Showing posts with label polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polls. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2019

Some Suggestions For Improving Don Young's Online Poll And Anchorage Impeach Rally

I got an email poll from Don Young today.

It would appear that he is looking for confirmation of his priorities.  If he really wanted to know what his constituents wanted, then when we marked other, it would ask for specifics.  Here's the poll:

priorities opt in

Heading into 2020, which legislative priority would you like to see Congress work on?

I took it to the next step just to be sure it didn't ask for comments.  It didn't.  But it gave me the results so far.

If you want to participate you can here.

My interpretation is that Democratic priorities are on top, and Republican priorities are at the bottom. Does Don Young really want to know what we want?  Or is this just something to test whether his email list is up to date or to get his name before his constituents as we had for the 2020 election?

But just to clarify - Climate Change legislation - specifically a carbon fee and dividend bill  like the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act would be my top priority.  Impeachment is high on my list too.  Income equality through revision of the tax structure and strengthening environmental regulations and enforcement.  Immigration reform and, in the meantime, humane treatment of asylum seekers and others along the border - including letting doctors to give flu shots to inmates of ICE as well as other health care.

I also got this email today.
Nobody is Above the Law Impeachment Rally
WHEN:Tuesday, December 17 at NOON
HOST(S):Izzy F. Joni B.
WHEREU.S. District Court building
7th Ave and C Street (south east corner)
Anchorage, AK 99513
Unfortunately, I won't be able to go because I'm at the airport on my way to LA where we'll be joined in a few days by kids and grandkids.  (Unfortunately because I'll miss the rally - definitely want to be with the kids.)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dantzing With Pollsters - Follow Up

Yesterday I did a  post about ways to respond to political pollsters that raises questions like what do you owe telephone survey folks?  The only things I said you owe them are some respect and friendliness, because it's not an easy job.  I just got a call from a local Anchorage number - 268 2121.  It's a bit late for calls, but I answered it.

Caller:  May I speak to Steve?
Me:  Whose calling?
Caller:  Tanya.  I'm from MRS.
Me:  [She sounded tired, and remembering my advice, I answered in a very friendly]     Hi Tanya, how are you doing tonight?  What is MRS and where are you?
Tanya:  McQuire Research Service, in Nevada.

Well she was clearly pleased to get a friendly response and, in her words, "not to be yelled at."  But I did tell her about yesterday's blog post and she asked if I wanted to do the survey.  Since she'd identified her company, which I'd said yesterday legit pollsters should do,  I said, 'Sure."

Tanya:  How likely are you to vote next month?
Steve:   Barring getting hit by a bus . . . you know Tanya, actually, I plan to vote next Monday when early voting starts.  So I'm definitely voting in October, not next month.
Tanya:   . . . .
Steve:  If I say I'm not voting next month, that ends the survey, doesn't it?
Tanya:  Yes . . .
Steve:  I guess they didn't write the question very well, because I'm sure they don't care when I vote, do they?  But since I'm not going to vote next month, and I answered honestly 'no,' you have to end this right?
Tanya:  Yes,

I thought I heard an unspoken, "but . ."

I hope she still gets paid, even though we only did the first question.  But she shouldn't be penalized if people don't plan to vote.  That's information too.  I should have asked her. 

[OK, this post is sort of a stall.  I'm working on several longer posts that aren't quite right yet, and this seemed like an easy filler.  But if you didn't see the original post Dantzing With Pollsters, that has a little more meat.

I don't generally watch television or listen to much AM radio, so I'm relatively spared a lot of the political advertising.  The mailed advertising doesn't make noises and is easy to put into the recycle bin.

But I noticed tonight, getting a Youtube clip for a post I'm working on, that I got a Dan Sullivan ad linking Mark Begich to Obama before the video.  But I had to play the video several times and then I got Begich ads with a women talking about how Sullivan would interfere between her and her doctor at her clinic. 

Friday, June 13, 2008

Poll's Totally Inconclusive Results

My first online poll has essentially thrown the ball back to me to make my own decision. I asked if I should say yes to the blogger at "Thoughts on Sex" that we exchange links on our blogrolls.

Could the results be more divided?

I think I'm going to tell him "Thanks, but no thanks." I don't need a bunch of horny surfers coming here expecting who knows what and getting pissed off because there are no naked people. Just mentioning sex as I did in the post on Eliot Spitzer gets me hits from strange google searches like "turning wife over to sexual demonic powers" which I got today from someone in Columbus, Georgia.

So, thanks to all of you who took the poll. At least I know my viewers have totally diverse views on this topic (not that I'm sure what the topic was - sex? links? experiments?). And I'll take it down today.

Now I'm going out to enjoy the sunshine and blue sky.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

More on blogrolls and my first poll

Well, I'm really glad Paul suggested yesterday (in the comments) I set up criteria for what blogs I put up on my list of blogs, because today I got an email from Thoughts About Sex suggesting we exchange blog links. Of course, I had to check it out if I would even consider linking to it. It's actually not a porn blog, the most lascivious picture is a woman eating a hot dog on a bun. And it isn't written by a native English speaker. It's not particularly special either. But the background graphic is nice.

Unfortunately, I haven't got my criteria yet. The other blogs on his links list already include:


* Anal butt plugs
* Anal sex toys
* Condoms
* Dildos - Sex toys
* Kamasutra Sex
* Sex toy - Masturbators
* Sex toys and adult dvd
* Sex toys - Realistic Dildos

Don't you think What Do I Know? would fit right in?

I started out thinking I would post this as a joke since I just yesterday posted about linking to other blogs and I haven't gotten an email about exchanging blog links since I first started blogging. But then I started wondering, hey, this is a chance to see how much sex makes a difference in blog hits. But won't they be disappointed when they find out I know nothing? And will it bring unwanted visitors here?

Well, what do you all think? I guess this is where I should have been paying attention to the stuff about putting a poll on my site.

Just back from checking out polls. Turns out there are lots of ways, but blogger has one built right in. So I can do my first poll to find out what you think. Oh, and I also found out how my new best friend got here. This was NOT in response to yesterday's post about exchanging blog links. He was googling for "blogspot thoughts about sex" from Moldova and got to my post on Eliot Spitzer. (It was on page 5 of only 631,000 hits. But that doesn't sound like that many hits, so maybe blogspot bloggers don't think about sex that much. The Spitzer post was, I think, so far, my only post on sex. A sad commentary I guess. But then I don't think of this post as being about sex. It's about blogging.) Then he sent me an email.

So it's now up to you. I have no idea where this poll will show up. I'm guessing not in the post itself, but on the side. Look for it.[It's in the upper right column] Vote. And if you don't like the choices, leave a comment with the choice you couldn't find.