2/72 61 Paul Goodman Anarchist writer Growing Up Absurd 6
Sept 19 6/19/93 81 William Golding Nobel Prize Lit   Lord of the Flies 23
Sept 29 10/11/88 77 Werner Aufrecht Great Father 17
Oct 14 10/13/90 79 Le Duc Tho Vietnames Diplomat - Nobel Peace Prize 
1973 Paris Cease Fire
Oct 26 1/27/72 60 Mahalia Jackson Queen of Gospel Music 5
Nov 5 7/6/98 86 Roy Rogers Movie Cowboy 26
Nov 27 4/25/2000 88 David Merrick Theater Producer, Hello Dolly 28
Dec 11 8/30/2006 94 Naguib Mahfouz Egyptian Nobel Prize The Cairo Trilogy 31
Dec 14 5/1/65 53 Spike Jones
- V
Musician 2
Dec 18 3/31/2008 96 Jules Dassin Blacklisted Film Director, He Who Must Die, Never On Sunday, Topkapi 34

This is not an exhaustive list, but they are all people I knew about, and a couple I have some sort of extra connection to.  I'll list some of those linkages here.

In1967 President of Mexico Ordaz, along with the President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, spoke at my graduation at UCLA. (I didn't attend.) In 1968, Ordaz ordered troops to end the student demonstrations at the University of Mexico. National Guard troops killed 4 students at Kent State University the same year. From NPR on the Mexican Massacre:

Government sources originally reported that four people had been killed and 20 wounded, while eyewitnesses described the bodies of hundreds of young people being trucked away. Thousands of students were beaten and jailed, and many disappeared. Forty years later, the final death toll remains a mystery, but documents recently released by the U.S. and Mexican governments give a better picture of what may have triggered the massacre. Those documents suggest that snipers posted by the military fired on fellow troops, provoking them to open fire on the students.
Let's hope the current Occupy Movement doesn't face the same sort of 'solution' by the powers that be.

Ronald Reagan was Governor of California when I graduated from UCLA, so his signature is on my diploma.  Clark Kerr was President of the University of California system when I graduated, so his signature is also on my diploma. 

I watched Jack Ruby live on television (the video linked), along with much of the US,  when he shot Lee Harvey Oswald.

 I read EF Schumacher's book Small Is Beautiful when it came out and it has had a lasting impact on my understanding of things.  I also spent a lot of time with Naguib Mahfouz
when I read The Cairo Trilogy.  I have Max Frisch's Homo Faber, but I've never read it.  I think I'll check it out.

My father, Werner Aufrecht, exposed me to art, to nature, to animals, to theater, to movies, to books, to politics, to critical thinking, and many other important aspects of my life today.  I remember how affected I was watching, with my father, the Greek film He Who Must Die by Jules Dassin, based on Kazantzaki's The Last Temptation of Christ.

And what can I say about Roy Rogers?  He was part of being American in the 50's and 60's.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Put Your Life On Pause

I've been looking for videos for a post I'm preparing and one had an American Airlines ad.  Two people are scuba diving among spectacularly colored coral and fish and they swim past a Departure/Arrival monitor.

A few seconds later he checks his iPhone.   And then they are rushing through the airport to the plane and the voice says, "Fly without putting your life on pause."

I'm here to say, you're supposed to put your life on pause when you go on vacation.  This is part of our massive marketing brainwashing that we always have to be connected electronically with every possible device.  And each one needs to be discarded in a couple of years (less if you're really hip)  and you have to buy a new one. 

You don't have to.  That was part of Penny Arcade's message - don't be the person others tell you to be, discover who you really are.  Now, some people really need to be the first to have any new gadget.  Let them be.  Let them pay premium prices to work the bugs out.  But the rest of us don't need to.

So I saw this ad and considered it as a possible posting topic, but dismissed it.  Until an hour or so later when a friend skyped me  from a function he's at with his wife.

I was able to watch that Youtube on my cell ph         7:59 PM
Kinda exciting here                                                    7:59 PM

I skyped back that a summer school Spanish teacher once told me "An intelligent person is never bored."  And I've made sure I was never bored since.  There is always something to observe and learn.  Wherever you are.

I suggested he track how many people there were, what colors they were wearing.  What food was served.  To write down the most interesting sentence anyone says.  The world is full of data, you just have to see it, track it, and make sense of it. 

So, ignore American Airlines.  Put Your Life on Pause. Often.  Enjoy the time on the plane to unplug. Enjoy moments, hours, every day, to connect to nature,  to connect to yourself.

I'm hoping that part of what the Occupy people are about is this sort of 'pause,' escape from the kind of life corporate America wants us to live.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Are You Free to Be Yourself? - Penny Arcade Wants You to Be

Local dancer Brent

We walked into the art gallery at Out North just before B!D!F!W! began.  This is the room that had the magnificent lace, where Catherine Senungetuk's retrospective exhibit was held, where my son's post wedding dinner was, and Ted Herlinger's incredible reed and sinew balls floated in air.  And last Saturday night there was loud music, a bar, and a buff gogo dancer.  So many things can happen in the same space over time.

So the evening began.

Inside the theater space, there were more gogo dancers a photographer, video of the dancers, and the not quite so loud beat of dance music.  (The dancers were all local folks who had only had a few days to rehearse.  They were great!)

Penny Arcade (aka Susana Ventura) is worth going to see, just because she is a significant link to part of American cultural history.  From her own website:

Since first climbing out of her bedroom window at age 13 to join the fabulously disenfranchised world of queers, junkies, whores, stars, stalkers and geniuses she has become one of the most influential performers in the world. By fearlessly displaying her singular brand of feminist sexuality and personal conflict she has garnered countless fans worldwide with an emotionally and intellectually charged performance style. Internationally revered as writer, director and actress, she has become the very bedrock that many of the biggest names in the entertainment industry have built their careers upon.
You think that's over the top?  Well, that's part of who she is. Her biography also says:

"Legend, icon, wild-hearted demoness bad-girl bitch. It is impossible to describe the juggernaut that is Penny Arcade without entering the world of hyperbole that she not only inhabits but also personifies."

Penny and local dancer Walter after the show

Penny Arcade was sometimes funny, sometimes rocking, often thought provoking, and sometimes she exposed her inner human vulnerability to the audience to the extent that you just wanted to give her a big hug and comfort her. The subtitle is "Sex and Censorship Show" and that's the theme throughout, from the opening skit where she takes calls to a New York whore house.

There's even a break where the audience is  encouraged to get up and dance - which most did. Penny's life is the thread that ties all the pieces together that reflect on sex, secrecy, hate, homophobia, sexism, and the ideals of the United States. There were times when the pace slipped and the prose was just ordinary - particularly when she was commenting on the most current events. I just assume she was trying out new material.

Anchorage has this visitor from another planet whose population included some of the most talented and outrageous artists of the 20th Century including Andy Warhol (who's work was on display at the Anchorage Museum last year) and Quentin Crisp and she lived through the AIDS epidemic in Manhattan and watch hundreds of her friends die. This is, in my mind, must see stuff. If only to connect first hand to this part of our history. It's here this weekend and next at Out North - on DeBarr almost kitty corner from Costco.

8pm Fridays and Saturdays.   (Go earlier for the bar and dancing in the gallery.)

It's this kind of stuff which continues to make Out North not only a special
Local dancer Bonanza after the sho
place in Anchorage, but from what I can tell, in the US.

And, since I'd been interviewing Brent Scarpo, who has been in town all week talking to folks about how to move from bullying and hate to hope, I thought that in many ways, Penny Arcade's show was the X rated version of the same topic.

This is the kind of stuff that expands both your heart and your head.  I'm sure that there are people who would walk out in disgust.  But I would argue that such people are not doing what Penny is preaching - looking deep into their hearts and being true to themselves, NOT to what others say they should do. *

The exact same advice that Brent Scarpo is offering.  Know, then be, yourself.  It can really be painful getting there.

*OK, OK, I know some of you will react here.  They are not saying the rest of the world should be damned as people selfishly indulge.  But they are saying, carefully consider which of society's messages are important and which are merely attempts to bend everyone into the same narrow mold. 

Determine whether you have been shaped into someone you aren't in an attempt to conform to a single  ideal of a good human being.  Then work to genuinely know that it's ok to be who you are.  And then let all the rest go and follow your own passion.  And be free.

Six Ones

It's 11/11/11.

Earlier this month it was 11/11/11.

This only happens once a century.  Thus, people born in the next ten years,  will have to live to 90 or 100 to ever experience it.

But, so what?  Does it matter?  If you missed it, would your life be less?

"According to Alan Lenzi, professor of religious studies at University of the Pacific who studies biblical numerology, seeking meaning in numbers is a natural human tendency. "Cognitive scientists have demonstrated that the human brain is hard-wired to look for meaningful patterns in the sensory data it collects from the world," Lenzi told Life's Little Mysteries.
In most situations, this cognitive wiring helps us: It enables us to pick important information out of a background of random noise. But sometimes we overdo it by finding patterns where they aren't — from faces seen in the clouds to numerical coincidences. Once found, these patterns "are easily imbued with imaginative meaning," he said.
There is nothing unusual about the time 11:11 or the date 11/11/11, but our brains can't help noticing the repeating digits, and seeing them as meaningful. "Numbers that are already significant to us, such as calendar dates that also coincidentally fall into an obvious pattern, become doubly significant," Lenzi said. "11/11/11 is another example of people doing what people are cognitively prone to do: find significance." (from Life's Little Mysteries)

Of course, this is all silly because it is really 11/11/2011.  But 11/11/1111!  Now that would have been a year to see.  Unless you wrote the year in Roman Numerals MCXI.  During the 12th  century, according to Wikipedia 
the blast furnace for the smelting of cast iron is imported from China, appearing around Lapphyttan, Sweden, as early as 1150, and Alexander Neckam is the first European to document the mariner's compass, first documented by Shen Kuo in the previous century. 
Angkor Wat is built under the Hindu king Suryavarman II.

It was 45 years after William the Conqueror was crowned King of England and the population of London was about 18,000.   And beavers were hunted to extinction in England in the 12th Century.

The League of the Iroquois would be founded 31 years later in 1142.

But how does this fit into the world today?  What can we learn from the collapse of so many ancient empires?  How can each of us make today's world better?  Or keep it from getting worse?

For more than you want to know about 11 11 11.

Happy Birthday Beth!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Snow, More Shoveling, Full Circle, Photoshop

You're going to get bored with these driveway pictures - or else I'll have to start learning some better photoshop tricks.  But once again, there were about 4 inches of snow on the driveway to be shoveled.  And the snow on the sides of the driveway are getting higher.  This is about the fourth snowfall since Oct. 30. 

But inside we had our new Full Circle Foods box.   It's nice, and something of a challenge, to open the box every two weeks and see what's inside.  J does most of the cooking these days.  I think I figured out why - she prefers eating it to what I cook.  So do I.
I think going into next summer we need to scout out the more local options.  Suggestions? 

We also moved forward on the uncluttering today via Craigslist - got rid of a nice chair that just doesn't work right for us.  And the buyer seemed very pleased.   

OK, I decided to go play with the FCF photo.  (I realized later it was the snow stuff I should jazz up, but when I tried, I wasn't impressed.  I'll have to find something else.) 

I found a website - photoshop essentials - tutorial on blending layers in photoshop.  Here I'm only using the persimmons and the carrots. 

For the carrots, I went through the different blend modes in the Layers window and decided I liked Light Color best for this.

For the persimmons (one's an apple), none of the Blending options appealed to me.  I'm not sure how it got open, but the styles window was open, and I tried the different options until I found "Light Dissolve" which, while not perfect, seemed best.  I'm using Photoshop 3, so I was pleased to read on photoshop essentials that the latest version isn't (essential):

But do you really need the latest and greatest version of Photoshop with all its bells and whistles in order to complete most of your day-to-day photo editing tasks? Adobe would like you to think, "Yes, absolutely!!", but chances are, more often than not, the answer is no. With just a little knowledge and a few basic skills, you can usually accomplish most of what you need to do. Even though each new version of Photoshop comes with new features, new options and new toys for us to play with, the core skills you need to have are the same in Photoshop CS3 as they were back in Photoshop 3 when Adobe first introduced layers into Photoshop.
So what are these core skills? Knowing how to make basic selections is one of them. Knowing how to use and work with layers in Photoshop is definitely one of them. Understanding how layer masks work is very important. And knowing how and when to use layer blend modes, which just happen to be the topic of this discussion, is absolutely essential.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Cadets Like Brent Scarpo A Lot - And Why You Should Consider Being a Mentor

Brent Scarpo's been keeping busy in Anchorage - East High, Clark Middle School, some radio shows, a small public workshop, Anchorage Police Department, the Cook Inlet Tribal Council among others.

Today I went along to hear him talk with about 160 cadets at the Alaska Military Youth Academy at Fort Richardson.  Their website gives an overview:
"The Alaska Military Youth Academy's ChalleNGe Program is designed to meet the life coping skills and educational needs of 16 to 18 year old Alaskans.  The Youth ChalleNGe program is a 22-week residential school based on the traditional military training model.
Cadets are instructed in the following areas: Life Coping Skills, Academic Excellence, Job Skills, Responsible Citizenship, Leadership/Followership, Health & Hygiene, Physical Fitness, and Service to Community. In addition to these skills, cadets work toward the completion of a GED or High School Diploma."
These are kids who have experienced difficulties in their young lives.
"Who can attend the AMYA ChalleNGe?
Young Alaskan men and women 16 through 19 years of age may apply to AMYA for admission to a ChalleNGe Program class. Applicants must be Alaska residents, must provide proof of United States citizenship or legal residency, may not have a traditional high school diploma or GED, be willing to commit to a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free life while enrolled, be free of legal entanglements and must be volunteers.
No young man or woman can be "sent" to an AMYA ChalleNGe course. Most importantly, applicants must have a desire to move their lives in a positive direction and must have made the decision to make a healthy change in their lives."
And Brent was raring to go.  His favorite audience, he said.  Alternative schools, places with kids who have extra obstacles in their lives.  And he had their close attention for two hours.

They wear uniforms, answer questions, "Sir, yes sir!"  They sit up straight.  It's a very military setting.  Brent is totally unmilitary.  He's real and his combination of experiences -  his own childhood difficulties but also being associated with movies all the kids had seen (they nearly all raised their hands to say they'd seen Shawshank Redemption and Matilda) - combined with his transparent delivery, was powerful.  When he asked questions, kids raised their hands to respond.  In a setting with a lot of formal military discipline (probably helpful for most of these kids) Brent was a brief moment of piercing love and about issues these kids know too well.

At the end, kids were lined up to shake Brent's hand and tell him thank you and that one part or another of the program had connected with them.  It was very powerful and I'm glad I was able to attend. 

This program is run by the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.  They have lots of volunteer mentor positions.  Anchorage folks, these are kids that a mentor could really help.

"Each class of the Academy consists of 17.5 months in two phases. The first is residential consisting of the most comprehensive 2 week evaluation of candidates for the program included with the remaining 20 weeks of immersion into a quasi-military environment. The second phase is the ChalleNGe post-residential phase continuing  the year of aftercare.  During the residential phase the adult mentor visits the Cadet, writes letters, attends special events, tutors and takes the Cadet on pass. This caring, responsible adult friendship increases the Cadet's chance for continued success.
During the one year of aftercare (which follows the graduation from the residential phase) the Mentor and Cadet continue regular weekly contact by face-to-face visits, telephone, letter and email.  Both the Cadet and the Mentor send reports monthly to the aftercare office reporting the Cadet's placement on the job or in school."

Think about it.  Mentoring makes a difference.

In one of the largest studies in the field (Tierney & Grossman, 1995), 959 youth who asked to be matched with a Big Brother/Big Sister during 1992-1993 were randomly assigned to one of two groups: a mentoring group or a control group (the latter youth were put on the 18-month waiting list). Both groups were interviewed when they applied for the program and 18 months later, and completed self-report indices. The study examined several broad areas that mentoring might affect: antisocial activities, academic performance, attitudes and behaviors, relationships with family, relationships with friends, self-concept, and social and cultural enrichment. The results indicated that "littles" (mentees) who met with their "bigs" (mentors) regularly for about a year were 46% less likely than the control group to start using illegal drugs, 27% less likely to start drinking, 52% less likely to skip a day ...
[The preview of the article ended there, sorry.]

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

"the moment I said that to them . . .that was it. We owned them" Jack Abramoff

Here's what Jack Abramoff said to Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes Sunday:
“When we would become friendly with an office and they were important to us, and the chief of staff was a competent person, I would say or my staff would say to him or her at some point, ‘You know, when you’re done working on the Hill, we’d very much like you to consider coming to work for us.’ Now the moment I said that to them or any of our staff said that to ’em, that was it. We owned them. And what does that mean? Every request from our office, every request of our clients, everything that we want, they’re gonna do. And not only that, they’re gonna think of things we can’t think of to do.”
In the Alaska corruption trials, both Pete Kott and Bruce Weyhrauch were offered possible future jobs by Bill Allen.  And both, as the FBI tapes showed, did his bidding on the House floor in Juneau.  Bill Allen even told Pete Kott, "I own your ass."  It seems Alaskans speak the same language they speak in DC.

I would note that Abramoff who made, according to the CBS video, $20,000,000 a year lobbying, and in his own words 'owned' 100 offices, got a four year sentence. 

Tom Anderson's crime, and I'm retelling this from memory you can get the precise charges here, was a vague scheme to have a lobbyist pay $10,000 to an Alaska public policy website which would pay Anderson for work he did on the site. He did get paid, and deposited it directly into his account.   In exchange, Anderson talked to a few people, including a commissioner and a community meeting, about the need for building facilities for kids in Alaska so they didn't get sent out of state.  He did this without revealing his relationship to the lobbyist.  Nor did he report the $10,000 to APOC. But he didn't write or change any legislation.  He got sentenced to five years compared to Abramoff's four years.  

Every politician I've ever talked to thinks he's being ethical.  And many if not most are. But even if they aren't they think they are. Here's Abramoff's take:
"Most Congressmen don't feel they're being bought.  Most Congressmen, in their own minds, can justify the system. . . by the way, we wanted, as lobbyists, for them to think that way."
You can watch the 14 minute segment here.

Abramoff's suggestion for fighting DC corruption is to ban anyone who works for Congress to ever become a lobbyist.  We might consider that here in Alaska.  Except guess who makes the laws?  Lobbyists, staffers, and legislators.  

He also talks about getting language put into bills that's absolutely precise but no one would every know what it was for.  Seems like that's precisely what Don Young did to fund that highway in Florida that the people in Florida didn't even want.

I found this video through Cliff Groh's Alaska Political Corruption blog.

The Modern World - Do It Yourself Gas Mask

I found this in a forum at Why We Protest.

Simple DIY Gas Mask from the people of EGYPT

Things you will need

1- Amount of 2 medical filter masks.
2- Activated Charcoal (available at pharmacies one make is known as EUCARBON)
3- Glue Or Glue Gun
4- Swimming goggles

Take the activated Charcoal and crush it till it is fine but not powdered entirely.

Dampen the inside of one of the 2 medical masks. Do this on the inside so that it is similar to a cup. NB Only dampen slightly do not make it wet or the glue will not stick.

On the Dampened surface of the Medical Mask Add Approx 1-1.5 teaspoons of the crushed activated charcoal. Do not put it around the edges or or the glue will not stick.

The rest of the instructions are here. 

So, a mask could be made for about $8.56
Two masks at $1.25 $2.50
 Charcoal, at $21 for 2-5 lbs (1 gal jug) @$.05
  Swim Goggles $6.00
Glue @$.01
Total per mask $8.56

What are the police paying?  Anywhere from $143 per mask and up.  And in their masks, they stop being humans and turn into anonymous insects of the state. 

Monday, November 07, 2011

More Snow - Natural Exercise

 I believe that the more natural exercise - physical activity that accomplishes some necessary task, like digging the hole for my insulation in September, and not just exercising to exercise - the better off we are.  The number of people who drive to the gym to work out, or take the elevator when they could take the stairs point out the irony of our times. 

Mother Nature is helping out this week.  I shoveled about 4 inches of snow out of the driveway yesterday and this morning I was greeted by another 6.  But the light snow doesn't have the heft of a shovelful of dirt, but tossing it does work on a back muscle.  And it didn't take more than ten minutes.  But it got me out in the cool fresh air and moving my body.

It helped, more psychologically than physically, that my neighbor had cleared the sidewalk at the bottom of the driveway for me.  

(This post is mainly for people in places like  LA or Honolulu who don't get to shovel snow, or who grew up in snow and now live in one of those snowless lands.)