
Saturday, October 24, 2020

I Found Trump's Health Care Plan - It's Called "Go Fund Me"

Trump campaigned in 2016 saying he would get rid of Obama Care and replace it with something much, much better.  So far the closest we've gotten is the regular teaser, "A few more weeks and we'll have it."  Biden challenged Trump on his missing health care plan again at Thursday night's debate and Trump claimed to have a great health care plan coming up.  

Well, I think I've found his plan.  It's called Go Fund Me.  

The Go Fund Me website has a whole category called "Health Insurance Fundraisers".  12 appeals show up, but at the bottom of the page you can ask for more and get 12 more, then 12 more.  I stopped at 36, but it kept going.  

This is the defacto Trump Health Care plan.  

And I'm pretty sure the main thing many conservatives, and certainly Trump, oppose about the ACA is that it was Obama's program.  It's Obama that they want to erase even more than "socialized" medicine.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, they hate ACA because Obama passed it, and even more because "Obamacare" rubs it in every time the word is used. And that may be the main reason Trump hates it.

    But the main reason the organized Right Wing hates it is that it works. They hate any government program that makes people think "the government is taking care of us" because that greases the skids for the NEXt time a government program is proposed. The organized right wing wants us dupes (aka citizens) to hate government and everything about it, so we won't notice, or might even help, while they get it so small they can drown it in the bathtub.

    Eyes on the prize. Obama is gone, but the federal government is still here, and needs to be constantly manipulated to achieve lower taxes and less regulation of business.


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