
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Why Travel Agents are Worth the Fee

You know that extra fee that travel agents now charge? For long, international flights, it's definitely worth it. Any number of things can go wrong and it's always nice to have someone who knows what she's doing covering you.

An email arrived just before I went to bed from my travel agent. She was on a mission, incensed that she hadn't been notified by China Air.

This morning (Thai time) when I got to the computer our new itinerary was all there. Mystery is gone. We'll fly from Taiwan to San Francisco. One night there, then to Salt Lake City (China's affiliated with Delta, not Alaska Airlines) and, Redoubt willing, on to Anchorage. We'll get back three hours after the polls close, so it will be the first time in 30 years that we miss a Municipal Election, but I'm guessing we'll get to vote in the runoff.

So, Lynda McMahon at "CWT Vacations formerly Navigant Vacations" (and about ten other names over the years,) who has saved my nether parts any number of times from the clutches of fickle airlines, you again get my travel agent of the year award. This is for reading your email after work on a weekend and then If anyone wants a great travel agent who will go head to head with the "Sorry, we aren't allowed to do that" folks on the other end of the phone, email me and I'll give you her email and phone. My email's in my profile on the right.


  1. We discussed it on tour guiding course. Let me share an "internal info" with you. You could arrange your trip without a travel agent but it would take approximately 3 weeks or 1 month to prepare and not in a way that you sit down after work and read some brochures but you need to sacrifice a lot time then. If you can allow that you can cut your costs but I can't promise it is not worth to pay a bit more and earn more instead of earning less and paying less.

  2. I think that it's very importand to everyone because of not exception anybody.


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