
Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Eclipse Was Transcendental

After the eclipse my body felt like it had been through a terrific yoga session, or meditation, or a long massage.  There was a feeling inside that all was well.  But our host wanted to beat the traffic back so I had to nurse the feeling in the car.   We were in a beautiful desert setting.  Cars scattered here and there along the road with people enjoying the event.

Not nearly as much time for blogging as I need, so here are a few pictures.  Hope I can get more up eventually. (Note:  I decided not to try to compete with those with the equipment and know-how to take pictures of the eclipse itself.  Concentrated more on the event.  You’ve all seen better moon blocking the sun pics than I could offer.).


Here’s where we parked.  I took lots of pics of this scene during the eclipse, hoping to show the change in light.  But actually, the sun is reallllllly bright and even with the moon covering more than half, there isn’t much change.  It wasn’t til the very end that it got much darker.  And those pics are blurred because the time the camera took.  I’ll try to show that sequence later.

People just after the eclipse.

J and O with their eclipse glasses.  The glasses make it possible to actually see the moon covering the sun.  Otherwise it is just too bright to see anything - besides they say you’ll damage your eyes without them.  The glasses essentially turn everything black, but the small disk of the sun.

A split second after totality.  (I’m assuming that, because it’s still got a sense of the dark disappearing.)

As we’re driving back, people still out in their viewing spots.

The long line of cars driving back.  There were police standing along the side of the road now and then.  But everything seemed pretty orderly.  Three hours later when we walked over for dinner, there was still a line of cars returning in the dark.


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