Thursday, July 25, 2024


Today I got to 905 kilometers on my bike for the summer.  That's 562 miles, which is why I'm sticking with kilometers.  900 sound so much better than 562.  To get some perspective:

  • St. Louis to Cleveland = 567 miles
  • Washington DC to Indianapolis = 565 miles
  • Los Angeles to San Francisco = 403 miles
  • New Orleans to Dallas = 504 miles
  • Milan to Frankfort = 412 miles
  • London to Edinburgh = 256 miles
  • Madrid to Lisbon = 390 miles
  • Bangkok to Phuket = 524 miles
  • Tokyo to Osaka = 314 miles
  • Dehli to Mumbai = 724 miles
  • Beirut to Bagdad = 600 miles
  • Buenos Aires to Mendoza = 600 miles

The 900 km point was about here:

That's 900 k in four months.  Put that way it doesn't seem all that much.  225 k per month.  It just means getting on that bike regularly.  And once I'm out and on the trails it's great.  Last year by July 26 I was at 749 k.  But things started slower because trails had snow and ice longer in April.  


  1. Jakob in Armagh here.

    I bought a bicycle last year, but hadn't really checked out just WHERE I could safely bike on our roads here -- and came to the sad conclusion, that like too many cities across our world, there really is NO SAFE way to accomodate motorised drivers of metal monsters and their desire for dominance on the roads (and no side riding areas, to speak of).

    Sigh. So I walk, and walk, and walk everywhere -- visible to such an extent to my Irish neighbours that I have become locally known as 'The fellow who walks'. I get waves from neighbours, strangers and the like on my daily walks about our small town (pop <20,000).

    So I average roughly 205 Km per month and all is well, rain or shine. And I might add, your physical activity (and sharing that info) was one of my inspirations for leaving the car behind in our lives here. SO thanks for that. Tonight, we walk into town for a dinner with two young friends who are newly-engaged to be married, to celebrate.

    At any rate, I lost over 42 Kg going on three years ago and Gene did nearly as much. We're looking and feeling much better. Just back from visiting cousins in Norway and Sweden and a major song festival in Lithuania (Eugene's maternal grands came from there in the early 20th c.).

    Life is good. If anyone wants to contact us here, let me know and I'll add you to our holiday communications.

  2. Sorry about the lack of bike lanes/trails. But 200+ Km per month is a lot of walking. More time walking than I spend biking for sure. I'm pleased to know I helped you get moving. Not the sort of influence I expected to have with the blog. :)


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