- "By cutting taxes, repealing regulations, balancing our budget and expanding domestic energy production America can create millions of new jobs"
- "The increase in consumer spending was widely embraced as good news, a sign that consumers might be helping to propel the economy forward."
- "This threat from within consists of Godless, Bible-bashing, self-serving groups who proclaim personal freedom to all, when they actually mean freedom only to those like themselves. Groups such as Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization of Women, who have been abortion advocates since their beginnings, resulting in the deaths of more than 1.5 million babies each year in the United States alone. Groups like the Gay and Lesbian Coalition, which tear at the very fabric of our society by claiming theirs is only an "alternate lifestyle", instead of an abberation and an abomination."
- " … the pulpit preachers of exclusion are a brand of the old fire starters of the southern landscape. They influence the young and those who need fellowship, telling them who to dislike and who to blame for their own weaknesses. They take the sponges waiting to be filled. “Exclusion of all that can hurt you” is the message. “Now,” they say, “let me tell you WHO can hurt you, and God’s plan for YOU.”
- "Illegal immigration causes an enormous drain on public funds."
- "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
- "Environmental stresses are increasing. Even if it were possible for fossil fuels to maintain their current share of the energy mix and respond to increased demand, CO2 emissions would then be on a pathway that could severely threaten human well-being"
- "The printed book is doomed"
- "Occupiers don't comprehend how the market capitalist system works."
- "The connection between marijuana use and gang activity and violence is inescapable."
- Just do it.
- "Cigaret smoking causes lung cancer."
- Brain exercise works: crossword puzzles stave off Alzheimer's
- "Fat free, cholesterol free."
- "Abstinence-centered education can – and does – work."
- "With Cenegenics, you’ll feel better, look younger and enjoy a longer, healthier life. Learn more about Cenegenics and register to receive our free Healthy Aging Kit."
- "Our experience working in rigorous and challenging conditions in the Arctic means that we are qualified to do the job right -- to explore for offshore oil and gas in Alaska in a very safe and careful way."
The occupiers - whatever their message - have tapped into a general distaste for all the bullshit we live with everyday. There is no one message. Those who say the occupiers need to brand themselves, don't get that this is an anti-branding movement. The critics so take for granted their own brainwashing that they don't realize this is about paradigm shifting. Each person feels the anomalies, feels that something is fundamentally wrong with how our economic system is conceived. As we watch the hope of Obama ground up by Washington's establishment power brokers, each of us can join the Occupiers for our own reasons.
But underlying it all, it seems to me, is the need to occupy one's own brain. To be alert to the ways our brains are manipulated - by the media, by advertising, by churches, by schools, by music, by everyone. We need the ability to filter the bull shit out of the constant bombardment of invading messages.
We need times of peace and quiet, with no external brain assaults other than the warmth of the sun, the smell of fresh flowers and grasses and trees, the sound of running water and rustling leaves. No words. Time to sort through all the crap we've accumulated, to consider where it came from, to reassess its validity, and to toss out the garbage. Then we can see the ideas that matter, that are grounded in reason and feeling and some sort of rational correspondence to the world outside our heads.
So Occupy Your Brains. Once others have control over your brain, they have complete power over you. It took years for them to infiltrate. Cleaning them out won't happen overnight. But begin now and do a little bit each day.
And as I offer this video - which I saw at Immoral Minority - I remind you to question the video as well. Don't simply accept it (or reject it) because it fits what you (don't) want to believe. Or because you like the music. Look it over, test it, put it in the quarantine section of your brain to make sure there isn't some hidden infection. And remember to beware of those who would hijack this and other good ideas and pervert them for their own benefit.
We all have a powerful confirmation bias. It is wise to try to rein it in. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias