
Friday, June 19, 2020

Election Fraud - Why Trump Could Win Again [UPDATED]

Election fraud is not new.  Mayor Daley in Chicago was know to be a master.
"During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade."
While the Republicans are screaming about VOTER fraud - which is really a minor issue - the real danger for the upcoming elections is ELECTION fraud - manipulating the ballots, the voting machines, suppressing the vote, and variations of those themes.

I came across Greg Palast's name during the April 2012 Anchorage Municipal election when many polling places had no ballots and the election was challenged.  He's been primarily focused on ways people rig elections.

Georgia's recent primary election was an example of how Republicans are manipulating elections now.  One key aspect is just to shut down most polling places in minority areas.  The Corona Virus offers a great excuse - "We can't get poll workers."  Republican governors are opening every business they can, except election polling places.

This is a topic I expect that I will be posting on more frequently.  It's like Climate Change - it's invisible to most people, affects poor people more than the affluent, and it's in the future.  Some people are very aware about it and making as much noise as they can, but for most people it just seem like a big deal, or anything they can do much about.

I'm hoping the fear of Trump's use of election fraud to win the 2020 election might get more people excited.

This video is not quite my style, but the content and enthusiasm may get some people to get alarmed.
This is, pretty much, a shameless plug for Palast's book How Trump Stole 2020.  But I encourage you to watch it, because my style is much more serious than most folks and perhaps you'll start acting your local officials how your elections are being protected.

[UPDATE June 20, 2020 - Here's a newer Tweet with a shorter video on the problems in the recent Georgia election.  Worth a minute of your time before this happens to you too.]

Here's another example of this:

Alaska has had a pretty good election system.  We've always had back up paper ballots.  Anchorage has all mail-in elections (with back up polls on election day.)  But there's concern that our voting has been hacked in the past.

As I say, expect more on this topic.  I'm pretty much convinced that Trump can't fairly win the 2020 election.  But I'm just as convinced that he's going to do everything he can to win it unfairly.  We all need to get educated on this topic and militantly start educating our legislators.

Because, if you checked the video, you'll know that Palast's assertion is that 20% of mail-in votes are rejected for minor errors and it's predominantly ballots of people of color and young voters. Already, the Division of Elections in Alaska has decided to send out mail-in ballot requests to all voters over 65.  So it's started already.  Fortunately we have legislators challenging this, arguing that everyone should get those applications mailed to them.  Now they have to set up safeguards so those mail-in ballots don't disappear before being counted and aren't rejected because someone used an X instead of filling in the bubble.

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