
Friday, June 21, 2024

Two Related Short Videos -

The first has excerpts of James Baldwin speaking at Cambridge University in 1965 about growing up in a country that has no place for him.  

The second is about an essay called the Theory of Stupidity [Theorie der Dummheit] written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer from a German prison 20 years earlier.  

They both seem closely related.  They're both short and I strongly recommend you take the time.  And then think about what they mean to you and what, if anything, you might do in response to their words.  

Baldwin is articulate, logical, and the truths he speaks are damning.

Bonhöffer's essay comes from his experiences as Hitler gained power in Germany.  I don't like the word 'stupidity' because in English it tends to have the meaning of not smart, incapable of clear thinking.  We say it about trivial mistakes a lot.  
Bonhöffer's word in German was Dummheit.  which he defined as a moral failing rather than a lack of intelligence.  
I'd note he wrote this in prison, so I'm not sure what access he had to others' thoughts - certainly no library or google - but possibly he had access to other thinkers in prison.  

As I look at Trump's cult, I think the word ignorant is better than stupid.  I'd define ignorant as unaware of key facts and ways of thinking.  Some have been brainwashed by people who claim to be Christians, but clearly are not following the spirit of Christ.  

But overall, I suspect most cult members recognize the lies of their leader, but value the power of their white skin over everything else and see Trump for the fellow racist he is.  And that's why they support him.  And others who might not be such racists fear being ostracized from their Trumpist families, churches, and friends if they openly disagree.  But they can disagree in the voting booth with nobody knowing.  

[Steve, how do you explain the Blacks who are for him?  They get a special reception from powerful white men for stepping up and being 'proof' that the movement isn't racist. This is a recognition they don't get from other Blacks and probably for good reason.  And then there's Stephen Miller, Trump's super anti-immigrant advisor who is the grandson of Jews who fled Russian pogroms and Hitler.]

Focus on Baldwin and Bonhöffer.  Here's Bonhöffer's complete essay.

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