Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Lake Otis and Tudor vs. The Clouds

I walked over to Lake Otis and Tudor to get some pictures of what the intersections looks like as the State tries to take it off the top of the traffic jam list in Anchorage.  [OK, those of you who live in LA or Chicago or New York would laugh at what we call a traffic jam.  It's all relative.]  My aim was to go up on the St. Mary's hill and take some pictures from above.  You can  click here for earlier post of a public meeting showing what they were planning back in April.   But I really wanted to see the 16 bull-noses and 2 pork-chops they said they were installing a weekend ago. 

Well, already as we walked south on Lake Otis toward Tudor, I could see that the clouds were much more photogenic than the street. 

I'm guessing these orange things are the bull-noses, and I'm delighted that these appear to be temporary. 

We crossed over Tudor and walked south to the church driveway.  It looks to me that the sidewalk/bikepath area here is going to be wider than it was, but I'm not really sure.

It seems that going into the intersection from all directions, things will widen into a right lane, two left lanes, and two through lanes.  Coming out of the intersection in all directions there are just two through lanes.  It's not completely clear, because right now they have the lanes limited.  In the next picture, you can see that approaching the corner from the south, there is only one through lane. 

There were two cops and a smattering of cars in the parking lot.  I walked over to the end of the parking lot and into the wooded area leading to the corner.  But they had a chain link fence that meant my great picture wasn't going to happen.  There were too many trees and bushes between the fence and the ledge to get any great pictures.  This was the best one.  (It's looking to Lake Otis on the north side of intersection.)

Here's a street level view from the SW corner.  Each corner has a little pedestrian island (I'm pretty sure this is a pork-chop) like this.  It appears the cars will be clear in the right lanes to just turn right.  I'm guessing pedestrians and bicycles will be able to push a button to make them stop. 

But once we crossed Tudor to go back home, I gave up completely on the construction and succumbed to what was happening overhead.




Does anyone else see what I see in this last cloud?

It was only this morning that I decided I wouldn't abandon the corner altogether and kept a couple of those pictures in this post. 

Monday, July 05, 2010

Anchorage is Getting Cheesy

Before I forget this, I met Helen Howarth at the Wu Man concert the other night.  She's going to open a cheese shop to be called Fromagio's Artisan Cheese at the O'Malley Centre at O'Malley and Old Seward.  Not exactly in my normal path.  And for health reasons I don't generally eat cheese.  But I know that a lot of people will be interested in this new option.  She's hoping to open late August or early September. 

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Ukrainian Women Unique Welcome to Sec. of State Clinton

[UPDATE, Jan 23, 2010:  For some strange reason, Google is sending people looking for Samsui women to this post. Click the link for the post with Samsui women.]

I'm not exactly sure what this means, but on the surface it would appear that some women in the Ukraine were pleased to see a women - Hillary Clinton - leading a delegation to their country.   So you don't have to stare too hard, it says "welcome" on the woman in the middle.

I found this post on Ukrainiana through Ropi's (on my blog roll in the right column) blog roll.  Ukrainiana got it from FEMEN.  I checked with a friend who's fluent in Russian and the FEMEN site is written in Russian (rather than Ukrainian), and it does appear to be a legitimate feminist site. 

Their chant on the video (at both sites) is
“Hillary, help! Hillary, help! No strong woman, no free country!”
I would note that Ropi did mention that the weather was pretty warm in Budapest, but I assume this was more about getting attention for their cause than being comfortable in the heat.  My consultant on this said that there were other posts that talked about grievances that women students had at the university, but wasn't sure what problems were.

We did discuss why this might be in Russian rather than Ukrainian.  One possibility is because more people can read Russian than Ukrainian.  Also, there's a large Russian population in Ukraine and these women could be ethnic Russians.  But we don't know.  

In any case, it seems like a pro-democracy demonstration is an appropriate July 4 post.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Around Byers Lake, Denali State Park

I did an earlier post of flowers and bugs we saw walking around the lake at this Alaskan State Park.  It was a grey weekend with some rain and lots of mosquitoes, but a reminder why weather shouldn't affect whether you go or not.  It was still much better than staying home.   The campground is about mile 147 on the Parks Highway between Anchorage and Denali National Park. 

This is Public Use Cabin #1 which Joe had reserved for the group.  It's right near the parking lot and on the edge of the lake.  A few people slept in the cabin, others in their campers, and others in tents.

The route around the lake is 4.8 miles and at this time of the year, very green and lots of flowers.

About half a mile from the parking lots, there are two more public use cabins.  This one is number 3.

At the south end of the lake, a small bridge goes over the drainage out of the lake.

While things were relatively dry, there were bits of boardwalk at different points along the trail.

In fact, we were originally supposed to contribute to some other projects under construction this summer.  However, the state employee who was supposed to supervise us was diverted to another project.  It would have been nice to make a contribution here, on the other hand, I wasn't terribly disappointed. 

For those of you reading this far from Alaska, part of me would rather you think we are always covered in ice and snow.  But here are the pictures to show we even have lush fern growing along the trail.

We saw a lot of birds, though most were hard to get good pictures of.  Even this one of the trumpeter swans (with four cygnets) is a bit sketchy.  My favorites were the hairy woodpecker and the spruce grouse and the common loon.

We'd heard about the swans from people coming around the other way.  When we were near the north end, however, we saw them swimming quickly across the lake after some canoers got too close and disturbed them. 

And as we came to the suspension bridge at the north end there was a merganser.   I watched it float down toward me on the bridge, but when it was under the bridge I took one quiet step.  But it was enough to set it off.   I think this was different from the canoers and the swans, but why?  I guess because the merganser came toward me, not the other way around.

Here's that bridge.

This is NOT one of the public use cabins.  It was near the end of our walk around the lake, but if you were to go clockwise from the campground, you could get to this cabin pretty quickly. [I did use photo shop to make the sign work better in the picture.]

like a finger in a world without hands

W.S. Mervin will be the new poet laureate of the United States. 

With millions mailing doomed resumes, with oil gushing into the Gulf
What is a poet laureate and who cares?

A poet whispers words at the world
Blowing truth kisses at passersby

Despite wars and borders to attend to
Someone in Washington remembered
To appoint a new poet


From the end of The River of Bees:

He was old he is not real nothing is real
Nor the noise of death drawing water

We are the echo of the future

On the door it says what to do to survive
But we were not born to survive
Only to live

From the end of  When You Go Away

I remember that I am falling
That I am the reason
And that my words are the garment of what I shall never be
Like the tucked sleeve of a one-armed boy

A poet's life is words.  What is he saying here?  Good poetry is NOT sweetness and light.  It requires some work.  And the ability to face truths.

And here's a whole poem

Beggars And Kings by W. S. Merwin
In the evening
all the hours that weren't used
are emptied out
and the beggars are waiting to gather them up
to open them
to find the sun in each one
and teach it its beggar's name
and sing to it It is well
through the night

but each of us
has his own kingdom of pains
and has not yet found them all
and is sailing in search of them day and night
infallible undisputed unresting
filled with a dumb use
and its time
like a finger in a world without hands 
Here's a spoon to savor some of more of Mervin's word jams


Friday, July 02, 2010

What Makes Music Good? Wu Man and Friends in Anchorage

Wednesday night at Out North was like being in an avant garde little theater in Berlin.  And yet we were here in backwater Anchorage listening to an exciting concert at OutNorth.  Where can you hear music composed by two Koreans, a German, a Chinese, and a Japanese for pipa, cauyaq, gayageum, saxophone, trombone, and marimba played by musicians from China, Bethel, Anchorage,  Juneau, and Canada via Fairbanks?  Not just musicians, but good ones, including an international star who recently worked with Yo Yo Ma. 

Wu Man is one of the most acclaimed pipa player in the world.  The Wikipedia entry on pipa says this about Wu Man:
Prominent students of Lin Shicheng include Liu Guilian (刘桂莲, b. 1961), Wu Man (吴蛮, b. 1963) and Gao Hong (高虹, b. 1964). Wu, who is probably the best known pipa player internationally, received the first-ever master's degree in pipa and won China's first National Academic Competition for Chinese Instruments. She lives in San Diego, California and works extensively with Chinese, cross-cultural, new music, and jazz groups. [emphasis added]

Here's Juneau musician (how little that conveys of her bio in the program)  Jocelyn Clark introducing a piece by German musician Karola Obermüller.  She warned the audience not to use normal music criteria, in fact, to just attend to the sounds in space.  Clark played the gayageum which the program describes as a Korean zither.

There were sounds from the marimba, then short breaks before other instruments threw out some sounds.  Now I happen to enjoy music that doesn't follow our standard conceptions of music, but I did begin to ask myself, how does one determine whether this is 'good?'  Later I asked several of the music professors there variations of this question - is there a difference that you could notice between a piece like this and something someone like me with almost no formal musical knowledge could produce in Garageband?   One said, "Maybe, maybe not."
Another responded, "How do you know if food is good?"

[Photo from left:  Wu Man holding the pipa, Jocelyn Clark, Morris Palter (marimba and other percussion), Stephen Blanchett (voice and cauyaq -Yupik frame drum), Richard Zelinsky (Sax), Christopher Sweeney (trombone).]

[Wu Man showing someone the music after the concert]

Does it even make sense to talk about good here?  Some of these pieces seemed to be more experiments in sound and silence which deliberately attempted to do things that were beyond the normal rules musicians might follow.  Whether the intent was to see what they could get by violating such rules or these pieces were in them and they simply had to write them even if they didn't follow standard musical expectations or something in between, I don't know.  I didn't think of that question until later.

One form of good, as one of the music professors suggested, would simply be whether the musicians actually played what the composer had written. And that was another question I'd had while listening to The Oort Cloud because the composer was in the audience.  You can see Yoriko Hase Kojima introducing the piece in the second photo above. Since she was there, I wanted to ask her if there were any points where she went, "Oh no, they missed that"?

And I got the chance to do that at the reception afterward.  Here she is talking with Canadian born percussionist and UAF music professor Morris Palter. 

 She smiled at my question and said, no, they did it very well and she was very pleased with the performance.  She had flown in from Tokyo and was headed back the next day.

But that begs the question of whether the piece itself is 'good.'  This music forces one to confront the socially constructed nature of good.  How much is good simply related to what we are used to?  Asian music such as Chinese opera isn't something that most Westerners can appreciate on first hearing it.  What if we had heard this sort of music all our lives?  It would sound totally normal.  One professor said he'd need to listen to it several times to start getting a sense of it. 

Alaska composer Phil Munger was one of the people who got to sit behind the performers close enough to watch the saxophonist's music.  Here he is talking to Morris Palter. 

[Update July 4:  Phil follows up on this post and addresses these questions about good and bad music in a long post at his blog.]

[Trombonist and UAA music professor Chrisopher Sweeney talking after the performance.  Anchorage saxophonist Richard Zelinsky is behind him.]

I need to say that a number of the pieces were more traditional music - particularly Chinese classical music for pipa, such as the second Youtube of Wu Man from wumusicpipa below.  Wednesday night's concert was being recorded and I hadn't asked permission beforehand to record any video so I have nothing from the concert. 

The concert was a collaboration of a number of organizations.  It's a little hard to put them all together from the program, but CrossSound in Juneau was one and OutNorth here in Anchorage was another. [Update: Actually there was a thank you page in the program but I missed it.]  On the right is Scott Schofield, Out North's new artistic director after the performance.  Preparation for the performance began just as he arrived at OutNorth.  His introduction Wednesday was a pleasure to listen to.  His words were good, his delivery fluent, and he effortlessly rotated to acknowledge the audience members sitting behind him on the stage.  (See, there are some things I feel have some basis for evaluating.)  We're lucky to have him here and I look forward to continuing great nights like Wednesday at OutNorth. 

This YouTube I found of Wu Man playing with the Kronos Quartet gives a bit of the sense of what I'm talking about in terms of the more experimental music we heard, though this sounds closer to more traditional music than a couple pieces Wednesday.

 I also found one that gives a sense of Wu Man playing a traditional Chinese piece.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Some Common Alaska Wildflowers and Bugs

We walked around  Byers Lake in Denali State Park - partway on Saturday and all the way (4.8 miles according to the sign) on Sunday.  Here are some of the flowers and bugs we saw.

Most of these are pretty common Alaskan flowers, but a couple I'm not 100% sure of.  This one is a wild rose. 

Unidentified moth on what I think is a Labrador tea flower

Blue bells.

This clear water showing the rocks and then the reeds is at the south end of Byers Lake from the bridge as the lake drains into a creek. 

These yellow flowers always trick me.  Is it a cinquefoil?  A butter cup?  I don't know.  And I didn't get pictures of the other parts that might help with the identification.  What am I even trying to do here?  Plant identification isn't my main goal, but rather to take pictures that cause me (and maybe others) to look more closely at things we tend to rush by without really looking.  Close ups of things we generally fail to see, so that we see them in a new light.  It all fits in with the basic theme here of how we know what we know. 

This is cow parsnip just opening.  It's probably about the size of a cauliflower head. 

And a watermelon berry flower.  Later the berry, which tastes a bit like watermelon, will also hang down like this. 

We see a lot of insects on the flowers which reminds me that they all work together - the bee getting food and then helping to pollinate the flowers.  This bee is on cow parsnip flowers. 

A wild geranium.

Another bee in a wild geranium.

And I just can't resist the iris - all painted up so outrageously.

This is a sedge ("sedges have edges") with a collection of raindrops.

Another bee - a different type I think - working on a devil's club flower.  Didn't know bees had hair.  I was using my macro setting, so you can see the bee wasn't at all disturbed by my getting real close.  (Inches away). 

Not exactly a bug or a flower, but this bear scat will fertilize the plants that have the flowers.  And it probably has some plant material in it as well.

There was no shortage of mosquitoes at Byers Lake.

OK, this was back in Anchorage but it seems to fit into this series of pictures.  This is cow parsnip again.  The bud was full of these little black bugs.  I'm assuming that this is where a lot of eggs hatched all at once.  We seem to have different stages of what looks like is going to be the fly like insect below.