But Prospect Heights isn't far.
Photos are a bit fuzzy. I'm going to blame it on low clouds and high humidity.
Fireweed's almost gone.
And at a couple of points the trail was obscured by the grasses.
It's good to be back in Alaska.
I'm just going to say it. Thank Mueller for his past service. But geez, he looks like he's 90 years old. Was there no younger prosecutor available? And why won't he say the word "impeachment"? He is doing the country a disservice. #MuellerHearings— #PresidentBernieSanders🔥LMo (@Mouz2009) July 24, 2019
Did President Trump Obstruct your investigation in any way? NO HE DID NOT..that should end of the hearing,the rest is a democrat political show..anyone who still calls themselves a democrat should be embarrassed of whats going on now #MuellerHearings #cnn #msnbc #foxnews— Christopher🍺 (@callmesober) July 24, 2019
Now Republicans are directly supporting the Russians. WOW. Again I ask...how many Republicans are being paid by the Russians right now? Scary! #MuellerHearings— Kirk Harrington (@billthekirk) July 24, 2019
Mueller is a Republican! This is mind blowing! The GOP, again going after one who is a defender of the nation. Again, I have to ask where do I live? #MuellerHearings #MuellerReport #MuellerTestifies— Antiochus (@rev_ta_anderson) July 24, 2019
In 1993, a Republican Congress substantially relaxed the Hatch Act to permit most federal employees to take an active part in partisan management and partisan political campaigns in their own free time.Republicans will characterize this as 'blowing up in the Democrats' face' and Democrats will say it highlighted the findings that most people haven't read.
"Honeydew is a sugar-rich sticky liquid, secreted by aphids and some scale insects as they feed on plant sap. When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem, the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the anus of the aphid. Honeydew is particularly common as a secretion in hemipteraninsects and is often the basis for trophobiosis.[1] Some caterpillars of Lycaenidae butterflies and some moths also produce honeydew.[2]Honeydew can cause sooty mold—a bane of gardeners—on many ornamental plants. It also contaminates vehicles parked beneath trees, and can then be difficult to remove from glass and bodywork. Honeydew is also secreted by certain fungi, particularly ergot.[3]Honeydew is collected by certain species of birds, wasps, stingless bees[4] and honey bees, which process it into a dark, strong honey(honeydew honey). This is highly prized in parts of Europe and Asia for its reputed medicinal value. Parachartergus fraternus, a eusocial wasp species, collects honeydew to feed to their growing larvae.[5] Recent research has also documented the use of honeydew by over 40 species of wild, native, mostly solitary bees in California.[6]"
"Born Jules Charles Thays in Paris, France in 1849,[2] Carlos Thays arrived in Argentina in 1889,[2] after he was recommended by Jean Alphand to Argentine pioneer Miguel Crisol, who contracted Thays to design Sarmiento Park in Córdoba.[1] During his time in Córdoba Thays became infatuated with the young country and decided to spend the rest of his life in Argentina. After moving to Buenos Aires he was named the city's Director of Parks & Walkways in 1891.[2] This position gave him significant influence over the design of the city's open spaces, and his legacy is still strongly felt in the city's open spaces today."Here's the Parque San Martín, in Mendoza. I just couldn't keep walking without pulling out my camera, the vision was so striking.
",,,it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we ha nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."If you are wondering what was happening 'in the present' that caused Dickens to liken the year 1785 to his own times, the Dickens Museum website tells us:
"A Tale of Two Cities was published at a time when there were considerable diplomatic tensions between Britain and the France of Napoleon III, whose Second Empire regime was not considered very stable by many in Britain. This would doubtless have given a contemporary significance to Dickens’s tale of the French Revolution of 1789."Dickens' own time, that is when he wrote the the newspaper serial that would become the book, was 1859. It was also a tumultuous time in Dickens' own life as he divorced his wife and mother of his ten children and split from his long time publisher.
"Mere messages in the earthly order of events had lately come to the English Crown and People, from a congress of British subjects in America: which, strange to relate, have proved more important to the human race than any communications yet received through an of the chickens of the Cock-lane brood."