
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Last Night Before Mystery Trip as Volcano Diverts China Air Anchorage Flights

Our trip home gets more exciting each day. As I mentioned earlier, the first report from our travel agent was that China Air had diverted the Taipei-Anchorage-New York flight to Vancouver to avoid the volcanic ash around Anchorage.

Then we saw on China Air's website that flights were stopping in Seattle. Well, that's ok, we can see our daughter.

But today I checked and the first flight listed to Anchorage this week is on Friday. But our ticket on the the China Air website still lists us leaving for Anchorage on Tuesday. But the New York flight with our flight number is listed as non-stop to New York. What if they decided it was better to fly non-stop and skip the Anchorage stop altogether even after the volcano stops erupting. That would be awful for us.

Anyway, we have no idea what's going to happen in the next couple of days. All the offices were closed on Sunday so we couldn't try to rebook through LA or San Francisco. So, adventure lies ahead. Since my mom's in LA, our son's near San Francisco, and our daughter is in Seattle, we may get to see at least one of them.

I've tried not to think about this being the last evening as we first met Rachel for sorbets at Iberry.

Then as the sun was just setting behind Doi Suthep, we all went over to Khun Churn where we had dinner with Matt and Rit.

Khun Churn is a vegetarian restaurant that serves tasty and imaginative all vegie meals.

Here's Rit after we finished off most of the dinner. We met him first at Swe's village where he works through an NGO working on education and cultural preservation.

And Songkran begins next week, so the waterguns I couldn't find anywhere when we first got here (for J to ward off menacing dogs) are now everywhere in preparation for Chiang Mai's giant water fight in a week or so. I shot this on our ride back home. We're much more comfortable now riding in the street (there's no place else to ride) and going with the flow of traffic at lights. Our bright red flashing tail lights making sure that drivers can see we're there.

Then, finally, we stopped to pick up our last sticky rice and mango to take home for a snack.


  1. I think your site is really great. I look forward to your return to AK, so the light can be shed on matters important to the nation, the state, and public affairs. AKA justice/ truth/ accountability.
    Have a safe journey, on the final leg, and please, where there is now darkness, be an instrument for light.
    We live in a time, where papers are going broke, news papers, reporters rarely get away from behind their desk to dig, some are lazy, I am sad to note, and truth just does not pop up, like a package on one's desk, wrapped in a package. There is much for you to to, upon your landing back in Ak.
    You are the light for the broader spectrum, often not shown in the world.
    We depend on you to have that zeal, and sense to look for the truth, in places where others dare not to go.
    We trust your instincts, your real life meeting with Agent K, we don't discount that as some figament of unreality, or place filters over it to make it a non-reality, through some warp of cyber space.
    We sense your humanity, some sense of trying to make sense of this complex world we live in.
    Welcome back to the shores, the land of
    the PEOOPLE's Repulic of AMERICA

  2. Are a full time vegetarian? Does it work out well for you?

    I know you have posted pictures of meat, but they may have been of other people's dishes.

  3. Anon, I'm not sure what how I feel about the flood of material you're posting. I'd rather it came as emails at this point, I think.

    Tea, basically we try to eat vegie, but it's not absolute. Don't eat pork, rarely eat beef, couple times a year have lamb. It's more about health than morality. In nature, animals eat other animals. But the conditions in which chicken and beef are raised is not generally healthy or humane. Fish is on the diet and if we break the rules it's because there's something really worth it or to not make a fuss. Fortunately where I worked in Thailand they were very good about making sure there was vegie on the menu.

  4. Hey Steve

    Happy all went well on the trip and that you arrived back to a clean house and a fruit basket!!,

    We'll have to catch up again once you guys return. Peace and thanks for everything!!


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