Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Not Getting Vaccinated And Not Wearing A Mask Is Like Letting A Terrorist Hide In Your House

 I know that's a pretty wild claim, but hear me out.  

Terrorists randomly kill and maim people when they have the opportunity, just like the COVID virus.  And they also need safe places to rest in-between terrorist attacks.  They don't kill everyone they come in contact with.  But no one would willingly open their home for a terrorist to rest between attacks.  People don't allow terrorists into their homes because 

  •  they fear the terrorists might harm them and
  •  they don't want to give assistance to terrorists to go on and harm others. 

(Of course, the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is in the eye of the beholder.  MAGA folks see BLM people as terrorists and vice versa. Some some US citizens would help MAGA folks and others would help BLM folks, because they don't consider them terrorists.)

So, let's think about the COVID virus as a terrorist.  

The virus needs a human body to survive in until it gets to the next human body.  The body it takes refuge in may not be seriously affected by the virus.  For various reasons - genetics, health, diet, and who knows what else - different bodies react differently.  And when a terrorist hides, he might not harm his hosts either.  They may not even know he's a terrorist, just like someone doesn't even know they have the virus.

The virus gets into a body and tries to infect.  Even if the infection causes no symptoms, just being in that body allows the virus to survive and then, if the virus is lucky, get transportation to another body through the breath.  

If it keeps getting transport from body to body, it will eventually find bodies susceptible to the virus.  A body that will get mildly sick, severely sick, or even die.  

Vaccines are highly effective in keeping the vaccine out.  Staying away from other people prevents the virus from jumping to other human sanctuaries.  Masks make it harder for the virus to get from one human to another,  

These are simple measures, just like keeping your house locked, setting up security cameras, and getting a guard dog are ways to keep  out terrorists.  

Analogies only work so far. Not everything about the virus and terrorists match perfectly.  Terrorists have the intention of killing people.  Viruses, presumably, are just trying to survive, and killing their hosts is not their intent.  Also, viruses are invisible for most people.  Though many terrorists walk among people invisible in the sense that people don't see them as terrorists.  

We are in the late stages of this pandemic in the US, but not in other countries. But people are still getting infected daily and getting sick enough to be hospitalized.  And to die.  It's not over yet. 

And the longer the virus can keep finding new human hosts, the more chances for the virus to mutate into deadlier forms and sicken and kill more people.   Like terrorists getting deadlier weapons.  


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