
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Interesting Google Searches

I haven't done a post on interesting (strange?) google searches for a while. I got too busy with other things to keep up with them. But once in a while a saw one I felt the need to capture for posterity. So, here they are.

skype sex during deployment - - went to a post on a legislative committee talking about child custody during deployment which mentioned skype as a way deployed military could talk to their kids.

can you buy prostitutes at the ch2m man camp in north slope alaska - This man (I know, I'm assuming again) got to a post about CH2M Hill Corruption in Ohio.  Probably he meant a different kind of prostitute.

what do americans call rape seed -

This one was a perfect bull's eye. It went to a post called, are you ready, "What Do Americans call rapeseed?" 

outer space tables fastende to the grround I'm afraid I didn't note where this one ended up. Anyone want to take a shot at what he was after?

what to do in a day to be an interesting person - this got to a post called Interesting People and Events at UAA. I hope it was helpful, but don't know it was what this person from New Zealand was looking for.

black and tan flesh eating beetles- Last time I did a Search post like this I had along list of different ways people got to the post Tiny Black Bugs -  Fruit Flies or Fungus Gnats?  But none were as colorful as this one.  I also have lots of hits that go to  Brown Bug. It would seem a lot of people are experiencing the natural world in the form of bugs.

what can i send in the mail to my husband in alaska 2010 - This one just got to the blog, no special post. Don't think she found what she was looking for.

steven nannas arms guns manufacture
- I think Google is trying too hard to have hits. What Do I Know? comes up #1 out of 45,000 hits, with this:

What Do I Know?
Apr 15, 2010 ... I apologize Steve. I was lost in the moment and am trying to get a grip on myself as .... NANA/TECK Contract Lobbyist; annual fee $20000.00 ... - 9 hours ago - Similar
This is pretty slim pickins. Why even bother?

how much money do you get for setting up residency in alaska
- This New Zealand based surfer got to a post on this year's PFD application deadline.  Others have asked the same question. 

parkinson's disease billboard omaha -  This went to a picture from a post about a fire prevention billboard in Thailand.  Not exactly what the searcher was looking for.  So why did this post show up? Because I have a link to a Parkinsons blog and some posts about Omaha. So I had all the words somewhere on the blog.  Just not in one post.  But this was an image search, so the person must have clicked to enlarge the photo.  Probably because it was too small to read and he thought it might be about Parkinsons and in Omaha.  By the way, google's new image search results are a huge improvement over the old way. 

who is the old bald guy with black glasses that soes sis flags commercils? - This person got to a post on Jehovah's Witnesses.  

what does 38 one hundredths look like How about 38/100?  But instead they got Claude Lévi-Strauss One Hundredth Anniversary. 

For the record, I had the  first visitor that I've noticed the other day from Bhutan.

1 comment:

  1. Well, these searching softwares are very lenient. For example yesterday I checked (in Hungarian) how quick I can get my new ID card and on the first page I found how quickly the machine makes is.


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