
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hour and a Half to Go

Getting ready for the folks to arrive for Thanksgiving dinner. I think we'll make it despite my dawdling.

Whoops, the embroidery is inside out.  Better go change that.


  1. We make chicken in a different way in Hungary. We do not put this thermometer stufff into it and I think we do not put the hole chicken in the owen in once piece.

  2. Ropi, that's a turkey, the traditional Thanksgiving dinner main dish. It was about 9 kilos, though it doesn't look that big in the picture.

  3. Yo make everything look so beautiful!

    I served dinner 2 hours late, but my daughters' boyfriends said they were here all evening so they were very accomodating. I felt like I was traying to make a 12 course dinenr for 13 in a phone booth. Well. . . I was. I couldn't get help from my daughters because the kitchen is so tiny. Ultimately, the hot was on hot and the cold was on cold. I was proud of myself.

    Life. . . is good.

  4. Responding to your earlier post: to another of those good things about this day called 'Thanksgiving'. Besides weddings and funerals, do you know many times people get together across the miles? And no presents to buy?

    Glad you had a good meal after all. Gene and I had duck together, no one with us this year. Gene has just been offered a new (much better paying) job, so it was a very good feast, indeed.

  5. And seeing that I've multiposted, thought I would say things are slow as we're on a Wifi 'dongle' now in our temporary home--no broadband. Thought the earlier post was lost. Sorry about that (wish there was an author posting delete possible!).

  6. Thanks Tea, next year you'll enjoy your new kitchen even more when you remember this year.

    Jay, thanks for your long post. I basically agree - this is a time people stop their busyness to get together with friends and family and share a familiar meal. Though if you have to catch a plane that adds some stress.

    Congrats to Gene.

    And at least I can delete the duplicate post.


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