Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Alaska COVID-19 Count Wednesday May 27, 2020 - 2 New Cases, 1 New Hospitalization, 2 New Recoveries

Measurement is tricky.  We have to remember that these numbers represent people who have been tested and officially found to be positive.  There are likely other positives with low or no symptoms who haven't been tested.  Also, timing is tricky.  Some results come out the day a person is tested, others later.  So these numbers aren't necessarily an accurate tracking, even of those officially testing positive.  At least not in a day-by-day tracking.  But it's what we've got.  Another twist is that people are tracked by their state, not where they physically are.  So Alaskans who get sick, even die, Outside are counted in our numbers.  People from other states who are tested positive in Alaska are counted in their home state stats.  Though some might show up for a time in Alaska stats until that is straightened out.

One new case is a nice low number, though we'd like to see zeros.  Another hospitalization means a more severe case and isn't good.  But at least our hospital capacity isn't being taxed hard yet.  Two more recovered.  Total official active cases today number 38.  We've been hovering between 33 and 39 since May 8.  Our high point was 187 March 31-April 2.  (You can see all this on the interactive chart on the State's website.  The orange, navy, and red chart is called Cumulative Cases by Death, Recovered, and Active Status.


12th  = 0/013th = 1/114th = 0/115th = 0/1
16th = 0/117th = 2/318th = 3/619th = 3/920th = 3/1221st= 2/1422nd= 8/22
23rd=14/3624th =6/42
1 hos 1 dead
25th = 17/59
3 hos 1 dead
26th = 10/69
3 hos 1 dead
27th =16/89
5 hos 2 dead
28th = 13/102
6 hos 2 dead
29th= 12/114
7 hos  3 dead
7 hos 3 dead
31st= 14/133
9 hos 3 dead

April 2020

1st=  10/143
hos 3 dead
13 hos 3 dead
15 hos 3 dead
16 hos 5 dead
5th= 14/185
20 hos 6 dead
23 hosp
6 dead
7th= 22/213
23 hosp 6 Dead29 recovered
8th= 13/226
27 hosp 7 dead
32 recovered
9th= 9/235
27 hosp 7 dead
49 recovered
28 hosp 7 dead
55 recovered
31 hosp 8 dead
63 recovered
12th= 15/272
31 hosp 8 dead
66 recovered
13th= 5/277
32 Hosp 8 dead
85 Recovered
14th = 8/285
32 Hosp 9 dead
98 Recovered
15th= 8/293
34 Hosp 9 dead
106 Recovered
16th= 7/300
35 hosp 9 dead
110 recovered
17th=  9/309
36 hosp 9 dead
128 recovered
18th =  5/315
36 hos 9 dead
147 Recovered
19th= 4/319
36 hos 9 dead
20th 2/321
36 hos 9 dead
161 recovered
21st 8/329
36 hos 9 dead
168 recovered
22nd  6/335
36 hos  dead
23nd  2/337
36 hos  dead
24th  2/339
36 hos  dead
208recovered (-1 from 4/23)
25th  0/339
36 hos  dead
26th  2/341
36 hos  dead
27th  4/345
37 hos  dead
28th  6/351
37 hos  dead
228 recovered
29th  4/355
36 hos  dead
30th  0/355
36 hos  dead

May 2020

1st  9/364
36 hos  dead
2nd  1/365
36 hos  dead
3rd  3/368
36 hos  dead
4th  2/370
37 hos  dead
5th  1/371
38 hos  dead
277 recovered
6th  1/372
38 hos 10 dead
7th  2/374
38 hos 10 dead
8th  3/377
38 hos 10 dead
9th  1/378
38 hos 10 dead
10th  1/379
38 hos 10 dead
11th  1/381
38 hos 10 dead
12th  2/383
38 hos 10 dead
334 recovered
13th  0/383
38 hos 10 dead
14th  4/387
39 hos 10 dead
15th  1/388
41 hos 10 dead
16th  4/392
43 hos 10 dead
17th  4/396
43 hos 10 dead
18th  3/399
43 hos 10 dead
19th  0/399
43 hos 10 dead
348 recovered
20th  3/402
44 hos 10 dead
21st  0/402
44 hos 10 dead
22st  2/404
44 hos 10 dead
45 hos 10 dead
24th 0/408
45 hos 10 dead
45 hos 10 dead
26th 2/411
45 hos 10 dead
362 recovered
27th 1/412
46 hos 10 dead

The State Charts

The screen shot is high resolution so you can click on it to enlarge and focus. Click here if you want to use the chart interactively,

My Day-By-Day Chart

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

White Americans Who Fear Non-Whites, Prefer Authoritarian Govt - Living In White Space While Black

This certainly isn't surprising.  From NBC News:
 "Political scientists Steven V. Miller of Clemson and Nicholas T. Davis of Texas A&M have released a working paper titled "White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy." Their study finds a correlation between white American's intolerance, and support for authoritarian rule. In other words, when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy."

White Space - someone linked to this sociology paper in response to the Amy Cooper video calling the police saying she was being attacked by an African American male, who simply asked her to get her dog on its leash as required in Central Park as he videos her reaction.
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
2015, Vol. 1(1) 10–21
© American Sociological Association 2014 DOI: 10.1177/2332649214561306
                  Since the end of the Civil Rights Movement, large numbers of black people have made their way into settings previously occupied only by whites, though their reception has been mixed. Overwhelmingly white neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, restaurants, and other public spaces remain. Blacks perceive such settings as “the white space,” which they often consider to be informally “off limits” for people like them. Meanwhile, despite the growth of an enormous black middle class, many whites assume that the natural black space is that destitute and fearsome locality so commonly featured in the public media, including popular books, music and videos, and the TV news—the iconic ghetto. White people typically avoid black space, but black people are required to navigate the white space as a condition of their existence."
And yet one more on the same subject.  

"#LivingWhileBlack: Blackness As Nuisance
American University Law Review, Vol. 69, 2020
Rutgers Law School Research Paper
52 Pages Posted: 4 Mar 2020
Taja-Nia Y. Henderson
Rutgers Law School
Jamila Jefferson-Jones
University of Missouri at Kansas City - School of Law
Date Written: February 10, 2020
In 2018, the powerful combination of high-quality cellphone video and social media brought to light a barrage of incidents involving 911 calls reporting that Black people were occupying spaces that the callers believed they ought not occupy. In nearly all of these cases, the targeted men, women, and children were in places in which they had a legal right to be and engaging in activities in which they had a legal right to engage. Widely circulated and debated on social media, these incidents all went “viral,” spawning a series of social media hashtags, most strikingly “#LivingWhileBlack.”
One might see in these incidents a new phenomenon in need of new legal tools. In this Article, we argue that these incidents are not emblematic of anything new, but rather a technology-enhanced incarnation of a much older tradition: the invocation of the property law concepts of nuisance and trespass to exclude Blacks from spaces racialized as “white.” This Article examines both the historical and modern incarnations of this “Blackness as Nuisance” tradition and argues that these efforts to distort property law norms arise from discomfort with racial integration and perceived Black physical mobility. The Article concludes with the suggestion that policymakers carefully consider the intersections of property law and criminal law, and the historical origins of these types of incidents, in order to craft effective responses to these highly charged and potentially dangerous encounters."

I don't think white folks can read too many of these accounts.  We can intellectually understand them, but I'm constantly reminded by friends of color how pervasive this is.  It's part of daily life for them.  

Alaska COVID-19 Count Tuesday May 26, 2020 - Two New Cases

rained last night

I've decided that I'll stop these daily reports on May 31 and simply move the charts to a tab on top -
what Blogger calls a page.  The chart at the bottom has the same url, so it will update automatically and I can spend less time on these and more on general blogging again.

Two more cases, one more recovered.


12th  = 0/013th = 1/114th = 0/115th = 0/1
16th = 0/117th = 2/318th = 3/619th = 3/920th = 3/1221st= 2/1422nd= 8/22
23rd=14/3624th =6/42
1 hos 1 dead
25th = 17/59
3 hos 1 dead
26th = 10/69
3 hos 1 dead
27th =16/89
5 hos 2 dead
28th = 13/102
6 hos 2 dead
29th= 12/114
7 hos  3 dead
7 hos 3 dead
31st= 14/133
9 hos 3 dead

April 2020

1st=  10/143
hos 3 dead
13 hos 3 dead
15 hos 3 dead
16 hos 5 dead
5th= 14/185
20 hos 6 dead
23 hosp
6 dead
7th= 22/213
23 hosp 6 Dead29 recovered
8th= 13/226
27 hosp 7 dead
32 recovered
9th= 9/235
27 hosp 7 dead
49 recovered
28 hosp 7 dead
55 recovered
31 hosp 8 dead
63 recovered
12th= 15/272
31 hosp 8 dead
66 recovered
13th= 5/277
32 Hosp 8 dead
85 Recovered
14th = 8/285
32 Hosp 9 dead
98 Recovered
15th= 8/293
34 Hosp 9 dead
106 Recovered
16th= 7/300
35 hosp 9 dead
110 recovered
17th=  9/309
36 hosp 9 dead
128 recovered
18th =  5/315
36 hos 9 dead
147 Recovered
19th= 4/319
36 hos 9 dead
20th 2/321
36 hos 9 dead
161 recovered
21st 8/329
36 hos 9 dead
168 recovered
22nd  6/335
36 hos  dead
23nd  2/337
36 hos  dead
24th  2/339
36 hos  dead
208recovered (-1 from 4/23)
25th  0/339
36 hos  dead
26th  2/341
36 hos  dead
27th  4/345
37 hos  dead
28th  6/351
37 hos  dead
228 recovered
29th  4/355
36 hos  dead
30th  0/355
36 hos  dead

May 2020

1st  9/364
36 hos  dead
2nd  1/365
36 hos  dead
3rd  3/368
36 hos  dead
4th  2/370
37 hos  dead
5th  1/371
38 hos  dead
277 recovered
6th  1/372
38 hos 10 dead
7th  2/374
38 hos 10 dead
8th  3/377
38 hos 10 dead
9th  1/378
38 hos 10 dead
10th  1/379
38 hos 10 dead
11th  1/381
38 hos 10 dead
12th  2/383
38 hos 10 dead
334 recovered
13th  0/383
38 hos 10 dead
14th  4/387
39 hos 10 dead
15th  1/388
41 hos 10 dead
16th  4/392
43 hos 10 dead
17th  4/396
43 hos 10 dead
18th  3/399
43 hos 10 dead
19th  0/399
43 hos 10 dead
348 recovered
20th  3/402
44 hos 10 dead
21st  0/402
44 hos 10 dead
22st  2/404
44 hos 10 dead
45 hos 10 dead
24th 0/408
45 hos 10 dead
45 hos 10 dead
26th 2/411
45 hos 10 dead
362 recovered

The screen shot is high resolution so you can click on them to enlarge and focus. Click here if you want to use the chart interactively.

My Day-By-Day Chart

Monday, May 25, 2020

Fashion - Social Distancing Isn't New

My head is generating lots of post ideas, but people have been saturated with COVID talk.  So if I post, I want it to be a little different from what read or hear elsewhere.  So think of this as notes that haven't been developed much.

The idea of social distance isn't new at all.
Interpersonal space, or interpersonal distance, is an essential feature of individuals’ social behav- ior in relation to their physical environment and social interactions (Hall, 1966; Hayduk, 1983). It is a distance we maintain in interpersonal interactions, or in other words, “breathing space,” an abstract area that surrounds each individual (Hall, 1966; Madanipour, 2003; Sommer, 1969), comparable with either a shell, a soap bubble, or aura (Sommer, 1969). According to Hall (1966), this space helps regulate intimacy in social situations by controlling sensory exposure. The pos- sibility of increased visual, tactile, auditory, and olfactory stimulation is enhanced at closer dis- tances, and people may feel intruded and react negatively when others adopt and maintain too close of an interpersonal distance (Felipe & Sommer, 1966; Hall, 1966; Mazur, 1977; Sawada, 2003; Smith, 1981; Sommer, 1969).
Classifying Social Distance
The classical proxemic theory (Hall, 1966) classifies interpersonal distance into four categories, each of which reflects a different relationship between individuals (Baldassare & Feller, 1975). These four types of distance are (a) public distance (above 210 cm; in this distance, voice shifts to higher volumes, and eye contact is minimized); (b) social distance, maintained during more formal interactions (122-210 cm, this distance precludes all but visual and auditory stimuli); (c) personal distance, maintained during interactions with friends (about 46-122 cm, vision is no longer blurred, vocalizations increase); and (d) intimate distance, maintained in close relation- ships (from 0 to 46 cm, this distance is characterized by poor and blurred vision, and increased perception of heat and olfactory stimuli; Hall, 1966).
And it varies from culture to culture.  In Thailand people greet each other by 'waiing" - hands together and bowing.  How far you bow depends on the status of the person you are greeting.
In Germany there is the hearty handshake, and in France, kisses on the cheek.

But with the Coronavirus the world is taking on a more homogenous standard for social distancing and I thought I'd offer some thoughts on how to achieve this through what people wear.

The most obvious:

From Zenith City
Others have pointed out that such fashions might be returning.  But I'd like to offer some other ideas.

A little more aggressive is the social distancing hula hoop.  Here's an initial sketch:

This would work if everyone wore one.  But in situations like the one above it would probably have to be 12 feet in diameter to keep people six feet away.

In places where there are aggressive anti-social distancing folks, there could be a dog fence version where people crossing into your personal space would get a shock.  But if that's not good enough, there's always razor wire.

And then I see all this stuff about the pressing need for haircuts.  As someone with more skin than hair on my scalp, I can't get too sympathetic.  My wife has been cutting my hair for decades.  But I understand that hair has great meaning for many people.  I hope that everyone can find internal resources to deal with the pandemic as well as possible.  Particularly those whose resources are scarce.  We need better mechanisms to be able to help each other through this.