Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Harris Was Presidential, But Trump . . .

Trump scowled and scolded and lied expansively about Harris and Biden and bragged about how everything he ever did was the greatest accomplishment anyone has ever seen.

But Trump did sound authoritative.  Every lie was said with absolutely certainty on his part.  People who listen to tone, but don't pay attention to the words or the truth, and haven't paid attention to politics until now, may have been impressed at how 'strong' he sounded.  His lies were non-stop, but he sounded coherent, not the way he rambles on his Tweets and at his rallies.

But Harris was logical, calm but firm, and full of facts and plans, though she didn't have time to get into much detail.  She did goad Trump regularly and it clearly got to him.  

To me, Harris was a far better debater throughout.  But I cannot guess at what people who still haven't decided about which candidate to vote for.  The fact that they are still uncertain is something I can't fathom.  


  1. Hi Steve. Well, just read in a reasonably reliable, main-stream newspaper in the UK that during the NYC 9-11 event yesterday, Trump greeted Harris with a handshake, cupped her ear and told her 'Good job'.

    Interesting, as it would likely have been reported by Harris. Is this the gulf betwixt showman and The Donald? Who knows. You didn't read it here (of course).

  2. Harris cheated because her pearl earrings contained a bluetooth speaker so she could be fed answers. The whole debate was rigged against poor widdle drumpfy. Some people are saying.


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