
Friday, November 29, 2024

Fictional Cabinet Nominees Seem Appropriate For Trump's Fictional World

Since President Elect Trump tells more lies than truths, it seems appropriate for him to have fictional cabinet members to match the fictional world he lives in.  He's already extolled Hannibal Lector as though he was a real person.  Which got me thinking about a where Hannibal would fit in the cabinet.  And then what a whole cabinet of fictional characters might look like.  

Such a cabinet would have benefits - though I'm still trying to figure out who will benefit most.  Probably Trump, but perhaps the rest of us will too.

  • These nominees won't testify in the Senate saving Trump the embarrassment of scorching questioning of his picks and saving the upper house many, many hours and saving GOP Senators the embarrassment of debasing themselves and their honor to defend Trump's picks
  • Though it's possible that before long they can be recreated virtually to testify
  • The nominees don't have actual records that can be dug up by journalists trying to uncover their past misbehaviors 
  • Though perhaps scholars of literature and film will be called upon to write opinion pieces about them.  
  • Trump can probably have them serve without getting approval of the Senate at all.  
  • And none of these appointees will take actions to block Trump's will, nor will they take action to forward it.  
This is merely a list I came up with.  My grandkids helped with a few of the nominees.  A couple of friends made excellent suggestions too.  But if readers feel they have better nominees, or alternatives if any of these can't or won't serve, be sure to let me know.  

Some of these nominees, most everyone should know, or at least have heard the name.  Others are a bit more obscure.  But they all can be easily googled.  There is one that has an asterisk because more than one person bears that name.  But I'll remind you it's a fictional character and there is only one that I know of that clearly first the position.  

I would also remind readers that this blog is called "What Do I know?" and a key theme is how we know what's real and what's true.  Many people, myself included, have said that Trump's followers live in a fictional world.  We point at evidence such as climate change, and scientific research on a variety of other subjects from medicine to crime, demographics, and paleontology, to name just a few. 

But within a society, truth, ultimately, is what the vast majority of the population believes it to be. And sometimes there's a gap between the truth that people profess and the truth their eyes (and other senses) tell them.  Hans Christian Anderson's story The Emperor's New Clothes gives us that example.  

Different religions believe their holy books describe truth.  Truths which are not compatible with the truths of the holy books of other religions.  Yet hundreds of millions of people believe without a doubt the different truths of the different major holy books in the world.  

So by electing Trump, many USians have created a reality that we will all have to endure.  It's a reality in which Donald Trump is president.  A man who, in his first presidency build pieces of 'wall' along parts of the US border with Mexico, which the Mexican government didn't pay for.  

There were also over a million US residents who died of COVID, many of whom would have lived if Trump had lived in a different mental world.  And more people will die in Trump's second presidency because that's how his world thinks it should be, or because the laws of science in my world, won't bend to his will.  


  1. In the really real world, Sec of Defense nominee's Mom knows the truth about her son's misogyny...

    1. Moar Pete Hogsbreath news from Salon...—he-joined-a-misogynist-church-instead/

  2. There were also over a million US residents who died of COVID, many of whom would have lived if Trump had lived in a different mental world.

    Before you read the rest of this post. Read this its a well thought out and researched piece. Not a bunch of hysterical conspiracy theories.

    'Kamal Harris lost the popular vote to Donald Trump by almost 10 million votes!'
    your November 7 post.

    Trump 76,917,128 votes (50%) Harris 74,441,588 votes (48.4%)

    'How much was voter suppression - mail-in ballots sent too late to get back, Russian bomb threats and who knows what other shenanigans? Too few polling places in Democratic areas? Suppression of student votes and other forms?

    The usual whataboutism from you.

    What makes sense to me is someone tinkered with the computers. Or the ballots. That's not that far fetched.

    'Not to make up some wild story'

    So exactly who was tinkering with the computers we are all waiting to hear. And do you not think that was a wild story.

    They knew she would play by the traditional rules that they have flouted since . . . always'

    She ran a horrible campaign, it took her 5 weeks to do a major interview with a major network (CNN) nothing says I can lead the country like having an old white guy hold her hand. and then saying she would change nothing that Biden had done (40% approval rating). She was as exciting as watching paint dry.

    'Oh, and maybe look into the medical records of Trump's ear.'

    So Steve where did all the blood come from? (kind of like Trump looking for Obama's birth certificate)

    'So my dilemma is how to connect the dots in a way that makes sense.'

    Listen to Bernie Sanders interview on the PBS show 'The Daily' and you will understand.

    So what are your thoughts on Biden pardoning his son?

  3. drumpf doesn't know where his er lobe is and Biden is getting pilloried by drumpf for finally doing the right thing in pardoning his son. Having said that, nothing will stop drumpf and magats from demanding a dog and pony show trial to smear Biden and his son.

    Convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, racist, Fascist misogynist, twice impeached, guy who owes hundreds of millions in court convictions for defamation of character calls Biden's pardon a miscarriage of justice. What a laugh.

    1. Mike from Iowa

      drumpf, really calling people names makes you look superior? My grandma use to say that talking like that was 'unbecoming'. And lets remember he said he would 'not' pardon his son. 'drumpf doesn't know where his er lobe is' you are pathetic. What a laugh is you lost the election so keep calling people names it will make you feel so superior.

    2. anymoose, why not use your real name? drumpf does not know where his earlobe is and I speak truth.

      If my name calling cost us the election, then how does the champion lying name caller win? Methinks you need to grow up.

    3. Hogsbreath is facing resistance from his own party so now, drumpf is considering appointing Floriduh guv Ron De Satanist as his replacement.


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