
Friday, March 08, 2019

Call From 424 277 2647 - The Dead? Time Travel Message? Momo?

We've been watching The Umbrella Academy on Netflix.  It's entertaining in a bizarre way involving time travel, special powers, and a weird rich family.  It also features time traveling assassins whose job it is to keep people from messing with the space-time continuum.  We had just watched a scene where many (all?) of the people killed by these two assassins were in the room with a current torture victim (and the two assassins, who can't see or hear the ghosts) telling the torture victim - in many different languages - how they had been tortured and killed.

Not long after that scene our phone rang.  It was late and we don't answer the land line anyway if we don't know who it is.  They don't usually leave a message but this time there were two.  As I was listening to the first message, a a third call came in.

My immediate reaction while listening to the messages was - it's from one of the assassins' victims.  Or maybe someone from a different time is leaving a message for a time traveler.  Here, you can listen yourself:

I looked up the number - 424 - 277 2647 - but didn't find much about it online.

Screen Shot from Who Called Me?

It's hard to read, but the first comment is:  "this is momo number"

I looked that up.  It's probably even creepier than my theory.  You can look up momo here.

It's probably a fairly mundane message in some language I can't identify or understand.  Maybe she's just saying numbers.  If anyone knows the language, please leave a comment explaining what is being said.


  1. Oh, that (tide of Momo coverage here crested). I leave my landline unplugged. Sweet dreams.

  2. I got a call -- I picked up -- and it was completely in Chinese (?). It was a recording. I just hung up. Odd, but yours is more so. Did you report the number to your "provider"? It seems to repeat itself 3 times..

  3. The phone is listed as belonging to Prime, Inc. in El Segundo, CA. Most likely they are spoofing the number. Prime is a truck driving school and is not located in El Segundo. Can't help with the language, sorry. I get these calls with surprising frequency. The numbers are often spoofed (phony) and therefore there is little that one can do.

  4. Thanks all. I did get to a site that suggested El Segundo, but it didn't get me to prime, Steven. Does that mean we should be wondering whether our own phone numbers are being kidnapped and used like this?

  5. Our own phone numbers are being used in this way. It is a common practice to use individual phone numbers to fake other people into answering. An extremely common practice is to make the number appear to be coming from your home area code and exchange. The chances of you answering such calls increase dramatically.


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