
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

25 Peeps

As I said in a previous post, I sent in a picture to 25Peeps. This is the site with 25 pictures and people click on the pictures and go to their blogs. Essentially a way to advertise your blog. The webmaster, in Germany, has some sort of point system based on how many people click on a picture and how many people click back to 25Peeps from the blog. He adds a few new pictures a day, dropping out the pictures with the fewest points. So right after I sent in my pic - the one in the shaggy mane post - I checked out the changes in his pictures. After a few days, there didn't seem to be much of a change. About two weeks of no changes, I emailed him and he replied promptly that he'd been sick and would start again. Well, the last few days have seen massive changes of pictures. Eventually mine should get up there. Looking at the ones that stay a while, I've found they have very prominent links back to 25peeps. So I'll try to set up a post for the day I get posted. Meanwhile I offer this little tidbit on what I'm learning blogging. Also I'm finding some interesting blogs. I'll try to figure out how to set up a side bar to link a few of the best.

By the way, my counter in the Profile section seems to have died. Anyone have any ideas on how to turn it back on?


  1. Hi Steve. I've been enjoying your blog. I especially loved that pic you titled, "Tree Trimmers". I didn't know you were a mac head too! Gotta love them. I do all of my work on a powerbook. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

    And to the point I was replying to in your post, I saw the remark about the profile counter, try making some little change in your profile and saving it. Might work. Google is still fiddling with the beta blogger software so that could be what happened.

    If you'd like to see who's really been visiting your blog, where they're located and how long they were there, etc, try:

    Very easy to set up. Be sure to click the configure your counter link under the manage section to pick a better looking counter than the default one. There are directions in there for adding the code to the beta blogger. It's just a matter of clicking "add javascript/html under the layout section then pasting the code from site meter (only a couple of lines). That's it.

    Oh, I changed HW quite a bit. Stop by and let me know what you think.

    § PB

  2. p.b. Thanks for the visit. My open source devotee son, suggested my wife get a Mac Mini and I love it too. I was in work-imposed PC land.

    The Profile counter started working again when I switched to the beta. Your message encouraged me to go to site meter -and with your warning about the style in mind - get one. All was going well, but at the very end, it didn't work. When I tried to save the html code, it tells me "Please correct the errors on this form." So I was close. Sent an email to sitemeter asking for help.

    But I'm not sure what HW stands for. None of your blogs fit those initials. It's not the Old Women poem. I'm stumped. I did go look at Chapter 1 of Arrrooo - a nice beginning. I'm wondering though about your shivery Alaska comments when you set your story in the North Country where "the winters were long and hushed by the heavy snowfal."

  3. I may know the problem with site meter. Just thought of it as I read your comment. I think I forgot to say that when you add the Java/Html for some bizarre reason I remember it opens in RTF (rich text format) rather than the HTML. You just click on the rich text link at the top of the window and it swaps you into HTML. Then paste the code from site meter. That should do it.

    HW is Hungry Writers. I don't know who started the shorthand. I can't take credit for it. LOL You should post something new there by the way. ;) Sam has been posting some great poems there (another converted prose writer). How about another poem?

    Oh, about the locale for Arrrooo, it isn't Alaska. :D I don't say where it is on purpose. I mean for it to be rather vague. It could be somewhere in the upper midwest, i.e. Wisconsin or Minnesotta or maybe even Canada somewhere. Also bear in mind, this story is supposed to be taking place sometime in the eary to mid 1800s when the weather and the landscape/populace were entirely different. (Well, parts of Wisconsin and Minnesotta are probably not too different. LOL) I'm very familiar with that whole area by the way. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of the story if you get a chance. Cheers!


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