Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Innocence. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Innocence. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ted Stevens' Trial Stays in DC - Now What?

NPR also just announced on the air that the Stevens trial won't move to Alaska.
[11am update: ABC News has a report, but not much detail. So does Alaskan Abroad.]
Based on no hard evidence whatsoever, here are some thoughts on what might happen with the Stevens trial.

The idea that the defense wanted a speedy trial so Senator Stevens could be acquitted before the November election makes sense. This has also allowed them to ask for the trial to be moved to Alaska - where they probably assume, quite reasonably, he might get a friendlier jury - and to drop some things. Now that option has been closed off.

The ADN has also said that they've requested the Prosecutors do a better labeling job of all the audio and video tapes they have to listen to.

I'm guessing, that given the piles of things they have to read and listen to, there is no way they can be ready by September 24. (I could be wrong. They could hire a whole slew of young, smart attorneys to listen to those tapes 24/7 - but they have to all be up-to-speed and clever enough to catch important tidbits on the tapes.)

So now since the trial is not being moved to Anchorage, there will not have to be an automatic delay to send out notices for jurors, etc. Finding 12 Alaskan jurors who haven't heard about this case would have taken a while. Maybe someone back from a year in Antarctica or someone living in a cabin outside of Chicken. It took 2 1/2 days to select a jury in Anchorage for Pete Kott.

With the trial staying in DC, we'll find out how much he really wants a speedy trial, or whether this was all dependent on moving back to Alaska.

Saying they want a speedy trial to prove Sen. Stevens' innocence before the election is a good political move. It's been well reported. But being convicted before the election won't be a good move.

So they can now argue that they wanted a speedy trial, but, damn, the prosecutors dumped so many boxes of materials on them that to ensure Sen Stevens gets justice, they'll need more time before they can be ready for the trial. It's not our fault, it's the Prosecutor's fault for collecting so much irrelevant material, but we still have to go through all of it to protect our client

So what happens if Stevens gets convicted before the election? A couple of lawyer friends say he would be forced out of the Senate if he's conviceted. If that happens, the Governor can appoint his replacement as Senator.

BUT, I believe the Republican party chooses who his replacement as candidate would be. Not totally sure on this, but I think this is the case.

Since Governor Palin and Republican party head Ruedrich don't get along too well, it is conceivable if all this played out just right, that they could appoint different people.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Biking Stories This Week - Moose, Innocence, Post Cards, Bike Lanes, Big Leaves

 The moose are out this week.  Tuesday, walking toward Goose Lake we ran into a cow and calf.  Two bikers and a runner had already alerted us, as they were looking for alternate routes.  We got close enough to see them through the trees and walked back.  

Thursday, biking to up Campbell Airstrip Road, I passed a young bull with a nice growing rack.  It was the part of the trail that separates from the road.  Where I'd been warned by a driver a couple of years ago that they'd seen a bear on the trail.  So when I get to this part, I ring my bell a bunch to no one is surprised I'm there.  And down below the trail was the moose.  On the way back, I looked for him down below and there was nothing there.  Then there he was right next to the trail.  Turned back and took the road down.  Where I was able to get this picture.   You can see he's almost on the bike trail.

Then I stopped in the Botanical Garden.  They have a great plant sale.  Well, they sell plants all summer.  There's a good selection of interesting plants - local and not - that do well in Anchorage.  The plant sale is right at the front so I think you can buy plants without paying admission.  But the whole garden is worth some exploration.  And things change in there every week as different flowers start to show.

Here's some Shieldleaf Rogersia at the Garden.   These are very large leaves - the sign says China, Korea.  

They grow in the shade and my yard has lots of shade so I bought one about three years ago.  Bugs have been eating at it each year before it gets real big.  But this year it's looking better.  

Friday I had a couple of stops to make downtown.  First I dropped in at the Alaska Innocence Project.  They help prisoners who claim they were wrongly convicted and have evidence to back their cases.  They helped get the Fairbanks Four freed several years ago.  

I took an Óle course  several years ago, taught by Bill Oberly the (now retired) director and was highly impressed with their work.  

Prisoners don't get a lot of sympathy from the public, and innocent people behind bars is one of the biggest injustices in our society.  Since

Since it was a beautiful day we met in their conference room on the roof.

That's Francisco on the left and Jory on the right.  Here's a short video - under 2 minutes - that I recommend.  It talks about why people are wrongly convicted and how many there are.  

On the way to their office I found the new protected downtown bike lane.  I'd read about it in the Anchorage Daily News, but forgot about it until I came across it.  What an improvement.  No dodging pedestrians on the sidewalk or cars in the street. I could relax and just ride.  But there's not much of it - less than 1/2 mile I'd guess.  And then to get to the office I had to go back to the streets.  It even has its own street light with red and green bikes.  

Next stop was at Tim's to pick up some postcards to mail to voters.  This is probably the least painful way for introverts to be actively working to save Democracy.  [If you think I'm being alarmist, let's talk.  The mainstream media are treating the election as if Trump were a normal candidate.  He's not. Mainstream media only look reasonable in comparison with Fox.  With the Far Right capture of the Supreme Court, a Trump presidency would be the end of democracy in the US.] In this case the Environmental Voters Project combined with the Citizens Climate Lobby.  Tim's in a log cabin downtown, but this one has been modernized a bit.  It even has a touchpad to unlock the door.  

I have some work to do.  

Today was a spectacular day.  I picked up a book that was on hold at the library for me.  I think I requested it six or more months ago - The Sympathizer by Viet Thang Nguyen.  It won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the first 15 pages pulled me right in.                                           I'm still working on Many Things Under a Rock - a book about octopuses.                                                           From the library to the post office to get post card stamps and to mail a letter to my grandson who is away at camp.  The post office was closed, but I could mail the letter.                                                        Finally I could bike on.  As I said, it was a beautiful day - our warmest of the year I'm sure.

                                                                                      I doubt  the official temperature,
which is measured at the airport, was 77˚F (26˚C), but it was a nice, nice day.  
I went up Arctic to the Campbell Creek bike trail near Dimond and then back down the  trail past Taku Lake and eventually home.  I've gone, as of today, 475 kilometers, this summer.  (That means since the trails were clear enough of snow to ride.)

We had salmon on the deck this evening - with loud rumbles of thunder in the background.  That's not something we get often in Anchorage - sometimes none in a year or three.  

So keeping it fairly light today.  Happy Fathers' Day to all of you lucky enough to have this awesome responsibility. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Snowden Chase Modern Day Version of OJ Televised Car Chase

[Think of this as a quick jump into the river of data flowing out over the internet.  A short swim.  Then we get out, dry off, and go about our business.]

There's a lot we don't know and jumping to firm conclusions on any side is clearly premature.  One's gut reactions are probably more related to one's basic belief system than to the actual facts at this point.  But, eventually, we'll know which first impressions proved to be more accurate.

My reaction is in the title - this reminds me of the OJ Simpson car chase coverage.  That one used helicopters to follow Simpson and the police through Los Angeles.  This one is using the internet and who knows what else to give us less direct and less verifiable information.  The OJ chase led to a trial that left White observers shaking their heads and Black observers smiling.  The later may not all have believed in OJ's innocence, but the fact that a Black defendant had been able to get out of a charge of murder of his White girlfriend showed that enough money to get a great attorney now worked for Blacks as well as Whites.  But it didn't end there and everyone seemed to hold to their pre-trial conclusions.  We'll see if that foreshadows what's going to happen here where the stakes are so much higher.  

I went to Twitter to see what was happening there.   Snowden isn't even in the top 10.  Here's what Tweeters think is important at this moment in time*:

I searched Snowden (not the hashtag #Snowden.)  Tweets are rushing in.  Most seem sympathetic to Snowden.  Here are just two:

4h"He who tells the truth must have one foot in the stirrup." - Armenian proverb

 ‏@OccupyWallStNYC6hIrony in the US getting upset about going to Cuba to avoid the law, which is exactly why Bush put Guantanamo there.

I decided to look for the negative tweets and searched "Snowden traitor" (not the hashtag #snowdentraitor.) Here too it seems tweeters are pretty supportive of Snowden though if you wait a few minutes you get a stream of 'he's a traitor' tweets. From search for "snowden traitor":

I initially thought Snowden was a whistle blower, but if he is sharing NSA secrets with China & Russia, then he is a traitor 
.18 JunMichele Bachmann says Edward Snowden is ‘clearly’ a traitor: 18 Junpolitico Traitors r those who swore 2 uphold & defend the constitution & trample it Those who warn U your rights being taken away R heroes
Expand17 JunDick Cheney calls Edward a traitor, says fleeing to China suspicious, implies he may a spy for China:
 ‏@TheAtlanticWire2hThe growing consensus that  is a terrible traitor, or 'America's #1 fugitive' 
But another tweet took me to newsguild (the newspaper guild, communications workers of America)
which has an online poll:

Snowden Survey

Thank you for taking our survey.*


*I had to vote to see the results.

I'm not sure what this all means, but the basic questions falling out are:
  • Snowden's motives  - I don't see much about Snowden being motivated by money or any other reason to sell out his country.  Some say he's doing this for the attention.  Most say he's exposing the ugly side of America.  Some say he's helping China and Russia (and other countries with terrible free press records) to score points against the US.  It seems that most people writing think that he, at least, thinks he's doing this as a whistleblower, not as a spy.  
  • Traitor/Spy - This charge seems to come more from the act and specific violations of the law and the contract he signed to keep information confidential than from belief that he has been paid to do this by some foreign government - the usual notion of a spy.  The idea is, he broke the law and is doing harm to America therefore he is a traitor.  Implied, I guess, is that he is just a mere cog in the process and therefore doesn't understand the big picture of why the surveillance needs to be done.
  • Hero - There are a lot of folks (on Twitter) who see Snowden as part of the Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange tradition of whistleblowers who expose government's evil ways.  
  • Just a troubled man - 
    Ex-CIA Chief: Snowden neither hero, nor traitor but very troubled young man
Technology may give us access to more data faster, it doesn't make us wiser. It does give us more of a sense of what people are thinking and with that we can start to assemble the ways people are framing the situation and the questions that need more facts to help reach more justifiable conclusions. (Conclusions can include: "We don't have enough information to conclude.")

*  As I towel off and get back to other things, here's the Twitter Top 10 as I'm about to hit the publish button:

· Change

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kohring Trial Day 7 - Closing Arguments

Sullivan made the prosecution's closing statement. He put all the facts into order and connected them to the charges. It was a strong logical case for guilty. He still needs to work on making these arguments sound like a story he is telling from his heart, not a speech he's working hard to remember and say in order. When he said, "They knew, they had a secret..." and went up to the jury as if he were telling them a secret, it seemed pretty staged. But he did put the argument together in a convincing way.

Browne spent the next hour talking about the duty of jurors, about the burden of proof and beyond a reasonable doubt ('bard' in my notes), what a " blasphemous, rude, arrogant, grandiose, intoxicated, and obsessed with power" lout Bill Allen is and used the question he tried out on reporter Lisa Demer yesterday in the federal building lobby interview you can see in the video I posted yesterday - "Would you make a critical decision in your life, based on BA’s testimony?"

He did talk about the facts of the case. He didn't make his own case. It was more like the prosecutor had set up a chess board and pieces representing the argument. Rather than critiquing how the board was set, he moved pieces around, knocked others over, dropped sand over here, added rocks, and poured syrup over the whole thing - not so much countering the prosecution's argument as totally obfuscating it. It was as if maybe he could sow enough doubt here and there, confuse the jurors about this point and that one, move the pieces around so they wouldn't be able to follow the original argument set out by the government. If he messed with things enough they wouldn't be able to find his client guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And Sullivan stood up to object twice, and the judge sustained the objections twice.

Then Bottini got up and lit into Browne's closing, talking fluently without apparent notes, just going point after point to rebut all that Browne said. It sounded sincere, just a little exasperated at the defense attorney's allegations, and sure of his facts and conclusions.

Below are my typed notes from the trial. As usual, they are just what I could catch with my increasingly stubborn fingers. I've run the spell check, but not made any other changes. So take this with a a great deal of skepticism. This is a sketch, not a full color account. There is a lot missing, but it should give you sense of what was said.

Sullivan - to whom much is entrusted, much

VK broke this trust, he received money and other financial benefits from BA, Veco, for agreeing to perform and actually performing official acts.

First, the evidence
Gasline and ppt. starting point.
1. Veco view - pipeline was goose that laid golden egg.
2. Veco first had to get ppt bill passed before getting the pipeline. For every 1% increase in ppt, tens of millions of profits for oil companies
3. Veco supported the 20/20 tax rate because that’s what their clients wanted - the oil producers. They had to produce the 20%

How produce with VK? BA and RS said they went to legislature to get ppt passed. They used VK and PK. Every vote counted. Had concerns with VK.
1. K upset because ppt bill not sent to his committee. Remember sb 185 because the bill was hijacked? They have to get him to support ppt.
2. VK is anti tax. Clients agreed to 20%, but VK so extreme anti tax, that he might muck up the process. Don’t want him to offer lower taxes.


Phone call RS & VK I understand your tax position, but this is not the time to go crazy, not the time to go whacko.
Audio - of the phone call - don’t you dare take this opportunity to go crazy
VK I know in politics there is a lot of give and take, I would reluctantly go along if you and the producers are amenable. Feb 22

He didn’t say: I can’t do that, I can’t vote for tax increase. He says, I’ll reluctantly go along. I don’t want to screw you guys over nothing
Also talked about dinner with the three of them. Go to island pub in Douglas BA said he gave $1000 to VK, he knew VK was upset about committee assignment, wanted to get VK on the team. RS sensed this, and he got up and left while he did this. BA and RS were like a married couple, he knew what he would do. He’d done it in the past - given $.

Conversation when they didn’t know we were listening.
March 4 Video: That’s why I left you alone. I knew you did.

Allen doesn’t tell smith he gave him $1000 as a gift, or to his friend, but he gave it so he would kiss our ass. Is there anything else I need to say about the relation between Veco and VK? It’s all about getting the ppt.

About the relationships. BA and RS took VK out when it served there purposes. There was no deep bond because of Russia. REd carpet list had Allen and Smith listed as supporters, not as friends. … the only thing VK came to the party with was his legislative hat. You heard times when VK was trying to milk the lobbyists, a free meal. He knows BA has deep pockets, one of the largest corp in AK. He was playing Allen too. How would BA act if he knew that VK was making $100,000? He couldn’t tell them that, it would stop the money train. ************

They knew, they had a secret, [leaned over and almost whispers to the jury….[
March 20 audio tape. He said I’ll be there for the vote. Talking to PK If it’s needed he said he’d be there.

...He’s not representing the interests of his voters in Wasilla. He’s working for Veco.
$1000 from BA, asking job for nephew. How many times VK initiated phone calls, Hey Rick, this is Vic. Lobbying other legislator Bert Ste?? , offering amendments, modify a bill for BA and RS, lobbying colleagues, advocating good things for Veco, acting as an info source. He will pass along info from BA to others, talking on radio and tv. He actually did them.

What is official act? some think, “he votes a certain way.” It’s much broader. It could also be anything wearing his leg hat. Also agreeing not to stall a bill, not to do something.

March 30 call. Serious matter to talk to BA and RS. What did BA think? He’s coming back for money. He actually took a wad of money out of his wallet and into his pocket.

Why is VK there in the first place. It’s the middle of the session, going to head of Veco, who has the most important leg of the session and for Veco's history. They’re loyal leg is in trouble politically. Asks for their rec. to help him answer his financial problem. He’s fishing. Why going to them? Why not go to friends? Why not Mark Marlow who employed him. If he could afford $500 a month, why not go to the bank? He knows BA is is biggest financial backer, he might just give him the money. He’s already been offered a job. In VK’s words, he was just there trying to solve a problem.

What get’s decided? Nothing. ONly that it is discreet, that he’s careful, that there are ‘no red flags.’ This can’t get out into the public. BA said he tried to fix the problem, he went to his own FO to check. Said if he could have given the money he would have. But already in the newspaper about consulting contracts.

What happens immediately after he tells them about his debt? He gets two cash payments. Look at this picture [money hand off] - that’s not a loan, that’s a payoff. BA doesn’t care what he does with the money. He could buy a whole GS troop. He’s been in this hotel suite all session, just to get ppt passed.

If this is a gift, where is the gift disclosure form with ethics committee? Joyce Anderson told us he was a frequent flyer at the committee. He knows the rules. The reason why this gift doesn’t relate to his legislative status.

What can I do to help you guys? Are you close to..? Stoltz, moderately so, can you gt him. I’m not real close to Bill, close to Meyers…… Vidoe tape March 30 Who’s on finance? Holmes? I know him well. He’s unpredictable. Kelly’s probably with us. Great relationship with Richard Foster….. [Talking about various legislators ] tell us what they are thinking about. tell us where they’re at, push them into our column.
First I’ll find out where they are at, then I’ll try to move them over. I know that’s really important to you. My position is anti tax, but I understand this is an intregal part of the whole deal here. …..

Folks, they’re talking about legislators who are on the fence, on key committees, the Finance Committee. He’s working for Veco….What does he do, after the payment, after waiting to hear what happens with his nephew. Lots of phone calls reporting what he’s doing, calling Meyers

Next day phone call audio: Pam has scheduled meetings for me to tell them to pass the gov’s bill as close as possible.

The same day 3/31 - I’m falling through on the plan. Let you know I’m doing what I can. I will do the best I can to lobby for the bill, to meet all the finance committee members.

Not a coincidence that the day after they met in the suite, that he is following through with the plan. One thing - about his votes on ppt.

Browne said he never voted on ppt. He’s trying to confuse you, BA wanted to keep it at 20%. There were attempts to take it above 20% and VK voted no. They wanted him to vote no. Veco didn’t want 22%. Oil producers didn’t want 22%. VK voted consistent with what they wanted.

amendment to an amendment. Sometimes such amendments did pass, took it to higher rate. Votes were intended to defeat the higher rate - voted yes to get the rate down. When Mr. Browne tells you VK didn’t vote for ppt, keep that in mind.

Let’s talk about the end of the first special session. 22%. A few hours left. you see PK RS and BA. How do we stop this? Have BA take VK out of town. You heard the call.
They meet at McDonald. The plan changes after they talk to VK (PK?) BA says, on the way back, near the liquor store, BA takes out a wad of cash and gives it to VK. Listen when the take out the hamburgers.

PK: [talking about procedures if you left you’d be in trouble]
BA: I wouldn’t a done that to you
VK: I would have done what you requested

That says it all. I would have taken a big political hit for you uncle bill. At this point, if BA had told VK to jump, he would have said, how high?

Aaron K. seems like a good kid, but he got the job because they wanted to keep VK happy. They are concerned because he is upset about the committee assignment. At dinner, VK says aaron looking for job. RS says, Veco has internships. A month goes by. Nothing about internship. VK brings it up. They say, We need a resume. VK takes the resume. RS takes the resume. Writes a note for BA - I think I’ve got a winner here, he’s VK’s nephew. RS had never met Aaron at that time. When they see it’s from BA they’re going to hire the kid. And that’s what Ms. McDonald said yesterday. He was hired

In two short months he made $3200, making $16/hour. He’s a good kid, had a great summer.

Periodioc cash payments from BA starting in 2002. Occurred in VK’s leg office in Juneau. RS corroborated, because BA told him after the fact. He did it for two purposes, 50/50 He did feel sorry. He didn’t know he was making $100K. But he also wanted to keep him loyal. It was an insurance policy.
Cook Inlet Oil - 2003 - BA asked K to take an official act to move the bill out of his committee because VK was stalling it. No question that he thought the bill had been hijacked - memo from his office - video with Prewitt. Allen Smith told you to kick the bill and he did and it got passed.

Eric Musser. No dispute that BA give VK an earful because of EM’s complaint about Bev Masek. BA upset because one of his loyal supporters was being attacked. VK tried to get the complaint withdrawn. The fact is that the complaint doesn’t get withdrawn, but Eric Musser does.

Lyda Green. BA told VK twice not to run against LG.

Folks, I also want to talk to you about the charges, your role

Count 1: Conspiracy to commit certain crimes including bribery
C is an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime. Doesn’t have to be explicit, just agreed. It started when they started making cash payments. The evidence I covered proves he agreed to perform specific acts on behalf because of various payments. You heard about the linkage between the acts and payments. The fact that he actually carried out the acts, further proves the conspiracy

Count 2 Hobbes Act, only relates to officials
PO when he obtains money or other property in agreement to take some official action and it impacts interstate commerce.
1. Doesn’t matter if VK ever took an official act, but only that he agreed to do. We submit he did not
2. Not a defense to say I would have voted the same way, I wold have done the same things.

Proof side: No dispute. He was a public official. And interstate commerce affected. Dan Dickinson, BA and RS all showed oil companies are interstate.

He received several benefits - $1000 at pub, money near McDonalds, money in Suite, and job for Aaron K.

count 3: attempted violation of hobbes act
attempted because he didn’t actually get the money
same factors plus, VK took a substantial step toward getting the money. He took the step when he went into the room and solicited them for the money. Listen closely to that conversation and what was agreed to.

Count 4: Bribery in govt. entity receiving fed funds
$5000 or more - VK charged of taking bribes while an elected official in state of AK
not in dispute
pipeline well in excess of $5000
State received far in excess of $ in fed funding
VK did receive bribes i exchange for official acts
Job for Aaron

He violated the bond of public trust he had with his constituents. Based on all the evidence, I asked you on behalf of the US that you find VK guilty of all four charges in the indictment. Thank you very much. 9:50am

J: Mr. Browne
B: Mr. Browne has to go to the bathroom

10:05 break over

Browne; mike on. First, thank you, i’ve been watching you and you us paying attention to each other a lot, you’ve been taking notes, I appreciate the seriousness you have taken this. One of the most serious things you’ve done in your life. Your sworn oath that you would follow the law and that was your word. I will get back to that.

In the beginning a few things were disorganized because i was listening to what gov said and responded to. Same today.
Gov’s presentation persuasive if you ignore the burden of proof if you ignore

Object of persuasion is to persuade that your side is correct.
It is all right for a leg to vote for legislation supported by your supporters That is completely all right. Haliburton gives money to the Bush camp and expects attention from the Bush people. GM gives money to legislators to do things. Unions, teachers unions, give $ to legs and expect them to do things for them
Some suggestion here that that isn’t legal
We know BA Veco gave 8% of VK’s campaign funds, all reported, it’s ok.
A bribe, must be known as a bribe. And the govt must prove that to you beyond a reasonable doubt.
Gov has suggested in past and now, attempt to borrow a pickup truck that went no where was a bribe. The gov has to prove bard that was a bribe. BTW the pickup was never provided and MR. K said I’ll be happy to pay for, but it never happened anyway.

Money given for E egg incident, Mr. K knew bard that it was a bribe, not simply because Veco was a consistent supporter of his.

Mr. K has served the people of this community and state for 12 years, even after this was known he was reelected. Still going of notes from this morning. Comment about RS saying to Vic, Don’t you dare , that is strong language, I have a 16 year old boy, don’t you dare take the car out , that’s a pretty strong word, Mr. S used that term, don’t you dare use this as an opportunity to go whacko.

According to Mr. Smith, they already owned him. If the did, why threaten him that he shouldn’t go nuts. During all the transcripts, dvds, everyone in the courtroom hopes you’ll listent to them carefully, that nothing is taken out of context. You need to listen to those, to hear what is actually said.

You will hear that VK never asked for any money from BA and RS ever. He asked for a loan. In the charging docs, gov. told you they were going to prove that there was a request for Mr. K of a payment. That has completely fallen apart for the govt. No one an characterize that as a payment.

I believe Ms. Anderson said, VK had filed more requests than any other legislator, I could be wrong, follow your collective member, Ms. Anderson did not say he did not file reports. I think you need to rely on your memory and notes on that.

VK saying I will do this and lobby some of my constituents - that is all legal, nothing sinister. G. says my client mentions names, Meyers, where are those witnesses? It’s apparent to you how much resources the govt has? Have you ever been in a position when the gov is going after you? There is no bottom to those deep pockets. You saw FBI agents flown from all over to testify. $100s of thousands . Against me and him.

Why didn’t they, with all that money, have them here as witnesses. Reasonable doubt is based on a lot of things including the absence of evidence.

It seems odd that a person subject to these ramifications it seems odd that the person charged by the govt. doesn’t get the last word. When I’m done, Mr B will get up and say more. The reason is that the burden on the g is so heavy, that the people who founded this country, knew that proof bard is so strong that the govt. need two chances to rebut.
I will try to anticipate what he will say and rebut them in advance. What we say is not evidence. You need to review the evidence yourself.

I am waving the flag now. There are kids dying today in support of these principles. We believe in this system that’s why you are here. We believe in this system. Explaining to jurors, “What does not guilty mean?” It means: not proven. That, you aren’t saying mr. K is pure as the driven snow, that he didn’t use bad judgement here and there? But did the G prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. The J said the presumption of innocent, in and of itself, is enough to say ‘not guilty.’ Not guilty means not proven, these people with all their resources haven’t proven their case.

When the judge told you at the beginning of the trial, that presumption of innocence is so important and you were sworn to.

Let me tell you what this case is not about:
Victor K. proving anything, he has no burden of proof whatsoever
Not about we, VK and I, have no burden to prove anything, and that’s how the people who wrote our Constitution meant it to be. If you’ve ever done battle with the govt. you know why. W

Not about prejudice against politicians. I think there are more politician jokes than lawyer jokes.

Not about ethical rules and regs internal in the legislature.

Not about legit contributions and fund raisers

Not about doing things for people that support you politically. If people support you politically and give you legit money, that is what you do as a politician.

Case not about assuming that a gift is a bribe, without an agreement o do something illegal. The gov attorneys say if the pol gets a gift it must be a bribe if they do anything to help. They say money was for a bribe and not what he would do in the normal course of supporting VECO.

How did we get here? It started with Prewitt who was in trouble with the law but wouldn’t admit. FP mentions that he has info about major political corruption in AK. And when the names came out, the FBI started drooling - ted stevens, ben st. DY, MR.Kott, TA, BW, VK. so the Govt threw out this big web and determined who was going to fall into the web.

But we see a big mistake was made by the gov. but they won’t admit mistake. I submit it was not until just before this trial, until gov. realized that VK didn’t vote for ppt. The case was a mistake it was falling apart, They allege it was a payment when it was a request for a loan. They said about pickup. The job for Aaron was a bribe. That’s ridiculous There case so weak, turn to that as the basis for the this case. Most people get a first job through connections. But the g is so desperate in this case that they say this was a bribe. That he knew and Aaron knew it was a bribe. When their case started falling apart they started adding things - BA gave him money since 2002, he fired Musser, he was going to run against Lyla until BA told him not to. It proves only he listens to one of his supporters.

I’m certainly not faulting the G in some of the investigations in this scandal. But let’s look at others
T stevens gets $100K for a house - thats not a summer job, an easter egg
B stevens got $250K
TA $25k I believe and a contract
PK Got $10K

That should be investigated vigorously. I asked T stevens if the work on t stevens house was a gift. He said no, it was a bribe.
Even if you believe Mr. Allen, we’re talking about money with VK that was less than it would cost to buy a plasma TV. Millions of Dollars to put him in that chair.

Compare that to BA admitting he bribed $400 K and were talking about easter eggs.

Judge: Remember our earlier discussion, your getting close to the line

Mr. Prewitt is central casting for a sleazy lobbyist. Not only made a deal with the gov. even wanted to be paid. G. wired mr. Prewitt to entrap mr. K to entrap to admitting things he did wrong.

In the last video, Vic doesn’t look very good eating, none of us do. FP go through litany of what he was told to ask. Why don’t you ask Veco for a job? I know others have, maybe I will. What happened to Musser. Vic responds he did file a complaint and agreed Masek did things illegal and he was uncomfortable about his aide doing this.

Do you believe BA beyond a reasonable doubt. The only money is the money you say in the easter egg tape and ???? You have to rely o Bill Allen’s word.

Puts up chart. this is the jury instruction you will be given, agreed to by all parties. Judge in charge of the law, you’re in charge of the facts.

JI #13 Impeachment evidence of a witness - guilty plea is not evidence against the defendant, you have to judge BA’s testimony. Consider the extent to which his testimony may have been influenced by these factors. Examine his testimony with greater caution than other witnesses - for obvious reasons.

90% of what Sullivan said this morning depends on whether BA is telling the truth.

BTW, one of my relatives said to me long ago. True character is how you act when nobody is watching. BA on the stand, told you, if he knew he was being taped he wouldn’t have said all those things. But true character is how you act when nobody is watching.

You check their demeanor on the stand. His demeanor was pathetic. He has brain problems, Brain injury, - predated any of this. He was pathetic. What else look at for motive. He had to fire sale Veco, Seemed to want sympathy from us because he could only sell Veco for $400-million. He and his family would get only $350-million. Talk about motive. He was able to sell Veco. He was able to get $350-million for his family. More important the govt. threatened to charge his children unless he satisfied the government and did what they told him to do. If he doesn’t satisfy the agreement, then all deals are off. He also got an agreement of $500K to pay for his attorneys.

In evidence you will see the plea agreements. Please read them carefully. A lot of legal mumbo jumbo, but it does say if he does cooperate the gov. will argue to reduce his sentence? How many of us who have children wouldn’t do anything to keep them out of prison.

He’s blasphemous, rude, arrogant, grandiose, intoxicated, and obsessed with power. Apparently, making $1 billion a year was not enough for him and he wanted this pipeline passed. He brags about owning senators and res. And some he did. And some he thought he did. Would you make a critical decision in your life, based on BA’s testimony. Would you even buy a car from Mr. Allen. Seriously, think abut it.

But 90% of the govt.s case rests on BA. They want a verdict based on assumption of guilt. If someone says that in jury, the others have to say that isn’t true. we know innocent are arrested every day. And juries find people guilty every day. Maybe that will disappoint prosecutors and the press, but you need to not disappoint yourself.

How often did you hear VK saying I don’t want any freebie? Do you hear VK saying that? bstevens, kott, BW, anderson saying that.


Did prewit give assistance for free? No he wanted to be paid. There is a prejudice that they just be guilty, but you must put that aside.

Govtl ran into two obstacles. Two 6 foot 6 obstacles
A defendant who would not role over
And a lawyer who believes in the system and believes the govt. has sadly failed in their effort to prove bard. This is the best system in the world, but only if you keep your word. The G has the burden of proof on every count individually. Every count must be looked at individually.

There is a similar instruction - #13. Same instruction for Richard Smith’s testimony

JI about conspiracy. Remember I asked BA what a conspiracy was? He didn’t know. A conspiracy. two people or more agreeing to do something illegal and one of those people takes a substantial step toward that.

J tells you in a very non legal and good way explains to you what C means. It is not necessary that they made a formal agreement or every detail. But it is not enough that they simply met, discussed things of common interest, or perhaps helped each other. You must find there was a plan. Not even enough to have common interests and do things together.

Here what it means to join a conspiracy. On the other hand has no knowledge of the C, but who acts in a way that happens to further the C. One does not become a C by joining with conspirators or knowing the C exists. You have a copy of the JI. Important to read them.

You can’t go back and work to convict Vic if you follow your oath. If the effort is to work to convict it’s the wrong way. The work must be to find if the govt has proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Not guilty means not proven.

When you talk about the govt has, consider the plight of mr Robert Hall. Obviously the govt has subpoenaed all of his financial records. He did not run for a senate seat, he did not fire Eric Musser. And the get Hall up and they ask him about his own financial record. That’s the power the government has. The power of the g. is overwhelming.

Never said we are sorry we misled you. That we made mistakes. But they can’t.

Govt. will suggest that I’m putting the govt. on trial or that I’m trying Mr. Al= or Mr. S. That’s not truing. I’m doing what I’m paid to do.
Huge prob with govt is because you have the exhibits. Finally Mr. Allen admitted, the final version they wanted and all the other people voted for that version and all the others did. And Vic never did.

Talk a little about Allen’s testimony when he was at the Kott trial. He paid him because he didn’t have enough money he was sleeping in his office, couldn’t by his daughter a girl scout uniform, not enough to buy a ticket to Oregon. VK told him he was having financial problems. He did not specifically ask me for any money. I just figured out what he needed and I gave it to him . Wasn’t it more than just a gift, wasn't it 50/50 - G had to remind him

In statement of facts, never says anything happening prior to 2006, nothing about prior misconduct in two places. Gov. will tell you well there was another clause about this not being all.

Similar from mr. smith. VK interviewed by FBI for four hours. Completely cooperative. Gave consent to search. took 1000’s of docs from his office. Said he had accepted pers. gifts but it had nothing to do with bribery. Used the word friendship. Talked to FBI about the loan the gov. still wants to make into a payment. Says Mr. A never offered him a consulting job. Talks about getting $100 or so for easter eggs, and that it made a very nice easter.

Mr. K told FBI that veco never instructed him on how to vote, but that Veco was a major constituent and supporter and pointed out he voted against a major bill Veco wanted.

Through the very quickly. First tape, you know my philosophy, I’m not beholden to the industry. Less govt and less taxes. Interested in restructuring. Reluctantly I might go along, I want to hear your thoughts mr. allen

Don’t you dare go crazy or whacko, but I know you will . Mr. Sullivan completely left this out. Mr. S knew VK will go whack. I know your philosophy.

J: Make it clear. If you want to watch the videos, you’ll have to come into the court room. The audio they can listen if they choose.

Conversations between S and PK. Vic’s never voted for a tax bill in 12 years. Never on tape did Vic say he’d be there. He probably said things because they were his supporters, but he thought the money was gifts.

Last one, because important. Number 11 (tape) vic says I don’t want to put any pressure on you, you are my friends, I have credit card debt because of surgery, I can’t go to credit agency because my credit isn’t very good. I need this all to be above board. I don’t want any one to get into hot water, No criticism. etc. loan, and I will make payments.

I want everything done in accordance to the law.

It has to be a real job. [takes lots of these quotes out of context] Asks Smith for $100 drunkenly slurring . GS uniform, here help with GS uniform. VK always believe it a gift.

Aaron’s job - transcript 15. Well I guess he qualifies
16 - what a wonderful time he had for easter, put all the money in the egg as you requested.

You believe that presumption of innocence is enough of ind someone not guilty. this is one of the most important jobs you’ll ever do. You promised to ….. You need to be true to your word. Be your word. 11:07

Mr. Bottini Rebuttal 11:08

Let me start by addressing earlier points Mr. B made about resources of Gov in contrast with client.

He gathered that this investigation going for some time. Prewitt over 4 years ago. Going on for years. Electronic surveillance. started in SEpt 2005 and 2006. Browne wants you to believe all these resources called down on VK. You know that is not true, a mischaracterization. This has been a long running investigation and Mr. Kohring got caught in it.

Somehow the govt. was trying to hide things from you. They didn't call this witness? Do you know how big the subpoenas are - this one page. If he thought there were witnesses you should have heard, he could have called them. He’s had all those recordings. He could have played them. its the button with the little arrow on it.

Tries to compare and contrasts VK with other names TSIt’s true. It doesn’t mean VK is less guilty. Look at all these benefits. $400K in benefits to Sen Stevens. Where did he get that? You’ll see that number in BA’s pea agreement - but that’s what they gave to all these different people, not Stevens. You should take that into consideration and think VK not guilty

He said nothing in recordings where BA brags about owning sens and congressmen. He could have played them. Accuses FP of being a sleazy lobbyist. Didn’t stop this guy from going out to dinner with him and getting his meal paid.

A loan was all they discussed. Talk about giving him a job, and sure they talked about a loan. It wasn't just a loan. He just wanted to solve his problem. RS thought he wanted it taken care of period. Whatever it took. The considered all of those. Loan wasn't good idea. Couldn’t hire him in middle of leg. session, he need the money then Couldn’t give him cash because APO watching.

Talk a minute about Mr.A. Browne says you can't believe anything. You saw BA and his story. Motorcycle accident. Doesn’t affect his thought process, but on his speech and ability to say words Doesn’t affect thought process and memory. He built Veco from ground zero 40 years ago. 2005 pulsating corp 5000 employees $1billion in revenues.

Somehow this addled old man able to run this industry to the end. He was the Chair of the Board of Veco right until they signed the paper with CH2MHil. he has trouble expressing himself and saying words.

He drinks too much. OK, you saw the tape. Had they been drinkin. Yeah they told you that. Was he rambling and out of his head? Of course not. a little harsh language. Two of them by themselves, don’t know any one is recording. It’s rough language. But he knows what he’s talking about. We gotta gt it done. Let me give and example he says, like the other night VK, VK you get up to leave and I gave him $1000. RS says, I know you did, I d know. Ramblings of two drunks? No, they knew what they were talking about . That guy right there got $1000 bucks at the pub….

B. says Allen told you this because he has motive to say all this. Come on. He saw the tape because I knew what I’ done was illegal. He knew his hash was cooked. Handing money to a legislator in the middle of the session. Allen knew it was over right there.

He says you can’t trust anything he says because no corroboration. If mr. Allen is making this up to get leniency or curry favor from the Gov. wouldn't his story be better? He doesn’t say, Here’s $600 to move that bill. That wasn't their relationship. That isn’t what happened. He gave VK 3-4 payments between 2002 and 2006 because he felt sorry for him. He didn’t know he was pulling 80grand 100 grand a year. He also said, he’s not a stupid man. He also said I gave him the money because I wanted him to be loyal to me. He knows if he gives him money over time, he’s got a chit he can call. And he did - don’t run against green, Musser, let the bill out of committee.

Somehow BA had cut this great deal with the Govt. and part of deal was that Veco wouldn’t be prosecuted. Flat untrue. He asked for it, he knew with this cloud, it would affect the employees. He took a haircut on the sale to CH2mhill. Did he sell it for $400Million, of course, but the point is that to say that Veco was motivation to fabricate- that wasn’t part of the bargain.

MR. B talked about $500K severance from Veco, had nothing to do with he govt. came from Veco.

Talk about relationship among these people. Mr. B said the relationship was close, deep bond, at core their mutual love of Russian women. Flat untrue. No evidence. BA said never met VK’s wife or daughter. VK never met BA’s girlfriend. These guys are business associates. Not a bond between close friends exchanging gifts. It’s business. Veco’s business is about oil . VK has something they want. They have something VK wants.

Mr. K , i would submit to you, knows how to play cards. he knows what it took to get Mr. Allen into giving him things. He turned him into an ATM machine. He knew all he had to do was plant the seed in BA’s mind, that I don’t have money to do something and he would get the money. mr. K played this like a fiddle. When does he decide to go up and look for help - the debt was around for a while, the records in evidence. One of the fist thing K says is, “this could help me politically.” He knows what he’s doing, not by coincidence he picks the middle of the leg session that he does this. They have this key leg on the floor, he knows how critical, he picks this time. Any ideas how I can solve this? He then offers ideas - job, loan, payment - to solve his problem.

Interesting when you listen to these phone calls between K and S. A series. Starting about 3/19, til he tells RS I need to talk to you guys. The calls build to a crescendo. he starts telling Sm what he can do. Lobby on your behalf. Conveying the message before he gets into that room I there for you.

Why these guys? Why BA RS and Veco for help? Look at the timing. Why not Mr. Hall, he appears to be a successful businessman and they are friends.

B says there is nothing wrong with a legislator carrying the ball for someone who gives him a campaign contribution. Handing people a pocketful of cash in the middle of the legislative session isn’t a campaign contribution.

Do personal friends ask each other for gifs? No, this is a business transaction.

What does VK have these guys want? All he’s got is the sign he has on his door. He took that sign off the door and handed it to Mr. Allen, but doesn’t give it to him. He sold it to him.

they have this specific discussion about what mr. K can and will do for them. He doesn’t say, I’ll se if I can politely influence them.

Aaron Kohring got a w-s for the work he did. This guy should have gotten one too. He was a frequent flyer with Joyce Anderson. Should have had her on speed dial.

Vanderploeg tells K heres what we’re looking at, things you got for your personal benefit and campaign . AV asks can you elaborate? He pauses and says, I’ d like to think about it. Then he calls them gifts. He goes, oh o, I know where these guys are going, he switches to calling them gifts.

Ladies and Gentleman. The evidence is clear. Mr. K traded on his government office - it was all he had- for gifts and pyaments. that’s what this case is about.

Pulls out chart.

Mr. B says govt. hasn’t proven this case. We would submit the evidence proves well beyond a reasonable doubt. We have proven it beyond a reasonable doubt and he’s guilty.

J. Thank you mr. B can you remove the easel? 11?37

Now it is my duty to instruct you on the laws. Copy of these Jury Instructions in the jury room