Monday, March 29, 2010

Thomas Stewart Building Capitol Annex

Today is the official dedication of the Thomas B. Stewart Office Building - the annex to the State Capitol that opened this session.

 Above is the entrance to the building on 4th Avenue.  Below, from 4th Avenue, is the Steward Building to the right and the Capitol to the left connected by the bridge or passage way.  I don't think a name has been agreed on in actual usage yet.

Here's the passage way, looking from the Capitol to the new annex.  The door at the end goes into the staff/public lounge.  This is a very comfortable room which is used by people visiting the Capitol - citizens, lobbyists, bloggers - as well as staff.  The staff have full kitchen that requires a key to get into. 

This is Fairbanks News Miner reporter Chris Eshleman taking advantage of the free wifi in the lounge to get a story in. 

The House Clerk's Office is also at the end of the bridge - on the right.

The problem with buildings on hills, is that you can have more than one ground level floor - one in front and one in the back, and maybe even another on the side.  This has caused some problems because the elevator is programmed for 1-4.  Another part of the floor numbering is related to matching the 2nd floor of the new building to the 2nd floor of the Capitol because the bridge connects there.  I've heard from different sources that originally, the 2nd floor in the Capitol was (and still is) called the 1st floor because it was the federal building and had a post office in it.  The federal rules required post offices be on the first floor.  And technically, there is a door to the street on the side, half way up the hill.  So, the fifth floor of the Capitol is the 6th floor.  The bottom floor is the ground floor. 

In addition to the lounge, which I've used a lot, I spend a fair amount of time at committee hearings in the Beltz Committee Room.

The quickest way to get from the lounge to the Beltz

The quickest way to get from the lounge to the Beltz Committee room is this stairwell, which, as you can see, was not finished when the session started.  It's been blocked for much of the time, but now has linoleum. 

And below are my favorite art pieces in the building.  These are in the lounge. 

Sheep Creek Trail - Skunk Cabbage, Big Trees, New Leaves

We drove down to the end of Thane Road today.  It's maybe ten or twelve miles.  The road north goes 40 miles.  And you can drive a bit on Douglas Island.  And that's it.  The rest is by boat or air.  Sheep Creek Trail goes up from the road.  I'm pretty sure the picture is of skunk cabbage.  I'm not used to seeing it at this stage.  But here's a description from The Nature Institute website by Craig Holdrege:

It's March, the ground is still frozen, and frost comes nearly every night. The days are rapidly getting longer, but the spring equinox is still ahead. Walking through the woods, you see the grey and brown tree trunks, a coloring mirrored in the ground litter of leaves from the previous year. There is no green. Not only the temperature but the whole mood of the woods is cool.
Then you walk down to the edge of a meandering stream or, in my case, to a wooded wetland. Here, too, the ground is frozen, and patches of ice spread between groups of bushes and small trees (mainly red maples and alders) that dominate the wetland. In this still, quiescent world, little centers of emerging life are visible, the first sign of early spring. What I see are the four-to-six-inch-high, hood-like leaves that enclose the flowers of skunk cabbage. . .
Both color and shape are striking. Some leaves are completely deep wine-red or maroon, while in others this background coloring is mottled with patches or stripes of yellow or yellow green.

It's after the equinox and the frost is gone already, but otherwise the description was on the mark.


Then back into the car, along the water into town.

An abandoned pier.

Juneau Pro-Wolf Rally 2 - The Video

Here's video of the rally I covered yesterday.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Water Birds at Rain Forest Trail Beach

We took advantage, finally, of having a car for the weekend and drove, after the wolf rally, to the Rain Forest trail on Douglas Island.  I have to say I was a little let down.  The well groomed trail made it feel way too civilized.  I understand how nice this is compared to walking on mud - especially after I slipped on the slimy beach rocks.  I could feel all the plants pushing up against the soil, but for now, only a few green tips had begun to emerge.  When all that lush green fills in, I'm sure it won't feel so empty.  I'm not sure why I haven't felt that way on the Perseverance Trail.

The trees are incredibly straight.  I can imagine sailors coveting these trees for masts.

But things do happen.

Then we got down to the beach.  Rocky, but much smaller rocks than last Sunday.  But very slippery.  There was a large flock of surf scoters busily eating.  Through the binoculars we watched them dive and then gulp down the little fish they'd gotten into to their big yellow beaks.  

We also saw some harlequin ducks (one of my favorites) swimming nearby the scoters, and I think both some common and red breasted mergansers.   

Decoupling the Capitol - Legislative Staff Spoofs Bosses

It was a big night at Centennial Hall with the big ballroom full for Decoupling the Capitol.  It was a fun night with everyone casual and playful - at least at the beginning.  Since I'm trying to get my readers as close to the truth as possible, I'd say the skits were a lot like my non-flash photos in the dark room - a few are sharp, but most were not quite on target.  But there was a lot of enthusiasm and enough liquor that most people enjoyed themselves anyway.  The Saturday Night Life crew don't have to worry about losing their jobs though.  But then they don't spend their workdays making the legislature work before they perform.  

We were in line behind Rep. Mike Doogan and the woman who lets him live with her

Around the table clockwise from front right:  Reps. Guttenberg, Seaton, Buch, Crawford, and Petersen.

Rep Gara (left)

Rep. Gardner and her husband.

Rep. Tuck (right)
I would have cropped these, but then you'd see how bad the focus is.

Rep. Dahlstrom (in red)

Rep. Thomas (left) and Al Adams

Rep. Johnson pointing to the camera.

Senator Hollis French taking a picture of his wife (I'm assuming in red) and Rep. Kerttula.

Staffer Ted in his formal wear.

Rep. Lynn just can't stay still enough to not blur.

Staffer Mike and his Intern Daughter.  

[Update 6:oopm: Pictures of what was performed on stage, posters on the tables, and content on the video screen have been pulled at the request of AK Skitters.]

Saturday, March 27, 2010

27,000 (NYE*) at Pro Wolf Rally at Capitol in Juneau

About 100 people showed up at a pro-wolf rally to protest the State  policy of killing predators to increase the moose and caribou population for human hunters. That may not seem like a lot, but using *NYE  (New York Equivalency) a measure I created to give Outsiders a sense of proportion for understanding Alaskan crowds, 100 people in Juneau, with a population of 30,000, is about the same as 27,000 people showing up for a demonstration in New York City.

Speakers decried the selection of  Corey Rossi the new head of the Division of Wildlife Conservation.  One speaker said he'd been involved with the Board of Game for over 30 years and there'd been many highly qualified Directors, some even with PhD's in relared fields.  But Rossi, he said, without even a bachelor's degree was totally unqualified.  Sen. Hollis French mentioned a member of the Board of Game as citing the Book of Genesis as the basis for for his wildlife management decisions.

Here are some pictures of the rally that began about two hours ago.  I'll post video later today.

John Toppenberg of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance.

Some of the speakers included Joel Bennett, Greg Brown, Andrea Doll, Alex Simon, John Toppenberg, Vic Van Ballenberghe, Rep. Beth Kerttula, and Sen. Hollis French.  Video later.

Update Monday March 29: Video now available here.

What Do I Know? Linked in Craigslist Ad

This is the first time I've noticed that this blog was linked in a Craigslist ad.  What were they selling?  A Maytag washer, of course.  The Maytag post was my first 'big' post.  I got about 22 hits, a one day record at the time.  I did fix the first problem, but eventually, we replaced the 32 year old washer for a much more water and energy efficient one.  But this post still gets regular hits.

Maytag Washer and Dryer - $100 (Eau Claire)

Date: 2010-03-27, 12:54AM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

It might be called the odd couple, but that show and 1/2 of this combo ran forever. The washing machine is a bid on the classic old style side. Made when things were made to last, this Maytag model A230 is one that keeps on going. I checked it out and found a few articles like this one on the Internet. Cut and paste it to your browser and read for your self. "

The Dryer is much newer, I don't have a date for you (around 5 years or under) I am helping a neighbor to recycle these to someone's door. The dryer is a Maytag Ultimate II and when I looked them up they lite up the sky with all the stars. (I've always wanted to say that.) If you got an interest, reply back and leave a phone # to call you back.

I appreciate your time, good luck and Thank you!

  • Location: Eau Claire
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Can You Define Fiscal Policy?

Former Senator Arliss Sturgulewski and former State and current Anchorage budget head Cheryl Frasca spoke to the House Fiscal Policy Committee Thursday.  It's heartening to know that some legislators actually do spend time proactively thinking about the future and not just reactively. 

I have to disclose that I met then  Anchorage Assembly member Sturgulewski when I first came to Alaska in 1977. I lived in her district and I was also involved with a management study at the Municipality of Anchorage that she too was involved in. She is, in my opinion, one of a handful of the most knowledgeable, experienced, public spirited, and wise citizens in Alaska. She is truly the model of why societies honor and and listen to their elders.
(l-r:  Reps. Austerman, Foster, Fairclough, and Gara)

Her talk covered a variety of issues - from the Permanent Fund to taxes to how the legislature handles all this. Cheryl Frasca talked about how the legislature engages the public. The key point I got was the need to engage, not to educate. To educate suggests one side knows more than the other.  Here are a few excerpts of Sturgulewski speaking.

You can listen to the whole session below. It begins with Sen. Sturgulewski, then Cheryl Frasca, then discussion with the committee members.

And what is fiscal policy? Wikipedia's post on this begins this way:

In economics, fiscal policy is the use of government expenditure and revenue collection to influence the economy.[1]

Fiscal policy can be contrasted with the other main type of economic policy, monetary policy, which attempts to stabilize the economy by controlling interest rates and the supply of money. The two main instruments of fiscal policy are government expenditure and taxation. Changes in the level and composition of taxation and government spending can impact on the following variables in the economy:

* Aggregate demand and the level of economic activity;
* The pattern of resource allocation;
* The distribution of income.

Fiscal policy refers to the overall effect of the budget outcome on economic activity. The three possible stances of fiscal policy are neutral, expansionary, and contractionary:

* A neutral stance of fiscal policy implies a balanced budget where G = T (Government spending = Tax revenue). Government spending is fully funded by tax revenue and overall the budget outcome has a neutral effect on the level of economic activity.

* An expansionary stance of fiscal policy involves a net increase in government spending (G > T) through rises in government spending, a fall in taxation revenue, or a combination of the two. This will lead to a larger budget deficit or a smaller budget surplus than the government previously had, or a deficit if the government previously had a balanced budget. Expansionary fiscal policy is usually associated with a budget deficit.

* A contractionary fiscal policy (G < T) occurs when net government spending is reduced either through higher taxation revenue, reduced government spending, or a combination of the two. This would lead to a lower budget deficit or a larger surplus than the government previously had, or a surplus if the government previously had a balanced budget. Contractionary fiscal policy is usually associated with a surplus.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Molly Ivins, Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Blogging the Legislature

'Nail the bastard' is advice I've gotten from some.  Clearly, some legislators need to be more exposed so the public can hear what they say and weigh how they use power.  And while I do expose a bit of what's going on, I'm not giving away context-free scandal headlines.

My personal style though is to hold back on pronouncements and give lots of information for readers to draw their own conclusions.   The truth is so elusive, declaring you've caught it is a fool's mission.  While I have hunches, and they tend to be basically in the ballpark, what seemed black or white at first gets greyer and greyer.   On the other hand somebody has to stop counting angels and reveal the emperor's naked state.   Bloggers have to go with the style they are most comfortable with. 

As an academic, I long ago gave up the conceit of objectivity.  No one is objective.  Using 'we' instead of 'I' or other devices to avoid the writer's presence in the article is just a pretense.  The writer is always there and always has a point of view.  Even if it is a belief that the writer can be objective.  While part of me says readers should figure out who I am from my writing, another part says to reveal my points of view so they can better judge what I write. 

So the biography of Molly Ivins I'm reading now by Bill Minutaglio and W. Michael Smith is a useful reminder for me not to get too hung up on how others want me to do this.  But being aware of what and how I'm doing this is always important.  Here's a passage I enjoyed because it speaks to these issues I wrestle with. 

Ivins has just finish a year long graduate program in Journalism at Columbia.  There are campus demonstrations going on (it's 1967, there were protests against military recruiters, but the big demonstrations at Columbia were yet to come in 1968)  yet many of the journalism students are being "neutral."
At the journalism school, some students and faculty were frozen by indecision and alleged journalistic objectivity;  others were too fixated on their careers, their student draft deferments, to do anything other than remain neutral.  "The classes of 1967 and 1968 seemed intent on moving ahead with their careers and staying out of activist politics . . [T]he graduate classes may have absorbed unconsciously, even too well, the school's newer ideal of the job-oriented neutral - or neutered - journalist."2  
Ivins had decided that Albert Camus, George Orwell, and I.F. Stone were her literary and journalism heroes.  She was also reading the new journalists, the writers who had an edge.  Richard Goldstein, who would become one of the better-known rock journalists of his era and an editor of The Village Voice, had
graduated from Columbia the year before.  He'd clearly gotten more quickly to where Molly Ivins the columnist would finally emerge almost fifteen years later.  After Columbia, he would write about "the struggle for subjectivity" and how to dance between objectivity and the nagging doubts, fears, and history swirling in his head :  how to inject your own voice, your own subjective sets of experiences - and basically run counter to particular rules espoused at Columbia or at the Houston Chronicle.  The dictum that was usually preached over and over again was to never make the story about you.  But Goldstein was immersing himself in as many entry points inside the crackling counterculture as possible - and bending the hell out of conventions that some were dutifully outlining at Columbia.  Most mainstream educators and editors wanted journalists to speak truth to power, but they wanted it done in the usual time-honored fashion - dig, report some more, write a linear story devoid of any subjectivity.  Goldstein and others were on another path - covering the news, speaking in their own voice, and weighing the cost of using it in stories about the Real Politick edges of the '60s and '70s.  Hunter Thompson hadn't yet risen up like the homunculus born to feast on Richard Nixon and his ilk, but his brand of subjective journalism was coming.  Ivins would later chuckle and call her short-form version of it "story-telling," in honor of her Texas mentor John Henry Faulk, the blacklisted humorist who specialized in Southern-style homilies and parables.  Whatever it was called, there was a new set of possibilities, something way the hell beyond the hometown woman columnists in Houston that her mother was praying she would be like. 

My goal here isn't to expose foibles or even corruption.   My interest is to understand why people are acting the way they do.  So I might write about behavior - not so much neutrally, but by trying out different stories to explain the behavior - as a way of understanding not just what happened on a given day in the Capitol, but the long term evolution of that person and the institutions that encouraged or permitted that behavior but not others. 

Merely 'throwing the rascals out' is a short term fix.  The systems that be keep putting new rascals in.  My interest is in understanding how the decent, honest, public interested legislators get in and stay in power and why the public elects them and why they also elect the self-serving, deceptive, ego driven legislators. And it's also important to remember that these qualities aren't neatly divided among people as I divided them above.

Another goal here is to get people to start using BASIS and Gavel to Gavel and all the resources available to keep track of what's going on in Juneau.  Depending on an unpaid blogger to keep at it is much too big a gamble in the long term. 

What I really think is needed are 20 or more teams of reporters spread out and covering the legislature in different slices.  Some focus on key committees.  Others on key bills.  Others on key legislators.  Others on key issues.  Sort of like having topographical maps, political maps, street maps, and a bunch of other types of maps to keep track of various important features and events.