Saturday, May 30, 2020

Alaska COVID-19 Count Saturday May 30, 2020 - 4 New Cases, Plus New Travel Regs

Four new cases.  Anchorage 1, Kenai 2, Juneau 1.  No new hospitalizations or deaths. There were over 2000 new tests.  One new recovery.

The Governor announced yesterday new plans starting Friday, June 5 for travelers coming to Alaska.Right now travelers are required to do a 14 day quarantine.

The new plan includes visitors or Alaskans coming home.  This does not include essential workers - health care, mining, fisheries.  Those companies bringing in workers must have their own plans in place.  These are the Guidelines for developing industry plans.   And here's the website with information on Industry Plans more generally.  I don't see any actual plans posted.  It would be good to have them posted so people can know exactly what steps they will take to monitor quarantines, social distancing, etc.  Enforcement is not going to be easy.

The new rules for individual travelers include:

  • Before coming to Alaska passengers are asked to take test within 72 hours before boarding the plane and bring the results with them to the airport.
  • These will be checked before boarding the plane.  People who tested positive won't be allowed to travel.  
  • People will fill out forms on the plane - like agricultural forms when going to Hawaii.
  • Travelers will be met at the airport when they land and their paperwork will be checked.
  • If people lost their paperwork on the plane, they can be tested at the airport.  They must stay at the airport until the results are back.  This could take a while.  
  • Met here, people will take your papers and test results.
  • If someone tests positive officials will work with them to develop - isolation or quarantine.  
  • If negative, no problem.  

Rural communities without good health care - can choose to limit non-essential travel.

The details will be on the State Website by Monday/Tuesday (June 1 or 2)

You can see the whole press conference here.  (Travel info starts around 8:30)

The governor acknowledged that new cases will go up (as they have the last couple of days) as the State opens things up, but said the key is to monitor the situation and take action quickly if necessary.

My Calendar Chart


12th  = 0/013th = 1/114th = 0/115th = 0/1
16th = 0/117th = 2/318th = 3/619th = 3/920th = 3/1221st= 2/1422nd= 8/22
23rd=14/3624th =6/42
1 hos 1 dead
25th = 17/59
3 hos 1 dead
26th = 10/69
3 hos 1 dead
27th =16/89
5 hos 2 dead
28th = 13/102
6 hos 2 dead
29th= 12/114
7 hos  3 dead
7 hos 3 dead
31st= 14/133
9 hos 3 dead

April 2020

1st=  10/143
hos 3 dead
13 hos 3 dead
15 hos 3 dead
16 hos 5 dead
5th= 14/185
20 hos 6 dead
23 hosp
6 dead
7th= 22/213
23 hosp 6 Dead29 recovered
8th= 13/226
27 hosp 7 dead
32 recovered
9th= 9/235
27 hosp 7 dead
49 recovered
28 hosp 7 dead
55 recovered
31 hosp 8 dead
63 recovered
12th= 15/272
31 hosp 8 dead
66 recovered
13th= 5/277
32 Hosp 8 dead
85 Recovered
14th = 8/285
32 Hosp 9 dead
98 Recovered
15th= 8/293
34 Hosp 9 dead
106 Recovered
16th= 7/300
35 hosp 9 dead
110 recovered
17th=  9/309
36 hosp 9 dead
128 recovered
18th =  5/315
36 hos 9 dead
147 Recovered
19th= 4/319
36 hos 9 dead
20th 2/321
36 hos 9 dead
161 recovered
21st 8/329
36 hos 9 dead
168 recovered
22nd  6/335
36 hos  dead
23nd  2/337
36 hos  dead
24th  2/339
36 hos  dead
208recovered (-1 from 4/23)
25th  0/339
36 hos  dead
26th  2/341
36 hos  dead
27th  4/345
37 hos  dead
28th  6/351
37 hos  dead
228 recovered
29th  4/355
36 hos  dead
30th  0/355
36 hos  dead

May 2020

1st  9/364
36 hos  dead
2nd  1/365
36 hos  dead
3rd  3/368
36 hos  dead
4th  2/370
37 hos  dead
5th  1/371
38 hos  dead
277 recovered
6th  1/372
38 hos 10 dead
7th  2/374
38 hos 10 dead
8th  3/377
38 hos 10 dead
9th  1/378
38 hos 10 dead
10th  1/379
38 hos 10 dead
11th  1/381
38 hos 10 dead
12th  2/383
38 hos 10 dead
334 recovered
13th  0/383
38 hos 10 dead
14th  4/387
39 hos 10 dead
15th  1/388
41 hos 10 dead
16th  4/392
43 hos 10 dead
17th  4/396
43 hos 10 dead
18th  3/399
43 hos 10 dead
19th  0/399
43 hos 10 dead
348 recovered
20th  3/402
44 hos 10 dead
21st  0/402
44 hos 10 dead
22st  2/404
44 hos 10 dead
45 hos 10 dead
24th 0/408
45 hos 10 dead
45 hos 10 dead
26th 2/411
45 hos 10 dead
362 recovered
27th 2/411
46 hos 10 dead
46 hos 10 dead
47 hos 10 dead
30th 4/434
47 hos 10 dead

State Charts

The screen shot above is high resolution so you can click on it to enlarge and focus. Click here if you want to use the chart interactively.

My Day-By-Day Chart

Friday, May 29, 2020

Memorial Day Comments Follow Up [UPDATED]

Oliver left this message on my Memorial Day Covid Count post in which I questioned the extreme level of honor we give to all military and veterans:
"Or do we reserve such days to glorify those who are sent off to kill people overseas?
The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I would wager that some people are very thankful for those who went overseas rather than disparage them. My dad was one of those people and I am dam proud of him."
I started a response comment, but felt it should be more than just a comment, that it deserved a post of its own.  Here it is:

Oliver, I understand that there have been situations where taking up arms was a necessary form of self protection. My paternal grandparents died in a Nazi concentration camp, possibly Auschwitz, so I understand that argument and thank your father for fighting Nazi Germany.   My father and step-father both served in the US military during WW II after fleeing Nazi Germany.

 But let's be clear. The US did not go into WW II to liberate concentration camp victims. The State Department consciously restricted visas for Jews fleeing the Nazis. The British and US military passed on disrupting concentration camp infrastructure during the war. The US public opposed joining the war in Europe and it took Pearl Harbor to change that opinion.

WW II ended almost 75 years ago! What good wars would you like to cite since then? What about the various countries in which the US is killing soldiers and civilians right now?

There are legitimate reasons to go to war. But there are few legitimate reasons to start wars. My point here was not to dis-honor veterans, but rather to point out that our adulation of them is way out of proportion.

Soldiers are victims of what Eisenhower - the hero of WW II - called the military-industrial complex back in the 1950s. Nine percent of US homeless today are veterans. We go to war because it serves the war industry.

 By elevating soldiers as the greatest possible heroes, we make it easier to lure 18 year olds into joining the military. Poverty is another structural way to recruit soldiers. And let's not forget all the well-paid mercenaries the US uses now. We haven't started building monuments to them yet.

The nationalism that accompanies this adulation (American flags are as important to Memorial Day as Christmas trees are to Christmas) also has the effect of demonizing the people of other countries. Vietnamese were 'gooks' not humans, so they were acceptable targets.

 We should honor legitimate war heroes, but we shouldn't glorify war. We should stop creating more war corpses and shattered veterans. That was my point.

I'd recommend a few resources, one 80 years old - Upton Sinclair's Lanny Budd series, starting with World's End (available at the link free), and these contemporary ones: this Youtube on rethinking Memorial Day featuring Danny Sjursen. Let's continue this after you've checked out these links (particularly the last two, since the first one is pretty lengthy.)  (Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle.)

[UPDATED  May 31, 2020: And here's a reassessment of the US role in WW II and the idea of 'the good war.']