Leaving morning (and afternoon) frost on everything.
We read books, took things out and put things back. That's a major activity for that age. We cut the old raspberry canes and went to the playground. Even frost swing seats.

We walked on wooden edges, read more books, juggled a bit, ate snacks, ate lunch. The walk had its desired effect and D had a good long nap.
Then out for another walk, this time with the stroller. That's when we saw the geese flying. They too have been procrastinating starting south, but the chill now is probably going to get them going.
As I drove home, I could see the fog gathered to the east up against the mountains. I'm guessing it will flow back into town during the night. I had to wait till I was stopped at a light, and then the traffic lights hid the mountains above the fog.
Fun day and great photographs. Happy snowy Sunday!