The golds and reds are starting to show.
Dennis Zaki took his video camera up to Powerline Pass (about 20 minute drive from downtown Anchorage) the other night and got these great shots of bull moose hanging around, waiting for the mating season to officially open.
The Magnificent Moose from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.
After I watched the video, I emailed him to say I thought the video was great, but that the music was kind of cheesy.
"As many times as I've been up there," I wrote, "I've never heard any music."
He wrote back:
"Yes it was weird, the music just started playing as soon as I got there!"
So, yes, Rogers and Hammerstein were right.
I just made my own little tribute to Mary. I set the post to appear at 7:06 AM Friday. Please come by and read it.
Nice mountains. It looks a bit like when you put many pyramids next to each other.