
Monday, December 07, 2015

AIFF 2015: Monday Preview - Newtok, Hong Kong

It's Monday Dec. 7.   Films in competition tonight include:

Feature:  Hong Kong murder mystery, Jasmine, (by LA filmmaker) at Bear Tooth at 8pm

Two Alaska Made films in competition at the Alaska Experience large theater:

From 7- 8 pm:  We Are All Related -  Newtok is an Alaska Native village which has to move because of flooding problems, which is, apparently, the focus of the movie. But there is a current court battle between the new village leaders and the old, who refuse to give up their offices.  A Law 360 article earlier this year said:
Leaders of an Alaskan Native tribe situated on the Bering Sea coast are asking a federal court to halt three members of the Newtok Traditional Council from misrepresenting themselves as members of the tribe's legitimate tribal governing body, according to a complaint filed on Tuesday. 
Newtok Village and the Newtok Village Council are asking the court for an injunction that would prohibit Andy T. Patrick, Joseph Tommy and Stanley Tom from telling any federal, state or private agency that they are the rightful leaders of the tribe, as well as an order for them to turn over certain financial records and other property that they have allegedly wrongfully retained. 
The Newtok Village Council claims that the three defendants, all members of the tribe's former governing body, are attempting to convince state and federal agencies that they continue to exercise leadership over tribal members and can rightfully ask for money on behalf of the tribe, despite decisions by federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs regional office, recognizing the Newtok Village Council as the official governing body.The dispute arose in 2012. Prior to that time, the governing body of the tribe was the Newtok Traditional Council. But a tribal election dispute arose later that year, out of which two groups emerged, each claiming to be the bona fide tribal governing body, according to the suit.  .   .    .
The dispute arose in 2012. Prior to that time, the governing body of the tribe was the Newtok Traditional Council. But a tribal election dispute arose later that year, out of which two groups emerged, each claiming to be the bona fide tribal governing body, according to the suit."
The Alaska Dispatch had an article yesterday saying a judge had sided with the new leadership Nov. 4 and they are asking the judge to enforce that ruling.

I'm hoping the movie might include some of the players in this struggle not only against the climate change caused flooding, but also against the human actors in the way of the move.  The trailer doesn't hint at the human dimension.

The director Brian  McDermott is scheduled to be there.

8:30- 10:30:  Degrees North - is about freeriding, best as I can tell.  The trailer doesn't show as much gliding through the sky or skiing down vertical slopes as I expected, but there's plenty of equipment with sponsor logos.  There's some "you really see the true nature of people when they're out here, exposed" and  'one minute without your gloves outside and you can't feel your fingers any more" dialogue but not too much.   You get the picture - sponsors pay crazy young men to risk their lives in Norway and Alaska mountains.  Sure to have a good audience in Anchorage.  (The second trailer shows them near Anchorage in what appears to be the year we had so little sonw.)

This is preceded by a film on the Mt. Marathon race called 3022 ft

Here's the link that will show you all of Monday.

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