Showing posts with label Follow It. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Follow It. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

For Subscribers: Use Follow It Widget to Continue Getting Email Notices Of Blog Posts [UPDATE]

[UPDATE:  Karolina at Follow It offered to transfer the Feedburner email list to Follow It.  I've received my first forwarded post via Follow It, so I suspect she's done the list.  It would be nice to hear from a few of you that it has been done without you having to do anything.]

 As mentioned in an earlier post,  after July Feedburner will no longer send messages to subscribers when there's a new post.  Reader Steve Johnson left a comment suggesting that was a good alternative to Feedburner.  

I have finally followed up on that advice and added a link in the column to the right - at the top - where you can add your email to be sure you continue to get update emails when there's a new post.  

When I started blogging, back in 2006, I spent a lot of time figuring out the mechanics of the blog.  That continued for a number of years as technology changed and there were different options.  

Back in the beginning I was just experimenting with what a blog could do.  Lots of posts talk about the technological issues - how to get people to see your blog, how to find out if anyone is reading it, how to get Google to know your blog exists,  how to use html to do things like upload pictures (before blogger had a button for that), how to upload video and audio.  It turned out I was on the forefront on some of these things - certainly here in Alaska.  

But the rest of the world has caught up technologically(with cameras, videos, and the internet on phones and sites like Facebook and Twitter took off.  

So now mostly I'm focused on content and the technical stuff has receded into the background.  But this change in Feedburner has forced me to deal with technical stuff once more.  I've put off setting up since Feedburner is supposed to be here through July.  (It turned out to be pretty easy.)

But I also realize that parts of my blog are starting to look like an old garage where people just stuff things they don't use any more.  Links to other blogs are outdated.  Mike in Iowa commented the other day 

"Sorry, I missed connections when Immoral Minority left the air and just now found you again. Happy to be back."

Yes, there were a lot of folks who used the Immoral Minority link to What Do I Know? to get here.  And Mike's comment reminded me that I'm one of the last of the early Alaska bloggers covering newsy topics to still be posting pretty much daily.  (I've slowed down on regular posts a bit as I've been posting to my COVID page daily as well.  That doesn't leave a 'new post' but it adds info if you click the COVID tab (blogspot calls it a page) under the header.  

I guess I need to start cleaning out the garage.  The banner shrank when Blogger changed the format and I've never gone in to figure out how to stretch it back out to cover the whole top of the page.  

The Follow It gadget looks clunky and it would be nice to figure out how to make aesthetically cleaner.  But I think most of the regular readers come here for the posts and are forgiving of the clutter.  

So to all the old followers, thanks for checking in regularly.  Other readers, there's a new button on the top of the right column where you can subscribe.  Feedburner has a list of over 1000 emails of subscribers.  I don't know if Follow It gives me that too.  I may have to send out emails to subscribers so they know about the change.  And I should take down the Feedburner widget.