
Friday, August 23, 2019

The Fact That Trump Is Still In Office Reveals A Huge Flaw In Our System

Andrew Sullivan is a gay conservative.  Some things I agree with, others not.  But I think this assessment of the president is accurate and makes those who still support the president (other than those ready to drink the Kool-Aide on command) deeply problematic.*  Particularly those in the US Senate.

From Andrew Sullivan at NYMagazine:

"President Donald Trump is absurd. His presidency is absurd. His party is absurd. We have known this ever since that absurd journey down an escalator, and the surrealism has only intensified since. Perhaps it takes a sane foreigner, not subject to years of almost hourly Trump abuse, to point out the obvious. We have no Executive branch in any meaningful or serious sense. We have a joke that’s wearing thinner by the day. There is no institution or company in America, small or large, that would allow Donald Trump to run or represent it for more than a few days — because most sane institutions see immediately that a rape-y racist with no knowledge base or capacity to learn is an embarrassment, and a huge liability. If appointed the head of, say, a local library on January 20, 2017, Trump would have been fired by January 21."

Think about the history books twenty years from now.  I hope they list those who had the power to get rid of him, but have kept this president in office this long.  Germany - the US helped you out after WW II, which could be considered a self-inflicted catastrophe, just as Trump is our self-inflicted catastrophe.  Remember us when we're picking up the pieces.

*I'm using this term because I realize there are different reasons different Senators have for not opposing the president.  So I won't brand all of them as despicable or cowardly or __________ (fill in the blank.)


  1. Steve, you are being too nice. Please tell me a reason that any given senator might have for not opposing the president, other than despicable or cowardly. Well, I guess self-centered, because they want desperately, above all else, to be re-elected. (that kind of falls under the heading of despicable, doesn't it?)

    and then there's my very own senator, who does it because he's power-mad, will do anything to stay on as majority leader and pack the courts with fundamentalist judges. I guess that falls under the heading of despicable too.

  2. I'm thinking of Alaska's senior Senator who has, on occasion, stood up to the president, but also wants to keep getting federal money for Alaska. She's trying to hide out until this all blows over. Our junior Senator is just a drone. It's his handlers who are despicable. He's either not bright enough to get what damage his silence does, or, if he does get it, then despicable and cowardly fit. And for all their lying low, Trump just cancelled a contract for jets that were supposed to be stationed in Alaska. Of course, that money could have done a lot more in less martial infrastructure spending.


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