Sunday, September 05, 2010

September First Friday Art Anchorage

Living downtown has its advantages.  In Juneau we could walk to enough First Friday events to keep us filled with new ideas.  But we don't live in downtown Anchorage and there are more venues besides.

But we walked Friday to Modern Cave Dwellers at the mall at 36th and Old Seward where we met friends and Biana Tapia who had an interesting collection of charcoal and sepia drawings.  I don't pretend to be an art expert so these are just my own impressions.

A lot of art has a common look - a style, theme, a subject - that is often more decorative than interesting.  These pieces seemed to be Tapia's visions of the world without reference to other work or to being sold.  

We drove with our friends to Dos Manos - at the Valhalla Mall on Northern Lights - because it was on the way downtown.  I'd never been to this crowded shop before.

Since I've been posting close ups of flowers, I couldn't resist this )

close up picture called French Kiss done on a map of France.  (The photo is just a part of it.

You could buy the VW Van for $130.

The submarine fish picture (an excerpt) in the lower right by Lance Lekander - whose Raven was the logo for the Anchorage International Film Festival last December - can be had for $250. 

Next we parked on the parkstrip and walked downtown.  The newspaper mentioned a place on K Street with photos of insects and flowers, which regulars here know I wanted to see.

We passed the Voyager Hotel and stopped to see the Hope Studio exhibit. 

These pieces raise again the question of what makes art?  All of these pieces could easily find a place in someone's house, and for a very low price.  Particularly if I were looking for something for a kid's room, I'd check this out, but many of them would fit in the adult spaces as well.  

These two large paper mache pieces were very tempting.

The bug and flower exhibit was already closed when we got there, so we wandered down 4th to the Katie Sevigny Studio.

There were lots of large, colorful paintings and other interesting things.

The artist was serving wine in little paper cups. 

This is a closeup of a painting called Octopus which you can see in the background behind the guy's head in the first picture of this gallery. $1800.

Then, around the corner onto G Street, and upstairs.  This isn't a place you would find without looking.  The Upstairs Studio has about a half a  dozen little studios for resident artists.

And there were some guests exhibited as well. 

I think my favorite pieces of the evening were four encaustics on birch by Darla Myers.  What's encaustics?  I'd made a poster for an encaustics workshop in my computer art class and the post about it has some good links.

Anyway, here are two of Darla's great, small pieces.

The prices were below reasonable. (Around $110)  But we're in declutter mode, so we can only buy consumables.

So I bought some cards of hers.

And then we dropped into Suzi's Woolies next door where there was Irish music. 

It was a fun evening.  There's lots going on in Anchorage.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Boraas Applies "Symbolic Violence" to Beck Rally

In "Occam's Razor" on this week's This American Life  two young high school students in the 1970's were forced to get married by her Italian-American parents because she was pregnant.  There was one little twist though.  The woman wasn't sure who the father of the baby was.  Was it her white boyfriend or the black basketball player she'd also had sex with?  

The baby was born, much to the mother's relief, looking very white.  But come summer, the kid got pretty dark when out in the sun.    Despite incidents such as a woman coming up to them in a store wanting to know about interracial adoption, the family used complicated genetic theory to maintain the story of their family.  Obviously there were some old recessive Sicilian genes, perhaps a Moor in the family tree somewhere. Despite growing evidence to the contrary, the child's paternity was not to be questioned.  They were family.  Any questioning of the paternity of the son threatened everything they had.

What people "know" isn't always consistent with the data - the theme of this week's show - yet despite the contrary evidence, they stick to their narrative of events.  We do this all the time.   And one of the key goals of this blog - it's called "What Do I Know?" for a reason - is to reexamine what we take for granted, what we 'know,' from different perspectives.

But probing people's stories of how the world works is difficult.  Even when there is obvious evidence as in the son's increasingly 'black' features, this is hard.  When the evidence is less tangible, it can be almost impossible. 

Terms like 'symbolic violence' are attempts to articulate this tricky territory.  They're difficult because they're so abstract and require a certain amount of investment of time and thought to truly grasp.  When they are used, they sound stuffy and they ask people to see a truth - like this kid's blackness - that the people don't want to see.

I can't find any easy definitions of 'symbolic violence.'  A website called Knol, which seems to be Google's version of Wikipedia,  had this:  [I dare you to read the whole definition and do so in a way that you get it at the end.]
The notion of "symbolic violence" comes from the work of Pierre Bourdieu. This notion represents an extension of the term "violence" to include various modes of social/cultural domination. Symbolic violence is the unnoticed (partly unconscious) domination that every-day social habits maintain over the conscious subject. Symbolic violence should not be confused with media violence. It is not the acts of murder and mayhem portrayed on television. Actually, symbolic violence is not normally even recognized as violence. For example, gender domination, and gender itself (say, in the construction of sexuality) represents one prominent arena of symbolic violence.
[See I told you this pushes us beyond how much work we are normally willing to put into new ideas.]

So, here's  what I think the examples at the end mean: we have grown up absorbing cultural and/or religious narratives (stories, concepts, beliefs)  that justify male dominance over women and the superiority of heterosexuality over any alternative.

Wikipedia's definition has a sentence that I think is critical:
Symbolic violence is in some senses much more powerful than physical violence in that it is embedded in the very modes of action and structures of cognition of individuals, and imposes the specter of legitimacy of the social order.
All this is preface to Alan Boraas' interesting Comment piece in today's Anchorage Daily News.  Boraas consistently takes emotional current events and examines them rationally attempting to peel back a couple of layers to get people to see what is really happening below the apparent facade.  In today's piece he looks at Glen Beck's DC rally through the lens of symbolic violence.  Boraas dismisses Beck's claim that the date of the rally was mere coincidence.
Glenn Beck's assertion that it was mere coincidence the "Restore America" rally fell on the 47th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is pure fabrication. In fact, the Restore America event is a textbook case of symbolic violence. 
Symbolic violence is a technique of dominance. Sometimes it is unintentional, but increasingly it is part of a concerted effort to manipulate public opinion. Karl Rove-style political operatives are expert at this type of manipulation. Symbolic violence is not simply attacking another group's symbols like defacing a church or mosque. Symbolic violence is much more subtle and occurs when one faction adopts the symbols of another faction, recontextualizes them, makes them their own and therefore robs them of their original meaning marginalizing the original owners for their own gain.  [Read the rest here.]
He then goes on to give detailed examples of how Beck and Palin, in their speeches try to appropriate the symbols of Dr. King and the "I Have a Dream" speech to make it their own and literally steal its symbolism as a powerful symbol of the left and make it a symbol of the right.  

The conservatives have been incredibly successful at manipulating symbols, systematically making every major word used to describe liberals and liberal ideas into pejoratives, starting with the word 'liberal' itself, which many 'liberal' politicians are reluctant to use to describe themselves today.  People like Rush Limbaugh have worked tirelessly to make words like feminist and environmentalist into epithets, so that there are no positive words, no positive symbols, for liberals to call themselves.  This is I believe an example of 'symbolic violence.'  

After giving detailed comparisons of King's words and Beck's and Palin's manipulation of King's words, Boraas concludes:
The Beck/Palin Restore America rally was a classic act of symbolic violence capturing the spirit and rhetoric of King at the very place he spoke and recontextualizing the civil rights movement in a tea party framework trying to give the latter the same legitimacy as the former.
Now the Tea Party folks will probably reject Boraas' interpretation totally and probably call the term 'symbolic violence' elitist nonsense.  (The term 'elitist' also has been subject to symbolic violence by both the left and the right.)

However, if Boraas had written about how U.S.  history books characterize the civil war as about slavery rather than about states' rights, surely many Tea Party folk would understand the concept and agree that symbolic violence has occurred.  

I can't help but come up with additional questions.  Does symbolic appropriation always need to be violent?  I'm sure philosophers have debated this.  Was the creation of Martin Luther King's birthday an instance of symbolic violence?  Clearly it was a conscious attempt to put King - and the issues of equality - into a national status that had been reserved for only Lincoln and Washington previously. (And now their birthdays have been combined into Presidents' Day.)  Is there a term for non-violent symbol creation?  Or is any attempt to change the power structure necessarily 'violent'?

What about how many African-Americans have reclaimed the word "nigger"? By using it themselves about themselves, they're deflating the previous symbolic meaning of the term.  They're appropriating a word that dehumanized them and are reconstructing its symbolic meaning.  Is this a form of 'symbolic violence' or something else?
Such extra questions as these are the reason why posts that I think are going to be quick and easy, turn into  longer and more complicated ones.  I'm NOT going to pause and research the literature of symbolic violence, though I suspect these questions have been addressed.  Perhaps some philosopher might get here by accident and help out. 

Friday, September 03, 2010

Halcro Tells Moore He's Voting for McAdams

I finally made it, Thursday, to see a taping of Shannyn Moore's Moore Up North show at Bernie's Bungalow.  It was a delightful afternoon and people were sitting outside at Bernie's.

Shannyn Moore is one of the Alaska bloggers who got a nod for their work in the new Vanity Fair piece on Sarah Palin.

"The Anchorage Daily News no longer has a beat reporter assigned to Palin. Owing to newsroom cuts, the paper has no staff to spare, and editors reportedly see Palin as “a nonentity” in Alaska now—a phenomenon primarily of concern to the rest of the country (collectively referred to as “outside”). The blogs that keep closest tabs on Palin include Palingates, Mudflats, the Immoral Minority, and Shannyn Moore: Just a Girl from Homer. Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish and Arianna Huffington’s Huffington Post serve as the main conduits of information from the blogs to the mainstream media. . .

All attend to Palin’s every move with a focus that could be called obsessive, and all are given, in varying degrees of intensity, to juvenile outbursts that can rival C4P at its worst. . . Still, without these blogs, the world would have much less information about Palin’s life right now.

Of the group, only Shannyn Moore, an Anchorage radio and TV personality, has any experience as a journalist."

Anyway, I found the 'studio' upstairs and walked in as Moore was interviewing Andrew Halcro, former Republican state legislator and gubernatorial candidate. 

They were talking about the recent US Senate election.  Halcro discussed issues he had with the Republican primary winner Joe Miller.  They talked about the possibility of Murkowski running, but given that people have to spell the name right, he thought a write-in campaign would be impossible to win.  Moore asked him who he's going to vote for if it's between Miller and McAdams.  He paused briefly and then said, "Scott McAdams."  Then he added something like, "With all due respect to McAdams, I'll vote for the lesser of two evils."  [UPDATE Sept 6:  You can watch the video now here.]

When Halcro's segment was over, three pilots from the union representing UPS pilots whose positions are being cut, spoke with Moore about the economic impact of these cuts on Anchorage. 

This really is one of those special little home town events - a local television news show filmed in a restaurant/bar and played on KYES, quite possibly the only independent family owned television channel left in the US. 

You can keep tabs on when to see the filming at Moore's blog:  Just a Girl from Homer.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Former Anchorage Boy Blogs in NY About Vanity Fair's Palin Story

Marty Beckerman grew up in Anchorage and now lives and works in New York.  Among other things he blogs.  His short piece on The Awl  begins with comments on the Michael Joseph Gross piece in the new VF, then goes on to talk about what it's like to be from Alaska.  [Disclosure:  I knew Marty when he was a kid here in Anchorage, but haven't seen him for a long while. He had a bizarre sense of humor back then and even wrote a book in college and seems to have found someone to pay him to keep writing. The bio says he's written two more books and he's the online features editor at Esquire.]
The new Vanity Fair Sarah Palin profile is enthralling: rage-fueled breakdowns, domestic violence (is there a battered spouse center for First Dudes?) and Madoff-worthy financial manipulation. Equally fascinating is the climate of fear and confusion that Michael Joseph Gross discovered in Wasilla, where townspeople are terrified of discussing their former mayor/governor, and deeply uncomfortable with the world-famous media creation that she has become. "To appreciate how alien Palin has become in Wasilla, how inscrutable to her own people, you have to wrap your mind around the fact that Sarah Palin is more famous than any other Alaskan, ever," Gross writes. "It still does not quite seem real to most Alaskans that there are all these thousands of people in the Lower 48 turning out for … Sarah."
Echoing the fear theme, someone mentioned that Joe McGuiness said that he was surprised at the level of Palinphobia in Wasilla.  Fear seems to be a characteristic of the Republican party in Alaska.  Someone else mentioned good friends who wouldn't contribute to non-partisan candidates because the party would punish them for straying from the fold. 

Below is a paragraph from the actual Vanity Fair article about Palin's tipping habits. 
Palin does not always treat those ordinary people well, however—it depends on who is watching. Of the many famous people who have stayed at the Hyatt in Wichita (Cher, Reba McEntire, Neil Young), Sarah Palin ranks as the all-time worst tipper: $5 for seven bags. But the bellhops had it good in Kansas, compared with the bellman at another midwestern hotel who waited up until past midnight for Palin and her entourage to check in—and then got no tip at all for 10 bags. He was stiffed again at checkout time. The same went for the maids who cleaned Palin’s rooms in both places—no tip whatsoever. The only time I heard of Palin giving a generous tip was in St. Joseph, Michigan, after the owner of Kilwin’s chocolate shop, on State Street, sent a CARE package to Palin’s suite, and Palin walked to the store to say thank you. She also wanted to buy more boxes of candy to take home. When the owner would not accept her money, Palin, encircled by the crowd that had jammed the store to get a glimpse of her, pressed a hundred-dollar bill into the woman’s hand, saying, “This is for the staff.” That Ben Franklin was the talk of State Street the whole rest of the day. 

The whole VF article is here.

How Exit Glacier Connected Me to El Limpiador de Tejados

I got a comment about a week ago on a post last year about Exit Glacier.  Tomás Serrano left a comment, "I was there today. It´s a wonderful place, but ask your knees... It worths!!!!"  (I don't look at old posts for comments, they come to me by email.)  I linked on his profile and checked out his blogs.  He's from Spain and wrote a children's book called Salfón:  El limpiador de tejados.  His blog also mentioned that he was leaving copies of the book for Alaskans to find.  So I emailed him about clues where we might find the book.  (If you're in Valdez, he left one in the library there.)  He seemed like an interesting guy. 


It turned out he would be in Anchorage on Saturday and Sunday so I invited him over for breakfast.  Sunday he came over with his wife and two children and we had a great time together - including a trip to the botanical garden and Glen Alps.  

We had a great time Sunday, thanks to the blog and Exit Glacier.  They should all be back in Spain now.  They stopped in Chicago for six or seven hours and I just got an email from our friends there who picked them up and showed them around on their stopover.  

There are so many interesting people in the world and it's fun to have this sort of opportunity to show Anchorage off to people who so enjoyed seeing it. 

Oh yes, he left an autographed copy of Salfón with us.  And if you want to know what

El limpiador de tejados

means, you can copy it here, then paste it into the window at (make sure it is set to Spanish to English) and you can find out. 

I should add a note about another blogger friend, Ropi, who studied Spanish as well as English.  He's been accepted to study applied economics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.  He did mention that he is going to drop Spanish and study Russian.  But wait Ropi, and first read Tomás' book. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Minimum Daily Requirement of Truth and Acceptable Daily Levels of Lies

I first remember being aware of blatant false advertisement as a kid - maybe I was ten, but I'm really not sure - when I ordered the 'fresh strawberries' for dessert in a restaurant.

They brought me very recently thawed frozen strawberries.  I was indignant. "These aren't fresh!" I said to the waitress.  Without blinking an eye, she replied, "Yes, they're fresh frozen."  I couldn't believe it then, and I still can't believe that people can so blatantly twist the truth.

This all comes up as today I looked at this cereal package and  thought, "What does this have to do with Grapes or Nuts?"

So I checked out the ingredients:

Do you see anything related to grapes or nuts?

That reminded me of a photo I'd taken earlier this summer thinking there'd be a time it would fit into a blog post.

"good food for the fun of it"

We see this sort of thing so often that we forget to react, "Why is this 'good' food?"   "Good" for what?  Frito-Lay company?  (Owned by Pepsi, another healthy food company) Good for diabetes?   Hey, I like crispy food and potato chips are among the crispiest.  

But most of us know that more than a couple really aren't that healthy.  

Actually, when I went to the FritoLay website, I realized that things aren't quite as bad as they used to be when chips were made with trans fats.   The ingredients (from their website) are to the left.   This doesn't look all that bad.

This is for a two ounce container of chips, a serving size is one ounce.  15 chips = one ounce = 150 calories, 90 from fat.

Ingredients:  Potatoes,  Sunflower or Corn oil, and salt.  

It is clear that they are VERY conscious of consumer interest in health. They have a number of webpages dedicated to answering questions about nutrition and health.  There's no more trans fats.

But let's remember that these are ultimately written by marketing folks, not doctors.  And they are not all that easy to deconstruct.  Let's just look at a couple of their FAQ's on their "Straight Talk on Snacking" page.

"Q:  Aren’t all fried foods unhealthy?
A:  Actually, no. Frying itself isn’t unhealthy—it’s the type of oil in which the frying is done that  matters. Certain oils, such as tropical and partially hydrogenated oils have saturated fats or trans fats, which are considered “bad fats.” But Frito-Lay chips are fried in healthier oils like corn and sunflower oils, which contain 80% or more of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat—the “good fats.”"
  • "Frying itself isn't unhealthy" - when I looked up "Is frying unhealthy?"  just about all the links on the first three pages said yes.  Here's one from a doctor's website explaining why.  I'm not saying it is, but I'm pointing out that a lot of people would disagree with Fritolay's statement. 
  • OK, they talk about the trans fats - partially hydrogenated oils and saturated fats - as the bad fats.  (Large food companies only changed from trans fats when they feared they would be banned, now they don't even mention they used those fats and didn't so voluntarily drop them.) 

In their next FAQ - "But aren't your chips high in fat?" their answer contains this explanation:
. . . The good news about all our chips is that we make them with “good fats”—polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which have heart health benefits because they can actually lower bad cholesterol, so long as the total calories consumed do not increase.

"Good fats' is relative.  Webmd says,
when eaten in moderation and used to replace saturated or trans fats, can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. (emphasis added)
OK, this suggests eating 'good fats' doesn't by itself lower your risk. The risk is lowered because you substitute them for the 'bad fats' and thus you have less harm than if you had the 'bad fats' instead.  The bad fats they used to use until the government leaned on them to stop.  But that's not all.  Webmd continues:
Polyunsaturated fats, found mostly in vegetable oils, help lower both blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels -- especially when you substitute them for saturated fats. One type of polyunsaturated fat is omega-3 fatty acids, whose potential heart-health benefits have gotten a lot of attention.
But it turns out the 'good fats' that really do the work of lowering risk of heart disease are the fats with Omega 3 that are found in some fish and SOME oils.
Omega-3s are found in fatty fish (salmon, trout, catfish, mackerel), as well as flaxseed and walnuts. And it's fish that contains the most effective, "long-chain" type of omega-3s. The American Heart Association recommends eating 2 servings of fatty fish each week.
"Plant sources are a good substitute for saturated or trans fats, but they are not as effective as fatty fish in decreasing cardiovascular disease," notes Lichtenstein. Do keep in mind that your twice-weekly fish should not be deep-fat fried!
We can also get some lowering of heart disease risk from monounsaturated fats, but when they list the best sources, Fritolays'  corn and sunflower oils are not among those listed.  

The other "good guy" unsaturated fats are monounsaturated fats, thought to reduce the risk of heart disease. Mediterranean countries consume lots of these -- primarily in the form of olive oil -- and this dietary component is credited with the low levels of heart disease in those countries.
Monounsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature but solidify if refrigerated. These heart-healthy fats are typically a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E, a nutrient often lacking in American diets. They can be found in olives; avocados; hazelnuts; almonds; Brazil nuts; cashews; sesame seeds; pumpkin seeds; and olive, canola, and peanut oils.

So, while corn and sunflower oils are among the group of oils that can lower heart disease risk, they aren't among the oils that really do the most.  So their answer that their potato chips help lower the risk of heart disease, is, at best, misleading.  At worst, dishonest.  

Let's look carefully at one more of their FAQs about health.  

Q:  Won’t eating chips make me fat?A:  Weight and weight gain always goes back to calories in, calories out. Frito Lay chips (and any food, in fact) can be a part of a healthy lifestyle but moderation is important. Frito-Lay offers a number of options to help with portion control, including our multipacks and variety packs, which are an easy way to ensure the right portion, and fresh-tasting chips every time. And our 100 Calorie Mini Bites offer 100 calorie portions of some of our most popular brands including DORITOS® and CHEETOS®. 
So, what they are saying is that if you just eat a few potato chips as a snack, you won't get fat.  They are suggesting here that if you buy their one ounce bag, you will have a reasonable amount and then stop.  

Before I go on, let me remind you that this is the company that had one of the most successful advertising slogans of all times:  "Betcha can't eat just one..."   Now they are saying, "Sure they are healthy.  If you only eat 15 chips a day."

I'd also note that if you  go to you can compare prices of buying Fritolay products in different packaging options.   You can buy 104 one ounce packages for $42 and you can buy one 12 ounce package for $3.99.  That comes out to:

one  ounce package = $.40 per ounce
12 ounce package   =  $.25 per ounce

Healthy packages are a lot more expensive.  And these appear to be wholesale prices.  I'm sure that the retail markup on a single one ounce bag is a lot more than the markup on a single 12 ounce bag.

I guess the most telling part here is the where they say, "Fritolays (and any food, in fact) can be part of a healthy life style, but moderation is important."  ANY food, no matter how unhealthy, as long as you just take a bite or two, can be part of a healthy diet.  I don't disagree with that. 

This has turned out to be a much longer post than I ever anticipated when I took the picture of the Fritolay truck. 

Back to Truth and Lies

But let's close by reminding you that the point was not so much how healthy potato chips are, but how our sensitivity to TRUTH has been eroded by the marketing of products that is a fundamental part of a capitalist society.  (I realize that some people will start calling me a communist because I've used "capitalist" in a way that is not completely positive.  But the key is whether my comment is accurate or not.  And marketing is a fundamental part of capitalism.)  Marketing has become a high science, and truth and ethics are not a major part of  marketing curricula.  

That same science today is applied to political candidates and political movements.  All parties use it, some more skillfully and less ethically than others.  So we need to awaken our thinking skills.  One in particularly, that Brain Power author Karl Albrecht called "crap detection" is critically important in this effort.  It involves seeing through the bullshit to get closer to, if not that elusive entity 'truth,' then at least to reasonable accuracy. 

The Private Sector, Without Government Oversight, Isn't Going to Tell Us

Now I also need to point out, that if it weren't for government regulation, we would have absolutely no idea what ingredients are in the foods we eat.  We'd have no way of getting even partial honesty from these companies.  Without government agencies monitoring health, we'd have no reliable data on the impacts of food and the food industry on health. (And even government data is often shaky given the influence of business on government.) The private sector wouldn't take up the cause because their reason for being is to make a profit and thus to make whatever food  people will buy as cheap as possible.  And, in our ignorance of what is in the food we buy, we would have no way of evaluating whether the food was healthy or not.  Our basic choices would be based solely on how it tastes, how it is marketed, how much it costs.  

Even with all the information we do have available, many, many people either do not read the labels or choose to make decisions about what they eat emotionally rather than rationally.  Obviously, emotion - in the form of "I really want some chocolate" - is always going to be an important and legitimate factor in choosing food.  But that needs to be balanced by understanding how much salt, how much fat, etc. is in a product. 

From Food to Politics

And  so when we move to other areas of our lives, besides food, we are so used to 'truthiness' that we easily fall into believing those things that support what we want to believe.  We discount the problems with foods we really love.  We discount the problems with politicians who says things we approve.

What if political ads had to come with percent of daily  requirements of Truth and acceptable daily levels of Lies

EXTRA:  Some other snack options

Remember, 15 potato chips have 150 calories, or about 10 calories per chip.

Fruits contain 15 grams of carbohydrate and 60 calories. One serving equals:
1 small Apple, banana, orange, nectarine
1 med. Fresh peach
1 Kiwi
½ Grapefruit
½ Mango
1 C Fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries)
1 C Fresh melon cubes
18th Honeydew melon

Vegetables contain 25 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrate. One serving equals:
½ C Cooked vegetables (carrots, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, etc.)
1 C Raw vegetables or salad greens
½ C Vegetable juice
If you’re hungry, eat more fresh or steamed vegetables.

So when it comes to calories:

One apple + one banana + 1/2 cup of fresh berries   =   15 potato chips


Six cups of salad with raw vegetables (you could put on some lemon oil) = 15 potato chips

Betcha can't eat just 15 though.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Flowery Distractions So You Won't Notice My Unwritten Posts

I have a small pile of unwritten posts - the Democratic Unity Dinner last Tuesday, How Exit Glacier introduced me to Salfón, el limpiador de tejados, something on the uniting possibilities of funerals, the Charter College Graduation, and others that will probably slip away as time passes and more current events take priority.

So I was going to post these photos from the botanical garden yesterday just because I thought they were pretty neat.  In one case, I was smart and took a picture of name of the flower so I'd remember. This red one is a masterwort - Astrantia "Ruby Wedding" Apiaceae.

But I got so caught up shooting these two that I forgot to the the name.

I was even going to ride back to the gardens and find out.  A good excuse to get some exercise.  But I had some things to take care of and then it started to rain really hard. 

Hard enough that the drops were actually splashing on our deck table.  And I decided you're going to have to just appreciate the flowers and their insect friends as anonymous visitors to the blog.  But I'm now on the lookout for a good insect field guide, one that allows me to distinguish between different types of flies like the two in the pictures above.

Even though the rain is down to a light drizzle now, my back fender somehow disappeared Saturday when we were out in pretty substantial rain.  You can get a sense from this picture of water in Chester Creek gushing out from under New Seward Highway.

Vote Here To Know God

This is what I saw when I voted last week.  I have no problem visiting a church for someone's wedding.  I visited churches voluntarily when we were in England this summer.  I even went to the Anchorage Baptist Temple for Sen. Ted Stevens' memorial.

But when my right to vote at my local polling place requires me to enter a church, it doesn't feel right to me.

What's your problem Steve?  What's the big deal?  It's just a building.  No one is asking you to pray before you vote.  (Would that help get my candidates elected?) 

As I wrote last year when I voted at the Municipal election, "Would anyone be troubled if they had to vote in a mosque?"  Given the debate over a proposed mosque in Lower Manhattan, I'm guessing there are a few people who might not feel comfortable voting in a mosque.  Then why, in a nation that constitutionally protects freedom of religion for all, should anyone be required, in order to vote, to attend a house of worship?

I think it's about power and equality.  When the vast majority of people actively support the idea that every religion should be treated  with equal esteem and respect before the law, when some religions aren't favored over others, when a significant and politically active segment of the population does not believe its their job to convert everyone to their belief - then we can start talking about being less concerned about celebrating religious holidays in public schools and voting in houses of worship.

It seems to me that as the people who have been traditionally privileged before the law - whites and males (is there anyone who doesn't believe that whites and males have been historically privileged in the US?) - are feeling uncomfortable in the US as the laws are being changed to balance things a bit, starting with abolishing slavery, voting rights for women,  rights for women over property and in marriages, equal access to public accommodation, housing,  education, jobs,  and voting.   Isn't this what moving back to basic American values is all about?  Taking back America?  That discomfort they feel, that's how it feels to vote in a church.

[Note:  I set this up to post Monday morning early but accidentally posted Sunday morning.  Before I could correct this, there was already a comment, so I'm posting the comment in this reposting at the correct time.

Dean has left a new comment on your post "Vote Here To Know God":

Where your polling place is has an enormous psychological impact. Great article on this very topic in this month's Miller-McCune Magazine]

[Update Sept. 3:  A Pakistani friend emailed that in Pakistan they do NOT vote in mosques, only in public schools.]

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Arctic Streakers Agility Club

Last Sunday, while on a bike ride we ran into a bunch of tents in the Waldron Park off Tudor Road east of Seward Highway.  We discovered the Arctic Streakers Agility Club.  

Wikipedia seems to have the best description of agility

Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy. Dogs run off-leash with no food or toys as incentives, and the handler can touch neither dog nor obstacles.
Consequently the handler's controls are limited to voice, movement, and various body signals, requiring exceptional training of the animal and coordination of the handler.
In its simplest form, an agility course consists of a set of standard obstacles, laid out by an agility judge in a design of his or her own choosing on a roughly 100 by 100-foot (30 by 30 m) area, with numbers indicating the order in which the dog must complete the obstacles.
Courses are complicated enough that a dog could not complete them correctly without human direction. In competition, the handler must assess the course, decide on handling strategies, and direct the dog through the course, with precision and speed equally important. Many strategies exist to compensate for the inherent difference in human and dog speeds and the strengths and weaknesses of the various dogs and handlers.

The North American Dog Agility Council website tells us:
The North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) was formed in 1993 to provide North American dogs and their handlers with a fast, safe and enjoyable form of the sport of dog agility. NADAC sanctions agility trials sponsored by affiliated clubs.
The purpose of a NADAC agility trial is to demonstrate the ability of a dog and its handler to work as a smoothly functioning team. With separate class divisions for Veterans and Junior Handlers and a variety of games, NADAC dog agility offers something for everyone!

Looking a little further, I found the United States Association of Dog Agility Clubs.  I wonder what the story is about these two organizations.

As evidence of the pioneering spirit and leadership role of USDAA and its supporters, we count among our accomplishments -
Introduction of the sport to North America in its international form (1986)
  • First organization in the world to separate competition into four jumping height divisions, fostering participation among competitors with virtually all sizes of dogs
  • First officially sanctioned event in the United States and North America (1986)
  • Introduction of the first competitive tournament series in North America - the "Grand Prix of Dog Agility®" (1988)
  • Introduction of the first certification tests in the world in five distinctive classes of competition (1990)
  • First U.S. canine sports authority to field teams in "world" competition (FCI World Dog Show, Germany, 1991)
  • First championship tournament series on a major national television network when the USDAA Grand Prix of Dog Agility® Championships was telecast on Animal Planet (1999)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Alaska to be Buried in Virginia

Speaker after speaker told us at Ted Stevens' memorial in Anchorage that, in Lisa Murkowski's words, "Ted was Alaska."

The Anchorage Daily News reports today that Ted is to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.