Showing posts with label Karen Hill Tribe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karen Hill Tribe. Show all posts

Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Origins of Hogwash

This cartoon in today's paper got me wondering exactly where the word 'hogwash' comes from. 

Online references are iffy, so take this with a grain of salt (useful for detecting hogwash).  But I did check a number of sites and the more legit looking ones seemed to agree on this. 

From Word Ancestry:
hogwash, n. [hawg-wosh, hŏg-wŏsh]
-Hogwash is a simple compound noun formed around the mid-15th century from the two English nouns hog 'a type of swine, a pig' and wash 'waste liquid or food refuse from a kitchen.' The wash was often put to use as food for domesticated animals, particularly as swill for pigs. By 1712, hogwash could also be used to describe cheap, poorly made liquor; by 1773, poorly written manuscripts fell under the label of hogwash. In modern English, almost anything that is badly done or ridiculous can be equated with this term for barnyard slop.

That reminded me of the Karen village we visited near Chiengmai (Thailand).  After lunch we helped wash the dishes. 

The water and bits of food left on the dishes went out the drain on the sink to a concrete trough below to the chickens.  You can see the birds below on the right waiting. 

The original post, Sustainable Farming the Old Fashioned way - Karen Village, gives a good picture story of our visit and includes the pigs too.  It's well worth a visit, but then I'm biased, of course, because it takes me back to a wonderful day we had there five years ago. 

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Karen Singers Entertain

These singers are using the same Karen language of the people in the Fire Break posts. I like Thai music, but it took a long time for my Western ear to adjust. But this Karen music is immediately accessible to Westerners.

A CD, I'm told, is coming soon. I don't have the contact information tonight, but if you are interested, you can go into my profile and email me.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fire Break Ceremony Chiang Dao 4 - Embroidery

These are some of the women who were at the ceremony and their beautiful hand made clothes.

This woman said it took three days to embroider this one.

Fire Break Ceremony Chiang Dao 3 - Bamboo

These villagers could do anything with bamboo, and they did. The posters were posted on bamboo bulletin boards, and the stage where the speakers would sit was bamboo.

Upper left is a prayer stand of bamboo. Below was the bamboo ribbon for the ribbon cutting to the fire break. Pieces of the ribbon, after it was cut, were then tacked onto trees. If I weren't careful I might make some comment about talismen - but that would be me making assumptions I have absoutely no basis for. I don't know if the bamboo posted on the tree along the firebreak is anything more than decoration.

And who needs red Costco cups when there's bamboo? Complete with bamboo cup rack. In back are bamboo water holders to fill the cups with. And you don't even have to take them to the recycle center. You can just toss them when you're done.

And what celebration would be complete without bamboo serving dishes and serving spoons?

So, what is this one?

Did you get it? It's a fully adjustable microphone stand. There's a smaller piece of bamboo inside a bigger piece, you can raise and lower the mic and put little pegs in the holes to keep it in place.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fire Break Construction Ceremony Chiang Dao

The sign says, roughly,
Celebration/Ceremony to Open the Fire Break - Mae Ba Sao and Mae Khong Sai

People and the Forest Can Live in Sustainable Harmony

Communities of Mae Ba Sao and Mae Khong Sai Subdistrict: Mueng Khong District: Chiang Dao Province: Chiang Mai

March 23, 2551
(they use the Buddhist calendar)

The ceremony was just up the road on the left where the fire break begins. I'll jump ahead here to show the ending where everyone ceremonially swept the dry bamboo leaves off the trail.

I was a little confused about the purpose of the ceremony and the efficacy of the fire break, so at lunch today I ask those sorts of questions. Essentially, the villages maintain a six meter wide fire break for 30 kilometers. The part you see at the end here was merely ceremonial. The intent of the ceremony was to show government officials who came that the hill tribe people can live in harmony with the forest. All the posters (I'll show some in later posts) talk about things like sustainable farming and global warming. I'll also do a post on bamboo here - showing a number of the things that the villagers made of bamboo for yesterday. Bamboo grows in abundance up there and is totally recyclable.

Infomekong has the following on Karen farming:

There are two main types of farming: slash and burn and paddy. Slash and burn farming involves clearing an area of trees and then burning the underbrush. The burning process adds minerals to the soil, which helps crops to be grown. Unfortunately, the negative aspects outweigh the positives. This process strips the soil of essential nutrients and leads to more erosion, therefore, only allowing crops to be grown for a few years. As a result, the Karen have begun to utilize the process of paddy farming more often than slash and burn. Instead of installing an irrigation system, a paddy farm is flooded by a close river in order to water the crop.

Note: Infomekong is an evangelical site. I have personal problems when people of one religion try to convert other people to their religion. I find it curious how they can write on their site,

...the Thai government started oppressing the Karen community by trying to convert them to become more Thai-like
without any irony. How is conversion to Christianity a better cultural diversion than conversion to Thai culture? I'm not at all defending what the Thai government has done. It is not unlike what has been imposed on Alaska Natives by both church and government schools. At its worst you get results like those Tony Hopfinger reported in his Newsweek story of sexual abuse of students by priests that I linked and which came out last week in an expanded version in the Anchorage Press. But I think the information - aside from where it veers into missionary work - is useful. But be warned.
Traditionally the Karen live at lower elevations than the other hilltribes and although they still practice slash and burn, unlike many hilltribes they live in permanent villages and have been aggressive in developing environmentally sustainable terraced rice fields. These factors have allowed the Karen to become much more integrated members of Thai society. The Karens living at lower elevations almost universally have Thai citizenship which has allowed them to buy land and to have access to free secondary education, luxuries other hilltribes do not yet have.

Much of the Karen population in Thailand and Burma is Christian and has been for multiple generations. Christian Karens are very strong in their beliefs.

The people in these two villages are all Thai citizens, and as later posts will make obvious, they are Buddhists. A key issue for these villages is that they live inside forest land that is government land. One of the programs of the organization I'm working with is to help the villagers get title to the land they live on. Inviting the government officials to take part is an attempt to have them see that these villagers are not going to destroy the forest.

Fire Break Construction Ceremony Chiang Dao 1

We were up for the sunrise again - our ride was going to pick us up at 8am. (The first picture is the sun through the trees, not a fire.)

And of course I was going to look for birds. You can see why it's so hard to get good photos. You can hear them, but often you can't see them unless the move. Can you find the one in this tree? They don't usually sit in such a prominent place.
All I knew is that some other NGO people from Chiang Dao were going to pick us up. It turned out we were picked up by tv cameramen who drove up from Bangkok to cover the event. So it will get coverage beyond this blog. It should, now I have to double check with Ped (I've been spelling it Pet here, because that's how it's pronounced in English, but Ped said it was with a D not a T. But in Thai a final D is pronounced like T. So should I spell it the way he does or the way my English speaking readers are more likely to read it correctly?) to see if he was joking when he said I was the media coverage. He had to have known about these cameramen, or is there another NGO involved who arranged that? I have no idea.

Here's a minute or so of the hour ride to the village.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Yang Tone Farm Stay Chiang Dao 1

The mountain just grows up from the plains, silhoueted by the pink sky, hazy in the late afternoon smoke.
As it got darker, we could see bits of flame. The point of Sunday’s event is to mark a new program where the farmers on the hill, Karen hill tribe people mostly, will begin building fire breaks. There is a lot of controversy about slash and burn agriculture which various hill tribes have practiced for generations. But today as the world has moved ever closer into their territory, they have less room, and the smoke from their farming impinges on the people in the cities more and more. In these days of global warming, the practice comes under greater scrutiny.
The giant orange moon rising just after we arrived.
The sun rising almost in the same place this morning.

We stayed at the Yang Tone Home Stay Farm because the Chiang Dao Nest, nearby, was full Friday night. Now we've moved to the Nest, which has wi fi, but the adapter plug that changes my three pronged Mac plug into a two pronged plug is the wrong size. I left the one that works in our apartment in Chiang Mai. So I only have about two hours of battery left.

The Yang Tone is incredible and I'll do a separate post on that. If you are in Northern Thailand, do what you can to stay at least one night at Yang Tone Farm Stay.

At breakfast after walking a couple hours around the farm watching the birds and flowers. See also the next post on this great little place. You can tell, if I like a place, I'll let you know, and this place is really special.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fun Time at Central Middle School

KS, an Indian Ed teacher in the Anchorage School District invited me to meet with some of his students to talk about the Peace Corps. What do you say to 7th and 8th graders in 30 minutes? Well, I grabbed some pakimas, a farmer shirt, some Karen hill tribe shirts, a yellow King's polo shirt, and a pink polo shirt from my school in Kamphaengphet along with some books and pictures.

We had a good time learning how to put on a pakima (the blue and the red checked men's sarong like cloths) trying out the different shirts and looking at pictures of my 7th and 8th graders 40 years ago. Time went by fast and the kids were great.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

[I tried posting this last night and something was wrong. Then the electricity went out. After it came back on the internet didn't work anymore. But I saved it all in word and it seems to work. And my mom did email that the card and email arrived on time. But the time zones are just too far apart. She wasn't home when I called, then we went rafting and had no satellite connection.]

Today's my Mom's birthday. She's 85 years old today and I'm thousands of miles away in Thailand. But she still is working in the same doctor's office (well, the original doctor is long departed, but his partner is still practicing) she's been working in since 1948! We visited before we left for Thailand and we'll stop by again on our way home. Happy Birthday Mom. Here are some pictures of our ride to Umphang.

Mook, who drove us to Maesod, gets a cold latte drink at a stand at the gas station.

Somprasong's wife trying on a Meo skirt in a shop on the way.

Some international volunteers. A Dutch woman, Somprasong, a man from London, and a Canadian we met while stopping for lunch.

Refugee camp, UN I believe. I was told there are 25,000 people here, refugess from Burma

This is the house of the Karen twins in the Umphang Dinner Post.

Somprasong's pickup on the road to Umphang.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Umphang Dinner

We came over to the dining hall as the sun was setting. All the students were there waiting for us.

We met Mark, an Irishman and his partner Noy. He was on vacation in Thailand when he fell into a teaching job in the south of Thailand. He is on vacation now visiting the student he is sponsoring here in Umphang.
Joan and I were also called on to come up and talk to the students. Because Joan had said there were Hmong students in Alaska, he asked the Hmong students to stay and meet us afterward.

This is a brother and sister. Next are twin Karen students (on the right) with their sister.


I'm at a school in Umphang, a small community on the Burmese border. The headmaster, Somprasong, was one of my Peace Corps students about 38 years ago. The picture is his office and above the office is a room with mats on the floor where we will sleep and downstairs is modern bathroom. The school has students that are mostly from Karen hill tribe families, but also Hmong. About 200 of the students live in dorms because their homes are too far away. I was in Umphang about 18 years ago, back when it the road wasn't all paved (it's about 150 km south of Maesod, in the mountains). Back then it was a very sleepy little village with no electricity. So I was very surprised by how beautiful the school grounds are. Probably the nicest public school I've seen in Thailand. When Somprasong took the exam to be a headmastger, he scored the highest and had his pick of school to work at. He picked this one to the surprise of most - including his boss who was at the dinner last night in Kamphaengphet. But this is a special school - and he seems to have a mission to help these hill tribe kids. I'll put up some more pics and then do a few more posts to catch up while I have good computer access here.

Here's Joan inside with some of the kids she was talking to in English.

Playing basketball, football in the background. And next they are playing takraw - like volley ball, but with a small rattan ball, and you can use your feet and head only. If you look close you can see the takraw in the air. Well, maybe not.