Showing posts with label bears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bears. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Denali Day Two - More Bears, Some Ducks, Weather Change

We've been comparing how little snow there was this year compared to last year.  But now that I've checked last year's posts, it's clear.  Yes, last year was a heavy snow year and this year it was lighter and warmer.  But last year we were there May 3 and  May 4  and this year May 17 and 18.
You can go to the links to see the differences.

After Friday's magnificent day, Saturday gave us a contrast.  Clouds started coming in and by the time we were walking back up from the Teklanika bridge, the first drops began.  But even a rainy day in Denali is a treat.  So here are a few more pictures.

After a few caribou driving to Savage River (where the paved road ends) we (and many others) got to watch this bear fairly close to the road.

There were lots more caribou throughout the drive.  Saturday we were pretty much headed for Teklanika.  This is a campground 30 miles into the park with an overview and lots of bathrooms.  It's a stop for the tourist buses, which don't start running until tomorrow.  Well, that turns out to be not completely true.  There were tan guided tour buses that were running pretty frequently.  In any case, the Denali road is normally closed to private cars at Savage River.  But in the spring, as they clear the road of snow and repair any damage from winter, they open the road - up to Teklanika.  So it's a chance to drive in and stop where you want and watch animals, hike, bike, picnic.  Whatever.  Friday we'd hiked the short Savage River trail (one mile each way.)  It's a loose, but we only did the west side because there was a big glaciated spot that blocked the trail on the east side.  We met people who'd climbed around the ice, but we aren't that young any more.  

We did stop at a pullout about mile 25 and I rode the bike a couple of miles, until there were trees on both sides (and it's harder to spot nearby bears.  Though I don't think there's ever been a biker attacked on the road, but I'm not sure.  Very few people - under five I believe - have been killed by bears in Denali.

So after the bike ride we got to the first small pond before the Teklanika campground which had a Northern Shoveler floating around.  (I'm having trouble focusing my Canon Rebel on objects in the distance, so that's why this bird is so small.  If you enlarge it, you'll see how out of focus it is.  I need to work on this problem.  The manual is challenging and I haven't found good sites on this particular problem online yet.)

The next pond, just past the campground, had a bufflehead pair and a pintail duck.

The Teklanika overlook area was packed with cars - so much so people were parking on the road.  And lots of people had their bikes.  And on the hill not far from the bridge (about a mile away) there was a wildlife ranger (Jake) monitoring a bear sow with two cubs that was about 150 yards below the road.  Well, he said, that they try not to intervene with the wildlife, leaving them as free as possible.  Normal distance to be kept between people and bears is minimum of 300 yards, but since the bears were down below in the river bed and they'd been there for several hours, he wasn't concerned.  Though earlier there'd been about 40 people including barking dogs (they can be on the road on a leash) so he had to quiet down the people.

They were digging for roots he said.  The vast majority of their diet is vegetation in the park.

Here you can see the mom digging.

She had her head down and her claws in the earth most of the time.

Jake noted that the cubs were making noises.  Eventually they get hungrier than roots satisfy, and they wanted to nurse.  I wouldn't know that that is what they are doing in this picture if he hadn't told me.  She's lying down and they're on top of her.

As we headed back up the hill to the car, the first drops began to fall.  Here are some contrasts to yesterday's pictures.

Here's from the viewpoint where I took the pictures of Denali.   This was an idea I had 40 years ago after our first several trips to the park - a postcard of what Denali looks like to most tourists.

Here's yesterday's view from the same spot.  You can't even see the foothills.

It wasn't all just a grey mass, mostly we could see more.

And for a contrast with yesterday's ptarmigan picture, here's one whose feathers are still more in the winter than summer phase.

And here's yesterday's ptarmigan picture again.  Much more brown, less white.

Here's one from yesterday.  I didn't put it up because she was mooning me.  But so you can see the contrast I'll post it here.

We only saw one moose yesterday - while I was on the bike and didn't have my camera.  And it was so close to the road I didn't want to dawdle.  And we see moose often enough in Anchorage, even on our street and chewing on the trees in front of our house, that moose are not that big a deal.  In fact, Friday, the first animal we saw on the tip was a moose beside the Glenn Highway still in the Anchorage city limits.

Nevertheless, they're still magnificent animals, and seeing them in more natural settings like this is still a thrill.  And this rain-dulled picture is pretty much what it looked like up on the hill.  There were a couple other moose with it.

We're back home with lots to do

Friday, May 17, 2019

A Brief Post to Share The Wonder Of Denali National Park

It rained as we drove up here, but the sky was blue when we woke up this morning with just puffy white clouds.  Lots of animals, a good hike, a little biking on the park road.

From our hike at Savage River.

Denali peeking through the clouds.

Ptarmigan - Alaska's state bird, mostly switched from (white) winter coloring to summer garb.

North Face of Denali.

It's really true about how nature changes one's body rhythms.  I just feel more alive here.  Even on a rainy day, but particularly on a day like today.  This is a brief stop at the visitor center to share this, I've got a campfire and dinner to take care of now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Croatia Beats England at Thai Kitchen

It was sort of rainy.  Z wanted to ride her bike, but I argued the parking lot where she wanted to practice wouldn't be empty today and the wet pavement would be more slippery for her.  We're going to a surprise place - somewhere you've been and I want to see if you remember.  She wasn't impressed.  Put on your boots - it's wet out.  No.  Mom wanted her to put on socks.  No.  Grrrrrr.  Before I knew it both kids were in the car ready to go.  No boots, no socks, just rubber sandal like shoes.

I'm hungry.  I'm hungry too.

OK.  We're going someplace you've been before but you've never been there.  Can you guess where?  That's not possible.  Yes it is.  Tell me.

We pulled into the Thai Kitchen parking lot at just about 11am minutes before they opened.  She knew it was Thai Kitchen, where she'd been before, but they've moved several spaces down the
mall to a new location she hadn't been before.

The kids picked beef - broccoli from the buffet.  Croatia - England was on the big screen tv.  It was 1-0 England.  They ate lots of broccoli and lots of beef.  And rice too.  I needed to get more.  Finally they were done.  It was now 1-1.
We went next door to the Yogurt Works where they have lots of board games and we watched the game further.  And got yogurt with sprinkles.  They played Chutes and Ladders and CandyLand while I watched the game.  Z's brothers all play soccer, so she's been to lots of games and was sort of paying attention.

Croatia scored again and eventually the game was over 2-1 Croatia.

Now we were off to Campbell Airstrip where Z cross-country skied the first time when she was here in early April.  I wanted to see if she'd recognize it without snow.  No problem at all.  This is where we skied she said as we parked.

As we got out a man with five dogs, some on leashes, some loose, got on the trail too.  Z was not excited about a bunch of dogs sniffing, but after yesterday at the Learning Farm, she was much better about it.  And there was a big sign at the beginning of the trail.

We walked over the bridge and looked for salmon in the creek below, but there were no fish.  But there was another sign.

I thought, even with bear spray, I didn't want to meet a bear on the trail with two little kids.  Especially after I asked Little J what he should do if he saw a bear.
Run away.  Wrong answer.  And even after I explained that was a bad idea, I'm sure that's what he would have done if we saw a bear.

So we went back down the road to the botanical garden, where they rubbed every leaf in the herb garden and declared how good or bad they smelled.

More of the peonies were blooming.

And this spectacular huge red poppy.

They ate the fig newtons at the garden.  But they were asking for the apple slices before we got to the car.  We all had a great time,  and everyone at home was happy to get some peace and quiet for several hours.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Screws And Nails - More Denali

Sanctuary Campground has seven tent campsites.  It's along the Sanctuary River and it's  23 miles into the park.  It's the first place we camped ever in Denali, back in the summer of 1978.  You could drive in back then.

Before May 20, the campground is closed and there's a gate with a long bar that blocks the road into the campground.  But you can park and walk into the campground, which we did.  I got one leg over the bar and as the second leg came over I heard this ripping sound.

I looked back at the bar to see how this happened.

My pants were ripped (that's why I brought another pair), but there isn't a lot of room between my pants and my leg and I was only thinking about the bloody mess I could have made.  Lifting your leg over the bar isn't a slow move that you can just stop - as the rip shows (it happened in less than a second).  We do have first aid stuff in the van, but I'm so glad I didn't need any of that.

While at Sanctuary, I got this picture of a snowshoe hare.  This is a beautiful fur coat worn by its intended owner.

And there's an old cabin at the entrance to the campground but I'd never noticed before how they bear-proofed the door.

I guess that would discourage bears from hitting the door too hard.  But I don't think the screw in the bar blocking the road was intentional.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Impressive Student Art At Anchorage Museum

When my granddaughter was here last we, we visited the museum to see the children's art exhibit.

Conlan Cantrell
Grade 5
Sand Lake Elementary[Commenter 2/26/21 says Conlan went to Chugiak, not Sand Lake]

This is a close-up of the picture.

Katherine Reinbold
Grade 5
Sand Lake Elementary

Randy Lee
Grade 4
Williwaw Elementary

Emory Banker
Grade 12
West High

Amaeli Kam-Magruder

Pink Rose
Grade 7
Mears Middle School

Ada Bjorkman
Self Portrait
Grade 8
Rilke Schule German Charter School

Abigail Barios

Grade 8
Wendler Middle School

Ann Bebauer
Grade 12
Service High School

Francis Giovanni Anino
Cousin JoAnne
Grade 12
Service High School

Brian Cuevas Fuentes
High School Wolf
Grade 9
West High School

Kristine Felipe
La Muerte
Grade 11
West High School

This is by no means a selection of the best.  There were lots and lots of works of art.  These were a few that caught our eye.  And a friend had strongly recommended that we visit the polar bears, and it was a great idea.  These are real kid magnets and the guard watched carefully as we walked into the room (in the new addition that was completed last year.)  But my munchkin had lots of self control.

Paola Pivi’s Polar Bears