
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Does Lisa Murkowski's Religious Preference Matter?

I've gotten maybe half a dozen hits here from people googling "Lisa Murkowski Jew" or "Lisa Murkowski Jewish."  These people get to a post about Murkowski courting the Jewish vote.    

[UPDATE: Nov. 8 - I'm still getting people asking these questions. At least now they get to this page. If that's how you got here, please, leave a comment below or email me explaining why you wanted to know?]

Sitemeter offers a lot of information about people who get to this site, but it's mostly about their computer's features and their location, not their motivation.

Today I got someone who asked outright, "Is Lisa Murkowski Jewish?"

Why would someone want to know that?  As a Jew whose grandparents all died in Nazi Germany, I get a bit edgy over inquiries like this.  It seems to me there are two basic categories of people wanting to know:

  • Jews  - Like any ethnic group in the US, Jews are interested in knowing about members of their group who are prominent and successful.  Some may even be ready to support a candidate because she is Jewish on the (often erroneous) assumption that she would support issues they support.  But Murkowski is not a name that most Jews would think of as likely to be Jewish.  So my guess is that the people googling "Murkowski" and "Jew" are probably NOT Jews.
  • Non-Jews - I really don't know why non-Jews would google "Murkowski Jew."  I'm sure there are good, reasonable explanations.  Maybe readers might offer some reasons to help me out here.  But I also know that there are still a lot of White Power websites out there. 

I do think that a candidate's religion can be relevant in an election.  If some candidates' religions play a strong role in their values and will impact decisions they will face as elected officials, then the public has a right to know this so they can vote for the candidates who most closely represent them.

But a candidate's religion doesn't necessarily predict how they will decide specific issues.  Not every Mormon or Catholic or Hindu follows their religious dictates faithfully.  And there are different factions in most religions that differ on important issues.  One simply can't generalize from someone's religion.  Every candidate is an individual.  We need to see the candidates' records and the stands they take.

So I'm still curious about why someone would google "Is Lisa Murkowski a Jew?"  What would it mean to these people to find out that she is or is not Jewish?  Why not just google something like:  "Lisa Murkowski religion"? 

Just for the record, Lisa Murkowski is NOT Jewish.  If you really need to know what her religion is you can check out her Wikipedia page. 


  1. Didn't Sarah Palin do this exact same thing to the Mayor of Wasilla she was running against?
    Suggesting to the evangelical community that he was Jewish?
    Like it was a 'Bad' thing?
    What is wrong with these people?
    This is what we reap when we allow these so called 'christians' to inject their religion and their religious values into our public discourse.

  2. It's the religion card; like the race card, it is thrown in to muddy the simple minds of a paranoid electorate, xenophobes to whom the exclusive issue is "Is this person just like me?" Unfortunately it is more common, and insidious, than we can possibly know. 'Teach your children well' and our world will be a better place.

  3. When I was in elementary school and high school, the smartest kids were Jewish. The most talented ones were Jewish. I am slowly converting and loving the journey. If a candidate is Jewish, I am never let down in my stereotype: they have already thought out their arguments and speaking points. If they endorse someone, they have vetted them. They are slow to anger and thoughtful in their responses. It has to be cultural and 5,000 years of DNA knowing that "this" isn't the end of the world.

    Editions Jewsserve one god and two worlds while the rest of humanity serves many gods and one world. If Lisa is a Jew, or perceived as one, that is another reason to like her.

    1. someone mentioned white power. Nobody mentioned Jewish power. The post above, if edited to be talking about white people, would be deemed white power fascist neo-nazi. But jews get a pass, black power gets a pass, islamic power gets a pass, chinese power gets a pass..... yawn. God I wish I wasn't white, as I would love to know what it feels like to be proud of which group I belong to for a change. (since you mentioned groups)

    2. Anon, I'm not sure if you’re a bot or a real person. This comment totally twists what this post is about.
      If, in fact, people were querying whether Murkowski were white, I’d ask the same question: What difference does her skin color make? Then I’d try to think about who might ask such a question and why?

      I would do it the way I did here, if, after thinking it through, that made sense. Why might White people ask that? Why might people who were considered non-white ask that?

      But, of course, ‘white’ is a a tool for talking, but not a real concept that makes any physical difference. No one is actually white. People of European descent, particularly Nordic folk, generally have less melanin in their skin. We’re all human beings, all the same species. That’s why humans with different skin colors can mate and have children with each other. Skin color is just one way people distinguish one person from another. They also use gender, height, hair color, eye color, weight, posture, clothing, language, and a variety of other visible and audible distinctions to reference a particular person.

      Those people who feel their most important characteristic is their skin color may or may not have a reasonable basis for that. If you are dark skinned in the United States, it usually means that there are more obstacles to financial success and to good health and to safety. If you are light skinned, your life is relatively easier than if you were dark skinned. For any individual this may be more or less true based on other physical characteristics as well as how well their parents raised them, their financial situation, their health, their education, the community where they live, etc. All things being equal - say two folks with the exact same characteristics except skin color - the lighter skinned person will probably have fewer obstacles than the darker skinned person.

      This could go on and on, so I’ll just end here.

      Here's the url for the link to the Wikipedia page on melanin - for some reason I can't make it work here today.

  4. My guess is there was a mention in the press, last month, that Murkowski was at Beth Sholom...

  5. Anons and Donal, The inquiries are all from people not in Alaska. The last one, for example, is from Phoenix. I think Alaskans know she's not Jewish.

    Anon9:08 - I could name a Jewish Alaskan politician who would destroy your theory.

  6. The reason is simple...
    There are already too mnay Jews in US politics.
    Most aspire to use their cultural identity to 'help' Israel. That is most are Zionists. As the USA has pledged to be an honest broker in seeking a Middle East solution, we can clearly see that the Zionist controlled Congress for one has been rendered 'prostitutes' by the Jewish Lobby.

    Nancy Pelosi is Jewish...

    It is becoming a case of just 'who isn't?'

    The USA is sick largely as a result of the Lobby and Wall Street. 9/11 showed the hands of the same 'militant' Jewish Zionists and Cheney Bush etc... All of the strategists were Jewish also in the cover-up...

    Unfortunately, the average American is unaware of the 'evil' which the Zionists are guilty of in destroying US society...

    The past is the past but it really does seem that history is repeating itself... again and again and again.

    Zionism is sick... it warps and it kills... Zionists are Fascists...

  7. I wrote the above.
    I am not American.
    I am English but since my teens lived with Jewish people. Stayed in Poland with Jewish friends. East Eurpean Jews are still conscious and candid about the damage the Jews collectively have done to the European economy...

    It is ironic, as Nth American Jews who I guess Israeli visitors/teachers to make them 'patriotic' deny all of the shit that Jews did do in Europe...

    Russian Revolution... French revolution... First World War... Second World War... Wall Street Crashes...

    Now shafting the USA via wall Street, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank...

    I live in Japan... It is one of the only countries in the world without a 'vocal Jewish lobby'...

    But never mind, the USA state department also being controlled by Zionists ensures that Japan toes the 'official line'.

    Now the Zionist administration is campaigning against Russia for the judgement aginst Khodorovosky... Why? Because he is an Oligarch... a wealthy Jew whose financial wealth converts into political power thereby rendering Russia's anti Jewish mafia/Zionist control of Russia...

    Do the research my friend...

    Ignorance is bliss for sure... but Jews are as the most guilt-ridden people in European history... Their crimes span the continent and in fact the world...

    White Jews are only converts anyway... No moral right to anyone's land or money... yet they seek to control everything.

  8. Freedom, thanks for responding to why people google Murkowski Jew. While perhaps 50 or 60 people have googled some variation of "Is Lisa Murkowski a Jew?" you are the only one to explain why.

    Your response confirms my suspicion that at least some people are doing so because of belief in Jewish conspiracy theories. While I understand that someone could be shown the names of prominent Jews and without any real research believe that Jews thus control the world, a bit of research and common sense would show how ludicrous such beliefs are.

    There are about 13 or 14 million Jews in the world out of nearly 7 billion people. About 2.1 billion Christians and 1.5 billion Muslims. 13 million Jews. Think about just the numbers.

    Even if you quibble over the exact number of Jews, it comes out to less than 1/4 of one percent of the population. Jews make up about 2.25% of the US population. There simply aren't enough Jews in the world to have that kind of impact. But throughout history, people have found outsiders to use as scapegoats for their problems. And Jews have served that role for millenia. So, no surprise.

    I don't have the time to go through all your 'facts' here in a comment, but for one, Nancy Pelosi identifies herself as a Catholic, not a Jew. The only web source I can find who doesn't acknowledge her Catholicism (many question her beliefs, but not her Catholicism), is Jew Watch. It 'proves' that she's a Jew with 'facts' like:

    "Pelosi, is most likely a Argentine Morrano, posing as a devout Italian Catholic.

    In her younger photos, she was the spitting image of Leona Helmsley."

    As for Jews controlling US or other Banks, how would one go about demonstrating they do or don't? One way is to look at whether top bankers are Jewish. Here are the top ten banks in the US by assets.

    1. Bank of America Corp. $1,082,243,000
    2. J. P. Morgan Chase & Company 1,013,985,000
    3. Citigroup 706,497,000
    4. Wachovia Corp. 472,143,000
    5. Wells Fargo & Company 403,258,000
    6. U.S. BC 208,867,000
    7. Suntrust Banks, Inc. 177,231,000
    8. HSBC North America Inc. 150,679,000
    9. Keybank 88,961,000
    10. State Street Corp. 87,888,000

    Go through their boards of directors and show me all the Jews you find and their positions and the percent they make of all the directors.

    Yes, there are some Jews among them, but a small percentage.

    What you claim makes non-Jews seem pretty weak if they can be controlled by such a tiny percentage of the world's population. Your claim of Jewish control suggests an incredible intelligence and ability among Jews and an incredible weakness and ignorance on the part of non-Jews, if it were true.

    I know this won't affect your beliefs Freedom, but I need to respond for the record.

  9. It matters because one's background can profoundly determine one's core belief. Growing up as 2nd generation Polish on both sides of the 'religious wars', I experienced people who believed they and no one else was right, and believed they were better for it!! HA! not so! Also, thank you Steve for giving conspiracy thinking nutguy,freedom, a rational and critical thinking response. If what he says is true, then by golly!, WHERE'S MINE?!! Just think what we could do w/ all that money! Create scholarships for people in agriculture, science, technology,make water clean all over the world to stamp out diseases!! Because these theories are bogus, we Jews will continue to live our culture, believe in our G-d, have our simchas, continue our mitzvahs and have all the problems that everyone else in the world has. And in the meantime, we will continue to contribute in all the wonderful positive ways that we always have and always will. It is our commandment from G-d. It is our mitzvah to the world. I am proud and happy to have been given that responsibility. I am proud and happy to work to make my life better, so that I can help you make yours better.

  10. It Matters because the Ashkenazi Jews are Corrupt people with intention of ruling over the world and having the GOY as their SLAVES. Laugh if you will but the evidence points it all out. All of the Major Media Outlets Owned and Operated by Jews.. All of the Major banks owned and operated by Jews.. All of Hollywood pretty much owned and operated by Jews... The people who think they are the so called Ashkenazi Jews are in-FACT not Jewish at all, they were a Klan of Gypsies that converted to Judaism in Eastern Europe and claim to be of the real lineage of the Jewish people. This is a Fallacy and a Lie.

  11. I find Anonymous' (Feb 24, 2017) comment seriously flawed in its facts and in the implications of the thinking processes that lead one to hold such views. I don't have time for detailed explanation of my problems with it, but you can look at Steve's January 6, 2011 comments above for a start.

  12. The Jews have quite a long history of antagonism with the non-jewish nations of the world. The view of concern to non-jews is expressed clearly in the work by Maurice Samuels, "You Gentiles", 1924. This antagonism between jews and non-jews is described by non-jews as totalitarianism or despotism via host-nations' governing mechanics enabled and guided (purposefully, judging from historical persistence) by jews.

    This same antagonism, and its reactive consequences is described by jews as "pogroms". The jewish acknowledgement of this situation (at least in its consequence) is undeniable, it's acknowledged not only by historical account but also by jewish writers and even the torah and talmud itself. Even the 613 mitzvotz contain commandments which create a conflict of interest for any jews serving in any gentile government anywhere in the world.

    An example of this would be the prohibition of jews from making covenants with idolatrous nations found within the 613 commandments. The talmud contains a wide array of guidance which could cause conflicts of interest concerning its students serving in the state-structures of the goyim.

    Historically, jews have played a central role in governments' imperial conquests, resulting in mass-death and epochal change within host societies. You can see this in nearly every instance of international warfare in recorded history from the dissolution of khazaria to the period of absolutism, where many prominent jews served as lenders and commissars of the various despotic monarchies after the reign of Charlemagne, enabling their respective host-empires' tyranny of people. It was said that Samuel Oppenheimer's death was so disruptive to emperor Leopold's war, it motivated standardization of a war-cabinet to decentralize that role in the Holy Roman Empire.

    This phenomenon isn't isolated to that time period alone. It would include the Russian revolution in 1917 by Trotsky (bronstein) and carried on by lenin (Ulyanov). 1917 revolution in Germany, Leibknecht and Luxemburg, resulting in the synthesis of Nazism due to the German nation holding the industrious jews of the german empire and the United States (Ballin, Untermeyer, Schiff, Warburgs, Rochenau, Bleichroeder) responsible for leading germany and the world into world war then betraying them to bring about their national defeat. Selma Stern wrote an excellent historical account of this phenomenon in the period of absolutism, "The Court Jew".

    As for why a person would be searching for whether Lisa Murkowski is jewish or not, it's simple, and logical. Jews also have a long history of maliciously embedding themselves directly into governments and pretending to be non-jews to avoid detection by elements of the host-state. This is the basis behind the well known jewish holiday of Purim which is a holiday which derives from the story of the book of Esther.
    Esther deceives Ahasuerus (Xerxes) into killing the jews' enemies. Ironically, the book of esther is also in the christian bible. It was one of the few jewish book that could be referenced by "crypto-jews" in spain during the inquisitions 1100s-1200s. The dominicans became aware of the anti-gentile writings in the talmud after it was brought to their attention via the rabbinical targeting of Mishneh Torah, where rabbis asked the spanish state to confiscate RamBam's (Maimonides) code from the population, as it challenged rabbinic authority as a social disruption within judaism. The dominicans learned through their crack-down that jews were posing as christians within the empire and conspiring against the interests of that state economically and politically.

    Lisa Murkowski represents a number of presumably jewish crypto-jews who have infiltrated the US government and are guiding the USA into Ha Olam HaBa.

  13. I have to decide, when I get comments like this, whether to just delete them or to respond. Others advise me to delete them. But I think readers should see the kind of thinking out there and why Jews are justified in their fears. My response is not aimed at Anonymous, but at other readers. I’m not expecting to change Anonymous’ mind. Other readers may need some context to get a sense of how confused and misleading his characterization is.

    Maurice Samuel's book You Gentiles is
    available on line.. So you can go read it yourself.

    It was written in 1924, by a Romanian Jew who’d emigrated to France, then England (as a child) and eventually to the US. Anti-semitism was rampant in the US in 1924. From The Hill:

    “Disillusionment after World War I, “Red scares” that stereotypically linked Communism to Jews, and the post-war flu epidemic convinced many Americans that foreign people and ideas brought with them moral and physical disease. As the 1910s gave way to the 1920s, the Klan’s membership grew. . . Klan membership reached its peak of about four million in 1925, and anti-Semitism joined racism as core to its ideology. The new nationwide Klan privileged “One Hundred Percent Americans,” celebrated people who defended slavery, and turned its attention towards limiting immigration.”

    My quick review of Samuel’s book shows a man seriously and thoughtfully asking the question: are Jews really different from gentiles or just another ‘race’? (In those days race referred to nationalities like Italian, Irish, etc.) He seems to conclude that Jews are different because of an overwhelming belief in social justice. They will fight against oppressors wherever they live. At some point he even says Jews are the destroyers because they won’t tolerate injustice in the countries where they have been scattered around the world. He also points out, in another place, that there are so few Jews in the world that they can never be more than just irritants to gentiles.

    Samuels is just one person reflecting on his identity during a period of time when his ‘peoples’ existence was under attack. (And he foresaw that it was likely to continue well before Hitler came to power in Germany.)

    Just as no one can legitimately take any random white male’s comments to represent what all white males believe, or 'the truth', taking parts of Samuel out of context to represent what Jews believe, or what is 'true', is a distortion that simply bends his words to suit someone else's argument.

    Samuel does point out that Jews have been targeted as scapegoats in many if not most countries they’ve lived in. So your characterization of ‘progroms’ as a reaction to Jewish instigated totalitarianism makes no sense to me whatsoever.
    In fact none of your comment appears to me to have any factual basis. As I’ve said in previous comments here - the number of Jews in the world is so tiny - less than 1/4 of 1 percent - that they would have to be some super race to take control over all other humans as you and others allege.

    I’m sorry, Anonymous, that you feel so put upon by the world that you must find others to blame your problems on. And that you don't have the self-esteem to identify yourself in discussions like this.

    One last point: I’ve already addressed in previous comments here, that the allegations of Murkowski (and others) as secret Jews are just as unfounded and unfactual as the rest of your comments.


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