
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

We Need A Reminder Of What Presidential Used To Look Like

When Bush was made president over Gore back in 2000, I mused that with the internet, we could have two alternative realities that allowed each to be president so we could see how each of the two worlds progressed over the next four years.

Well now I'd love to see Biden and Sanders and Warren role play being president by televising  how they would handle the crisis as if they were actually president now.  And I'd like to see the media, in all its forms, cover these announcements.

I think many US citizens have forgotten what a real president looks and sounds like.  And those who have come to voting age in the last four years may never have really seen what a real president of all the people sounds like.

We'd hear about the gravity of the situation.

We'd hear statistics and explanations based on science.

We'd hear detailed plans for limiting the spread of the virus, and acknowledgment that this is a societal problem that requires collective action beyond hand washing.

Uncertainty would be acknowledged.   But we'd also learn that the actions taken and the money spent, even if this pandemic is  less dangerous that some think, will give us valuable research that will better prepare us for future pandemics.  And at the very least, we'll be able to save thousands, maybe tens of thousands of lives of the most vulnerable.  Maybe even your grandmother.

And there'd be encouragement about how we find strength and renewed pride in the United States as we tackle the virus at home and help those abroad whose health care systems aren't as strong as ours.

And after each candidate's role play, the station will replay what the current occupant of the White House told us the other day.  (Scroll down past all his comments about Afghanistan to his non-specific exclamations about how great the  White House efforts have been.)

Now that Bloomberg is out of the race, maybe he can direct some of his money to this sort of project.

Meanwhile we can assume the anti-socialism and the Hunter Biden smear ads are being prepared.

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