Beginning this blog, I was going to steer clear of politics. But a by-word of the 60's was 'everything is political.'
We all know that walking past someone obviously in need of assistance is wrong. We have an obligation to stop and give what help we can, even if that means finding someone else who can help.
Politics is about the allocation of power in a society.
Not writing about Bush and Iraq and the so called war on terror, is a political act. It is like walking past the old man who just slipped on the ice. Like not calling an ambulance when you see a serious accident. Like not defending the child who has been falsely accused. It is being silent in the face of need or injustice. In a democracy, we are responsible for our government; when it is wrong, we are responsible for fixing it.
Yesterday I wrote my Congressional delegation asking them to vote against Bush's attempts to eliminate due process (roughly the right to a fair hearing before being deprived of life, liberty, or property) and his attempts to ignore bans on torture. Our Founding Fathers added the Fifth Amerndment to the Constitution because they knew that most anyone would eventually confess to anyting after enough torture.
For over two hundred years, we have been,a beacon of hope to the people of the world. We have been proof that trusting people with freedom is far more powerful than trying to control everyone's actions. Yes people abuse the freedom, but we feel the abuses of power by rulers is more dangerous than by the people.
For whatever reasons, whether belief that imprisoning without trial and torture are necessary to fight terrorism, or for calous political gain, Bush's policies are dimming that hope for everyone around the world. Already, by getting Bush to serverly curb American liberties, the terrorists have won.
An additional note. I've put up a link to This is a site set up to help people who wanted to support the soldiers by sending them things they need. I post this site becaue I think it gives a unique picture of the war. But also becasue while I think the war is a terrible mistake, I think performing acts of kindness to the soldiers is an important model for them. Many are there because they truly believe they are defending 'good.' I think they are wrong, but at least we can talk. And maybe we can end up with better understanding of each other's perspectives and we can find better ways to do good.