
Sunday, December 15, 2013

AIFF 2013: Snowy Saturday Films - 'Benz', Benoit Cohen, and Matthieu Prada

We started downtown with Harlem Streetsinger, a documentary about Rev. Gary Davis, whose guitar playing was legendary.  Nice piece of musical history and biography.  Then to the library for Lion Ark and back downtown for Delinquent Dancers - a fun, but not quite successful Bollywood film about a group of boys who escape a detention center to take part in a televised dance contest.

Then to Bear Tooth for You'll Be A Man.   Each time we got back to the car, there was
another three or four inches of fresh snow to brush off.

'Benz' Thamachart Siripatrachai

'Benz' Thanachart Siripatrachai, a Thai film maker studying in New York and the creator of the charming The Words I Love  has been staying with us and realized that I hadn't gotten any video of him yet.  So I did at lunch between films.  I'll edit it and put it up later. 

Saturday's highlight for me was You'll Be A Man  by Benoit Cohen who came from France with his producer Matthieu Prada for the showing.  (And he'll be here for tomorrow's showing too.)  Here's a bit of video of the two before the showing, talking about their arrival in Alaska.


Here they are after the film answering questions from a clearly enthusiastic audience at the Bear Tooth.

The discussions continued on into the lobby.

I was hoping to get to bed before 2am today, but I've missed that deadline.  I liked You'll Be A Man a lot, but I want to process it a bit before I write about it.  It  does play again Sunday - at 1:30 at AK Exp.  

[UPDATE March 11, 2014 Youtube video replaces Viddler]

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